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Show tuswas settled, the and introductioa or Aiessrs. ii- - Prioo Xiist on inviUtiori ADYznTi:rninTsr BrscboflT. and choffr Bompas rtTBMSHin DAILT, SVTDATt ; ixotms Cmoarjora. arLXoiirtfpecitTj These or grave 1 us arejmattars says news ha been recrirea therj id $A.Ti,AKE ihe'bbmmisslou fa as anu I portance, 1 thatJ. toWyBifigham Lad pleade we closed think CHURCH thecompany'ft found live indictments guilty counselshoald novat of.ee advise In I Al.' ndlarus for D I D C E whiskey. DAY I 6, a;alprhim ' 1,K" wnetuer these moneys, ot any or JV. T. HARRIS, I traua, ana nat also gone berore tne , . Sbxtok An pnunOil as them, caui be recovered, or whether yuryis Thla grand 1 otnr re" lorlancrar-thetrV1110new DKSKRKT NEWS OFFICE, Oxily connection Bloehams. beslJe their : S.1S73 rrttay. gentlemen, heroin the whiskey ring had their We areYours FRIDAY 3 BilTtinDilY, faithfuflyr"r Salt Lake City. Information. facilities for obtaining I a I WSkf V t T Tt'DVtMia .lr It Vfllllt : Dee.. as 8aa I85 4tav NEWS OF THE DAT. k BOOK OF IfORMOX. An ft Wav lie. W.w. al M tt TJI I a eMW XUVl aUUMUM AUUVVMVU Anck-n- t Inhabitanta of thTAerfoaS not this understand We do why inrton deDartment. throuch which eireuhuha beett.ei.V wrtt by thabaod of Mor, , CUaeot, .New York Chamber of ComW t .the mon unee plates taken from the alataa theywere inveceipterintenigwncw merce It considering what effect the marked shareholders Ummt of Nephi, found near sUncheatar, Uo-"prifrequently. They were aneaa or vate." This is not the sort tatio Co., Naw. Vork, and tranalatad by of Cuban struggle is going to nave, s the iaetUng-ewSUXouUriag e. prt-vatand has appointed a committee to to, thing' yichought bektptt frem Washington and would- send BocrnrxE axd cotkxaxts ot th ' attend the coQTention of the A. B. ASD Church of Jeras Christ of Latteiwlay their information to their agent, It is a statement of T. a.nd C in Chicago. ftaints; aetoetaa f rem the fievelatlons of by the solicitors HSU Who would reported to Joyce tioi, by Joaeph Smith, President. . the company that upon evidence failure of theliawrences, and McDonald and it would be of JTTlirr BOOX4 Ufa editloo. Morocco dlt. on oath, they have to an- tSWUA.-Xt, .New York, la said, to be , Heavy, gone, Xi DueU, frlos ; f . acted upon. It'ia believetl JUere received S3 00; roaa, 1 SS. A "I metal On trith nounce that the the tojeUur to bankers,' heaseewBogardo. can mostly foreign that Bingham .' open np per; brokers; the "... 1 ! i . i TUB TOICB Of WARXIXV. or aa i ,i the til') inspecta photographer, will pay In , full4 If directors,' to the Faith end Doctrine Of the feet bonanza ot corruption, enibrac' ue is aiiowea ume. ,. Church ef vesus Christ of famaa rtsj Incr some Indiana radicals ef high ing director,' the brokers, the soliciPi Pratt. . Im. Saiats, tors and; the accountants, have ; by Parley '..'....There Is a statement" of the The Premlar Gvmnasts and tie station, and throw . light on the au- been' 4 PT lull smbosied. 1 00, SIM; ,clota, bribed of thousands in Wonoar pounds , , ;.EShta J otbe World. decisions of the N. Y. Hupreme SJ'KXCEIt'S XJCTTJCBS. Letters x hlbit- -' thority by' which the raising ef Broor Mr. Albert Grant Grant, ' ... .. court. Ins the moat Prominent Doctrines of campaign funds was inaugurate 4 by ToDfue and pea fail to convey a remote & Co., and that the American of Jesus Christ of Latter in 1872 by crooked whiskey. Some thers idea of the of mracukj ......Charles O'Connor is Very performances Saiats. by Oram Bpeaeer, A.IL, to Minister at the court of St. James, tbess anorauoWQDoers.. were claim distillers the b( . . is aW whieh added h Letter eatae low. .r u 'they ' .. m tteply to the Bev. shown.- - a: ietter from Senator Morw upon the strength of 'whose name ' narermi. vrder. H -a O. America Bank of ......The N. many English families subscribed, terCnAN IV MATINEE !"rrilliaiB vraweh a. . behalf ton of 1372; 'in in speaking - i assets will probably yield ten to been bribed to the extent' Of envoi wnwajea, in . 9 e'Cteek. . ' national republican committee has at the ar-mrsrtrr to cm are 10.000. not sort scikscs of These the the dallar; twenty-fiv-e the per cent, to statements directions in as and: ". an Pesiffned Introduction regard giving tftvaV which should be sent ADMT98losr tParqoette, tlllrst Clfele, I!... .Governor Kellog has respited Prlociriee of Br ritual PhitaaopTKa- - ' the raising ' of a contrlbation from Out In a circular 73ots; Second Circle. Mots; Third Circle, to the shareholders Ualoa. XawaBdOoverament, as DeUv ' Williams and Henderson till the TI A Ti 11 T MissourL' $ Thla letter from Mqrton marked 11 lit' ' M V I r ered ty-- uw. vAoeleata, and as Uestored "private, and we accord-- iwas shown them by revenue ffl r uhu wayva ui inm k iut them public;' by publiYllLllUUUibliiim of nnirersal Peace. Truth and dais and the Construction put up- Ingly 'mark, Boiler burst at Cleveland. Hour. them. Administrator's Hotice. leare. IOnapn on the t letter by. those. offlcials llshiug (o nyrarieyr. rratt. Im. mor- Ten persons injured. U eoco, $10 full ekitlembmaed, lgi. V: 4he was national that A ;?. oral Stock of the sepablican 1 .. 7..A. Cleveland stage manager TOR ! CHZLDRXX. Kzalh. CjaXCBVUt executive committee authorized the the PtomhtenS Deotrmes ot thai it ttfci Doen ap- is, itx underaicnedfJiaTlaB tiled yesteraay. ! " 1 1 M tf "J Church of Jeaua Cartot of IOtar-aa- jr W pointed br the Hon. Probata Court of of the expanse raising . . . . of a. fund at . L PalnU: T7 John J aq uea. 8US oorert, CHOICEST mfiKflNO J FAMILY 8evier THEMSELVES. aetata Aifauniatratora af the County. 'J have anu GROCERIES, ine internal revenue, 35 cental cloth, J0 osota. wvvitij tr of A. Younr, r rJeeeph. (daoessei J bereby the offer of Commissioner o Editor the of guaranteed the protection A CQMPISDIUM of the Faithsod Doc- Kivo ookioe mj an peraone woo Bare York New A the inuian Anajrs. paper gives so us oa or the Chorea of Jesus Chrkt of distillers if they went into the'rlng gainst said estate to preaent them 1878. tui tnaas Latter-da- y first (lati of January. for '.There Is the Currency Comp- ,. - We had the privilege of holding a and paid 'half ai'fcDe 'of the latest styles or before theana tax to revenue Balnta, oompllad from the the au persona owinsr saKt Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and ' troller's' report on national gold meeting1 at Nashville. MrMo-dur- e officials,' to be nsed for 'campaign of "marriage' without the i I nter- aetuemenc laare to rate reaiurea aaid say oereDy Covenant, and other publications of time. :pf , thafr city, allowed us to purposes.?- From all this It is believ ventiori 'of ; a third ' party, a great oeDtedoesstouswaainssM by F. U ibobards. Calf if t A. K. TUURBKH. . , ; ...... . i democratic caucuIu Wash hold' one meetlne in his hall on edithat'BIngbam, if he makes a amount of which has 1. u, .WM. H. 8KBQMILLBB, been TTDRXS. A teries of Pam- PRATTS 0. afternoon. already in an almost will the It clean street, up breast, open t Cherry B. Ti YOUNG, ' phlets," by Orson Pratt, A.M., in Bx was pretty well attended, and the entirely new neid. There is a story donet without 'any. written agree- - 'KlchfloJa, Serier Coanty, Sept. 16, 1875, ' phuuttioBof General Ttabcock tells" the Preal 2eab.vUle the Farta and Doctrmaaf eav fair eflVet Amertoan are to the that the grand lV1T?h-- f J?u".Chrit af Latter-da- y jury Uint lie wants to be investigated. ' i10 R. Winder Sa.tx.ta. Sro. John on It. vote Hal of calf. SI SO. wltbboklisfftneir a MThe ' undersigned, this aeoond tnpro...... A. rave In the Richmond Con and myself are bavins quite an ex- poeaa COES TJTSJ BTBL.Kn SAWCT1DJT FOL.T' sabeocK inaiotmenb gainst D. A.. of enter IJacaa-41875, r OAAfVend November, THE day tMCwaan Oraoa ttulidated Mine, Nevada, has killed perience living out amongst those until he can arrive and nave r DivJ- P. Kewmaa, a Business pannersnip, under Cfaaalain two men. not of our faith. We had Chance to appear before, them and into - V. M Senate, to which to atoo are thewho of HEW TOBK. the name of Miller & Strickland. me ' -we. ea Celestial , . added! Tbree- Piaoourses ......A. Palisade train thrown off arranged to meet at Shady Grove make explanation. on the following conditions, to wit: Marriatet ijlnllyered by SOksoa Pran, J . and hold a meeting as to enr future the track, supposed maliciously Etffhteea a hundreS ad President Geo. A. Smith, and Geo. O. That all earnings and profits aris- Centennial rear. It is nniMi, TO alao tha na in We started for Colum- ' Cannoa. Prioe SO cents. ......The bark Atlanta and the operations. la-- whtoh an Oppoaitlon-Rooaeur or from Individual a. ing SJ of joint Itepresenta-tlyewere The Here we inst. . lifewrstdx, Maine, r Ann Ipst on the Pacific bia on the 18th the Brat ainoe the war, will be In brig, Lucy 6f the Gates1 Mill was burned bors,t whether Jn departments of ' to hold a meeting, were f : : 1 i requested CoaeC , . j .to"of ' Praafctent yar of the I Pw5 art, mechanics, literatare, agricul twenty-thir-d " alactloa roduced to the sheriff and promnight; loss estimated 100,000. ture, or umoe, snail - be anareu ana Vnited States. All or tt.ZZAtL tba ......Egyptian 'troops have occu int We started House. ised Court the 'erne: Th rrlaeal'a Msage ether held equally. um 01 areas lnientt and ' miu uto-ipied Juba and Resmayo. import. i l minimal rmmrmz fHrsiaia. t wo antri aaa forBhady Grove. got benighted - Kuuc, ..Peeeaaeet. ail or I divine 'Believing-thathe aywiwr prinis to five divisions mere ana hays oonnectea ......Spain and stayed at WlUiamsporr The tham with eyerytninBes 01 'IEATS all kloda of Claessri inoMeut to Utyl W ASinxaTOKi The Presi clple of love drawing together two will be fully and frethly reported and tx 3. of troops lnrtavarre and fire In the next day we went to Shady Grove, J. the bomaniatailyk. orx. in , iam Kindred ,, tne b; is pounaea was Messstre souls, dent's approved only binding cabinet TXctl Basque provinces. Several where we met Elders Henry O. KiSiDBTCS Fourth House of BeeresenUUres. at street, between Goods, TiMOppositfcm law the union of the in whom to conjugal First and eoond South street, or can be Mc- the Cabinet, yesterday v changes are noted. Boyle, D. P. Bainey, J. IX H..Bro. y man! was carefuliv readU andth. only onsulted by , latter loch box 113S, Salt making Russia, Germany and Austria are Allister and Joseph BUndine. IPSs laae for "the nent suon intimate relations, we lovaatlrate the oorruptkw and miadsees of tlity..3 being madenas He fold copies 1are' naia to De in xiarmony on the .test--.. Bo vie was not in to W wilU to and It adolnUrttaat Bbawch OrrTCB At Wm. T Ivor's. City not are also happy to confess to each pa Bopea, lay um touadatioB for a new and Zatialies' JEuis nucl Underwcxuv; Oeirtsi 3 i preset its exact.' Jenjrtn ern quesuoa. has not been well ""Tor somo time. been Ktorw. Main street, CwdenClty, where prue; ascertained. It Is thouxrht it other, to God and his angels; and to ..IT Irk? ln ow national hiatary. Of ne wiu awean. J auraaar. .......The Butsian have 'defeated but Is somewhat improving. We will be , fxoocls. . tne au or a tne ibis du existence contain wiu eaca waelc. p if s mUT and 8at. all and the than world, wrqay, ibiaooonnts, furnkhinffcomplete considerably larger held a council meeting. Bro. Boyle ' accurate "i tlie JCiptschaks, - t; its readers UUl Calls promptly attsodod to. known by that waa v was elected to preside. ' We took the President'! previous messages. Jt mutual; affection eany aaq irnuwortay into mutton i deliberately join upon those d33 .tiord Derby says that Eng sacrament we and ascertained whether cannot be name;1 absorbuif and all expressed our topk. jet THE twenty-thir-d The LATEST NOVELTIES nana sacrea .land bought the Suez canal shares most tne nearfc Presklentlal on to and sent in Men be tJoneress will eleetion, with 'to the work it or Tuesday. This will depend of unions, boping; and praying that with tao preparation feeling 9 mam- for it, whl aa , T. LATIMKR, to prevent the preponderance of nad OEOt H.TAYLOR, was decided that dav our labors. regard nocWIoa upon It . lT?,"f aap4ratiooa GEO. EOSfNKY, Influence ua f C binds tie' last the on that consumed in the the foreign time f. ARMSTROMO. may. ..tjii organ jwants Elders: P. . P. .Bainey and Joseph throarh life, and survive the grave. didato' of thewwinir woo aoari do uta can ....i.Gen. Kaufman 30,000 Standing should travel together; ization of the House or or !tDet ItEMdvED our party of Befona, and m ShouldthU union be blessed with eaouns toat caiKuaatew HAVIXQ Building, we into more' troops to relieve the garrison H. U. Boyle and J. l). 11. MoAliis-te- i; ception of the notification by) the are now .Coneannnr all and severally ooa auojocts. uom wba nod Turn or JvfcoKanu. Geo. Teasdale and John It. President of the fact. The report efispring we Jointlyour prepared to famish everything in ana win nar toe oonsant A means of twin ox the Treasury on pieasre ourselves, ef the assigns our line at the .lowest Rates and Secretary was This Some important whiskey Winder, Jr.. kMn.Lt..lll.J arrangement well Mliormeo. i.uj. la In the press. It will be administrators, to foster and sfip-po- rt tunvuijuij finances with fjlspatth. WCSKXT The whleh 8mr. haa to tattaf fraud Indictments In are ail. reported nl satisfactory them during the dependent circulation of ever eighty .tbousaad eoplea. the same length as such preIndiana. We held a meeting at Shady about -matara lit mn r.i .The estimates will years or their lnlaacy and youtn, already haaandItswatrua ; ......Gamier chtUasKM Dion 'for Grove la the evening:, which was vious r that tba year 187 is said, exceed those of last aapplylnir their physical wants and II Territory, not. itreport. Liiiiiber, Shingles, e nwaabera p i a gold medal and tla champion- - well attemded. and an excellent It - will them in the principles of (.'muuu. w us umnwfa kubied. have not yet b rearing year. was They manifested. All nawapaper. . spirit news of the day will ba found ship. to the best 0 to saneral but copies will be laid on virtue and a next morning 'Brother John printed, SAGHC III! knowledge It, oondfiased1 when unimportant, at full .our auuuv anu did not buy the 8aez R.The or desks of members the Congress to juugmeni. for when ; and alwas, we left of and leoita Bmnent Columbia, myself I because was she shares At ABa V.Thls canal afraid hold a meetinsr at the Court House on Monday. ffsl simple form of conjugal un m a cwar. mumaimr unit un manner.. are. we ion to tractive constrained ', adopt : Judge Richardson called n Sec from toe on Sunday. iWhen the time ar Evcrylhmo In the Building Line. to make the Wsrr.v r.tra :itouraiia conscientious con the mem The Prince Ot Wale has ar rived, Brtstow deepest retary Many to tne best sneriu had r jCami r world cewapaper d la the negieciea .t and dutyr and we rived at Kandy. .atx antDS or we .tnae 10 aire in tea mlunim leave the and had gone out of bars of Congress Vial ted the execu mictions of right that tan v m'uui vi niaeeiiaoeoua condition ' of auol regret raadiaa;, A $40,000 fire at Clnclniiati, town, butkey there were those who tive mansion to see the President. sincerelywhich, a aa atoriee. in iala. mm. we if would be true n.i society MOHLDISGS & PRIMES and aarrioaHurai lafonaatlna.fn Hudson River ferries north of were determined we should preach to ourselves, makes it necessary for telligence which we are not abla tn m.k. mh. n ... '"Rhinebeck are Ice bound, there, and they obtained the City 3 C S. Abell, aged us te oppose tne opinions or a ma amiij nuiiKiu. ma acncuituraJ departm. nt "I A ariciAI-TV- . t room, a large room, that 27,BAlriifORE, and a;Slo0,000-flre.aIewistou, Recorder's a soa of A. o. Abell, proprietor Jority of our fellow essecially to one of lta nmmlmnr creatures dis a we i held and soon was ' fashions are alao rerularlr reported In Maine. j pretty full; of the Baltimore Sun. died this HV trill not be UtnlertalU. tne laws and customs The ' s .'i Vi ,r its columns: and so ara tha markr meeting two hours In length, and morning, of typhoid fever. He was regarding ...... A girl of 14 murdered at W'a- - was assume to make which for everv the kind.. tbey. ' requested to preaca again. SOUTH TEMPLE TRETY &tm , ., . control of an affection between the The wstKLVSrx.to eliht pares with fifty, Xr it O it T We did not elve out any other ap a favorite contributor to tne six broad ilJSO obJr a oolumss, year, post we believe of sexes, and is is, The Presidents message, which, Bleek East ef Deeet. flair tealiea; letters. nointment because! Elders Bainey repays jjrBpnni. pnee oareiy can . tVSiWVii divine ngnc ongn to be, free. jZTZmr, un dtocount tha coat of thegkjLwm finished and copies are being: mul and ba were to labor around Nathan Standing RoCiiestkr.3. ma Sprajrue, "77 maae . It will be given , to Concm to rate Da. irom Feat. V rr asenta. SflUBB. of Uplied Brother a colored clerk' in the poet ofHoe "(8igned or Tuesday. ' The thla distriefc,eonelderabl i .The Daily 8tn a laree four mm gress On relations, living arouna about' two years, was arrested this ''(Signed) MJLttik Btri cklakp. dsiw-- r ' report ofMonday paper of twentr-elr- ht .oolumnar rtra all the Secretary of the Treas- Kainey's JOY. . 4CHICACK, of 2.1875,'; this he and country. for lit, region news cents two letters, tha for a 8uhaorlDmorning stealing oopy.' ury is in press.' uon, poataira prenaid. oc a month or S8.60 Of our future labors we can r say m aztra.' mi. ......The Malayans will resist the but little, but they will be some- pleaded v . guilty. jvmi.nruouauai . euiuon r r in ,. nar ::'..: . uu .nrannr arenra. EXTRAORDIPfAKY 'Ilt7l- umq . ThOSB) British. Preparations for attacking where: in ? the "sunny South," . Addreas, BtTN, ;TB at I Brixham has Naat . last are In we the former the Young O. .f may be directed making rapid pro- wherever FOREICN. NewTorkCtiy- ... : been discharged front the custody IU1- - v. 1 of God. It Is some(i . providences jrress. ' plf ftp post what of a . new experience o us. .T3 iOREAT; BRITAIM. ,:1 j ; j .. J A clerk in the Rochester relieved frosa all further liability to gospel Halayaaw WU1 XtaaLet tee BrltUU .ofllce arrested for stealing letters. 7' travelling and preaching the tmprisonmeism on account ot ms amongst those who have not neard Benieu Iresa the Baak. ,i...A.pyrotechniefactorylnNeW ,JI,Yerk to pay alimony. refusal : ankl a all preach,-'Mormon?, ;they 1 exploded, killed one xnsn and servant, captured by Chief Justice White, of the . Utah hi" ' ' Ij0doK3.A eccentric the it is from about know '. j Injured severaU before whom Brlgham Malayans at tne time ot tne mur federal-court- ; stories of the newspapers,: pr singu- der Of air. Burch. the English rest Young was brought on a writ of '.T.r.. Another suspension in New lar stories weaklies or novel- in the to Jiaocas corpus, has rendered a dec! . York., ettes. "We expected you to preach dent has escaped and returned re ' .."....A sion that "he of Judge German swindler arrested polygamy ."said a gentleman. "We the British headquarters. He Leila, who Is Lowe. of. May Judgment on a steamship at Kw York. 10, .discharging' 'the hear you people have as many ports that laharajahstockades, 'destrong prisoner for the alleged contempt or A eon of the proprietor of the wives as you want. If I thought! constructing that the Malayans will resist disobedience to the order or ebru Baltimore Sun died this morning. could get all 'the wives I want, I clares u:.K'MH tli H'j'j'f:! ft? ill C to uttermoeL. the the English said another. to would ro 26th, McKean, reijiilrary by Utah," Judge t t r' d wil y; Wm. Sir the , Jarvis, nn 10 to most curious to pay alimony tng aim They seem haye the set Straits of the governor Eliza, was final an conclusive, and notions about us. as . a people, out s at Penan-.4- and that upon i the conclusive, very little interest in tne principles tlements,-iPreparations for attacking' the adiouromentof that term it became 7i, i r. r f of salvation. rapid pro beyond the power o the court. maat be getttngraboat time. for Any of our brethren or slaters at Malayans are making -. It w ' Tberefore ;tljat , the . deciaion of to communicate greesvt.y the raising of that i "annual howl heme wishing The amount of bullion withdrawn J ua&re . iioreman. friends 'Ins the from us to their" committing' lirlir-'- ' through J. the' Bank of England on bal nam xoung for contempt, before Conjj;resa". about, the Jiorri- souttr' can aaaress' us as enaay is vole. J X j7,0JU. ance is Is imand Hbat iie ? Die conoauoooi Jicairs, pouucajxy, Grove, Hickman Co., Tennessee. wrongfully VP AIGITVG ... K Should be dtecKarg ?Vfl for are ."communications our All prisonedrajwd skIaIIj, mQriUy, ,aad religiously, warded to us' from this place until ' if . in UUh pressing necessity we shall be established In some The lEmma Mine ; caudal Allot- Jl.. fer. Congress' to step la anl do locaUty. j.MUtfnJ.I ment'of Stock?, 'ill i fsafav a ja. t5wim toe views, repeatedly express-- I -- '.i t l'l-- M 11 , Ha ex-- 1 ed; tbe . , something.-- . Thafc , honorable, a With remembrance kind the id by all, (III rr eonoerning body ' been ad HHtuuiwT'iniiiun Bro. J. K. Winder joins. r The foilowing-ietterhaot juurea mc- meets next --Monday, the time is in which 1H tVj If (I'i'll V" t ft .a " r 'Koremsn h., and Yours Kcsni in the Ann cX Ww Ba dressed to the shareholders of the very faithfully, f a ."JILm ' " shortand the howl is oomparative- Vhia i " . case. Eliza t When these' Jbdses j Teasdale. Emma SUrer Mining Company soqght to compel !Jgeo. it ''.V U indeed there Is Brighami Ydung si rr 1 ' ; ly weakjoit now, firt a.-- ; u") m n 114 0 ill 10 pajraumoDj to im. bo caned 'jl ' v. any howl at alL We can't percelfe nineteenth wife, they! recognised It: 5 l 1 ! inoi rfi.V JJtliWlS'V ii'l. anything more forcible - than a (PrLva as) law? poJygamooa intermarriages - whine or a '3 Vi' vt boa ,edi'. aJtim'4.3I: dont I deen squeak yet. Why VletoriaStree 1873-ful. and henoe tbev virtual I v an- r ,, , the bowlen besln to set np that 6, BUUMfina .national tawi Gentlemen The solicitor's report this .rello tof, barbariaok periodical howl? Why not roll it ZTee. ' to in. ; oat and shake the Wasatch range? raa warraaji caroa- TZLaoaAra us a. referred 1st ' the, board's circular 6. the of instant, paragraph p. The howlers 'are' chronically de having come into the hands of the - enMl lYiAMYIyiaiT 0 Prevent It ktf mm , la Ima, . ... . directors eatsVf vyv4WMi 0UeJ prior to the meeting, 1 am formation contained In the' follow- ir. Vf 10? i,.-,- ; ; l'1A rr; ' they are not altogether discouraged. ?3y Instructed to forward you a copy ' to Von ; Inform and that the from thereof, -tThere remain plenty of grounds arrezchange, may prove KC-o- t' Ul au ! I 1 14Vwri--- J tier Caukll VT7n a-ei information it jsontalna- - baa- - been ing, to useful for the howling. Here are a few carpenters New-York- , Albert"" S. darnier on each individual obtained from Mi J.. , Tne ,."iormona" own some has challenged 1 Gyrille I)ion to oath, and from the alorned denoal- "All carpenters know bow wmn for a gold medal and the bil tions of each partv referred to. This the butt ends of chisels split, when play ;v, wott j ai . property yet. ,. Hard championship. not hare aauy exposed to ,ioe plow era real would evidence Important a a a a The XfrtTTiAnsl Km:V fatv ea occn Xet Ear fte; toes been ooumea n&a not &cuon should be re TThjrmnctll others privileges' yei . which Park and taken against by I I i j.; i CejsslKkeM4'; t .r t 'w f n ply Inf sawinar or outtlnor off- - tAh J al l the present directors. to a Parla tb dispatch. v . i -40ci,-dnrdv5- 0c Ba or tn'nandie ao.as ta S. Th "Mocmwii havs not rmidq "I'flUMtto Doe d xmvaiBbwot Francb TOOKE. Cmn, make It flaLand nfl l .ti-:- j iin.ii a attachinK few 1I im Un4 by abair ialgtn. forawom ,' , roraJsn agalrayata t ttaaa ala rauon liu f.lomit r .lr-.'On. 'ii k.3 t awaall .1 too Lm naila tbe of it ti. . , - Th , not yet why 11m' (rorernmuit 'Tauaett to 'MormoM" j. round disks or aolo ao tfamtjvcit-leather, the Sues Canal shares 76S rtldermanburyl Xiondon, K.C., - r I r becomes to the end similar heel ST. the exchanged their 'Bible' system of purchase PrV: jv when tne property was tendered for w w Wtv uxavemDero. ,. of, A booL .The twe, thicknesses of 1 t '.' inirriag for the modern sjstem of tals to the ministry, w&s ibsX Hxo no p hf (: IV IM 1 't !' To thi Chilrnm md Directors cf Icithsr rl It cravent til , nrhr V. 1' J ' ; i'ji f.i 3 f k4 MihDni c&ulzI jarcd war with Jth Emma prostitution. i Prk0jfc.li,fiU t': Cop- 8UTerinj5j & The "Mormon7 are allowed Germany. (Limited). pany to 1m mem bete ; th T.egj1aMTe. - In repljr to yxrar . Th Oentleman,M orniooa9 axe allowed ferrtea on - Hodnn "R.I mm o uz-amlnatloum or iwun on oath U SlHi It! north of Rhinebeclc have .been dia- - rninuis ot .the wltnsaaas , to testify In, the cearta. . r f J, temsi. r nxmneea to ' 7; The the CiiJ in conUnued, owing we to in iTipT'aa '1 are that ' allowed beg report Iormola,, YS itcnxji" England, ''. A K;7J! ed II (tut tSl;HMri ot tne ice. Jlessrs, to ul on Juries. aTuooMllcCanoBgh i r;&,faw dler ;rxeUsin-Saspiulea-Svln& Cojand Mri 'PukstdnM; if., .'1 8. The ,HoVmon? are, not yet received of Mr. Park and Grant . a TowrSJixi- - IIotiiEL De. 3, . I ,i.iti?ji'i'l it disfranchised.! ; 23,000. , Brothers, Ohas." An in I7ebou'a 'rploelou: Messrs. 9. The "Mormons" are not yet AVaabf Tt were Geo Buxton. Grant S' Brothers nirton. paid.- M technic In Jblaat xfew In one contract by Mr. Park JCIOOpyro Otla Keed. Geo' ; " x ork, th La ractory Pray,, drlvemovt ofalleffieevl . t i mornuir. - aOIied one 000."' j omu aaoouvi u Nevada;'l'tina v"1" 10. The ('Mormonsw still rejoice man, slightly injured several, and There was a subsequent contract Uoorehonse, Floche; rJobnr Man- in the theory and practice of their demolished one side of the build- - with Mr. Park relating to 30,000 or ninr , Tnos liasunir, . Keaven, I . lKr l 40.00a..wi religion. . The suspension of the Tarnish Messrs. Lewis A Son, metal den: D , Li Brzrut Evanstont (3eo J'l 1L' TheVormdDsYstilf life and house of Adolnhus 0. Mandel is brokers, received in paid up aharea O Schurler, OmahaKeb; SirGieorge i I announced. prosper. Mr. Park 5,000. 5w5-; .uoreroor ot victoria; iMa--l u ; Chas. richrutz. timber merchant from 4 . '1?. The" "iformons stl'lj enjoy and .1 s.' 1' - A Ucb of the original Sngllsh iwwvd, 1 .1 "aJe'. KJm, m i r.arie (. :11 30 ,ii'WZ' !''n owner mill at Mocklen Critic, ' . Moedy, a few rights which the Tiowlers are derg Schwerin, was arrested y i director", with the exception of Mr, and wife, Jivanafcon; II yl "(IiJC!i: Mass; IIA How ! v Percy Doylei received qaalifying i; IV Bankcroft, bound to rtSDecL I on board of the steamer Iduhoi as shares ; Grant from Brother New York: Croft, BW Davis. - v ti " These' are a faw'pClhV .weiihtj that vessel arrived in 'the lower um Ull, Mr. Brydffes Willyans, a direc- Wlllliras W II Pitt. Boston : J tW Is with Jle - the " charged bay haying urKet was annual hewl ndsea reasoni "Why paid by Mr. Park for his uau, xurs .m xviiisn. xait u JUiUOi 1 - tor, M 'money. from c the Meckleni Tlltnr.!' r.4 V TfvU Y'.lfr to Bait Lake 5,000. j. i ,5 t . should ax&in rise before-- Con- - berjr savlnsrs journey ; Kauta-Theo. 1 bank, . 4c Messrs. Coatee bro r llankey, t . gress means that and Ileglaiation of moan, ptoscriptlye others, r vm.. L ew . . . . forged "ass I spa merit ofby' mortacea, kers, received (on account Qfisher r.ek-Yffiin-n 1 f? 1 fi . irnltnll others) 10,000. ( j t "rs'i.jWL-rTrfcrrthe sum obtained being stated as and . nta & Aiessrs. C0.4 body. Xet the howlers raise their about Itowaell uugglns, 17,000 marra. "T 1,000. voices again. 1 .1 FfO- - CfflT: TO VHIHF lfessrs.: BLschofl Ebmcss ?& Bla- X2.000.SJ .' chofl, aollcltors, S. Sarah t.'i(ao Watebtoww, NY., 3 - V St. Co., Ford t Ccntlia,- aged 11 wasxnardered on Messrs. Kemp. u 5. IU 0 .IJai..VV.-sC- sj 1: Tuesday- while returning from countanta,) 1,000. Offio at czLbxSt at rJjtatXLXss' i All thews moneys were raid bv school through a piece of woods In Grant BrothermAr ,At boy named-'Bitararaaer'a ausl Oaaeeeevs Cla k. Nut brad.has 3 r aW. u . ins American AmbarrxcTTf Ua heea j a.413, arrested.. ivt-AJ' w i; j taa VA vf . ItlCHFIEXjJ., Sevier Co t . Ccenc!r," iriri ,jut te,eee 10X03 bv ITr. J'ar!r to e 'r'Hasl s ! h- a -I a' ',. 1o Vt is 1 a a ffc , I f le tl !jl Thls uofng a to purcha-- e ahares, and he eerured CmctiWATT; .DRESS GOODS Editor Deseret Jfcumt in cl li.lil VARIETY, lethod-1- st a written gntnuitee for the rear of the in boildbag at new llerct at A rT aorlbvar 18 pet C; ru per AVe haver Just liail our Annual Book Concern, owned: by, Mr. -. ieOaof unknown r Lst-aaaw 1be wi eAj a.o Li. awr " u election of oncers for the Fletcher, caught nre in the ' fourth to niscclletaea. annual, beat im arnf. Fair, and aadGardener'aClab j.i n by wri-one r ao4 ete-sef r eTTJ'Jt'liClT. secre cfthis The Fanner's laaa ttory, occupied by ury, who has been yitr, a 1111 if. .v lull nl tr Olli ?ti d. our -did not hsld receive soon Jt in urz y "was, rx.-crxtil-tand It wai tlry, r any place. i tr al17th and from on and Total the loss about $10,000, any person, only join- U..CAXiA v. & Co., iWisLers: inst,was not a H. W. Na 18 BIT IV Hall, ed the company after the prospec P. a Box SIT. ait Lake City. iaar a vmm. partially Insured. though our Exhibition E V KNINGNEWS. large one, yet the articles exhibited excelled anytmng i nad ever before seen. Borne cabbages and especially attracted great attention. Two of the Mammoth Marblehead cabbages, raised by President J. V. Wilsen, weighed, one thirty-thre- e and the other thirty-three and three-quartpounds. The WilsonTavorttepotatoe, a new was especially praised for variety, Its beauty and flavor, also the Canada White Kidney was a very beautiful potatoe, both kinds raised by Pres. Wllsen. The Goodrich, raised by Br. Wm. Thompson, was considered .very good. Home French Horn Carrots, bv Br. Perkins, were very choice.' The long- red of Br. Wilseu,- was also excellent. The Chili White Onion, by Br. J. Haven, was large and beautifully grown.' Many other kinds of - vegetable? too numerous tr mention iwere- Very large "and beautlAicnJ jH I fi.ii Officers for the ensuing year the President.- Vice President, Secre; tary and Treasurer were J. C. tOuteen, nd,Ym. Mcliride, were elected Havon and Gotfried f directors. ' Tha U O. is deing well, and the Saints who work In the same feel most excellent. At our, last priesthood meeting notione feltuWilllng is. called stewto step back to what 4 ardship." I vv. , v , t . :Cii&. J KcxP Secretary. , " ii . aS Haelivtlle and rrarhlBC if lit ?r j.i i r i1 1873. f5ouvnBiXt Nov 1 . Km - -- . E AC L - er oVft For Tito JJiglita W UM I 1 , " WW PO B WORKS, 4 n- SS filllSrGGI5Si7ilIlIl'S . -- ' ' , Tarre-duuti- oa - CDHai?llttiiDO.aQ - - - , asor-occ- o. ; tbe-Chnr- eh v7 . " i -- riu US ; '. III ill i t pnnimn bumnu M-- r 1 -- 1 ; s fol-lowtn- g1 Hardware, Crockery, 12tc , AT THE LOWEST PRICES; -- - - ; 1 - ? . , the-Churc- ,tiit,tii., x .? , ) " ay-nop- aia -- - 1 WEEKLY SUN. - K,W e dye-4ioii- se al lt II. PLACE . k . u - Dally arrival ol the Itatcst Staple null Tanov l)ry - . , W To-da- Rood-health- . I : --- nishlng : w ; - .. ; WWIM . ; I ; t . ' -- . . -I year:s, :New .j . . BOORS , S B a. S : u ; to-da- y. 1 .t . v n .iFlf' , .. La : . . ",. .... ' Je ' ji ; ' 11 . . EE EASDEL'S .... , 1 K to eoni;I iiA V , r- 2 -- 1 newly-appointe- - fietoitmiiw" ; -- . cIt to-d- ay .... ae1 ! ' S dll Atollll and CURRANTS . iJ a ( .ama, at -- bg $b tiiA erii to cl .2 4 ... ! in ! : By Telegraph t'li 1 " t rive Hundred ih'ieces . it! hi on. wJ . ccuncv; I - Es. alia liarediliiis:? : f -- 1 - hrt : theiifIii; aaOlL i'iib'i -- yt .m nc lshing to prepare Meat , , , Jr;. h a tta ,.....ir fc c, : . - .,;,. ' - nrJDDlVnf 35c, pr."V.ard. -- . ,j . -- tt' -- m -- " ! SSSiKSSrzj - v;ci Choic6:.BroWn Kearrtiocfuiand Plaids: siibs tatitial.I rxeps for Wrapp -- j;ci JC-Q- 3 S:6roXard - 1 1 4 DRiJ3I.iAPI?I.ES. 3t -- - Ifc-Jt- u Yr;'.' jy '" to-da- t- op xvnicu aije aurH I- lI FIIQ1.!C1T. 1 -- ! l:-n- ed . trl -- ? if-- -- r-',- -!3 -- m -- ds-troye- ex-aal-- sd, ts rt' t. - IlNE IN ENDLISS d iiuevtrrare. prb UM if! r-:- r, , Sv 1- -. SSSat i w- , 1 r v7? iwi-- I am stil pay in nt 1 i tiifjuiiFruite 1 EE EJ Al 3P .' . U d |