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Show DESBET EVENING WS GEORGE ,Q. CANNON, v EDITOH AND rUBLISIIElC AafMt 19, IMS CATTLE PLAGUES DI8EA8ES FBOM EATING FLESH. a short time since the cattle It is butin Britain, known as the Rinderplague an excitement there,' such pest, created tha$ many seemed to think the whole of the cattle in that country would be swept away. The terrible disease, produced by trichina; through eating the flesh of swfne, which prevailed so very extensively in some parts of Europe; and the Rinderpest among cattle, which was not confined to Britain, but was prevalent in some parts of the European Continent, caused many thinking men to reflect seriously -- with regard to the excessive use of flesh in those nations, and the serious results arising from partaking of infected meat. - Every means that could be devised in Britain, to protect the consumer of flesh from buying contaminated or diseased meat, was resorted to; yet there is little doubt enthat many suffered tertained through eating the flesh of animals more or less diseased with the Rinderpest, as thousands suffered from trichina, who Ignorantly ate of swine's flesh In which the dangerous parasites had bred. The telegrams of a late date inform us that a cattle plague, somewhat similar to the Rinderpest, has made its appearance in the Eastern States, and that cattle are dying from it in great numbers. On the 11th Inst, the wire brought information from New York, that "the cattle plague excitement continued;11 that Dr. Harris stated that large quantities of diseased meat had been sold in that city; that "the deaths the previous week from diarrheal diseases exceeded those from during the heated term; and that this sickness was mainly attributed to diseased meat." Considering that the number as reported of deaths from in the New York Tribune daring the heated term, was over a thousand in one week, this mortality arising. from the use of diseased meat assumes a magnitude which forces itself upon the consideration of the public, in their quest after knowledge for This disease made its appearance in Texas, and 4s now rapidly spreading all over thecountry, and seems to baffle the best veterinary skill. The means adopted to retard its progress has been the slaughtering of infected animals which thus far has proved ineffectual. The Ban Francisco Times speaking on this subject says: "There is great danger that this cattle plague will prove a national calami ty. Appearing at so many different points, it will be practically impossible to prevent its spread. Cattle may be infected themselves, aud spread the contagion to others, be fare their owners know it; and not all owners will have conscience enough to submit to the pecuniary loss involved in slaughtering their lufected or suspected cattle, so long as by disgubiug the fact they can sell them aud shift tbe loss to other parties. According to agricultural reports the cattle of the United States have of late years been diminishing Instead of increasing, and the country is in a poor coudltion to have a serious loss in live stock. Meat, milk, butter, Ac, have for some time, in the Eastern States, ruled at prices which cauuot be explained by the inflation of currency. The loss almost sure to generally result . from this new disease, unless bo me efficacious remedy is quickly found, will send these articles up to famine and seriously curtail the comfortsprices, of the of our population." If beef has not yet reached the high price which prevailed In Britain, during the reign of the Rinderpest, frequent ers of restaurants in Eastern cities have ceased to use It, in many instances, for fear of belug poisoned. Flesh meat, whether of fowls or of beast, we have been taught in the to-d- ay sun-strok- e sun-strok- e, self-preservati- ,3 poorer-classe- s "Word of Wisdom, is "to be used ly; and it is pleasing to the Lord1' that "it should not be used only in times of winter; or of cold, or of famine." This Saints have knowledge the Latter-da- y been in possession of for years, and in thisis iu every other counsel given for their guidance, events andt circumstan stances prove the Infinite wisdom which dictated it. The experience of every person who has abstained from the use of flesh meat, or who has used it very sparingly, apart from the dread of any special diseases caused by its use, has been most positive and strong in favor of the superiority of a vegetable diet. The body is relieved from the presence of au excess of carbon, which the free use of meat produces; the intellectual powers are unclouded; the physical abilities are In regular working order, and the powers of vitality are held in a more equable state. The whole experience of this people should teach them. the importance of every Item of counsel which may come from the servants of God. And when we axe recommended to ceae the use of s wine's flesh, and to partake sparingly of that of other animals, the source from whence such counsel nomM Knt4 be sufficient authority for our accepting it readily. But when such strong iT e!id.ence- finished of the a. are given Y. 1Mtractions, iT.k and the disease resulting therefrom, he foolish who would the yolce of Instruction and the counsel given. -- ' 1 'j v - ! T"?? AMENDED tAX BILL.'; fttfjkntfmi of the merchants of this r in rthe . foli. ... juiauw jtevenue tax hill. lowing section of the amended Bee 67. "That any person or having In his possession nydl8Ulled in exceeding spirits, intended for sale, bon- not a In and fifty gallons, quantity warenouse av mo ded huumake . f t.vaa affat ahall Immediately a return, under oath,' to the Collector of the district wnerein sucn spirits ipay Ka tiAtrl fttAtincr the number and kind of with the marks and packages: togetherana tne piace wnere brands thereon, .with the are same the stored, together ' as the as of nearly, spirits, quantity owner can determine me, same, upon the receipt ofsuch return: the Collector. twiner flrat aatUflftil that thatax OD said has been paid, shall immediately spirits cause tne same to do guagea ana proveu oy an internal revenue guager, wuv snail mart, by cutting, me contents and proof on each cask or package contain lutr five wine gallons or more, and shall affix and cancel- an engraved stamp thereon." The same act also prevldes that, it shall be the duty of every dealer In manufactured tobacco having on band more than twenty pounds, and ' every dealer in snufi having on hand more than ten pounds, to immediately make a true and correct inventory oi toe amount of such tobacco and snuff, respectively, under oath or affirmation, ana to deposit sucn inventory wun me Assistant Assessor of ' the proper di vision. rfti. -- -- ; - ! Muddy Station, Aug. 5t 18C8. Prest. Brioham Youno: Dear brother. Having a few leisure moments, as we have just camped for noon, I take this opportunity of writing to you. This is the first time we have struck the stage road since leaving the Platte, so our opportunities for sending letters have been Izabeth Pearson ; George Paramore an d wife: Simon flcxerlng, wife and' two 9 1 children; Brown Petit, wife and child; David Russell, wife and four children: Joseph Salisbury, wife and two children ; James buu ana; wire; enry smith; Martin Sorensen: "William Sorensen; Wm. Smith, wife and five , children; 8amuel Stewart; James Stewart; William H. Scott and wife; Thomas Smith-fiel- d and wife; Thomas Scott; William Sargent, Wife and child; John Sargent, wife and three children; John 8kinner, wife and nine children; Bartil Turner, senr. and wife; Bartil Turner Junr; Joseph Turner and wife; Hugh Thomas, wife and four children; John. Teas dale, wife and two children; Thomas Tibbie, wife and four children; William Joseph Underwood, wifa and ; six ; children; James lUnderwood,' wife and three chilJesse dren; G. H. Edward wife ldm Wi and an, Wright; four children; Thomas "Watkins wife and daughter; Jane Wiscom be and seven children: George Wiscombe, wife and two children; George Woodman, wife and two children. ? i wv i , f I' ... i iraHi:iH:.TraEsas. Of ,t jority. ' Thursday, Aug, 20, 1868. " " J ' : J " "L " " " " """"" "" ' ! . The performance will consist of the Great Histhe Italian by torical Play, translated from Thos. Williams, Esq., In & Acts, entitled. at j ELIZABETH! Hill. Star, please copy. dlltf Mlsa ANNETTE IXCE ....m...M1ss Adams Iloward.... Sarah Lady Mrs M Bo wring ,M lAdy Anna Burleigh.. .Miss Alexander Maria Lambrun Mr D McKenzla Earl of Essex..... Lord Barleigh...--- . Sir Francis Bacon Sir Francis Drake... Lord Howard Tbe Marauls Dl Mendoza Mr J 8 LlndMT m uardie Mr JO Graham Mr J a Thompson Mr js l) urowtner Mr J B Kellr Davlson.......M...........................Mr J E Hyde Mr R Matthews Sir Georse Jackson Misses Sanlsbury and Turpln Pag es... me queen's isngusn ana tscotcn in o Dies,Ac. Guards, Soldiers, commences SOUTIIERN -- Mr at DOORS OPEN j Performance iy o'clock, punctually at 8. JJAVE . - - I RAR IROX & STKKU RROOH8, ROPE, KAItSj &v ?&u PKICTL Which will be sold 1 LOW FOR JLV BLEACHED Olli Lucy Marsden GASH1 AlfcO, It. GUMERSEIX, Sr., BACON, FJOUK, AKDii . DRIED PEACHES, dIAlj FOR OUTTITTINCi. SMITH BRO'S. Importer and Jobber of DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, CARPENTER s I.ACES, EMBROIDERIES, Hosiery, Glores, Fakts. French Corsets, ; Skirts, dc. -- ZEPHYR WORSTEDS, inst., Telemacus Rodgers, of this place, who has had feeble health for many years, being troubled with a frequent sensation in tnetnroat, vomitcnoaing ed from his stomach an animal four and three quarter inches in length and one Was each sacred trust for sordid gold! Then came the man to prove the nation and three quarter inches across the loit. broadest part, shaped .like a cat fish, ear would listen to a people with a mouth underneath like a sucker. To prove nonone Wronged, was to proud to vindicate the majesty attached a the stomach by It Of none to plead for the oppressed Law, or was quick when it cord, which, ligament, And robbed, (degenerate sons from wortbyj broken, caused the man to vomit blood, Sires had sprung?; he proved Columbia's state, which continued about six hours before men, this monster came forth. It lived two hours after being vomited, flapping and Judges, peoples, all, unworthy of the gifts Tney had, and unprepared for e'en a tithe wiggling like a dsn. It has been pre- The future held within Its ready grasp. served In spirits, and was seen by Yet he, repulsed, reproved, on every hand. Prest. Toung and party, today, at bro. I. C. Height's. Bro. Rodgers felt bet- 8M11 strove with earnest soul to wake to better ter immediately, and went straight off, Consciousness the dre t'mlng mass; exultant Yorker. strength. Rural to work on the railroad. They would but dream on, 'twas few that heard his Yours truly, or charmed were with Truth! ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES Toice, F. Smith. Joseph FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, JT Xo. 413 X. FOXJItTH STREET, t. Charles and Locust,) (Bet. two-thir- ds BY STAGE, :-- i : in it. Vinegar for pickles should always be of the best cider kind. In putting away pickles use stone or glass jars. The lead which is an ingredient in the glazing of earthern ware is rendered very pernicious by the action of the vinegar. Have a large wooden spoon for the express purpose of taking pickles out of the jar when you want them for the table; see that while in the covered with vine jar they are always gar. If you discern in them any symptoms of not keeping well, do them over again in fresh vinegar and spice. The jars should be stopped with large flat corks, fitting closely, and having a or oil cloth tied over it. Fieceaof leather of good rule to have the jar filled with vinegar. Alum is very useful in extracting the salt from pickles and in making them firm and crisp; a very small quantity is sufficient too much will spoil them.! In greenpickles keep them closely covered, ing so that none of the steam may escape, as its retention promotes their greenness and prevents the flavor from evafor pickles porating. Vinegar and should be boiled but aspice few minutes too much boiling takes away the New- - Both long and loud with blameless life walked; By every motive Which should man allure, he sought to win , i l. HATS & APR ROOTS & SHOES, ... use or bell metal kettles for The Products of this Establishment are guarbrass, copper, because the verdigris produc- anteed equal In quality to the best manufacpickling, in the ed in them by the vinegar is very pois- tured Or kick ahdcountry. Works Cor. Main andLombtrd onous. Kettles lined with, porcelain Rtreetf. are the best, but if you cannot procure Wm. II. Greg-ff-, F. TV. Rockwell, Pres't. them block tin may be substituted; iron See'y. d223;3m Is apt to discolor any acid that is boiled ne midst the sleepers J S - :. f,r DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Hints on Pi cklino. Never i i Consisting of WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WORKS, Page, Infant daughter of Daniel and Eliza Jane Page, aged 25 days. . on handan excUent Assorijetit Kstabllsbed 1865. j 11. 1868, CONSTANT QUEEN OF ENGLAND. ELIZABETH. Ooeen ofEnsrlavnd. nt -- STREET SALT LAKE CITY. The Strength of tbe Company In the Cast f ' Benton, D. T., Aug. 0, 1868. ... George Q. Cannon, q: Dear BroEnclosed send I list of Saints in ther, EAST TEMPllE QUEEX ELIZABETH! . In Parowan. August ESTABLISHMENT, In her Great Personation of , . ; Co., Fakminoton, Davis Aug. 19, 1868. Editor Deseret New; On the 15th - ANNETTE MIS S AXATTTE IKCE down-trodde- . ! I . t Hut 'twas not to, for unskilled laborers And dishonest men, with traitorous hacds, Untempered mortar in the fabric placed; And compromise its. stealthy councils pressed; (For who can safely compromise with Truth?) And then again within' its polished walls No Altar stood, no Priesthood ministered Its holy things, no power of endless lives Was centered there; as one by one the Patriot Fathers fell asleep, injustice crept into And reveled in its halls and bartered - From the Italian of Paolo Glacomettl, as ortgl-nall- v Trageplared by the renowned InItalian all the prindienne, MADAME RISTOKI,America. ; , cipal Theatres of Europe and I e ZEDULON JACOBS. 'Hi i. I f DINWOOBEY's T. Cala Ellzabetli,QiieeiiofExiclaii(L tv- , Gospel, -- FIRST NIGHT of the Great Historical Play. " i i , : , i non-defia- 4 J. er; totnj. . the eminent Tragic Actress, MJJBS r i Original UmgutLlL I ' biuluaiit sneenss! Francisco.-Paesenee- Movmo JCASTWAarj. We are getting to learn more of the doings of the C. P. R.R. now that the end ofthe track: is nearer us. The Virginia says: Three shifts of men are now at Trpa work laying track; the men are assigned to duty as follows, and go upon the Jump all the time: Two men place the ties In position, eight men pass the bars to the ties, the gnager follows and aels them In place, and one man' follows with a the rails heavy hammer and spikes and fastens 100 miles to the ties. The graders are about ahead, and are likely to put a greater distance between themselves and the track before reach lag Salt Lake. An officer of the Union Paelflo Railroad passed over the line a tew days slnoe. and after seeing the work under way, gave It as that the eastern line will reach the THE ROMANCE OF HISTORY. his opinion Saints before, the central gets the of city When Freedom first, with gladsome feet, . there.", Impressed Columbia's laughing soil; Ckxtxcax. One of our critical friends felt disThe heaven's bowed down, and earth looked up posed last night to pitch In to the "Divine Wll Through all ber myriad sons of toll; llaxm" considerably. After saying several For tears had rained from human eyes. not very complimentary to those who things O'er all the groaning, trembling world. Idolize and can see no faults In the "Bard of Exhaled, 'till rainbows lit the skies. Avon." he said the stilted language In which And freedom's endleaa flag unfurled. Shakespear makes even bis most Illiterate cha racters talk, at times. Is ridiculous and unnatu Then on tbnt sloping, radiant path,' trod. A host of master-spirit- s ral. And he grew somewhat severe on Orlando, n To lift, to cheer In "As You Like It," for calling 'Ardennes a man, "desert lnacoesslble," when every evidence And bear him back to heaven and God; around proved It was not a desert, and the very To light the fires of liberty. fact of his being there and addressing others If earth for altars could be won; who were there before him, and who lived In The utars of patriot chivalry . Led by Illustrious Washington! the forest, showed It was not inaccessible. See what It is to be a critic, and know how to find On History's tablets graven, read fault! The record of their fame and worth. How brave, unselflftb, year by year. Politk. A correspondent of one of our ex a for nation's labored blrth; They changes speaks or individuals who are on a Through blood and trial struggling on heavy "tight," and placed In a horizontal posi tion by It, as being "In a condition ot temporary Agalcst a powerful, haughty foe, From galling vassallsge they sprung indiipotition." And laid the conquered tyrant low! Had it Hot. The Albany (Oregon) Democrat the thermometer rose to 103 In the Through all the isnds a mighty shout arose, says that In shade. that cltj, on Augurft, 2nd. Had It As If Niagara's floods from upper deep much gone higher In that latitude. It Is quesHad poured, to sweep away oppression tionable whether they would have been able to From the earth; thus break the chains by roan down it get again before winter. Through centuries forged! j' r was the sound, Yet, Though kings and tyrants trembled In thefr dread. As throms were rocked like forests In the dread In Captain Seeley's train, between Waeon Monsoon; but 'twas the tone of hope, the sense Bound and Rock Creek, D.T Augusts, 1888, Of sure relief; foreshadowing more of good Sarah, wife of Bartel Turner, aged 63 years. To come, than of accomplished end! Deceased formerly belonged to Btudnam A prophecy. Branch, Bedfordshire Conference, ngland,and was with her husband and family oh her way Which none but gllted men could read aright. And heaven Inspired could e'er have power to to Zlon at the time of her death, Van-Schoonov- t B. Clswses I I .- Ltaeea r trains on are now Pacific Railroad the Central 35 to miles; Brown's; Station; running . or Sacramento. cast Idaho"" advices to August 11, say candiJudgeforShafer, theIs Democratic SOQ ahead; and his date Congress, election is claimed by six hundred ma Ran limited. lam happy to say the health of the Saints is as good as could be expected; through the changes of food and water a few are troubled with dysentery, but none are dangerously ill. One or two of the sisters are pretty low through old age, but they are impreving At Green River we left bro. J. J. JeanB, who had been ill for several days, with somelike the pleurisy; his wife stopped thing with him. Bro. Louis Robinson was very kind, and said he would do what he could to bring him round. While fording the Platte, one of the young brethren by the name of James Powell, aged 18, went too far todown the riffle, the Captain's which was contrary order, the water being rapid; he stepped on a stone, so those say that saw him fall, and fell, the current taking him Into deep water, before any assistance could be rendered by those on the bank give. or the edge of the water. His body was A goodly fabric soon to human eye arose, searched for, but could not be found. 'Twas we Union, Conatifuzion, Equal rights, turned After crossing the Platte off the main road,and came by Rolling sill fancied earthly good; In blood Its broad teemed securely laid, with mas Springs; the road was pretty good, with Foundations sive some sand in places, we struct the Sweetwater 10 miles above the Devil's Bulwarks all around the towering wall; Gate. Both trains have been traveling With high uplifted dome, of architecture near each other. All the way up the Rich and new, men deemed the temple-homof Sweetwater the feed and camping places 1 liberty was surely here. Bereue and were excellent, there belnz no traveling Beautiful, awhile It stood, and proudly IB the empyrean reared Its towering along that way to eat off the feed. The sainu are reeling well, and so Head, which seemed aglow with that rare fire far, have enjoyed .their journey across Which men for ages past have said Is with the plains, aud we all feel to thank the The Gods! In truth, upon the shifting sands Lord for his preserving care in bringing Of national life, it a sure beacon us safe thus far toward our Mountain Seemed, to guide mankind to happiness and rest. Home. I remain, your brother in the , MI,.feU,wei v. 1HDWOAI St.XOUIS,Mo. d229;6m LcC SPEEK St Co., O I N" E R s , 1 State Rood, Uair Block North of ' C ration Square, End Xo. 211 Xortli Main St., St. LOUIS, 3fo.9 ARE prepared to Contract for BUILDISUoi the work equal to thebMtiB Direct Importers and Wholesalers In as eneap as tne cneapest. Maying Brasbet, Combe, SuspendTrinunlsfs, ers, Violins Stationery, ud d22h6m String, Ac., Ac. Tnreods, J. GBEE3T A Co., Manufacturers and Dealers In BOO TS j A. ND OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS.! SHOES, No. BOO X, Main St, St. X.OUIS. at 8pencer, Mass. Factory d229rtm Wo keep constantly on hand and Make (or der, at the Shortest Notice, DOORS, SASn, t. To the East M. A. Carter, To the West Msjor J. W. Drew, C. K. Nou- them BLINDS, MOULDINGS, EtsEtc gnee. Back to Righteousness and Truth; till In an To the North . 8. Montague, L. M. Clem on t, my train which left Laramie on the 1st Evil C. Adeock. hour, they rose en maue and slew this Inst. From the West W. P. Brown , G. F. Emory, BBOW5, WEBER 4t GRAHAM, then types and shadows The health of the Saints is generally Man of Latter-dayTERMS to SUIT CUSTOMERS. JMUOO, jv. vop. (jape. Importers A Wholesale Dealers in are passed, and all in good spirits in good, they the expectation of soon reaching Utah; Closed with a crash the Testament of old, DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY. dlOtly TO-DAWe have had one death which please in- The letter of the Constitution burned; NEW Paints, Oils. Window Glass, fce. The union of a compromise dissolved; ' ' sert a notice of. No. 210 X. Second Sc., Pure White Lead Southern CoJ St. Louis. With best respects to all. (Bet. llne A Oiire. East Bide.) Split the fair fabric which the Fathers reared Dress and Cloak Trimmings, etc It. Gumer- Till I remaliiyour brother in the gospel, crumbling walls, and sunk foundations seil, ar Bt. LouIk. : n. wtoer Ht,liVlU,HO. Jan. urunam Tn,rownt show ' d22fc6m Wm.'B. SeeXiEy j etc. A L. A C; Speek Col, St. Louis. Notions, Its mission filled, while blood and carnage Boots and Shoes J. Green A Co.! St. Louis. flTamc of the Saints who teft Laramie Through the stricken land Is hurrying traitors . China, Glass and Queens ware Westermann JT. Wettermann v B.F.W. Meier r ,Citvt Aug. 1, 1868, in Capt W. S. See-ley- 1 OCT, to meet the traitor's doom. Stilltwill be so. &. Meier, Bt. Louis. . c WESTERMANN HEIER, Till true repentence will sweep the national train, jor Salt Lake City. Drugs, Medicines, Perrumery, 'etc Brown. ' ' '.Importers of A Dealers In . Carl O. Asmussen; Eliza A. Adams; Heart, as floods of ancient time, the record w eoer k urauam. Glass Vfc George Bishop and wife; Nicholas Bat-le- y; Of misdeeds, beneath oblivion's sea! . IoklnarJreGlaaoeo. John Buruside, wife and six chil- I fere, all Is peace; and gathering thousands Tabic, Coal ratlcry; Oil new CASH PAID FOR the of and Iinpa, dren; John Burrill; Wm.Coombe, wife, Prove the truth Joseph's words; No. 533 Main Morth ST. St us MO. to we JLOUI8, testament bequeathed daughter; Theodore Curtis; Thos. Camp- Better . uzahem bell, wife and three children; James Proudly reap, which sealed by blood is now Fom Sal. A good Bugar Mill. Campbell, wife and child: Uenrv Coon- - An active force. The Comstltutlon's letter ' Inquire of Z. v. wmM, rau Ward. t , , d2Mt . er, wife and two children; Charles Dum-m- Lost, its ressrrected form and spirit oars! and wife: Chas. Dummer, Jr.; Wm. Here we have, the union, & Waktxd, a few cords of Mountain UihoniiT Truth; , . Dummer, wife and four children; Chas. Its deep foundations laid inItperfect Mi uuito, . tr Draper,-wife-ani . four children: Ed- Its bulwarks priestly rule; stones are living Anaottnee that Wawtxd:-O- ne mund Ellis, v wife and three children; Men, as poilsbejfcsbarts, to btar the swelling hundred cords flftr and of one a a Aft a. ..,J Wm. Fawcett and :wlfe; Robert Ford, Structure bravely up, each priest Indeed, w jfu wvjuuattne v t ;tf Mill. ; .raper ' Ir. FI1BD. T. PEimiS : wife and four children; Alex. Fife, wife To guard jhe. sacred flame of liberty, while from with The freedom Valtar rosy glow WAimD. At this office, clean white cotton and three childrenj Johh Fyfe. wife and Mr ILi. again tart East about the LtttiofAu-T- T 11ARU3T, and colored rags. People In the elty who wish to three children; Matthew-Frith- : George Up It must, and shallaseend, to mingle gust, to purchase source DanIts stars! the Griffiths: With William of Goble and wife;? beyond dispose them will please bring them on lion, iel Hall," wife and two 'children: James "t days and Fridays.' FALL STOCK 'OF GOODS, ";"' a ?r - and. - child;. Richard Th en let the dead past bury Its dead, j. wifeHunter, wife and one .child;' Andrew We love the Fourth and all its, powers, j Hunter, And will fill , , ".i j. Hill,- wife and two children; Robert But when with twenty It Is wed and three children; Thos. We hall afar Its precious hours; Marker, wlawife Thomas Johnson, wife Our national birthday far and wide - )s Home and For Machinery and Family BtrepUes to be " f and three children; Isaac Jones, wife To freedom consecrated atarifla,: m v. Utah two wife t Da To Saints ; and sacred, dear; children;. A, Kerr, and two children; John Larson; John To Saints throughout the earth's broad lands. a u Lunn. wife and five, children; Leder , , Is Its This Leth .4 understand,-.Peter' Ben). spirit, bridge; Loveridge; To IVhom May Concern. Laws,' wlfe and t two (Children; John Its sturdy protest 'gainst the bast, OTICEls given, that TZITBSDAT. - tiejrTthhereby Mead, wife and four Children; James One ot our sabbaths when the land !"ri Is the day fixed by the Instant, ' wife be redeemed and from Shall Thomas sin's fell blasU Montgomery; Morgan, child, Elizabeth Nicholas; David Ow- When ngntnan rule and Jaaas reign',, report of the Administrators of the edjr Work until of the final n'-- 5 wi t. uuua nil Ton. nnrxMfifii BT Monlhly. ens, wife and three) children; Maria And Josepn d well on earth aaainr 1 i , ii All nersona hkrlnir claim, a&inat mmSA 1T.. f Samuel The twenty fourth! this Is our day Pedersen; Marian Fadereen; Ilia VI ii ti Vili. f l J?.rwVM Interested in the setUementihere- Preaton,.,irlfe and two children;. Wilnational . n i !.; holiday, j '. - HXXXBB e FATTESSOir. I liam Pearson and ;wife; John Pern- - JttlyI4,lW8. " s; f Y. ' j. i. -- i 1 China, 1 Qaeensware, . . er ; Qod-create- . j CRONYN d, . PERRIS outs, t I d ? A - ; ! ! . 1 , ' , - , cor.ir.iissiON MONEY FOR WORK! j orderc 1 It . , . ; -- Oo4-glvs3n-o- j ur ;, I ; .11 rZT?? lhSTf.da3i ;rho,Ag.ig,i. j ' 0holco Applet &c" - W.t55W2 s$jwwaa ; : f87 rrooatiaerk. I |