Show LOCAL o chirls birr 1 lox I onnon I 1 linnzi I 1 TF n 1111 tit of ilia lii illi ila il for arar 4 sunday evening an ginging rf urz mr 1 ft int lulu into choir chair commence at 7 admission frat free fotr D of placing before the public first alaan antell tuai matter tho the llila t tata on Le ciares will trul he be glad gild to receive H of lectures theological phila literary or scientific offers will kill bo be r by mr L E L T at t the hit tin tilt best office ST mm marxs tit nt rv ley D B S duill P D D hi clar itty it M kitty kirby amt aaa t n anil i biml at 13 SOro a in alom tHila pm choat I 1 1 of SL BL very maga ileno seen A it ent eit firma ter cather tt 11 bibb I 1 ill tur for ams M will bo be knit and ainoo 0 this morning at it 11 o abek fat I 1 p in pinT curnin thira south air t five doors tut or of main street J M L L pastor emch prea ch ing at i 11 a in and nj 7 p ra ml and sunday school at t 2 p in bt 0 its free arc the pucho tevita aj strangers made welcome and rt at lome home tomorrow to oki it 11 and 7 pm p m in hall vy 11 josith welch sunday bunly school it 9 4 L mr in the public am e alra 1 t r friday jan IS 72 1 I 1 Council Clo uncil t met let pursuant to adjourn I 1 i i quorum present I 1 I 1 A letter was read frong froma J L I 1 I 1 agh wl assistant prosecuting arc attorney thanking the council nod aid lee for tig the a freedom of the saua halls which bad extended to linn him also one from uan U cu 0 it IL maxwell of the tame same pure p port porri the committee on trades and man reported a till in relation to strays and stray pound consisting ron bating of fourteen factions which was waa read and filed the bill provides that the regj anao arising ironi from the sale kilo of estraya strays shall rome accrue to the school fund the conned and elloui c bills ding for the election or of delegates to 0 prepare a constitution for the lie a mission admission of U utah trill were both sent buck back to the tha committee with whom they originated for further consideration mr harrington chairman of tho the house committee reported that th they had reconsidered their bill and offe rg it again in an amended form cangi coni inting sting of numerous alterations and one entire w section authorizing author iring the ho T f the constitution to tho the for their ir rwal or disapproval pact alio lilt was voted toted upon in Us its amended farm by sections after whir which it wa taken upon up on its ccone second and third reading passed and sent to the house for NOTE it till lo 10 1 that thin iun bill in its original form did not authorize the sending of delegates I 1 to the philadelphia convention it was wag on this account no doubt that it was wag substitute for tho ilia councils ll 11 1 hi 4 an aal finally parsed the iho council adjourned till lilt to day nl i how met pursuant to adjourn anent quorum present L the financial report of conn ity for IS asto 0 71 was hecei red and refer referd red tt ta the committee on an Re devenne venne mr rockwood moved that J snow attorney general of the ilia territory be b ropic sted to tho the house at n L t the eari earitt gt practicably ablo time with th the e pr alro a I 1 and decisions ot of t the lie court of the territory relative to tile the jurisdiction juni diction of tile the probate aprobato courts and I 1 1 tie he territorial Nam lial and it if any auita u is arc re now pending in in con connio tini tion with h th them A an and if so to describe their nature a caged arned mr richards Ric liardi moved that tile lh audi auditor tat or public accounts lie be to requested quested to report to 0 o the house at his hig earliest earl ifil cc con if any demands had been made of him by M T patrik k united states marshal for utah for funda to defray the expenses of the district courts for estu 71 if ho had advanced any una funds for paid purpose and if so eo what mount amount also it if any guit has been instituted agunat him to test the right to the office he now holds if he has had may any correspondence with the axce autive or other federal officer of tb the a territory arol and if so no to furnish it to the house mr Row cowberry berly asked if tho the house had any reason to believe the actions described in the motion had bad taken place mr me richards Bichard 1 stated noted that it was mm well known that considerable cor correspondence nee h had ad taken place on the no objects named and n the object of bis big motion was to bo ein possession of this corres correspondence corresponded a fain for the information of the house the motion was seconded and carried A petition tk was received fr from am J S S neg laker and fifty tile others citizens alo county asking that new laws be passed relative to stray stock and recommending the rot ofin an pound and that he be held responsible for damages done by them referred to tha committee on trade and manufactures mr TRY taylor or presented to a L bill for or in an act entitled I 1 t 0 d ao act ic I 1 to a amend 1 an act d i r io for r tho I 1 incorporation ie of il P f for r tb mining i i t agricultural g and d other t b r 1 a I 1 1 it 1 ad and referred to the committee on private In corporations mr presented a petition f froni rogn wm win P appleby by requesting ling that he be appointed a notary public Be forred to the committee on oa elections Klc criona mr taylor a petition from orson pratt sea eca asking for in an appropriation appi of lor for ton tion pi of services rendered in the translay truis trans lil laJ tion lion to the deseret alphabet of various books for the iho use nae odthe of the despret university Reft referred with ing documents to the on oil claims and nd appropriations appropriation i rockwood moved tle aua tar or of rub lie accounts Acco unta bo be requested to furnish tho ilia house willi villi a report odthe of the financial condition of tic he Unive isaly of Des despret cret birri carried e d th e financial fiDa unal reports rc irti or bf county for 1870 and 71 were received nod and referred to tile Coniti littee on lie to venue parr farr said bald lie he considered aquio immediate fiction action nece necessary sary regarding regarda the convention bill which passed the t r a house several adya dya III a ago as it wn wat a mauer matter or of great roat importance to tile the people sod atod clort cuorts thouis le be made to I 1 nace the figat matter bor before congress previous to the adjournment of that body and sug ilia appointment of a committee to confer with the council relative to what action was being taken ly by hat hady body on oil tho the abject adjournment kd ourn ment till a tury at t W i I 1 I 1 0 clock a ill iii ani 1 rii farm I 1 11 I 1 I 1 to marr bioni I 1 1 at mcdonald Mc Donaldt I 1 free ate im loctuan I 1 elv billi kt at aba lyoa 1 if N and tit he 0 latar lc tar a coQ cotmil Mil UD ua 9 is voicy tod and ul lockout look oot lur crowded deicy olgo 1 I 1 know thy olf bell claires given kt like tb 2 ron hoeu also 10 at 1 private lou J 0 l f I 1 A if damom yon rob 1 we our correspondent that we he be a to publish vis his communication on tho the receipt of big n line not for publication tut out u a guar antenor good feitli A maam bior T raw we were highly gratified recently by igo an of the now york row of brick eirick houses recently cAple led in i the a for mr art T D I 1 cliftoj clift of this city anil and called alft thee lo 10 alln erection of this ban bome lie net t of buildings building mr clift litti done himself AM nil tile territory generally handsomer hand ie ice are built in ini I 1 what is so in at lines technically alb called the he american style ate they consist of six thice tor stai housea I 1 each cecil containing seven rooms and a ment each house is ii provided with willi a hand joint buy bay window lull hall ond and stair ci ith B and child rests staircase stair cae in the iho lack back part of the ll 11 build ion the windows are or gladi the lower be 9 24 by 35 33 inches end the ilia it upper p per windows win doirs of IS 15 by 32 inch glass 0 ono no or of the chief of A libuse wire abond ct t of etli ith books goolt an gaa 6 til 11 is ia found founie in ia cah house lio iise 1 tito ali entire rows is crown ted with a linel mansard raf with iAtI feut ait oit ind aged pat paint tit ed ad Ph ingles to each cadi upper raoui I 1 and i ff aror ur mounting thir whole in addition to these and pach aali louse house has bag a ell I 1 nelo sed yard to jelf il alf with coal abed icv ta A wagon rood road for alio lie bringing in of coal wood etc runs ruas sound round the backof these yards farda rod add deora are provided loi i a cli I 1 so that lie co roil d can be M shot in from the ou laide beav plumed I 1 I 1 la 0 i non nol ylli alk of f theba theto excellent houses cai they will trill inaugurate we are arc assure I 1 id in liewer new era ain t in the of house honse bu for rant ing seg jin a territory thy ishoy biro are a credit 6 to the city anil and will I prove rove a profitable profit tUo to pro pric tor for ille lf most it igol with clift elal phaoe ia lita I 1 n so late in the year within two and a half months it bag keen been b begun agun and finished for this fact credit cre lilii is due dao to maim tuttle ind cowan the design berj zi as tell a as IQ thompson Thomis 4 tb the a creA the painting which is i highly is ia by russell I A whiter L and for the class hodic we aida amot be well bettered red that tat tb the painting might to be are are informed eliat the dried by a movable furn furnaca fur naco 1 I 1 tito the whole erect io IL 4 is of pluck enterprise and energy and do dc serving acm ng olevery of every tax Har harmony morly literary and leb atins ro cloty will via XIT a tu bu on 04 the of 01 ahli month 14 liast N at 1 CDE COINTIN TIO 1 17 L as aa anicot i a ej J by t the be council will no doubt pasa the housego n today to day end nil have I 1 tte have on the lelh of Ie bru to frame fralc the state constitution notwithstanding willit anding that there U N no DO of action of the I 1 one on hundred delegat eg diosan from all parts parta of the territory on so BO important a 1 matter can lul but be looked forward t to 0 with a peat great p eat deal bf inte re ae at 1 r own ge do not expect to see any guar altees ain its ita abat th atthe the nation can accept as a sorn tion of tile lifo bonnon difficulty theocracy auit be square lua ij and tapin hood will not aft do 1 to T THE or OF on ravin having alzea u the grand lk iavan I 1 will on 0 bcd jannary si bo be prepared to my frit nili ind tho the public kt at my now new place of ly by dom attention 10 to pleam and od t the e COO operation cooperation co ot of tho lite very tery bent beat help la in tin the city to lo 10 lie to adur satisfaction to all which wit I 1 to do or of no ni chair cl ont ii aumend glubt X break fut fast always rubly for las leaving per early ittig gil I 1 tf dry r W re I 1 I 1 1 25 5 cw cerr dearel wc arc leased to learn filet thoi mckeag absi professor fowler iJ i useless manager I 1 has gas tent sent instructions instruct ioni fai a J division of bricca p races for admission to the lie forthcoming lee tures by 13 y tho arr gement now made the price of tickets for fat scata beat in the lower part of tho the institute will bo be to 0 cents as 11 before while alit gallery will to la reduced to 25 cents centa each bachi I 1 we think th this n a gelnett judicious judici oua ki as there area tre large of who are arc short of means 9 at the pre sent time who aro are very 11 to 19 hear the lea ice tr durw I 1 in arrangement will vill bring tile the ma matter tt a ir wilbin a their cp clan alzor X it 4 H annb kinf bought the ibon above line front froni av will at chiaia hall ingia do a mu MD the mine dent lat M austini t 1 IA mil end f of U V C n R H moo Moti motility Liy y I 1 I 1 I 1 flaa a Y helnm S ly T 1 IJ abil 1 y it t argo t ci i art dmn L WITH WIT I il ile casare we for our leaders to a the bir aarant dohnt ft culi COL ap fat ra in our columns 9 tad this a morning morning 1 D S a large lar bustin brinca bu inca cIni in tha th storage andt and forwarding line linci and are arc extensive dealers IQ irk flour arnitt their im Ci cilitia for 41 t mesag tranna cling ng boli bables them to control all their branches with the the greatest case to and bat lit fact i on to the aro RIO laby 0 ver elbest best pumps in in use for the farmer farmar ant anil miner I 1 their great capacity making them wore more desirable than anything elih lias has I 1 come conle within our notice b Po rANo no a talf at tt the city maat duket in ill to pk ladal a attention to the wholesale tr alig blisk led to fo borei reI win one olio to a fly d brial bullocks bidan 21 hears notice ford for to tny lay part ol of the city dolfl artt LEAP TEAH all BALLf ber c i g tk be i a I 1 call yew year social at the all 11 next tuesday the aust the wives anil and daughters of all mason M isoel in U aa are baited to at attend t cia without burthe r committee of invitation mm jos I 1 mryl samuel relief Wi lAwani MP mm 0 r 1 strickland Z at r durant durandt M amri r D martin rill arii alexan a der browa Beav alff jt at 11 I 1 ewt r cc M n Lle a mis T agalli a wells wall li mid i mi it le rd xa NO la 38 jl J have on OD JW of line bao afrula bf rula A ap plan h t ibar r will mil bell at t low rate call PITO jah so na M them em I 1 4 jai ahi tf I wo VOSo adv aimel i ls db by yap a oates ril of pontalion ion I 1 aej all mrs cuir I 1 sund sunday ay january an ary 21 1872 at 4 tp D m at I 1 ali their ir homo a on tat treat in ahn 7 11 I 1 city ml A 1 I 1 MM a IF fill I 1 T arte 1971 1 3 tea 7 fad it neccie try lo 10 exe liang their lil bill providing for till the election of delegates to 0 o fran aranio to fertile one io he thu we wig hat bul libling 1 lo 10 tile rl pride or 0 lie I 1 councilor rr fr they art are to toll elivd vo too bumb of lie resting upon them to lo roalo bat they lind made a bail bad a a dk of which through tile ike condescend gentile friend frit nj lloy lial bad been mado aware and in order to uchic achieve 0 3 tum it il became becca Y to ilia correction to get patters matters awe I 1 lio lie tile ali imperfect house home bill WI I 1 did not even provide rot for submit ling the iho loftlin holthe loft lie rc lilo foi ro r their ans luup been laidly liti ried anil to lic R i we attire not 44 fini fi n fault anil with the honorable lion oralle wy fur fir correcting 1 ia A by no ulean tit of its it olion legislators legli latora with wilh the ll 11 of comi fion mcg till very lately they alu y have what whai we ve would impress i with till nil their delegation of heavenly ito c r they tro no niber than nion men who lay no claim to such high vilem in short nsf wc recommend them to 0 o I 1 br 1 emilis I 1 thor antiquated iDi iric lecaue I 1 no llota and nl tola take holl hold of rn alteri anil and i like modern irn m 1 america 1 20 ft k if 4 a t c h a lal il lct C the ig haq u to cal as anil and tile nation A t lir bl no t go A A I 1 ir ira loyal manner ell th lov on an tha xa kingdom of god anil rule abandons abandoning ng polygamy do nj d complying co p yia g with all tile I 1 laws cwi iwi till this i is done there jil tie no use lor draining 60 I 1 it isU s ing nirl pl play brama fa oats na pecci south street will ho be elicited on saturday evening ono pur pam of I P on A 9 ROOI alldor door anio in fh alio allitt att 1 I 1 dgill to lc bold today in okli ardi hall on second south tract commencing ut at 9 a rol to I 1 the rev mr wui officiate after which ali icci he bb a lc turton on the observance of tile hie sabbath 1 aich with them is still saturday the am gi J k I 1 3 L the Arf lero fAr a loading Ica Jing rarer paper of tile seil alx lx faith J of mr beirs us as one of odthe the most learned rabbis in n the ht country 1 i excer 01 on oli tho the Lagor mt ot I 1 a abla fg 1 iq Moot lop lectures ato t al aph pl lo 10 mr E L T amr jy I 1 there will bea M a mat gr of eil kaila 1 road la ilg utah ilia |