Show at Z e r rr ir EVENING dispatches jeffo rz a dol J 1 01 IN nw ew york IC 39 the 11 rau ling nj ad vices from froin ilia alic nile expedition that sir samuel saltine ba and near noar I 1 J ng ha I 1 aw 1 1 ral lm wi at I 1 1 leavo nearly r billed their tibor libor ahe has hag wl in s hance front from officials the harrisburg dispa leb I 1 that bat tweed passed through that place for ilia west is 11 untrue I 1 jle e wag in town lost last night lit it n proposed to move A resolution nt nth n th t W cill fair IV bit tit WN a place T vacant a if f t tint vic gentle gentleman an does not pro r e qc sent n lat himself ig lathe in the itera igo liia his expulsion will tic bo moved the lie election tiou committee at albany have sent tor monad tweed lafore them on oil thedith of january I 1 i alev ll epworth ed the stills state conference or of congregationalists at brooklyn Uro ollyn yes yesterday and wag w warmly welcomed ly by fi fenry ward beecher hepworth still said hig aliis wai wag white he had lonk loni hern been wi I 1 n t come le chiva r 4 atlin ai 11 6 P faly it y M incel t lie Is fire arc ordin aua ince which files the fire limits much nearer lite centre of the ilia city than tho the ono one opposed by t tho he classes chases 1 I people who aniol bed lite cotin ol oil on monday night i mayor medill yesterday received a letter from fron san tSan in which the writer ronchi to havin ficq cr to OLe arys urn clarn on t jat lio to night of it ilia lie grant rent fire the letter wil was dropp fad into the sin san co office without a stamp and the was vas paid by the he young mens C brittian hrit tian association of that cAr the Tho letteris letter u not va valuable likable a i the alie writer write r is ia evidently inane ane A allar frei i a wjk acut ry dictions on tho the part p art or of tho the defense 7 t the ti a MI jury wits was wa s yesterday im paneled in tle the brit urt ewe ease artiest lie he alderman ch charged chariles with mill bribery the defendant in thu this ease case is u Alde alderman glide glade of the pre council ile lie plead not guilty 1710 the binm washington glen iq ecial pays Sect secretary mary fishl hail hag tt bcd lcd tit L pria alinn tinn committee i to bring in appa a b lull H a sufficient sum suin to pay t the a expense a of 7 the japanese Ja embassy i juit sli arrived in this country during t their ill air stay slay here thus making lliam tile gum guests ts ol of the gal tho the Tri bitnes wa ivington special mya 9 it is ii ag i it a fact that leonce greeley lim hai ha i refused to sign the call for the lie national republican convention frigate aige hc european Kur squadron ii cine cled at fortress in awed sho Sha brings the rei niini bf general robert ander son aon liar captain will be ordered before a court of inquiry or put on trial at once act before a court martial to answer for misconduct his conduct in allowing 16 ship to run ashore and for G of other the senate postal committee did not et g I 1 through with wit it the telegraph bill ill in time for it to be b reported today to day as was anticipated acdan and an has hag been agreed to which allows a eomy pany to ho be incorporated under tho the bill paril to buy UY up existing lines tit at whatever vei MID may y hereafter be ba agreed upon the bill will fillnow now bo be reported balom by I 1 croy on monday next london I 19 thore was a terrible terribly explosion at a cartridge factory at greenwich yesterday afternoon mhd clothing or of a large irge number of girls played in in ilia factory t ol 01 fire and they sh shrieking through tho the bur surrounding rounding niara hes in hopes 0 quenching tho the flanges flames the factory i il totally destroyed MIDNIGHT dispatches ii I 1 mock and nd money market 7 I 1 new york I 1 19 9 M oncy easy closed at 4 I 1 gold strong sterling 91 gov GOT ern menla quiet firm stocks irregular clowd closed stem closel steady i pacific mail sold up to ta closed N I 1 1 aw U T 73 silver 71 wells fargo 56 I 1 washington I 1 after r two hours hour frast over Arkansas question I 1 resolution was aa adopted refusing edwarde the sitting member any more time for taking tem tOi 1 I 1 i starkweather reported A bill tha debt odthe of the eity city of washington in RIX per cent gold bonds running not 1063 than fifteen nor more than thirty years yeara to bo be negotiated at a rate of discount not more than three por jacent cent passed clarke ofte aag introduced a bul bill to refund to the state of tean disburse monte I 1 aade prior to 6 the war in in derence defence 0 rho frontis 4 Refer akie bouc ou c monday the committee on public ladda today loday to lo day deferred bearing caring ii testing caumont 0 in regard gard to the lite mcgarrahan claim tai tul afta aller arthe the re senator casselle Caa Cas serle the committee coin alliee agreed report fard 11 bills allowing every ex ci soldier empL one hundred and nd sixty acrea acres Lyre a of land within the limit of railroad pank 1 1 baltimore 17 1 tho ivill bill of ahe jacee alexander jearman whose estate is it valued at one and a quarter million contains con taina the lie 1411 owing bequests to chari table institutions institution jn in this thia city blind asylum oll baltimore orphan asylum aihini aged omens home agal mens home union orphan ansylum church heine and infirmity Infirm armary iry home for foe the friendless st paula orphan acy lum him mount hope manual labor school for boys ciompi society boor aai and maryland state stale iwo bible society cah louws iwatani IIa tani 11 batho 1110 1 new cemetery will wilf receive the title of columbus anti and tho the remain 1 I of columbus which are now dan ailed in the he cathedral will betrame bet be tran rami i urceil al items maw future dai to tic now nev cemetery and deposited inside a grand monument raised to hu his emory ni A lime I 1 9 go geci it II ile wai tody today to dy day arted united qt sc senator nut 14 succeed Vir alco I 1 L torro with the b donaldon Doin Do lolon nallon b Sui wa wi I 1 9 it a i leei i ng or the dominion board of trade today to day the I 1 he lion of trade relation i arich iyih iiii the vies united ailed states came up lion hem YO voicing opere opened tha d uca ion i vo the 0 W which to was opt 8 by y f itow ow land who ex bained the hc position 4 it ion alien b liy the Po minion ginion delaga at al LOU OuLi I 1 clr a said raid this the beem celin national board r 1 l nai to 0 give ve r at lb trade 0 only in 1 on t the h irown n lidid wi with th the s v i i d intent intention 0 a Cana na dainto into anne anant x 1 tiou yet an and ila lla tard aeri ieri call cl eq emon contended tended if that t ing commercial a 1 in men of or united states did aid not wart want annexation il hazard lazard stat flat I A cin win the only suggestion made in tile by the SLi Sto Louia Loula board andi kud its ill adoption would incel wit with i hh strong oi position froin the Ig gruber on an monopolists monopoli la and besides lie these tie I 1 were opponent to 10 its io but la a americans were open to firpo comm I 1 and upon any fair la w duld M canadians half way the debate resulted in J 1 resolution to appoint a delegation from the dominion board boar ta M meet the J xe ul ve Z national ato dal board rd at ivashin gigg As boon 0 lim ai bract practicable to u t ions bood i bigg lint but expressing capres it cordiak cordia willingness to dt la it ill f re lievin U ade be tw I 1 restrict offe radt t 2 1 all at a SL t 19 T he cef clerk a of the he lower hauglid alio be aturo received ft 4 telegram t 10 day my fro from admiral boslett I 1 tt at biting eliat th t the ilia grand rand lul e alonis we I 1 in a ordence with mth the lite invitation I 1 ad afu by tila ik acil 1 laturco g ciro city an tit my next anil and demain ai n fro froin 10 a tn in to 4 a ii i columbus 0 io in ilia housego house today r P B lill bill passed to admit as competent judora poi loAns who may have read new paper callion cas LIon loa which they thay ito sit M jarom ju rori N new e Is oreca orleans 19 muddle I 1 contini wasu 11 41 jhc lie V r 0 senate bon no tuc turn owe ragged aswed a guiola lion ion ox learty hini absent members by ny vote iott ot of forty live ve to lo cl ht I 1 I 1 11 19 9 TG the comptroller g OP 01 tile currency I 1 laa s dula icil a of per cont conti ito creditors bf the lie ocean new anew york aorl pa payable anand rland aiga finst rr I 1 A convention f d 1 in tho the interest of the bbate agricultural 9 and horticultural I 1 society anaglia am 1 ell volle oft cited late a will vill in hot here I 1 ad hu by the alt a of february to confer er on subjects of I 1 national 1 kimball Kin iball interest head of 1706 att olac biti agthe internal revenue Depart departments menti W prepared apayer a paper flirtie abr the information of tho the coto dutton of ways waya and mcalpi mcana estimating the number of tobacco con ars in ill tho the united states 44 DOO who each cub consume 11 pounds 11 14 ounces of tobacco an and it for bigari 8 rs annually 1 iio io say gi i tAX LOff lof four R t i po pound u alio ial bale e ool of he III ca undo 1 t through 00 D the nsf q would a 0 W at t i i albany I 1 ay the gotal b otilit it cioma cave was burned afo or olt the lc ini inmates nates were vero arned to death eath and hurried to 0 that lie strino i annoti 1 loss 1127 iii A 1 I j r 1 penn lo 10 the principal of i a colleta calleia A hi i who wai arre arreld td by fai mini iiii on of hostile demon it t of tho the students tm lent hu has UP con damned by the coart martial to the circumstance causes much uneasiness he here the report tint that the french government n in negotiating with foreign banks banki to the tor tho ato demmay ii fatz balsa falsa SZ 1 I M 14 S tho 11 he government goderum an t has made formal demands a on A atrin for the extradition M in tho the national Nation nl assembly tho the was vu resume resumed 4 upon the lie to impose a tax on raw muttering mate tho the assembly baa by a vote voc of 3 s 6 to adopted ft a resolution providing P ai 1 1 n 1 1 that eliat the government shelf only 1 1 ef to on raw material 1 t t t 1 filley jall lo 10 produce buffi um chent revenue for expenses of tb the nation A committee or of fifteen has haa boon appoint oil vilio are instructed to ranks mae or of the tanal there are rutur rumolt grIll this evening ol of ministerial in eon quence ol of ilia vote tote of the Afe iaU 13 is reported ahouzi bout to re artir tire and will be succeeded by C carimer amer priar 1 the present minister or llie ilia interior le bior jais U J fratic rada is in pa a the eucen or of perier rc rier I 1 I 1 Broo brookville kville ind 19 the new tria of r mcdonald mcconald McP onald chek hacek for the murder of 0 his father in law r near lawrence I 1 is now in program pro greK grem I anit xit cacilo cesi il little int interest erett annapolis An N 19 1 in n tho the wharton ease case today to 01 day enago Y bece I 1 clowd load iiii I 1 ii argument for tl the ie defence I 1 NV washington ashin ton fo 1 the argument commar geZ to day before 5 the house judiciary Judt ciary committee in thal we case of patents for foi lands landi anil and bonds bondi i speed be iweeta the central blanth ILP V P KR R about a million or acres acrea and largo large amounts of dubuy bondt beinli tire arc i involved involved in the versay I 1 1 tho aniro ique ue e committee on A p aaion today to day considered an application for the appropriation of fur for the entertainment of the japanese em eniy which lately in san fran cisco ml and gen bioli banks argued r bedin in favor oft I 1 a 7 tho 6 secretary of ulen state slate gen jank banks and gen garfield are to have a conference upon the sub eject and to the committee the result the indian appropriation bill which appropriates aboul about reported next week charleston arleton C h S L C 19 by A 11 firo fire kit I 1 rug night t at at the village tillage the C court house bougge all lite hotels and equities Bia rei were destroyed i 6 for sp wi vibe vice of br the tr b S J coni coin rising it id districts and 53 special aident for the year ending pee dea lit were about 1 AV of which fairly thou thousands sandl has been pais paid for expenses the balance in Ba I 1 larica during the same time over flaa paid to the gover government amenti received by treasury Wi la lumber of a suits are still pending IV II if stocking sag Sto cLing mg of leet S stocking Sto cling was via examined find testified that he be met F J P lindsay at gillardi Wil lardi larli hotel wash ington and was introduced by bv the clerk soon after lindely told him grin grinnell el was getting 1 beg ba Z mau in IB new t orka an anil ihil influence lie he cu I 1 I 1 t to get it lie ile produced about 30 fetters front from Sel senator latON and ottem lie ile got the th bureau hi at cwm 3 mm B R Y beir LI and tell it until the secretary abolished it almost immediately after ha joined leet leel and went in tile the general oder busine bu m to bayrd bayard col lett and I 1 got into partnership through friendship for each other said lie would like to do something for ui ili and gave us a martof part of the general order business bu bince and ad aTter after warJa warth tho the whole ny by casserly how did dd 1 in getting so sa many letters letter from nona tora tars T answer 1 got fot them by b my own question WM was not the general in eliat most influential people here were contending for answer so I 1 understand dundei ilond question yas not it eito to five gite general orders to you answer 1 I 1 5 know inow dont ont question did you e avor v r 4 lilar of external influence 10 bron aug glit 1 a to bearon exar I 1 on hini aniber An iwer 1 it no mo to a bayard no one hisano has any inter est cst in our business tu now but luct fact and nl myself I 1 have hare only a bovi bowing acquaintance an with gen porter I 1 I 1 biad no lccy from him comin grin heye A I 1 i nl 1 I journ to to meet at washington was vis lost loit anil and tit clr committee will continue its ili labors tie neit week |