Show I 1 I 1 LA A FIT END I 1 7 the man who was ivos aist saturday afternoon lias often enough bebon called a lir bar laio lequia and ami often canouch a thief was wall both of oid liege icae and he ras a great croat deal horev lie JIG was raa ona one of the lh ablest as will a oiin one of the drollest drol lest and one of tins the worst men in 1 IW I 12 60 country gintry this 11 ll a not the ago and in a lew york is ill nota tho the city in which buffoonery or rL robbery r tingly or t 0 alb er a can a n amass it as the enormous wa po p V la lions fl aich janie fi 1 orleon cm 1 VM az 1 A this follow wh whom ont it a country school barely taught liow lie w to real read and writt write that I 1 isif ia if writing does loc not include I 1 c I 1 n was a I 1 self made man ile gol ot hi education i AS the wily Ulysie ll g got ot his hia hol b by leitt ra hut but by scein seeing thi lin aind M sharpening W mi his tt ita ia by the contic fc bat at beha behdad clio wile wi ta to 14 alart with no he is ie a brillient tz ample of what a mado made man cart can accomplish if he be haa bulb brainy na ordinary roan ina J whatever hii big education could tave have dierst tho the ago after having stolen erie checkmated check abeck mated van det bilt bullied bulled wl a brt bought boat c gi a u aci is nd dd one live art ilc a wag vm associated with bubea frea it is true trite with tweed and gould goulda and field I 1 but hon its ablest nian man 0 of f th them all fall of resources and ful fuh of courage courage lie ile could deviso jet bec plans faster than the eminent lawyers who assisted him li m in his could consider ahcin h t A anil and lie he alever lac lacel e nerve to execute tho the man was good enough i ad aa anc world goes I 1 except in ia two some ha important r ab particulars ho ha was al robber 6 er a and lic wi a 11 libertine atoe I 1 ila h had plenty ityl of if physical phy land and niora 8 t ilia cand c 1 r I 1 I 1 li 1 00 the july though i g grossly ami y lm 1 I keened was wt highly ig ahl lle gifts 1 wal mo fla A wa val i no hypocrite jie be I 1 has ha been called a bof buffoon foon but the jovial iaac he ally which delights a company witt with 1 me merry r gaipa u ir s and tales jalcs ha been highly I g h IJ val valued ry lucill i in n e an anil d tit di vines iiA lincoln was charged w alth a aiu I 1 W w we a to re member dr bethune and we ree recal 0 that the brilliant pun in th GO is isi a university cha chancellor r it ia lot 0 that VIA lil bad a coarse ilya Tul 1 gar soul that ho be loved to 0 des display la y for tho admiration a af ica pf fools i but ibis this wat was not botao so much al ai mora ora failing faili oc as the result of hii bib nature ao ant of his big lack of cultivation the public los lias known little ol at ili better parts it has baa recognized mai him aff a 2 comiso coarse robber and I 1 libertine i an and I 1 condemned hit him nil ilia Ire wealth alth his big lar a i jah his hill colonelcy of ra eit city re ciment failed to ty il ila never could gt get lite kincl ili ilia crimes wore were not too great but i the he were too grow gross this much lio magil for virtue we must set down to the tha credit of society ety avery mans tea t 1 iti boref bw ha M 4 0 I 1 I t di h a gg ashe haIlls his flow often has boo it been said ai jim phi never ever will dio die rich IV toll n I 1 example of bhim liml we had bad 11 nil hoped that he hava bay heart boit tripped I 1 1 up at last by liy th elaw lavenhar Lavel haTi har 4 wealth stripped I 1 atom mini him and ihna suffer iho cho gennity of his hij cypis cyp ii a thought bought lalli us twuwa tW it Uia s AS well that ilia aig a 1 lirio a hit hie al ai his hi ly honesty htiu u r j 4 t 1 I 1 is I 1 I 1 flite quite 03 I obella it 17 wh Is W cron 1 q A t I 1 wa aal 10 to lo proad imset f robbery is a very tan tangibly gibli crime and nil can bo be more easily pun inked I 1 bat tha k is if chull couii caralie cara liy osithe tb cahier girl ker of society land no ab I 1 hadet to correct in these days dayse W lien on ILI th public bingo biago a shameless W s U 0 ar ch I 1 attini lat th the light hangs let e par itne ever do day A gleises 40 are r re u 0 r forry fly to sec ili iho redd redden en 1 I J with ab balaod I 1 d alven jal when it SIB aa it il this mans bolij W bi Hit hl spoils spells taken from him liaci we vc are do doi sorry corry allt hia tetch teach a more time lauon 6 abil I 1 at social puri 1 jhb hollest holiest law that binds hu hui 1104 and cursed lo be he be that III viol law kt elX 1 r i A HII wl 0 o now envies aecil or con no bollor or P allar sy X at ink the Th ai of IV lauw krould maud thin usual fusul and a larger ganti it doo does na ap pay to bo be a villain V 17 I 1 linde I 1 I 1 ax di en t L al |