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Show i City, Utah Thursday, October 31,1 963 21 THE BOX ELDER JOURNAL, Brigham The average factory worker from 37 hours of work. A de. in the United States today can cade ago, it took 51 hours to purchase his familys monthly purchase the same amount of food needs with the income food. iJlfnuLll steers for the boys projects spoke to for this year. They boys will few quips feed the steers during the By Kim Butze FFA OFFICERS BACK summer, and show them at the Max Reeder, president; Del. county and state fairs. As of win Mills, Bob now, the chapter has already Jensen, reporter; Tim Parker, purchased 20 steers and have recreation chairman; and Spon. ordered many more. They are sor Sam Gordon, attended the buying the steers through A.F. FFA convention in Kansas City, Bingham of Honeyville. The Kan. The group left Oct. 7, FFA has also set up a ribbon and returned Oct. 12. The pur. display in the schools show, pose of the convention was to case. These ribbons consist of elect national FFA officers, the ones won at the county and select star farmers, and climax state fairs this year. FFA ad. the work of the year. Each boy advisors invite all students to brought back a report on a stop and see it. particular field and reported It to the other members of BOY'S LEAGUE MEETS the club in a meeting held Friday, Oct. 25, the Boys Friday, Oct, 18. Nearly 14,000 League held a meeting In the auditorium. A film was shown boys attended the convention 49 states and of the Montana game, in which representing Puerto Rico. Utah State university won with The local FFA chapter is now a leading score of 62.6. Follow-ln- g In the process of purchasing the film, Coach Les Dunn t; rs A Belter Piano - A Beiter Price niPiiiin to boys slipping in a with his speech. I DRUM MAJOR NAMED new A addition has been placed at the head of the BE Marching band. Larry Call has to the new been appointed position of drum major. Larry, along with majorette, Rama Glover, led the 120.plece band at the USU Homecoming in Logan, Oct. 26. We discount new Kimball Pianos $100 to $400.00 from Future Teachers of The America planned a combined Halloween party held last Wed. nesday, at 7 p.m. in the cafe, teria. The Science Club was invited to attend. There was games and refreshments The party was under the supervision of David Yerkes, the clubs sponsor. TODD TAYLOR PIANO CO. 1341 Washington Blvd. Ogden, Utah Mrs. Glain Hansen, left, muscular dystrophy canister chairSUPPORT CAMPAIGN man for the area of Box Elder, Weber and North Davis counties, is pictured here ORCHESTRA REHEARSES with Mrs. Blame Fowles (center) and Mrs. William Munson, Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorRegion One Orchestra held L ority and Box Elder chairmen. its second practice Monday in Oct. the USU band 21, Huntington, night, Tommy; and Bob at room Eleven Olsen, Jeff. Logan. orchestra and band students ALUMNUS RETURNS represented BE along with stuPaulette Llchtenstlen, grad, dents from Bear River, South now a Senior at uate of Cache, North Cache, Logan, and Weber BE, State is student college schools. There Preston High are approximately 60 students training with J. Earl Johnston, in the music department The Epsilon Sigma Alpha of muscular dystrophy, It was participating In the orchestra and with Fontel Messervy, sorority of Brigham City is announced this week by Mrs. Mrs. of the direction under Richard for play production. Paulette, participating In the annual Jerry Blaine Straun. Fowles, chapter while attending Weber, has been Lewis campaign to aid victims president. "contour brilliance" an exclusive new diamond ring Muscular Dystrophy Drive E, Retail Prices. FTA HAS PARTY styling concept Gains BC Sorority Suppot 5 sunny brook SUNNY 5 BROOK ; THE 010 WHISKEY SUNHV DO SUNNY BROOK ...and if you like your whiskey smooth and mild buy the Straight smooth and extra mild, buy the Blend. BROOK PROOF. DISTILLERY KENTUCKY COMPANY. BLENOED LOUISVILLE. WHISKEY 86 KV, KENTUCKY 65X PROOF, CRAIN STRAIGHT NEUTURL BOURBON SPIRITS BETTES BOOST SPIRIT Box Elders Bettes went all out last week In their campaign for boosting the studentbodys school spirit and enthusiasm. In workshop held Monday night, Oct. 21, signs, posters, and badges were made, which were displayed throughout the halls, during the week. The South Cache game was the first time the BEttes marched under the lights. It was the first time they have marched by them, selves, without any other clubs, this year. The USU Invited the BEttes to march in their annual parade held Saturday, Oct. 26 In Logan, The parade started at 10 a.m. After marching they were treated to lunch and given a free ticket to attend the game at 1:30 p.m. Following the game the B'Ettes attended the rest of the Homecoming activities. activities vice, studentbody hints handy concerning president, reporter for the Social Club, treasurer of Inter happiness, charm, appearance, use of make-up- , fashions, Club, and has been active In poise, and hair styles. She also as The such musicals college of pro. the stressed importance Man. And I and Music King With this experience behind her per school dress. she will be an asset in helping BEE STAFF ALUMNI BUSY to produce Brigadoon at Box Four alumni of B.E.s Bee Elder. staff were chosen to be on the Utah State Alumnus staff which puts out a monthly news, GIRLS LEAGUE MEETS Friday, Oct. 25, the Girls paper. Bee editor of 61, Judy League held a meeting In the Bylngton holds the edltor-ln- . gynasium, Johanne Yamasaki, chief position; Editor for 62 took president, charge and Bruce Hadfield, Is the assoc, introduced Mrs. Sherry Llsh, late editor; 63 Bee sports edfrom the Classic Finishing itor Janet Burt, has taken over school as the guest speaker. the sports page; last years Mrs. Llsh spoke on what beauty photographer, Ted Hansen, Is is and how to keep It. She gave shooting for the Alumnus. were asked to Rockettes march at the U of U Homecoming Saturday, October 26. Twenty-eigh- t girls left as a team to lead the parade. The banner was carried by Kristi Fones. beck and Paula Jensen. The Rockettes were guest at the U of game. SKI COMPLETE line of EQUIPMENT. Come in and register for the GRAND PRIZE. ALPINE SPORTS SHOP 91 North Main NEXT WEEK ONLY: The fund campaign will con. tinue throughout the month of November. Mrs. Fowles pointed out that than 200,000 victims more suffer from this Incurable afflicatlon and money raised by ESA sororities in Utah and across the nation wLU provide wheelchairs, braces, and clinic visits at no cost to patients. A clinic is maintained In Salt Lake City to aid muscular dystrophy sufferers and re. search Is conducted there to help find a cause and cure for the dread disease, she said. ... Qoh Rings Priced from PALMER JEWELRY 20.000 GREEN STAMPS John Noble one of the few American citizens ever to re. turn from a Russian prison camp, is slated to speak to the students of BE in a special Thursday. today, assembly Noble was a prisoner for nine and a half years in the Soviet prison and slave labor camp. - v fF Sorority members already are seeing that collection can. lsters are being placed In local stores. ROCKETT ES GO TO U. VISITOR A full 3T when you purchase the... Amazing New THE KOUNTS' BUSY introduced as The Kounts, B.E.s popular combo, last week played for the dance held Friday night at the Rainbow room after the game with South Cache. The Jaycees sponsored the dance, giving all profits to the school fund. The dance began at 10 p.m. and was 50 cents per person. LEADS CHOSEN Members of the Madrigals left at 5 p.m. Wednesday night, Oct. 23, on the bus for Salt to attend the Show Lake Brigadoon. Over 60 students who attended found the show to be mysterious. It started them thinking of the hours of work they will have to put in, in order to put Brigadoon on in six weeks. The leads for the show were chosen last week, as follows Kathleen Bott, Fiona Krlsteen Anderson, Jean Mac. laren; Bill Horsley, Charlie Dalrympl; Diane Shelton, Meg; Mike Whltehlll, Mr. Lundl; Dave have personally known BILL DAVIS over 15 years. BILL has been and still is one of the most diligent and active civic I workers this community will ever see. He has a trained sense at doing the right thing at the right time. BILL is a past president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and during his reign more projects were accomplished than I have seen before or after. your looking for a man to honestly do a good job in running our community, then by all means If VOTE FOR BILL DAVIS Have you, or has someone you know, just moved to a Your Welcome Wagon Heaton will call with gifts and friendly gmtings from the com m unity. - Phone PETERSEN (paid political advertisement) delivers what others promise! Featuring a front engine, front wheel drive for great weight distribution and traction. You get It cruising speed up to 80 mph and up to 35 miles per gallon plus. And the styling is functional enough room for five adults. Respectfully PERC A Completely different Car new home? - 72J-57- Foam rubber bucket seats in the front and bench seats In the rear. Test drive the MG Sports Sedan today at Sports Car Centre -see for yourself that it's the car that delivers what others promisel BHBBaBMRRIWHBllWHil trniWiug'iiliidwpi south main salt lake cits: GOU DAO-Q5- D7 si |