Show PROTECT THE EXPOSED POINTS None but enemies of this country will object to placing detachments of the standing army of the United States within with-in striking distance of our large cities Tho standing menace to this nation and its institutions lies in the massing of tho dangerous classes in the large cities They are honeycombed with secret organizations somo of them armed whoso avowed object let alone their secret purposes is to inaugurate a reign of terror in the place of law and order Ono regiment regulars well officered i will accomplish more in quelling an outbreak than any number of the volunteer vol-unteer militia many of whom may bo I hand and glove with the disturbing element i ele-ment There is not a great city in time United States especially in tho Eastern Stales where the cohorts of sheol most do congregate but that would justly feel more secure with a knowledge that a regiment of tho regular army were close at hand Is tho garrison at Fort Douglas 1 > a menace to the loyal peaceable citizens of Salt Lake On the contrary under the shadow of time Nations Na-tions flag defended by time strong I arms of Union soldiers American citizens cit-izens feel at easo and sleep more i securely than they otherwise would Tho regular army is too small to cn danger by its presence in any part of the Union time liberty of good Rhesus 01 tho Kirpctuity of the institutions of our patriotic fatties but it is j sufficiently largo to strike terror into the souls of I evildoers The piotest of the dvnamltu Socialists of Chicago at their lato Sunday meeting against placing a garrison of soldiers near Chicago is a potent h reason i why it should bo done I |