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Show DAILY UTAH JOURNAL STATE THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, PAGE 1903. THREE. DURING THE TULIP MANIA. SPORTS iwnui meet Rufe Turner before the Coin.' ciuo on Friday. "I am feeling very well." auld Jimmy "I am still working pretty today. hard, though, aa I wish to make a good impression on the Frisco fans. My mother George . is in charge of in training, and I can tell you he certainly keeps me on the move. MUST come It is no secret that Jimmy is in hlsti hallengers In WITH THE LONG GREEN. hopes of knocking Turner out in a few rounds and then getting on a match with Buddy Ryan. This would Decided on Thu Ha pack the largest hall in Frisco. -- Sr- AH a T" gi M Chanea. AJAH OGDEN Immense TAYLOR BARRED WORCESTER. Mass., Aug. 3. MaJ. at one time champion sprin' I hi upon Taylor, hu Georgt of the world, haa received rider bicycle' all ambltlou. scheme to make notice from the Cycle Racing aeaocla-tlo- n come to tlma when they of France that be has been sus The noted Rua.tan pended by that organization. The do that when a deft ia cision by the French racing associalnsi-- t. the oiler for a mathh tion carried with it suspension by hBrirf t him the National Cycle association of the accompanied by $5,000 cash. fflMt United States, and Taylor la barred for a aid. bet. but as pm-r- lly from racing In America. d fa,tlL The suspension la tor not fulfilling a evidence ot jb as an arro-man- ." contract the little colored rider made to wish not appear I do But Taylor said the Russian recently, in France last spring. Lt i had to take this step In order doesn't worry a bit. for he says he has Since I returned quit the game and will never aga protect myself. from my trip around the ride, although he considers there are DUi-n- d no less than a a few good races left In him yet. eerid I have received from anxious a wrk jeee, challenge MISCELLANEOUS. itah men have I dome of them are from Bare, the fast lltOe lobster second while others come M(er heard about, haa landed In Spokane nl saseman, who never had any tBm wrestlers first game there Sunday. his played never wllL In order j.adinf and who u accommodating I thought that George Wesaler of this city, who to the would notice them. So I went nluying second base for Blackfoot in defis the that published newspaper tiie Idaho league, 1 making quits did md answered them in person. ncme for himself. He. has played nine noth this sort of thing tor weeka, but game without an error. When it came to Ui' ing anw ot it. Willard Bean la trying strenuopai: ai.angement of a match my rival, tn arrange for a match between weie not ready to do business. Fighting Dick" Hyland and Kid Good CORBETT'S BUSY SCHEDULE. man to take place at the saucer tra-- nk In the very near futuie. Can we Form Champion Will Have a Busy a aa as of card that? goad Tims. Sum Paid for Moimuoaity Among Flowers. The price paid for a new variety of rose recently In Paris, when single buds sold for thoussnds ot francs, recall the high figures which tulips one fetched. In Holland In one year tho sales aggregated 10,000,000 florins. Holland went tulip mad. The bulbs were quoted on the stock exchange. Ownership In them was divided Into shares. Speculators sold them short. At one time more tulips were sold thu existed. At Lille a brewer sold Ms trade and goodwill In exchange tor a bulb, which was thereafter known as the brewery tulip. In Amsterdam a father gave one by way of dower with his child. Thereafter the variety r. was known as the At Rotterdam a hungry sailor happening cm a few mistook them for onions and ate them up. The repast became as famous as Cleopatra's pearls and probably exceeded It in eoet At The Hague a poor fellow MpVbu , FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 I FOR High-Pate- nt Flour rtii'ii 8. Among the a -- that he will spend the hard for hla next ng mornings worki- prominent climb up the pugilistic Udder. that while at will he hla closer entertain Saratoga acquaintances with several good fights. Re doe not promise to don the mitt.' him If, but say that he will branch out u a sort of ub-rpromoter anu pull off a few private mills In th Mike Donl'n made his one hundredth vicinity of the Spa. alt of the season a few days ago. He Young Corbett's first scheduled fight, is the first player to reach the century ii in Milwaukee on the 10th of Septmark in bits this season. Donlin has ember, when he will tackle Maurice made sixty-tw- o runs, only one less Say mi in a bout. After than Roy Thomas of the Phillies, who that he will go up against Kid Good leads the National league In crossing In Spokane, Wash., during the the home plate. wdr part of the month. Early in 0rtkr he Is slated for a twenty Charley Murphy, the new vice presi w4 bout in Butte with Char! dent of the Chicago National league j Teiiy, the Milwaukee fighter, and club, haa got busy at oncp with a chai th tome time before November i he Ienge to the Comlskey team to play a ill entertain the Mexican, Aureba series In the fall tor the championship Herm. for twenty rounds lr Sal of Chicago. Comlskey consents. laktCltT. exception being his winning oi the American league pennant and ih JIMMY BRITT'S PUNCH. necessity of playing the Giants for the world's championship Ujren Think It Ha Left the Nativ Son. Philadelphia Jack O'Brien wants to "Th vularlty with which Jimmy so to Reno for a finish fight with any tltt h winning his fights upon the man ot heavyweight or lightweight rt "toW decision,- says Bob Edgren vision. He is In corresoondence With conilng a little monotonous. He the officers of the Reno Athletic club have knocked Sullivan out. and signifies his willingness upon hi h has. like Attel, become v --stum from Dawson to go to Reno ana 11 that the finishing punch fight Root, ' Hart or any of Corbett Intimate len-rou- 'Mbit him. Britt nJ Battling Nelson will fighc is a hitter grudge be them, and their meeting will be Britt outpointed Ncleo.-- J J" u orA h ai 'Kid' Sullivan, and the never wa satisfied with the de- -. Pnie-beate- n man ever 'o n believes that hs can knock "t hn they meet again. Britt has whipped Nelson once an d Is satisfied that he holds hlp over tne Dane at any kind of NUng. There StWARE OF OINTMENT FOR CATARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY As mercury will surely destroy tne r( nan-bn-- ! is PEERY BROS. MILLING CO t.n-a- J itiaNS-Humu- t Pleasant Remark and Reply Ended the Conversation. Some sixty years ago the Rev. Jacob C. Goss accepted a call to the pastorate of the Congregational Church In Sanford, Maine. Mr. Goss went to board with Deacon William L. Emery pending the arrival of his household goods. The deacon was a manufacturer of tinware, and had In, his employ a man named James Mitchell, who was better known as "Uncle Jim.1 He was a taciturn old fellow and the terror of the small boys In the neigh- One of the O'Briens. n vaudeTony Pastor, the ville manager, recently celebrated the well-know- fortieth anniversary of his debut as a manager In New York city. Dozens of actors whom he had not seen In yesrs turned up to congratulate him, and though Mr. Pastor has a splendid memory for names and faces, he was frequently puzzled during the day and evening in placing some of his visitors. He was especially nonplused by the warm greeting of a man with a Hebrew cast of countenance, who Let me greeted him most effusively. see, said the veteran manager as he hook hands, you are or nm let me see " "Why, dont you remember me? said the caller with a laugh. Im Ikey Roserstein, one of the OBrien brothers, that played with you on the BowNew York ery thirty years ago. Times. Pbblie is Aroused. tea tie-plate-n -- AMUSEMENT li Nt The only Circus ever exhibiting in New York ii ' OR THAT HAS VISITED THE CAPITOL CITIES OF EUROPE, EXHIBITING BEFORE THE CROWNED HEADS AND RULING FAMILIES OF THE WORLD. MOST POPULAR AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISE ON EARTH. C. J. A. Lindquist UNDERTAKER Presenting Exculuni ve Features only Possible of Kxhibition with this Show. and EMBALMER AU Open Night Bell Phone 520X. Independent III 3020 Waahbiftaa Ava. Utah. The Gorgeous Durbar at Delhi 0dn, . f t , REPRODUCED PRECISELY AS IT TOOK PLACE IN INDIA, BESIX SURPASSING, SUFORE THE VICEROY AND VICERINE. PRESENTING SURPRISE. PERIOR, SUPREME. SENSATIONAL FOR THE FIR8T TIME IN AMERICA Allen Transfer Co. Albern Allen, Mgr. Phone 22. 412 2Sth Street Its in the Cap! When you get a good Coffee you must pay a good price. But when you pay a good price and get a premium thrown in, you do not, and can not and should not to get the best coffee. When you buy from us you pay tor what you get and get what you pay for. We carry a full line of Teas and Coffees, and a full line of Fancy (traceries and Confections. ex-le- ct THE DIP OF DEATH 8TARTLING AND STUPENDOUS SOMERSAULT SURPRISE. A floods delivered to all parts f the City Tea Co. Ogden Ava 2514 Washington Both Phones PARISIAN I SENSATIONAL Lady Looping the Gap in an Automobile A FASCINATING, FEARFUL, FLITTING, FUGACIOUS FROLIC LIMIT TO WHICH MORTALS WITH FATE. THE ABSOLUTE THE HIGHEST PRICED MAY TEMPT DEATH WITH iMPUNITY. ATTRACTION EVER KNOWN. NEARLY $5,000 CASH FOR 45 8EC- A JUST THINK OF ITI AUTO RIDE. OND8 TOYSY-TURVTICK FOR CLOCK EVERY CASH YOUNG LADY RECEIVING $100 AN ABSOLUTELY IN , AN AUTOMOBILE. A SOMERSAULT AMAZING AND A8TOUNDINU AUTOMOBILE ACT. II Y J 1 1 1 i i YOLO, THE VOLITANT Flour Flour THE ARCHING AN AERIAL ABYSS IN DEFIANCE OF DEATH. DEVI8ED. MOST FEARFUL AERIAL Bl CYCLE ACT EVER DARING.' DEED8 OF DESPERATE DEATH-DEFYIN. DUAL FASCINATING FEARLESS, FEARSOME, FEARFUL, FRIGHTFUL, ARTISTS IN FEAT8, PERFORMED BY THE MOST INTREPID THE WORLD. 1 i 1 G The Kind That Everyone Uses I . ft I? Riverdale I? I i OR Poenix A Myriad New Attractions of Ogden Milling & 100 Elevator all. .Sorts Acts Performed in Three and a Half Hours TO BE SEEN BESIDES THE MANY MARVELOUS ATTRACTIONS BEGINS. PERFORMANCE BEFORE THE TOURNA-MEN- T HIGH JUMPING AND LONG DISTANCE LEAPING Company ANIMAL AND HORSES, ELEPHANTS PRODIGIES. AND 8 P. M. DOORb TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY, AT 2 EARLIER HOUR ONE OPEN MUSEUMS AND PROMEFOR A TOUR OF THE MENAGERIES, NADE CONCERT. I! 1,000 MEN, WOMEN, d nai-tlv- twnui cons. MAKKKS The public is aroused to a knowledge of the curative merits of that great medicinal tonic. Electric Bitter, for sick stomach, liver and kidney. Mary H. Walters of S46 St. Clair Avc., For several Columbus, 6.. writes: months I was given up to die. I had fever and ague, my nerves weie wrecked, I could not sleep and my stomach was so weak, from useless doctors drugs, that I could not cab Soon after beginning to take Electric Bitter I obtained relief, anl in a ahoit time I was entirely cured. Guaranteed at Ogden druggists, price 50c. sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering through the mucous surface. Such articles should never be used except or. prescription from reputable physiLike a Voice From Home. cians, as the damage they will do In Japan the morning salutation, tenfold the good you can possibly deOheyo!" Is pronounced exactly the rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney ft Co, same as the name of the state, Ohio. Toledo, 0 contains no mercury and In Japan It means Good morning.' Is taken internally, acting directly It Is related of the late Col. Bird ot kn0Ck oul Netaon thl" time.-- upon the blood and mucous surfaces Columbus, O., that when he landed at a reporter recently. Th t of the system. In buying Hall's Ca Yokohama, Japan, for the first time the 1,m,t 1 bit hla tarrh Cure be sure you get the gen he was hailed by a dozen rickshaw . and Tin going to even a re-- th ulne. It Is taken Internally and made men with the usual Oheyo! ion in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney hlm- - He will wantche rickshaw. have al lb He turned to Co. Testimonials free. 'weehe coulH lsh fellow traveler and exclaimed In for to Drove h'- Sold by druggists. Price, 75c per hot 4taJnt that I am amazement: Well, Ive always heard afraid of him." tie. Take Hall's Family Pills for consll that these Jappere were a wlde-awak-s 6ARDINER EXPECTS VICTORY. people, but, gad, I never expected to pation. e find them able to name a' man's W Kiock Out Rufe Turner on state the minute they set eyes on him! Yes, my man. I'm from Wooden Tie Plates. Fpidy Bay Upon the advice of the Barest! of Ohio Columbus, at that! Ride me ANCTRC. Au- Jimmy Bertas at Washington,' the Quit to the best hotel! aIrady in perfect shape to Forestry Colorado ft Santa Fe railroad sight months ago began to experiment with Peculiar Disappearance. wooden These plates are J. D. Runyan of Butlervllle, O., 1ji Intended to protect the tie from wear the Snder peculiar disappearance of his u.ii:-futhe cut the rail They are lve a very and mi symptom, of a width of the bottom of the ran, and naughty boy Dr. Kina' Nw Life Fiii to !ouinps, aa aa tie le the wide usually long i.lnly CUP f fine tea, and see says: They ar n prfct remeuy six or seven inches and are kept In fosf;ace 'or d1r.tiiCA, sour stomach, headai.hu place by the weight of the rail. In change gradually 1 etc." Guaranteed nt Ogonstipnllor.. flat groove In the tie. den druggists, price 2c. Mkiiili I SCseswr squMuUeesoaEiM.' YORK CITY. win Hiwiuomcb-N-U HmunAnmJIwni i COSOUCTED OH MUSD RUSINCSS MUNCIPLES- 1X300 THE PARSON. sa . y .u Miil ilm( borhood. One day the deacon Invited the minister to take n ride around the village to see the sights, and together they went to the tlnshop, where the deaWillie Fitzgerald .and Jack Q'Kccf-- . con requested him to remain till he Uncle Jim was have been matched to fight on August harnessed the horse. bench the parson and at the busy 1$ at Colma, Cal. The men will weigh him for a few minutes, and as watched in at 133 pounds at 8 o'clock for a "Uncle Jim did not speak the parson purse of 50 per cent of the gate rc thought he would relieve the monotony ceipta. of the situation by a .little pleasantry, Mr. Mitchell, arent so he remarked: Jack Root la beginning to stir up you afraid I shall steal your trade?1 Id a d d sight quicker think you'd toings for a return light with Maivin Hart. Root will return to Chlcage steal my tools," Teplled the Imperfront the coast shortly and then he turbable James. The parson walked away and made saya he will begin an agitation to go no further effort to become acquainted the return match promised by his re with the deacons hired man. cent conqueror. busy fall and winter la Young Corbett, who has in New keen (pending the summer Toti The Denver lad will go to Sara top tor the racing season, but affirms Slhten with sJszWoBUtil LARGEST, GRANDEST. BEST AMUSEMENT INSTITUTION. vAMEUCAS REAL REPRESENTATIVE SHQRU NEXT; BAKE DAY ev-thi- XEW YORK, Aug. Truly Americas Only Real Representative Show I'lllj.luv Crescent 1,-0- SETTLER" , On Tabernacle Square One Day Only .ii-l- HOME MADE BREAD? marrlage-of-my-daughte- managed to raise a black tulip. The rumor of that vegetable marvel spread. Presently he was visited by a deputation from a syndicate. For that ewe lamb of his the deputation offered florlnr, which he refused. He wae offered 10,000 florins. Still he refused. Cascades of gold were poured before his resisting eyea Finally, tormented and tempted, he succumbed. There and then the deputation trampled that tulip under their feet. Aferward lt appeared that the syndicate had already grown a gem precisely similar, and, unable to bear the Idea that a rival existed, had authorized the deputation if needful to offer ten times the amount which lt paid. i 4 I J What two words have greater meaning ; than GeneralJAdmission, Children Under LightaiPower LET THE I Utah Lights Railway ! Company Furnish you with either or both. LW.WADE, Mgr. for Ogden Including Scat with 10 Foot-Res- t, it it 50 Cents Years, Half Price i PRIVATEBOX SEATS( EXTRA, ACCORDING LOCATiSn. LL RESERVEC SEAT BOX AND iiown ain HAVE COUPONS ATTACHED. PRIVATE SALE AT BADCONS DRUG STORE, 2421 AND SS i swr vpK-'WK- " WARE OF PARTIES CHARGING SIZE OF THE SHOW OWING TO THE STUPENDUOUS No J : Will Be Hade Street Parade VERY EXPENSIVE BUT A HIGH CLASS AND Free Show will be given on the show grounds one hour before the doors open l X |