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Show - t, Church Deportr.';tvt 4 NEWS, SATtit,DAY, APRTL 1,7, 1937- , THEDESERET Pre. Clark Gives l l'il'iportaht Urges Preparation Again , in my knowledge and Of which I feel under Itt solemn duty to tell ' Cod. I want to read you the loot verses of the tint chapter of Jacob in the Book of Mormon, and the second verse of the second chapter, an indicating to you the reoponaibilito which I regard the authoritisw of thia Church to be under as between themselves and yourselves and tween all of us and our God. For I, Jacob, and my brother been consecrated Joseph had priests and teachers of this people by tho hand of htephi. And we did magnify our office unto the 'Lord., taking upon us the responsibility, answering the sins of the people upon our own heads if we did not teach them the word of God with all diligence: wherefore, by laboring with our might their blood might not come their upon our garment: other-via- l blood would come upon our garments, and we would not be found Spotless at the last day." "Now, my belo4red, brethren. L Jacob, according to the responsibik 1 Recently I have had Opportunity to discuss lor1d conditions with men from both sides of the Adana. -- tie who aye leaders in indutotry and financelt Pursuant Ito the responsibility of which Tarsi lit spoke. I deem it my duty to tell Membtrs of:the Church, by way of warning anti admonition, of whet the neaOuture may bring 'timelier as these men can foresee. I ttevoutly hope they may be in error In their )udgment; I fear they may 'speak too near the truth. But whatever the eventuality may turn out to be. I am now glyindent human forteast ing the of which l know. Europeatt industr lel iota make then statitytents: 'That European countries ire now spending eleven billions of dt'illara a year on mill. i I t l i !. f I I I t alone Is tending two billion . i i I i 1 ; Ivivtirc. , from ' heaven, and truth and fano. hood began their milleriniums of conflict for mastery. May the Lord to meet this lost give us If it shallstrength come. What may we as a peopte and as Individuals do for ourselves to prepare to meet this oncoming din aster, which God In his wisdom may not turn aside from us? First, and above and beyond everything else, let us righteously, fearing God and , keeping his commandments that we may In pert claim His blessing, as of right, and not as of itercy only. Along this way only lies happiness and salvation. For the Lord , ha saki: "Wherefore. fear not yeti ' ' unto death; for in this world your joy is not full. titlietettionatT;i! weironlitozt, I - "' for believing thst some of the mnot ekille4 saute, . end diplomat's. politicians, and Ishrewd sitateemen of all Plurope are now ; planning to have,the people of the t United States (Mance the :next J 1turopean War either before the i war begins or during ita progress. : I rurthermm, eertain of thee amt diplomats, politicians. and t 'etateemen are planning to entioe .the United Suttee into an offensive defensive ,aind mtlitary alliance in ;order that we shall participate in t that next world Sr by again mending ourof ruing men to the battle. fields The argument Europe. i ;they now pion to use to bring this :shout is that in this way only can I prose-reett-, the peace of While this is a most prototind fallacy. it will unfortunately find a ear among many of the eympathetic , people Of this country who do not understand international re. fully lotions. It will require the wisest t statesmanship oti our part to pro. vent the united States from becomt ring &ruin the ttictim of a Werld. military catastrophe. 1 e , - PAMILIINA rnovitm I.. .c - - I POR Fl211.KIB - Let every, bead of every bowie. hold See to it that be has on howl enough food and clothing, and. where poasible, fuel also, lee at least a year ahead. Tea of small means put your money la food. muffs and wearing apparel, not in stocks and bonds; you of large means will think you know bow to care for yourselves, but I rosy venture to suggest that you do sot speculate. Let every head of every household aim to own his own from free home, stortgagla Let every 1111013, who has a garden spot, garden it; every , men who woe a farm farm it. Let us again cloths omelette with theme proved and Meeting yin. 1 the-worl- r ' ' truthfulness, chant. tuashonesty, wicked West H ty., sobriety, temperance. Industry , REACT and thrift; let us discard all goo. rirttcHAN,Inti ' ototemeas and greed. ll'PON COftMODITII platten.' We must purge our hearts of the InacrintrocetON Those Men also aseert that these love of ease; we moot put out from INDICATED ST;SIONS our lives the curs of Idleness. God tremendous purchases of war We hall hope and prey that deelared that mortal man should stock, ha e advanced prices of these Men Who predict such a dire earn his broad by the sweat of his the meter le concerned; that these future are in error nut whether brow, That la the law of this world. i or not these are advi false nee hlivei reacted on Men In the past it has lased our troop-tonseeing price visions are or and system to beep accurately peering other an ufactured commodities. strength Into the future. yet I know of no the rolativeiy very few Idle rich,' the pile of which bac also responsible authority' who chat. That task show! us that no greet these advance have the that within oreelast lenges that groups can be kept in, idleness. It : the next few years we shall, in the that resulted i advances Of labor coatis; surely is not natural to believe course, suffer a depression have been Maul. they may. People clad and that on account of ail these ,. normal far more seriolia, affeeting Intl. fed with and every fielently advances, there will be in the imone working who was able to work. nudely far greater numbers of the mediate fpiure a period of proo people, than the One we are now Why delude ourselves into thinking that a third of us may live In idle. parity Or inflation. whkh ever I E' finishing. This prospect pivot a new signifit noes and all of us be bettor off? If ; t to in call which the it, you choose eance In the Church Security Plan a third may be Idle, and all be bete costs of I viiis will go up. and we and elves the final but unneeded then why not a ter off than now, of evidence the half idle and Weems the prosperwhich more for food, clothing, phial pay inspiration. led President Grant to inaugurate ity: and it half, why not twrethirds fuel. and shelter. American finsit. movethat great and and if twothirds, than all of us idle clots say' his means 'the value 'of meta., If that chime shall come and have every man a millionaire. which these man feet, then those and nobody working. the dolla will go downthat WO only WM ourvivie who shall extend a dollar Will buy leas and hos of 11,101Alia SEA VEIN V one a tho to the Mutual. other JtPLLTN EON TWOTH11111141 the necesearies of life. 1 unselfish help. In brotherly loyint ' Furthermore, to provide by late These traperienced financiers and this view we may not believe we a third Isbell live off the two. that at are end of Out the Security' Plan; induittrialhots further say that this we are only at the beginning. thirds, le to loot up a legal slavery be over prosperity period will some who work. As one' the of I men These have reit 14 whom sortie toty in two year, play in proposed ferred bemoan ',with united Yoh 'ithinthesgeofthQ' ten, that if war titian toms, the' it spirit ehints..1 protest with all this great warld-widtragedy period wIll last till the end of the, I which end forepotatoes against the strength they feel they dearly war; but that if the war does not me cures. 'infliction of ruche see. but upon which assert they they come. then this prosperity period: have no power to avert. Indeed, May the Lord forbid that this shall will end $o soon as the nations ; come. one no feels, rather than eves, that security in a period of, human power can cope with and For the decrepit and infirm, from peace. WI:,14 ward off that threatening eta- tiot, Coos. I have, we all have, the WAlt 1,EAVil l ) elystn. deepest sympathy, as also for tholes WOIILli IN UTTER ll'HAOS hi distress from eaumis beyond their Reading together the Scripture i end the signs ,,,of the times, and These eame authorides declare!: control. To ail suet we owe ihi war measure if shall come, of , sacred duty to help. God's lair has that ending rentembering that the will leave the world in a state of time with God As not the measure thy always been "Thou shalt love of time with Man, one cannot but exhauation heretofore unknown to neighbor so thyttelf." This we must consider Whether we be not ow in modern timeis that the depresaion Hut side by side with this law do. from width we are now emerging the very timea foretold by the Is that other law, declared from the Will be hut ea a shadow of the real on Savior In his Wrest discount that while men can beginning, hard tintee which will then come, ,. the Mount of Olives. and predicted he must work,,. These work, not war most ' does from if that the affirm They by .laws,' prophet two are the great ancien4 of this sense of time. Are not the come, but bate-a-d the two fundamental twineiplos beTh walking thii'vserthf temporary security, that then the Irian, Church the hind Security writENGTH ItlEIRIIIRD nations will dispose of their excels aim of that plan is to...put Mate two TO MEET EMEROKNCT war materiale, that this will time of all great truths into the lives When we see how far beyond the industries and bring idieneest great us. that-th- e reach of humai mind and hand the resulting losx of market' May God give unto us the pewee world today has gone, when we and trade will hring ruin to imiusi always to see the truth. May Ile calmly ponder and reflect upon the tries, and that the depreastion and increase our faith day by day. May 'industrial paralymill which follow crumbling of human ideals and He 'made 'us from hour to hour will he the full equal of that 'which institution,' nit matter how altered to live more nearly to Win, to keep and World have been heretofore held, would follow another they ills Commandment, to follow when we peer down Into the um They feel that this next 'world dewhich He bag markman which obsess fathomable into It slung the lines be mit will near, Mille. pression us eti out for us. May chaos' which will, in the existing '. seems ready ,o plunge, unless In wisdom to foresee and to elision the God's mercy he shall he drawn state of mind of the peoples of the thestrenath us He future. May give back, we do glimpse darkly an.1 In world, threaten the very existence to and the power of the Spirit. of government, of property. of hum- , broadest outline only, the working t pare for that future, whatever-A-may of those great, Infinite forces of an rights. of liberty. even of the be. these That . blessings may wreng which had their right and family itself. eome to us, I ask in the some MI birth, so far as we know, when Everyone who made the newts Jesus Christ. Amen. Satan and Ma boats were thrust know& that, the naval and - - ii,i , , . ; : . : , , , i ' . two-thir- ' ' e . ' i - : - L ' .1 ve Me-si- , ' - ' papers , 'c ,,,; ; - 1- ,i v ,, and C.; 101: ms Let us avoid debt so we would avoid a 'tilague: where we are now hi debt let us get out of debt;- if not todet, then tomorrow. Let us straitly and stektly live within our incomes, Ind save a 11- - Ity which I am t!intier to God to magnify mine office with eoberness and that I might 'id my garments of your sins, I come up into the temple this day that I may declare unto you the word of God.", I am not proposing to talk to the people about their slim but I am hoping to say to you by way of warning and admonition some of the 'hinge which have tome walk - - ; '"therefore. care not for the body, neither the life of the body; but care for'the ocsalcand fot the life of the soul." "And seek the face of the tswti always, that In patience ye may possess your souls, and ye shall have eternal life," (D. ic Ise. , d , count. on 1 , -- Inany.1 marly times greater owe t:elavt:trg:letneganiCt4 they t dol- lars: that European fnatlom are piling up enormous quantities of raw materiels used in war, particularly the metals: that one nation has placed an order for the to. tal world output of a Certain metal for a year and a half ahead: that "docks of raw materials of all war- like aorta iltow accumulating are many tIme greater than were gath ered toge.her at the end of the World Wa . On this statement it is clear that hene gathered materials are not no destined for any useful purls:we: tlhat they are not for the service bull for the destruction of man: that If they shall be used in war, they will be Just that much human labor burned ,up without beneficial turn to manjust as if so much ri, oney are burned up In a furnace. It will be :a tragic and t;tlitee - Disasters able-bodie- d 1 'tary armament;' that great Britain Warning Military leaders. of all natitme be. neve the next wan will look to the extermination of natiomi, not the destruction of armies: that riot alone shad the soldier be cut rown, butt that innocent babes. their mothers.' the &Red, de. orepit, and infirm erei, to be &aught tered. Creat Britain is' providing tii FOS mask for every man, woman. Child. and infant in the United Kin. fann, and the people are being trained to use them as a protect (Ion against the ipoison gas their enemies are expected to use. The next war will not be a series of hattlett. but of butcheries. VUeloPEANI4 P1.414 TO IllAirkl U. M. Per FoR WAR Notwithstanding the feet Met bur former associates in the World War owe us the money which we lent them amounting to over ten billions of dollars i and also owe us the great bulk 'ei'f the interest Which we. the peoplent the United ,Statire have been paying on that and notwithstanding took tremendotiC loot from they Oer. Insny at the end of tho War of Which we did n4. I sm proud to 1 you- - I should like again to pay my tribute. for I fee they richly deserve St. to this great Tabernacle Choir mission. The influence which they are radiating for good, and the prejudice which they are overcoming am grateN1 cannot be measured. for the devoted service of every member of the choir, for the service of Brother Cornwall. their leader, of Brother Asper, the organist, and of Brother Evans who makes the announcements. Each is doing a splendid job. During the course of the conference I believe we are to hear again from the Singing Mother. tinder the direction of Sister Lott le Sark. sit. I ehould like to pay to them any respects and my seaurencee of appreciation of the great work they are doing. They are indeed becoming one of the greet musical Institutions of this Church. May the Lord continue his blessings unto them. fieelour Had Two Great Mieshisis Os north When the Swviour came upon the earth He had two great mission one was to work out the Messiah. whip, the atonement for the fafl . and the fulfilment of the law: MO' other was the work which He did among His brethren and sisters in the flesh by way. of lr.ii.vtng their sufferings, and again by teaching to 'them the great spiritual fade out of which by observance may come eternallife. He left se a heritage to those who should cOrost after Him in Hie Church the parrying on of that, two great thingework for the relief of the ill, and the sufferings of humanit y. and the teaching of the spiritual truths which should bring us back into the presence of our Heavenly Father. This afternoon' I wish to Speak matters concerning somewhat which are directly' 'related perhaps to the work of relieving our sufferings and our human lila, and shall leave to others primarily the Instruction with reference to those great spiritual truths which Shalt bring us hack into the presence of ' ... , ..- ,- f,,,,,.-- tAPV, '..., - ,.gii A - - |