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Show - -- i V . - - : ( - 3SC-V.- 4 -r CNTY SEAT OL NO. 12 !il BEAVER OTYJ UTAH, FRIDAY, MARCH 80, 123. 93.00 NINE YEARS FAITHFUL SERVICE WATER FOR SOUTH Next Sunday Isadore Lessing, our efficient postmaster, finishes nioj years of faithful service and also his incumbancy in that office. Mr. Wm. Boyle, his successor hah received the official notification of his appointment, and will aseunv the duties on that date, Miss Lydia MACCABEE LADIES ORGANIZE Per Year ANOTHER PIONEER FARMERS' INSTITUTE The Woman's Benefit association of theMaocabees organized In BeaBENCH ver last Monday night, with twenty-on- e BEAVER-MINERSVILLmembers. Mrs. Catherine Erlck-s(m- , E Impreaslvo funeral services wero of Salt Lake, Initiated the class. The regular luncheon last Tuesday held Thursray afternoon of last week The offlcori elected for one year Soon at ine ueiu caie, wo uui in; In the 8 take tabernacle, for Mrs, Anare: ell attended on account of the agriMrs. Catherine Cllne, commander. nie Riley White, with. Councilor A. Two sessions of the Farmers 'In- of modern machinery on farms. ' uJUur,aJ meeting which ; was being Robinson as his assistant. ; Susie Gillies, assistant commander A. Morris In charge.. were in held each of Beaver stitute, . We were encouraged to go ahead ield at Minereville at the same time. Mrs. Wil. T. Morris and- Mrs. J. Mr. Leasing received his first ap and Minersville. Bowdeiaatmmandey. using Inr 'proved'metoo won THkicGngormgrih, Owing to the absence of the regu- pointment from President Wilson in Margaret Skinner, chaplain. The Union Pacific Railroad com- practices ;to standardize and grade derful." March, and assumed! 1914, by arms. office. George C. Chesty Dorrlty, lady of accompanied ar official, Karl S. Carlton was askea pany as do all other Industrial Instl our products well for market. Murdock at the organ, which waa fol1st of that year. Maud Tattereall, captain. April o preside. The Pacific Coast cities are grow lowed by the Invocation by Bishop He was reappointed four years tutlons of tho country, realises that Josephine Cox, collector. must prosper. They are ing faster than any other part of the Robert White, representing one ol later and has held office over agriculture George' Paice. V? ; Mary Tattersall, record keeper two exhe irrigation companies, reported I nited States, and they are raising under a Republican administra therefor going to considerable A trio, consisting Tf Mrs Morris, arms. at years Foreman, Lucy sargent that an effort would be made to as tion, and if he had so pense to encourage the rural dis- only luxuries and the consuming Mrs. McGregor and Ous Fernley, Ruby Tattersall, sentinel. wished, he sist in watering- - the South bench could have received the endorsement tricts, where primary production population Is generally a wealthy Gladys Robinson, picket. sang, "Through Deepntng Trials." must come from. lands, but perhaps It was a little late of a Clara Howd, deputy assistant. of that party for large portion J. Tolton and President J. T. F. to do muh this year. Tho speakers predict better times Color Bearers Drucllla Skinner, McGregor wore the speakers, and reappointment Is up to us to furnish them food S. O. Whito, Jr. reporting for Mr. It Is seldom that an official com ahead for the farmers who stay with products. The opportunity Is ours and Ella Docia. .paid high tribute to the sterling Christianson, who was at the Minere- pletes nine years of service without the farm. They showed that the agri- because of our situation if we will A light lunch waa enjoyed afte qualities of the deceased. ville meeting, said that there were having made some enemies, but If cultural population has .decreased take of it before some oth- the meeting and a great deal of talkadvantage Interspersing the speakers, was a 17 second feet of water filed on and Isadore ing was done, aa women only, can. Lessing has any enemies, from 50 per c.nt of fte United States er section has taken this market. solo sung by Elder C. C. Cornwall, available, now, for about 1200 acres they are very inconsplcious. nopulation in 1870 to less than 20 "Rest Rest, for the Weary BouLM The U. P. railroad- company Is al WHY NOT GROW Homes in the on the South bench. In order to hold Our best wishes will follow him per cent . i ?2. club for The closing song by the quartet, ten abandoned, while so offering substantial prizes this water, it must be put to some in his new work the confectionery country l.n.v. YOUR OWN CHERRIES? Ye Disconsolate." farm was, j the 'Corns, to encourage The main need for business. the cltle-- hrve grown. Part of this work, in order beneficial use. "Cherries ripe, cherries ripe farms. on the home at to was was pronounced Mr. use f White said, stay course, due to the boys that section, Mr, Boyle, the new postmaster, id condition is, Ripe, ripe, I cry!" T. W. tfhere Gunn. muscle and money brains, one of the leaders In the Republican j There was a time when the words by was the land, good fertile and rea- ranks. For the MACCABEES INSTITUTE TENT Many beautiful flowers covered1 the of that old English huckster's cry past two years he EASTER SERVICES TO RE IS MILFORD, UTAH sonably "level, and there was the wa- has been chief deputy in the assess-sor'- s HELD SUNDAY EVENINGmeant something. That was when the casket, which was bourn by her four ter available for use enough for a well offlee, and is cherries which came to market were sons and two grandchildren, s who qualified for limited amount of land,1 with the his new position. Can"Dark and Light." the Easter Milford Tent of the Maccabees, grown near where they were sold, acted as pall bearers. He possibility of obtaining more. Is Interment was made la Mountain to be given Sunday evening, was Instituted In Milford, oh Friday and bad a ohance to ripen on the tree tata. save the names of people who had A cherry-piFellowsauditoriView one school Odd In the at March MARRIED cemetery, where George A. 23, April 1, really ripe It high evening.' land out in that section. They had um, bv members of the East'Ward hall, by Sir Knight Deputy Supreme of the most delicious of all fruits; Simpklns dedicated the grave. the muse te and the brains, but lackMrs.' White waa a very honest InMiiss Margaret Levi, of Milford. M. I. A, assisted by other singers Commander A. J. Prlmeaux, of Salt but a cherry half ripe, is about as ed the funds for developing the land. I of Mr. and Mrs. from the city. This is a musical Lake .assisted by Deputy Stanley satisfactory as a pretty good egg To dustrious woman, an excellent houseChet rhillips brought up the ques- youngest daughter composition, telling the story of tattersall, and a delegation from get the most delicious, cherries, the keeper and manager. Her borne was -tion of transferring water from the Karl Levi, and Miles Whiter son 'of surest, safest and most economical always kept scrupulously clean and Christ's suffering and death, and the Beaver. bench to the South bench, and la re- Mr. and Mrs. Roy White of Milford, '"' "V resurrection from the grave with Immediately after the institution way Ie to pick 'em from your own orderly.; ply, Mr. J. P. Tolton thought that were united in marriage at the court it can truly be said of her that the , songs of thanksgiving and praise to of the tent, the obligation and knight trees. would be difficult to accomplish. That is not such a difficult thing to was a worthy mother In Israel. house, Monday afternoon, George C the Lord. hood was delivered by Past Com The celery question was then dis- Murdock Jr. do. She was a woman who lived! the Cherries can be grown success performing the ceremony Soloists for the contata, are, Mrs tnander and Record Keeper ' Wm. cussed at length. It was suggested in the most in la mother and re tho bride's golden rulo, and the good she did places, many Mrs. Cllne, of Beaver, who delivered hfs fully presence of Robert L. Plxton, soprano; that a be established here George Hutchtngs, grandfather of the was not heralded' to the world, but less care than spects e require apples Thelma Barton, mezzo soprano; charge, In p masterly way. v to grow our cwn plants, as it was or was in her own heart. peaches. kept C. groom and Mrs. Josie llson. Th Fernley. base and Claude, Th work of opening the tent we liable to prove dificult to obtain good happy couple left immediately after How much more satisfactory It is She waa born In Lancashire, EnCornwall tenor. in charge of the officers and! memas this demand apthe to own plants year, gather your oberrles, by the gland, December S, 1151, the daugh the wedding ceremony, for Milford. There le also a special chorus, con- ber! of leaver tent and after their -- will make their home. to than to content peared to be brisks pr.ilful, where they yourself ter of George and Jans Taylor Risisting of: Mrs. Kate Joseoh. Mrs. name follow: a taste from a few rows in a ley,' Sixteen years later she cams to with The Idea of boys' celery clubs was Both young people are well known Thelma Sir Knight I. Lessing, Thomai Barton, Mrs. Lurile also taken up. R. L. Pizton stated here, having mad their home here little round, wooden box, for which Utah with her parents and brother, Miss Virginia Pearee. Georg Burke, Harvey Dean, Wmi nine, G that he had the names of eight or for sometime prior to moving to Mil you . pay enough to buy a cherry tree. James Riley, and settled tn Beaver. Grent Tolfofi, Ray Hodges, Mitchell, Anthony Woodhouse, Gus. Gillie-?In 1869 her father died, and some. ten boys who were anxious to try tho ford, and having many friends who (And usually the cherries you &o get E. A. Wilden, Harold Hodges, Ed. and Josie Bakes. Fernley Inone of from them botthese years afterward, her mother married wishing tightly packed celery game, but some were afraid will, join the Press The cantata Is being directed by Nowers ami other. Caleb C. Baldwin. look will delicious es, of failure If they did not have prop many years of happy married life. although they The follow'ni? Sir Knights of MiClaude C. Cornwall, with Mrs. C. Den She departed thts life in 1SIJ, be to un er supervision. either upon prove, trial, he hoped However, lford were elected to the following ofnls White, as accompanist. one or to have something more to report year after the death of her son; decayed.) ripe PARTY Other numbers on the program, are fices fo the ensuing term: Did you ever stop to think what a James Riley, former husband of Mrs, later. Past Master Walt Harris. Easter Story, by Miss Alice Atkln; ran or cherries costs, compared to Sarah R. Woolsey. The meeting adjourned to meet Sixteen little folks pleasantly sur solo. Frank Smith; chorus, "The Ccmnisndrr-T-R- . Gregson In 1870 the deceased was married most other fruits? And yet there next Tuesday at the Beaver hot!. Lieut. Commander J. Jones prised! Keith Owen at his home Sat- Palms," by the choir; and the story celused be' to Wm. H. White, a well known and to on of the them plenty Grlmshaw. Record KVeper--- C. urday evening, the 24th. the occas of the cantata by Miss Hermolne Reof citizen of our community, old shelves lar home the farm. respected . C. Rasmuseen. GEORGE WHORNHAM TO DO ion being his eleventh birthday. Chaplnln-JRobinson. those member her In death seven who pies? cherry preceded to and Games were played dancing REASEARCH WORK OX Feargenl H. Crawford Is It seldom, nowadays, however, COLLEGE PRACTICE FARM the music of Che Sonora was enjoyed. Physician C. F. Swanson. THAT HAT DISPIiAY that we experience the pleasure of To this union there were born sleV Master-at-ArR. Sherwood Sandwiches, cake "and punch having them on the table, for so en children, one dying at birth, one Flirt Master Guard's. M. White. wwge Whornham, of Beaver. .A were rrved ,.. ........ April. . will be a red letFriday. rnan-- r of the old cherry trees are now having been drowned,, when II monwen H.CarlJunior of the Agricultural college, oi Seventeen childish voices Second' Master Guard ter day for the home and commungone because, neglect- - th! old." Seroy lived to-t-he gone age - of simply have to It I'tah. will spend the summer quarter raied In unison, declaring son. section of the Farm Bureau. ity edl called ahnsed to the and for generations, they maturity, when he was at Logan doing research work on one been a happy event. Sentinel Theo Kronholm. On that, day will be displayed at succumed D. to and Geo. Insects. and the late age finally great beyond, of the college' Those present were: Keith Owen. the Farmers' and Stock growers, all Picket C. Mortensen. practice farms for : bad - not In And we was the meantime his who high Whits, like, falher, the Agronomy department Agron Dons Skinner," Alice' Baldwin, Letha the hats which are finished up toj- '"Auruptuous lunch .was served af nlanted- younger trees to take- - their by all who knew hlBJu . ; ly reepeoted Roma Baldwin, omy is Mr. Whornham's major course Anderson, Odeeea the March On review. ter the 12th, date. place? But" there Is bo reason why 8even children surrirs her as fob and he received the appointment In Tolton, Elaine Edwards, Margery 'earn from Beaver' will eon In been have Th ladles - ' ' working not should be Iowa: they planted. Every JcoeMildred Llndsey, prpffronre to several other appll Mackerell. on the new candidate and) have not tad the oppor fer the vork sections well . farm or half dozen its hare Wm. II. White, of Orden. may cants. H? u an "A" studenrin Ag bhlneTTtoblhson, Bernlece Mackerell. see each section and what end the ceremonies or the prsenta so cherry trees to supply the farm to tunitr Lawrence Mrs. Lavlna Stoney.aad ronomy and has shown great Interest Elm Cartwrtght Bart Baldwin, Mai Mie other section Is doing. This will tlon nf . the charter. wDltakeplacfl home with fruit,- -. They need" not. bo Beaver. n this line. Is and still Messenger, Ernest Murdock, George be tMr The charter list ap open In an "orchard." They can big opportunity. It will alo Mrs. Florence Simpklns, Eureka. At the beginning of the Spring Anderson and Irel Hoffelna. are eblng received for planted be the opportunity for all he Beaver oilratlons be put anywhere that It Is conveniParley R. White and Rodney quarter on March 19, he registered ladies to see what Is being- done by membership, by Deputy Tattersall where they are not likely to be White, of Salt Lake City. ent, ENTERTAIN GTMA for courses In horticulture and exthis live organization. So come to run over or damaged while they are Mrs. Kesler. Milford ll The girls of the West MOONLIGHT DANCE' pects to branch our somewhat Into and do your ehopplng town, ladles, small. and ons Also 28 grandchildren Ward primary, entertained the of this line of agriculture also. on this date and' take In the millinery on few Even a the small place grandchild great Mr. Whornham will have sufficient ficers and teasers of the Primary, Belknap Rebekah lodge gave their cherries can be grows to advantage. . display. of "edit to graduate next fall but wjj! after their regular meeting, Satur last ball annual Thursday night 2 and tn. ana even about come p. 8HTPPTNO ORE Also along They require little room; continue his college work and expect day of lastweek. the opera bouse. The room a small tree will bear call at the library auditorium. Here week,- at many quarts a for while, were Games enjoyed to recede his Master' on the waa beautifully decorated with pink of delicious cherries. degree by the Wlllard Thompson and son Paul, cream and cake were will be given the first leeson and green crepe taper.; At one end 'prlng of 1IJ4.' He Is a member of afur which Ice A cherry "tree In bloom Is one' of left Monday morning for Lincoln work. health th Ag. club and room waa a large moon, which the most beautiful Alpha Gamma Phi rrved. It has. been long delayed because of the things in all the mine, near MJnersville, where they Its mellow rays of light, making cast fraternity. en so been has work world. In Japan, you know, have taken the contract to haul ore the plant millinery GREENVILLE NOTES It delightful for the happy crowd of every spring a national holiday and for James Robinson.' grossing that there has been no time Barton " returnod from ror Mr. VU. music was . (urn- - festival Is held "what time the cher dancera WEST WARD SERVICES Splendid i wo runner, oui anvtninr They were accompanied by Albert Klmberlay. Nevada, where - he has with us by, lsbed.br the .Beaver orchestra mn work blossoms 8o both blow." wheit Jessie Skinner and Burton ry Denney. Speakers at the West ward church hMit Amnlovftd for the past tour beauty and economy will grew on the Gillies with their teams, and expect April 16, and so It ie necessary to get Sunday afternoon., were. Wasd Mis months. A REAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY same tree, why not plant cherries? our other work under way. to haul the ore to Milford to fill three The dance given by the Relief so sionaries, Wm. Hutching., Tbomaj extended soil ex r. will r Is Any good garden A general Invitation grow cars, to be shipped to the smelters at . quilt FernEdward stock The entire of w'r, Sam Hatchings, Anthony ciety was a great success. Anumber be rellent cherries. to most Like trees not. Lake City. or Salt fruit membera to all, whether was rafled. and the lucky Woodhonse and Ira Heaton. . eon is a gooa ouy ior someone however, cherries must have good icy lesson. good this Many for present wa dnwn by Vlnotte DavK to get Into the mercantile drainage. Where the soil Is not nat mnJREN'8 DANCE and timely things will be given,, wishing Adamsvllle, from i Several people EAST WARD NOTES Talk or write to Gu Fern-an- urally well drained, It must be prop business, Come can which everyone profit by attended the dance here Friday eveley. Beaver. Utah. V The Primary of the West ward erly prepared to carry off eurplns w take advantage. . 4 Speakers at the East ward church ning. A simple drainage can be preler. wUl give a children's dance at the ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bonzo have "rvices Sunday afternoon, ' were: Mr O. Puffer Mrs. and a nsred E. and bole nrk 'Vt. ard by ball, Ssturday afternoon. Ice Isrge Westward: digging The BishoDric of the Walter -- Mitchell. of Paretwan. and nwved back to town, after spending In a foot to 18, Inches at went Mrs. nd to Puffer cream and cake will be served. The filling 8t 8tanley dance a marriwl folks' twenty months; on 'John Merdock's entertained at Stmpklng. of Eureka. bottom wl'.i hv nsod to buy class-etn- a with wek.-a- e. or of last con prt-eedscreened George Thursday gravel eventne. r hall. th "Tuesday P.rk Elder C. C. Cornwall Bfslsted the farm. Mr. Bonio will be employed . ders. son... act Geo. books. , Cockett. who and which was largely 'attended. The eve- - companled by A. in arranging an Easier there this summer. enrich returned Vur soil their chauffeur. Always oldel They thorough n was soent In danclnr the MA'n Mary Richards, of Milford. Is will be given Sunday Subscribe for the Beaver City Tress. home Saturday. , (continued on page 8) dances. time relatives and friends at the high school building. . here vMUng BNEEDED PASSES AWAY - - n - . I tlon . - . - ;..', seed-be- d Gus-tav- . . Mur-doc- k. . - m . t. " - - - dr-gre- : 4 - - SEA-GUL- L Sea-Ou- - bith ' - - , d 5 t-- R. ? s , - 1- - can-hk- h evs-aln- g ' ' i . t |