Show V-:-- : THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY complants of the Electric Auto-Litpany the Bingham Stamping and Tool company and the Logan Gear The agreements signed company after a bitter strike were reported to grant wage increases of 5 to 14‘ per : cent" Remington-RanTypewriter fac" tories at Ilion and Syracuse N Y reopened but only 18 employes re- Incumbent Florida Senator Progressive Republican to turned to their jobs at Ilion and 20 Runs Second in DemoBattle Democrat for at Syracuse Pickets cheered whe they saw the small response and aaid cratic Ballot would cpntinue their strike now Governfirsbip ‘We’ve Had 'Enough of they three weeks old The magazine American Machinist - JACKSONVILLE Fla June 3 - DES MOINES June 5 Boards ’'"Worker Tells said that strike threats were discour- —Claude pepper of Tallahassee took and a Roosevelt of machpurchases prospective aging the early lead in the contest for noml- Democrat Republican Johnson al Meet ' v machine tools will and for the Ipwa battle reinery nation as Unitd States senator as At Seattle a committee of the Pa- turns from today’s Democratic pri- governorship next fall returns from cific northwest longshoremen was were tabulated yesterday’ primary election showed By AsaoclaWd Press an expected draft of a new mary Second was the Incumbent Senator today A special government board to awaiting basis for settling their strike Dan Turner-- a Progres watch overlabor disputes in the steel Earl J Forbeck head of a "rank Park Trammell sive Republican who held the office the tabulated 49 With precincts industry was General Hugh S John and file" group of steel workers at vote was: Charles A Mitchell 487 until the Democratic landslide of son’s suggestion tor meeting the Pittsburgh announced that employes 2343 James F Sikes 521 1932 won the Republican nominathreatofa general steel - workers' discriminated against for their unioh Pepper 1676 and Mrs Hor tense tion in a close contest with Ralph W Trammell strike but some ot those workers activities” would march on Washing- K Wells 130 Colflesh a former U S district at' looked askance Tuesday at the idea ton unless satisfied that legislation J Mark Wilcox was far In the lead torney on the basis150of unofficial reeLanother-commissiof lowa’a 2452 com'of his two opponents In his race for turns from all but “We’ve bad enough boards" said a pany unions' the precincts from nomination as congressman Spokesman for a steel workers union Seven hundred tug and longshore Fourth district The-- vote from 71 His task will be to attempt to turn committee Referring to the nation- men in the Chicago harbor region of the 417 precincts in the district the fables on the incumbent Clyde al labor board he added: “What did Were out on strike with aftlliated Palm L Herring who rode in with Presigave Mrs Bula E Croker us? Nothing but prom-Ism- Great Lakes unions They asked res- Beach socialite 676 they get Major Paul dent Franklin D Roosevelt twq years toration ot the 20 per cent cut from 628 and Wilcox ago and gave the state a Democratic Orlando Johnson proposed a steel labor wages since 1929 and a shorter work- Crank administration for the first time in 5514 board modeled rfter the national ing day R had the 40 years Congressman automobile labor board Sheriff J F Hawkins of Birming- edge over his two opponents in the Turner polled 119004 votes comham Ala attributed the burning of Second district congressional race pared with 105105 for Colflesh with Spread Threatened Threats that Oklahoma City’s strike homes of two nonunion miners to in- with 16 of the 208 precincts reported the count complete except for 130 of packing house employes would cendiaries in sympathy with the but Wallace E Sturgis was close be- small scattered precincts Clarence A Knutson ot Clear Lake had 56228 spread to Kansas Cjiy and Fort strike at East Thomas Ala where hind him Green 542 and Wallace Short of Sioux City 38 Worth were heard Strike votes Republic Steel corporation employes The ballot showed 226 James R Kelly 97 and Sturgis 453 were considered by union leaders in were striking both cities Hardin Peterson inejumbent in Governor Herring calling attenWilson ’ and Armour J LEGION LEADER DIES the First congressional district was tion to the “quiet strength of the plants at Oklahoma City were oper PHILADELPHIA June 5 m Lieu- far in the lead of Randolph Calhoun Democratic party although there was ating despite the walkout of 800 employes and nonunion labor was tenant Frank Schoble Jr blinded and W T Hall With 22 of the pre no contest" polled 87523 votes comWorld war veteran and former na- cincts tabulated the vote was Cal- pared with 25594 for George Finch called to fill the vacancies Toledo’s troubles were over and tional vice commander ol the Ameri- houn 58 Hall 229 and Peterson of Siotlx City and 13037 for Charles Zylstra who also sought the nomiemployes started flowing back to the can Legion died tonight He was 47 888 scorns: LABOR FLAX FOR e d STEEL PARLKY -- self-style- ' on - 6 1934 Opposition Fade In Senate Race PRIMARY LEAD IOWA PRIMARY ' JUNE RoblnsonSees PEPPERTAKES' LIBERALS EW MORNING INDIANAPOLIST June 5 to the renomlnation bt Senator Arthur R Robinson faded today and the Republican state convention by aedama--- - arop DELAYS' naming Group Selected to Write Off-YePlatform Deficit Wiped Out ar -- the -i party’ candidate for the United (OootlDiwd from Pat Oat) States aenatorship irom Indiana and thq wiping out of tba party’ Democrats at their atate eonvention a week from today will deficit of 1206000 Two Camp select a nominee to oppose SenWhile the committee membefs were ator Robinson at the polls’ next November atilt mulling over their division Into Two who had announced they men1 and would seek the Republican nom- rival camps of "Hoover another insisting 4hatew-n- d prefination withdrew before the convention opened They were for- erably western names bo ‘ given a mer GovernocJHarryJl Leslie chance t the party's chairmanship of Lafayette and Dr William the new Jolt to party serenity Cullen Dennis of Richmond presknocked on the doors of their closed ident of Earlham college room in the form of e delegation from nation with returns In from 1946 theYoung Republican league They precincts to express their All of lowa’l sitting congressmen sought opportunity views pn the' irking problems of the were renominated- - Only four-th- ree Democrats and one Republican— party— particularly its prospective tionde£ignated--him-- ! faced-eppositi- and-retur- indi- high command ns cated they had won the voters' apThe four were: B M Jacobi proval sen— First- - district A-- CWillford ThirdOtha D Wearin Seventh Democrats and Representative C C Dowell Sixth Republican The remaining five congressmen three Democrats and two Republicans were nominated without opposition ‘ Mostly so the visitors said before and after their appearance at the scene ot the natiohal group’s meeting those view were loyal - and Yegu" lar” But Melvin J Maas former Minnesota representative charged - in a statement he made public as he requested audience with the party bosses for the league delegation that the party had "sheltered political -- In India nettle tubes are eaten like racketeers servants of Wall Street" and alleged that its recent leaders potatoes had been “subservient" to finance He invited the “old guard" to' abdicate Art ie Quash Committee members arose Immediately to defend past leadership and tha body voted to quash Maas statement and keep It secret But the Mlhnesotan had released it to the presa before entering the committee's chamber' r The decision to plank out an platform was without precedent in the party’s history Six men and three women will decide what the G O P will offer In the way of a statement of policies-Char- les D HUleg veteran New York leader and advocate of "new blood" In the party who is considered no warm friend of the Hoover administration was selected as the head of the platform group Other members are Mrs Worthington Scranton ot Pennsylvania Mark L Requa ot Call fornia John Richardson of Massachusetts Dr EB Clements' Of Missouri Ernest of Utah Bamberger Senator Lawrence CPhlpps ot Colorado who took prominent part In the Maas counter attack Miss Martha McClure of Iowa and Miss Dorothy Cunningham of Indiana ’ The policy committee which it was said might adopt “the square deal” as the party's slogan immediately went It will report tomorrow —— Pledges Made Earlier after hearing from George F Getz of Chicago treasurer that the party’s deftclt Is $206000 a roll call brought pledges ot contributions to wipe it out and put the party in the black Illinois Republican leaders put In $20000 Pennsylvania matched it and The party New York added $15000 ended the session with about $19000 for a war chest Getz taid He declined to make public the full list on d contributions the money had been raised in fifteen minutes As the hotel conferences took over the task Of welding together various views regarding tha chairmanship after the committee's adjournment until 10 a m Wednesday twp candidates led the field for the post by general but unofficial- - agreement They were Henry P Fletcher of formerly ambassador to taly and Walter S Hallanan of West young Republican leader Virginia on tha national committee since 1928 Hoever Men Fletcher with Harrison E Spang ler Iowa national committeeman as a possible alternative was generally considered tbe choice 6f the “Hoover men” led by former Postmaster General Walter Brown of Ohio and former Secretary of the Treasury Ogden L Mills of New York Hallanan also had eastern backers gossip giving him the support ' of Hilles He was ’also supported by a large group of middle western and western committeemen who believe the party’s big task is to woo back the farm vote and consider a western 'man most suitable The strength of the two leading candidates however hinted that a deadlock might develop In that case the committeemen pointed to a Kansas lawyer John D M Hamilton ot Topeka as the likely winner The driving for a western man won a backer today who had been considered a possible candidate himself He was Walter E Edge of New Jersey dormer ambassador to France Announcing himself out of’ the race ha added: “I feel very strongly that the selection would come from west of the off-yea- mi Till® DEGKEE”methods developed f " H f tvt 3 - r v 175 New Summer Frocks! 45 Dresses £?ig $5951 22 Dresses reduced from high price lines I r 16 Linen Suitsl ! t Shirtmaker frocks Sleeveless frocks Frocks with pleated frills Frocks with sailor collars V rf1 tailored dresses twithBeautifully nice attention to detail and unusual trimming notes Jn acetates white and pastel ' n J j silks - ’ - Youthful dazzling prints with frothy lingerie trims bright buttons and belts — that have the coolest pleasantest air imaginf able! Grand little dresses tharybull adore wearing all summer long for— Sport — Street — Afternoon ' but-sai- And thanks to this ' amazing price you’ll be able to have sev- eral! Misses sizes 14 to ' -- f ‘ I Women’s sizes 38 to 20 48 Penn-:ylvan- e krutal "third tkt indurates of tin kith tfitti friction wktth : Goodyear Experts Solve Puzzle and Return an Improved All J Weather Tread That Gives 43 Longer Non-Ski- d Mileage we hardly believed it our this new “G-3- ” Goodtire showed to 43 deliver ability year more non-ski- d mileage FRANKLY more - non-ski- d J The the cause for hat usual wear was the faster-brakin- higher-powere- un- - d modern automobiles g Goodyear executives demanded not just a better tire but a vastly superior tire Now that “ G-- 3 ”AJ1 Weather tires have -- bDen in use for some months (in a few reasons for the astonishing sizes) the' toughness of this new design can be summarized this way j ' AwkJer flatter treed — actually more ' ' road contact All-Weath- i 16 “G3” jvas-determineit- -- — ‘ astonishing We knew it had won against all other treads tested on high speed friction wheels We knew it had survived the most brutal “third degree” ever inflicted by the test drivers was one of many tread designs originated tq stop the mysterious tread wear that was attacking all tires" Not just competitive tires but even ours When it yfd blocks A firmer more compact tread — Ribs are ll wider grooves are narrower less “ squirming ” More rubber in the tread an average of 2 pounds more per tire Added safety -- in actual test 43 d longer mileage It was f Greater traction er x 1 ’’ 5' - Thttirn itood nfi—hf tki kraktt couldn’t "tak U“ The had to k adjutitd ovtry I konn—nlintd terry ft non-ski- ‘'G-3- ” tread is made possible the road contact -- 4y-wideni- Bike or Motorcycle Only 2 Persons Could Buy This Bike and Motorcycle but 13 others are waiting to pay CASH If you hurry your ad in before they buy else- where and see this marvel Dealer? Goodyear i ' “ The mystery of tread wear under new Alleghenies" Admitting that schism had develover the name of former Presiautomobiles is not only solved but oped dent Hoover’ who was not present is as far ahead of the committee’s diplomats were seekANSWERED “G-3- ” ing anxiously to bridge it overnight ordinary tires as the snappy quiet and Hallanan’s backers were declaring fleet cars of today are superior to the that political courtesy did not ‘'require naming a "Hoover man” and that other committeemen feared it lumbering “hacks” of years gone byT would signal to the country an intention to run Mr Hoover as a candiSee the “G-3- ” oh how date again in 1936 Keep tires— Goodyear tires— have been imWill Remain proved in tread wear and non-ski- d safety Farley As Bourbon Chairman You get “G-3- ” tires at the WASHINGTON June 5 (d)—James A Farley will continue as Demoto build but cratic regular price It costs more national chairman at least un' ’ til after the last September primary 5 nothing extra to buy This word was passed in high quarleaders today as Democratic The Goodybar'Tub a Rubber Company Inc ters slanted a weather eye toward ChiAKRON tfmo cago’s Republican parley which puts M- -- reserve for this duty Here Goodyear ws prepared to increase tread width ' because SUPERTWIST without the slightest difficultyrAnd and MOTORCYCLES 15 BICYCLES "Sold Thru Ad 1150 Bun motorcjcl tras 1530 "Sold 5 Calls’ Harler-Davldso- n up-to-da- er All-Weath- G-3- ex-- 1 735 E 113 Hr THESE 2 RECENT ADS APPEARED ' TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND 4 i A i r ' - I aood condition 1905 South 7th laat IN I - 7053-- N T WANT ADS te - er It’s car Just as easy to sell a tent fish pole as an ice box— Just write1 the right kind of an ad For Specialized Service i L Ad 10 Calls” ’ is a patented feature the advance principle Goodyear of “G-3- ? design will be found in Goodyear tires only If you would know how “ ” and SUPERTWIST- combine tof provide the most astonishing tire that has ever carried the name go to your nearest Goodyear ' MORE PEOPLB RIDE ON GOODYEAR Thru Pierce bicycle and sidecar with In aood condUton 3rd Bo Tha final decision ot course It up to President Roosevelt He has said Farley would be replaced as soon as a suitable successor was found and ’ AND HEBE’S THE PROOF! WANTED - ng 80me additional strain on sidewalls But famous extra-durabl- e extra-elasti- c SUPERTWIST cord carcass has plenty of All-Weath- For Your " V’ revision - But those high in Democratic ranks said Farley would remain both as national Democratic chairman and postmaster general until fall ended tha summer primary session (Copyright 1934) t ’ Phone Was 530 ASK FOR FAY LEWIS 17 Lina SUN Ada 20o LIm DAILT Adi Z7 iy |