Show RESTING UNDER ARMS I AWAITING llAT1b A I II Both Parties in New York Said I to Be Serenely Confident Con-fident I THERE IS TALK OF A TAMMANY TIDAL WAVE HUGH J GRANT ISSUES AX IMPORTANT IM-PORTANT STATE3IEXT i Lexow Committee Has Finally Thrown Abide the Mask and Appears Ap-pears an an Utterly Partisan Republican Re-publican Boil > Repuhlicans Are Sure of Victory Providing the Weather Will Only Permit New York Nov 5On the eve of battle resting under arms and similar phrases were current at the various headquarters today Most of these places were almost deserted as many of the managers have gone home to vote An exception to the rule was the case of Chairman Hackett at the Republican state headquarters in the Fifth Avenue hotel who having paired votes with a friend in Utica will remain here until after election He said today nothing had occurred to change the estimates of Republican success already made public On the other hand Chairman Thacher at Democratic state headquarters headquar-ters before leaving for Albany this afternoon af-ternoon gave out an estimate that Morton Mor-ton would not havemore than 40000 plurality above the Harlem river and that to overcome this Hill would have pluralities of over 60000 in this city at least 10000 in Kings county and from 1000 to 1200 in Richmond county Mr Thacher admitted however that Erio county which the Hill men have been claiming by some 5000 votes was at best doubtful Confident Claims Confident claims are made by both sides on the local issues The supporters of the committee of seventy ticket predict pre-dict that Tammany will be drowned by a tidal wave and say that for this reason all estimates of figures on the local result are worthless At the headquarters of Hugh J Grant this afternoon the Tammany candidate candi-date for mayor issued a statement which he asserts that Tomorrow tho Democrats of the city of New York will give an overwhelmingly plurality for the state ticket headed by David B Hill and the city ticket headed by myself my-self He continues I shall assume the mayoralty on January 1 pledged to give offices only to men who can and will administer them for the public good and adds Being a Democrat I shall use Democratic Dem-ocratic means to do whatever the public pub-lic needs to have done Mr Grant declares the Lexow committee com-mittee has finally thrown aside the cloak of anxiety for the public good and has appeared just as tJ1eF seW qonxr 1 j I mittee app red in the week before election da > in 1890 as an utterly partisan I parti-san Republican body Among other statements the Grant I headquarters made today was that the I members of the Hebrew order of Bnai Brith wer if working against Mr Beckman Beck-man the Seventys candidate for judge of the superior courts on the ground that he had cast a slur on their race by saying The action of such people is contemptible when a committee of the order appeared before the legislature legisla-ture last year to ask the home of the I aged and infirm HebrewS in Yonkers be exempted from taxation Weather Worries Them In predicting today the success of the antiTammany ticket Campaign Manager Man-ager Jerome of the committee of seventy sev-enty said he believed the voter would get to the polls early and he was sure that in this event the Seventy candidates candi-dates would win by overwhelming majorities ma-jorities Great interest is taken by all politicians and by voters generally in the subject of weather tomorrow Despite Des-pite todays stQrm the weather bureau predicts clear and cooler weather for election day and it is believed the fulfillment ful-fillment of this prediction will be worth thousands of votes to the Republicans An important step was taken today by Superintendent Byrnes who ordered all the policemen on duty at the polls tomorrow shall be detailed to precincts where they do not regularly belong This it is believed will prevent improper im-proper acts by the police under the influence in-fluence of election officers and others with whom they are personally familiar famil-iar and friendly There was a good deal of heavy betting bet-ting at the St James and other uptown hotels today and also in the stock exchange ex-change circles The general odds were 5 to 2 on Morton as against Hill and about 5 to 4 in favor of Strong against Grant Of course there was considerable consider-able variation in the terms of the various var-ious wagers but the odds noted were about the average There was little betting on pluralities plurali-ties I |