Show WHITE SOX START TRIP TO COAST THIS r MONTH Chicago Feb 9 The Chicago American league club will probably start on its training trip to California February 26 President ONeill of the Western estern league woh went west to arrange for the inva invasion Invasion invasion sion of California by the Chicago Ameri Amen Americans Americans cans returned yesterday ester He brought back glowing accounts of the trip that the squad will ill take and while no definite dates as to exhibition games were given it was announced that the schedule had been arranged so as to give the players pla ers plenty plent ef of sleep in hotels and not on sleep sleeping sleepIng sleepIng ing cars for several successive nights at ata ata ata a time Captain Comisky still stUl has the trip to the northwest to decide upon but gossip about baseball headquarters indicated he has abandoned the idea and the home homeward homeward homeward ward journey journe will be made over the south southern southern ern em route the same as In the two to years rears previous I |