Show U t COAL LAND RESTORATION UTAH NO NO- 28 28 Register and Receiver Vernal Utah Utah- Sirs By order of oJ the the pr president si- si dent dated February 24 1915 so much of the order of withdrawal withdrawal withdrawal with with- made theretofore for the purpose of coal land classification tion namely Utah No 1 as affected af- af affected affected af af- the lands hereinafter described described described de de- de- de scribed was revoked for the reason reason reason rea rea- rea- rea son that the director of the Geological Geological Geological Ge Ge- Survey has classified these lands as non coal This revocation does not not- affect withdrawals withdrawals withdrawals with with- or reservations other than as above set forth forth- Salt alt Lake Lale Meridian Tp 4 23 E Sec 6 6 and 7 all Sec Sec- 28 NE 14 Si 2 NW SV SI Secs Sees 29 to 34 inclusive Tp 5 S R 23 E Secs Sees 3 to 10 inclusive Secs Sees 15 to 17 inclusive inclusive inclusive sive Sec Sec- 18 N Ni 2 SW Ni O NI SE SEVi SE SEK 3 Sec 19 NE 14 NEV NEY I Sl NE' NE i s NW NW Sl S1 Secs 20 and 21 all Sec Sec- 22 2 Wi Sec 27 2 Wi SE SEIA SE Secs Sees 28 to 34 inclusive Sec 35 WV SEi i i It does not appear that any of said lands are subject to the I States State's preference right of selection selection selection se se- lection under the act of August 18 1894 28 Stat t Make lake the following notations on your tract books opposite said described lands Restoration Restoration Restora tion No 28 Ex Order Feb Feb- 24 1915 Classified Give publicity to this order by furnishing copies copies' to such newspapers newspapers newspapers news news- papers in your district as may desire to publish same without t cost to the government Acknowledge receipt and report re- re report report re re- port action action- oJ Very respectfully C. C M M- MBRUCE BRUCE Assistant Commissioner Commissioner- |