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Show CACHE AMERICAN. LOGAN. UTAH never give up until ba ba to. No Ill lock shout and ea whit ebama I have got to get away. The aooner You I can do It tha better. Shadow I won't dare move Ilf Jrmifm think wbilej llooty I on guard. I ui going to Calliater fmd bliu tf there I Dy Betsy the leaat tha me lu the world, and Ihe aooa-- i er I do It the hi tier" Dy l.auiu' M, Comtlork PETER SEES A CHANCE I while llooty U walihlng forSiiudow, ery, very lowly and carefully WHITE THINGS BEST wound Peter crawled lo the Of courae. If I mike Ihe 1 edge of th 1 limit tee t.ruali plla fart heat from where. Katar lv up tut ba willing to irv llooty will hear lue. I I f 11 III rtHt-nBECKY year bright an 1 THATCHER wu think' Nature Old Mu'her what II .t) tut on hi wn.a out who will rnmr watvli tower will' lit pleating color bit spread ar Ola. Ing nf to give Idin noli woiilerful them. hr a In, u (I. kill lira end that rrdband.il chief en r ati) body In a. r v rura. It ln t fair to the ral of u." nab liave Inlet bathroom, pdot k Avenger of th fi overlooked course Of Piter Ilian re Iel.r Rubblt? Tl qillle rlutb and leaf grun dlati chilli. more commonly bpitiUh Main," be of are but pinning for breulh umb r a the fnt that Ibedya r.m Mnim-- r halli rurinlns that ued to known to reader of Mark Twain Mule ue lo him lu di) light, nf lu bruall Green very (he pile h while of wait rpriMif duk ire a Tom Sawyer, In lulged In Blew wllli and wo he luu'i do all Ida hunting only ihe Owl perched ou h rose pink, sky blue, tiutlerrup yel luem of unplrste like ut in. hi and miial have ke. u ear blower wall Jus! and. almve, Iw. It'ly red unythliig but while little p.ctky T halt her, Tom atlu-o- l In r Ida lo a hollow log not far aw out or.h (o lo Itig help g.t Colored bed abeet ar no lunger a U.ate and IWorn tl earl, wa Ihe Shadow the Weaael. Of Ihe (wo oinellurg lo e it. Mo'her Nature mo illy and table limn inure ufti-TI.U caue. Amerlisn the I great never amne Peter feared Shadow moL He ki unfair, liimiji It nay baa culi.r (ban nL humorist Miimi.rtuUr. d a lie of bl that Shadow knew Juat where he lime teem o. AH lid I a paaalng fid I but ba own youth when Idile Sum Clemen wu. Iu fnt, If It had not tm i I m glad." contiino d INter to no effort on Hi porinutirtit vulue of courteij Imura lliwk'n. who lived t I had that IdiiiM Ihe anew on llooty happened along if, "that there pure wldle houM-nollimns and down the street from him In Jvit I In lime to awoop at Shadow ai ground, he.ui.e that mi Ill that W bi-eotton Mu. Inexpi naive Iiuum-bolHannibal, iha-- e him Into (but bellow log It there wdl he no nailing of dry linen and cotton are bought t hit of their ui n ho., I il i) rame e that Peter w hi n I move. Ill drvadf ally Would leave proh.ib .lie tbeo white la elnioat alwva a bet no., li of il, e Minllur muierUI In WBhadtocutdowaexpenca, te fore Ihl. bei t) work hard waik over cauht lo leave World Wide dry Plumbar Join ter (lit, Ire beinii'e colored bord r Tom )taw)er." Th at liiH,linter by ntchnig to Target and rolling "It'i lu. ky thing for me," tine t without milking them ruaile Thai The Ji ke aloui ihe plumher go and edge mt Infrequently run In wn Mr, ftr whom bam h. own cigarette. I felt kind of I one thing do not have lo worry world wide, Ihe aah Tld make It luoeamry lug bai k for bl loo' eler, "lli it llooty did Dot t me an cleg mt couplet: cumjH,t,,d sorry for him at first, but I notica to wa-- li them aiipnraiely from the actordiig to a remit Inventlgatlon along unlll afler I had got unhr about. I hope IliKdy will he a pit be' more cheerful than ever. Off Wa a Big a Llttia a hru-l- i Jut If lletii he aita he Hi iw Way ki. of Oro In lie I. doesn't nro In and it all iiauid'y rn white fabrlra nnd ltd means more by pile p rt.nl Kiinqe nm, He tell me that Target toll f Could Rach That," Stump. lure. work on wai.li day. bun (ouiitrb luurd from and lm I in here, nnd o he won't he w d, h j 'here long enough I will git quite Life often iitni a bit unfair, Into cigarette that look and I put-up an over Cron Juit..fd trbh Petr. f.. Thought will course rented. Of Shadow I i n Irncd to oilier md. A cor Ing for lie ( all. Shadow wait ter-- ' good plan to select pure taste Lke T, ear ho't crippled, or la a It I Target I low a Soon t.e my trmk tie way Id eve died on (he bole In width roine eut until llooty m Idle both and hnnd towel. rhair". uh reond(nt In Iuleailne hu Jut re the aame mixture of fore gn and I I Ihe niol lie clear, bain Citniei, left II itmlhul at the domestic tobacco that the But tHnt'i an i for every ear. cloth iliould alwnv be pure white iH.rted llmt nilite plundor there nwii). and until then I am perf. lv Shadow bud dlK.ippeared. He took readyIU He A ad helping hand our fato wnab cloth Oiigtit rertalu'y to be follow Ihe bai k to Ihe eliup custom Pirh.ipt I tan steal u ) t (it fellow of whom I know cure not to mnke a sound. Where age of eighteen, and I aura mar- made uie. You get 40 special In i a me Mr. ? ruiler, went hare. ried anj the bru-- li w.i very thh k lie crawled gummed papers free. No wonder live nt Palmyra, Mo, and PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY on hi Ml. mm h through Ihe snow l my hutband tell me he' glad be oooocoooooooooooocooooooooocooooooooooooixxxxyoccoooooooooooooooooooooooooco II I III I I one adventure that changed. lie's getting more at 9 $ undir It. And so at lat he rent tied cig. Iiurlng the rette pleasure than ever, and we're :: Tier :: Ihe edge where be could peep out never got Into a book. Civil wur an lur avuvg about enough to pay for Jut a Utile way off was big Sem-ionl-t, wa forced Into biding the family' bread and butter oooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lump. !! By 00UCLAS MALLOCH If I cond re.uh that." thought front Union troop coiuinlHslonet to each month. Piter, "wiihoiit being set n, I think rupture and Mluue h.m. With a iII Inttilmt for the nghf perhaps I could sleiil twny. There wotii.ia Briefly Told a little hemlock tree Jut be- thing to do, I a um during her hus HUSBANDS. PLEASE NOTE! Ini It manage pul Hasty upstair when Ism the Uulon ahwme Invit.-yond. nnd If I enn once get that hind You pay lew thaoolzth tb imr thing badly. down; Mi John Gen. lo Nell, between llooty nnd me he never roinniunder, hca you neat Ui oo rwdjMHd Recall some thing I mount to bring will ace me In the world. It I my dinner anil filled him full of south roll yoar ev from TARO ST Buy ft Uln-I'm half way to townT II one chance to get away from hern ern cookery and i Mery. Some lime pockof TAROST RollyourrUfifteo Why Is It In the aide ar tvmty MDokm Kjroodao'tuj'tbry nnd afler I've done that I will hav later, when her hti'hund had been ro ihi bwt oiratm yoa bavt ever can a rvciMM.rn m fim I think shout the fire. to trust to luck to fool Shadow.) raptured and condemned to death, WIXJLVN Ml H( IIASUISK mokod return tbt bif nty pock so Or. far remember below, a she bis for made WR1TK permmal pie lie'll follow my traiks as sure aa, cto yoar dealer's tad youll get your (that attics may require? dime bock winter is here, once llooty lets him life, whh h wa granted by hi r forOriginal Utah MooVn Mill aar irr I out. and llooty Isn't going to alt mer guet Why Is 1( I remember there alt night." Wrapprd In Things downstairs when I'm up? V V V Peter looked back over hi ahoul- pelitMrrprrof THIS WEEKS PRIZE STORY When up I went I fully meant dcr up at the top of the tall dead Code? BUFFALO BILL To bring along a cup. watch-towetree which waa llooty la when outdoor! I'm It, Why Right on the very Th M eat ha been my home for American the I think of things within, average sat llooty. If Peter had not known many year. I have received my And. In ho was I'utTiilu Bill?'' and remember then. sgaln. achool here, education here, taught ia i.tv.e i.v wouiu he will answer "Whv, Col. William The Ihinga where I Imre bcui? married and farmed here, and am have thought llooty a part of the of course!" Therein he will here. children Surely It tree idf. Peter shivered, and It Cody, raining my he 1 remember deserve Is It only purl right, for there were made Why good Intermountain wasn't the cold that made him two men who bore that title oilier I'm this Inside when but obligation out. Thing my aupport, shiver. Did he dare to cross that before Cody did proves to my advantage for I buy My kitchen cures when I'm upstair, open plaee to the big stump right In In lsdo, a year of drought In Am I always turned about? operior goods at lower prices. plain sight of llooty If he should Kan- -, certain Wllli.nu Mutthew-o- n Since at the proper minute MRS. A. F. HITT, his turn head? IIP, strange as It may seem, of WichltJ, Kan., went out to A thing I cna't rerail, I Filer, Idaho. b J O Lloyd WNU Sanrlca. kill buffalo and sent back several you see the fatal plunge of a I wonder why It Is that I burning airplane in whlib doomed w.igontrnln of meal to feed the Remember thing at all. A 1)11 Douclaa Mitl'orb I VVNU Service. pilot Is fighting for life. Only It Is starving settlers. They were so grateU ful they nicknamed him "Buffalo being done for a movie coinpuny nt Bill." llurhauk, Calif., and while the Jackie Comes Back Brown fr WUhamtoa Tobacco Corp. I smoke pots, a plane stationary During the Indian war on the O 91 V Louirilte Kentucky .Wi. BOOK CAKIIFV Scad for FRFR rea Isi,7-C!camera that l southern plains In William whirling fun mid Contain 100 patera fullr illu.tr.uiC 1 oar WMht WithKrdora I la CiOfmnta volves do the trnk. Comstock, a celebrated guide, hunt- out liiH, Rmn or Mwlan S aka. trial Add reaa Salt 11. a Cllr. Utah arul fre booklet Kaystona C er and one of the favorite scouts of treatment 1123 & Vermont. Los Jtnfelei, Gen. Phil Sheridan, gained such reCLAUDE NEON LIGHTS nown ns a hulT.ilo hunter that army Which I It, Umps? F I ccTstCAL PaomicTS Cosposation oaoootraaooaawwooooooooa olliiers nt I ort Wallace, Kan Roman Plumbing She wa9 addressing a group of Salt Lk City So. Mala 104 dubbed him "Buffalo Bill Comstock eager wide-eyeTwo children at the regiigo In the ? reign ofthousand years 0 In the meantime William F. Cody, ular library story hour. Augustus, the fir- -t Roman Today, o Acorns on Feed Many who had been scouting for the o emperor, nearly every private house boys and girls, I ain going to tell you g By N ina Wilcox Putnam The acorn crop is appreciated not Fort In and Bllsuorih Rome own at had Its water supply lort g troops a real scary story about a vampire. OUT OF THE ORDINARY CHKiOtKiOOOiMMJOiMSCHKHMJCiKHl only by small animals but by bear Hotel or, Kan, had also won a You know wlmt a vampire Is, don't j drawn from the main by to id pipes. and deer as well. bufTlie pipes have such a modern op great reputation a a slayer of you? for luncheon or faloes. lie Increased that reputaanswered one sophispear.inie that they might Ime been Oh, sure, a one lll.es tion when he took the contract to ticated youngster scornfully. You put In by a plumber of toil iy. furnish meat for the laborers who mean the one who decides In a basechange, something which uppi its to the taste, and Intpgues the Inmg were building the Kansas Pacific ball came " Illation. The Woman' Feat Recorded may be an or railroad west. IIo, ho," laughed another In deriThe Colorado Springs Cli miher of So a hunting match between Com (Unary one, but the serving make-I- t sion. Listen to him. lie's talking Probably the rigid decorum ef diflerent Cdiiiimree says that Mrs Holmes of another day, MOTOR OIL says retrospective stock nnd Cody was urranged hv about an empire." l.awnnie. Kan, was the tu- wom- Rheta, "could be attributed to keep their parti-in- s nnd In this match Free From Carbon an to hike up Pikes piak. blie did ing poised on a horsehair-covereCody was victorious, killing Cl) btif Herring in Paper. Willing Helper ). it In fnloes to Comstocks 48 within a k ' vb chair. Soak smoked In I ring overnight In With modern methods, the first Jack was eager to help his mother crecold water after removing the hot cremation took place in the specified time. I rom that time on, can pears and she said : You better matory at Working, near London, and tails tody was the undisputed (even go play; they are hard to peel." Wipe dry and plate In in 1885. a paper bag, those prep lied for though lie had not been the first) I didn't want to peel, but can Buffalo Bill nnd his Wild West show cookery or In a greased paper help by enthng the cores to clean np fame Ins on cook a hot Place itpr spread throughout the mess, replied the willing assistLIMB Cl). ARTIFICIAL griddle and tiie world until the paper Is well browned Trusses Artificial Limbs Bract ant Arch Supports Crutches Serve In the piper with; Elastic Hotsery Extension Shoes V V V Maitre d Hotel Sauce. Established in Salt Lake to 1908 Ph Was 6264 Satisfaction Guaranteed a of butter Into Put FRIETCHE BARBARA 135 W Third So. I Salt Lake City. Ut. For a small saucepan over a moderate flra and add to It chopped pir-le- v for reward met Just its TEMPORARILY HEROISM and chives. Sea-o- n with salt and PLAN SPRING PLOWING . . . I'rietclie of WhitThe girl friend says that the a little lemon Juke nnd while sizOut-of-Ord- er s famed poem of that name. tier with use of Caterpillar Tractor have lot would a younger generation over fish. hot the pour zling from in Forth her window Occasions! attic track-type WimitgCr! constipation should tw oldest and leading be allowed ta attach itself heck It at Another sauce to be used for tills of respect for gray hairs if they once with a cup or two of arfieldTea. Frederick, Maryland, leaned the tractor. Prominent farmers owe could find any! A good old fashioned, tried and natsuccess to these machines. Jackie Fields of Chicago Is one of dish or for any fish Is: courageous old woman, waving her 1932 Us ural remedy. It flushes the bewcls SwHIcate I W NU Service stimulates sluggish liver and renews bullet-torSauce d' Anchois. Union flag and shouting the few ex champions of the prize Write for descriptive catalogs. the cheery flood health of aa active stomach. Recommended by many Take three or four anchovies, In a down nt the Confederate soldiers ring who has come back. years of splendid, certain results. As butter and Just before taking who had fired at it the famous lines; ten round fight with Lou Broulllard mash them and mix with two table chovy good for children as tt Is for growa-up- t from add fire the the of half juice G If or yoar druggists of Massachusetts he recaptured the spoonfuls of butter. Prepare a a lemon or more. "Shoot It you must this old gray worlds welterweight title that he browm sauce with browned flour, head, butter and milk. Stir In the an lost In May, 1030. ." Eut spare your countrys flag QLduratXaeaianSSrinK Dutch Sauce for Fish. Landes Tractor & Equipment Co. Take two tablespoonfuls of but And Stonewall Jackson, over his Salt L&ka City and Tremonton, Utah ter, one and one half tablespoonfuls blush of sunburned features a one of In flour, of cupful Lost Opportunity liquid shame," replied in the equally faTry Using These which the hsh was cooked, one mous couplet: Lady Why aren't you a successful SPERE TENT & AWNING Co. of salt to milk, and paprika cupful "Who touches a hair of you gray business man? 70 SO. WEST TEMPLE taste. Cook the sauce, adding two head, Tramp You see, lady, I wasted me Dies like a dog March on egg yolks, one teaspoonful of lemon time In school Instead of selling news Everything in Canvas Goods Juice and boat well with an egg Fame has dealt less kindly, how- papers. beater Just before taking from the ever, with the real Barbara f rletciie. a Add heat of minced On with the tablespoonful The expression, Although Whittier believed and CHEST COLDS, dance is a line from Childe Harparsley and serve. since has established old, by Lord Byron. of that a real woman that name did HEAT QUICK Marzipan. indeed reside in Frederick at the Ask Yoar Druggist For Take one half cupful of heavy tune, we have her own nephews sugar sirup, warm it and mix with word for it that Dame Barbara was pound of almond paste Relieves Almost Instantly six years old, bedridden and ninety PRODUCT AN INTERMOUNTAIN add one-lny pound of confection in a house some distance living break up congestion to restore free To and work Into a paste er's sugir from Jackson line of march. Theie circulation and stop chest colda ...to Add a few drops of flavoring and is every reason to suspect that WhiA A Per wet'c will be alleviate the circulatory pains and mold into any desired form, using i,. VeavrU paid for the best aches of rheumatism, neuntis, lumbago ttiers Barbara was in reality ancolor and Itaves of angelica; small Nature has stored up in red pepother woman, May Quantreli, who article on Why you fruits are easily copiid pers a marvelous therapeutic heat that did live where tlie troops pns-e- d should use Intermountain 1932 Western VewsDauer Union ) ( penetrates deeply into the skin without Similar to made Goods T" HIS is the cosmic ray telescope, Erst of its kind, which will be Used by and waved a defiant Union flag or burning and swiftly bnngs blistering A in Send your story above. Nevertheless, the BarCigar Band History rehef.Now this genuine red peppers I,, measure the intensity of this mysterious radiation from one part nf them. Intermounprose or verse to Visitors to Cuba visit a rich to ot the heavens for comparison with the strength of the rays from an- bara Frietche legend lives on, the heat is contained in an ointment, tain Products Column, P. O. luttier club only recently dediRowles Red jPepper Rub As you bacco growing country. They learn The telescope has been designed and built other portion of the skies Box 1545, Salt Lake City. If rub it on you'll feel better. And in 3 original home, too, that Cuba Introduced the hand in the laboratory of t he liartol research foundation of the Tranklln In- cated her minutes relief comes Drug stoats sell your story appears in this ou cigirs. Fashionable ladus year stitute at Swarthmore, Pa It Is for the use of Dr. W. F G Swann, and in Sigmund Romberg's operetta i?otrea Red Pepper Rub . Try It. column yon will QtZ A A Next summer he "Mv Maryland'' was waved what was ago, afraid that the cigar would prominent physicist and director of the laboratory. receive check for stain their fingers, brought out the will take it to a place of higher altitude, such as the top of Mt. Wash- claimed to be tlie original flag I W. N. Salt Lake City, No. 1932, Western Newspaper Union ) cigar baDd for their protection. ington or Pikes peak, where cosmic radiation is more Intense: Week No. 3209 W. N. U-- S. L. Sally Scz Your Home and ! V boiled quite frequently to keep them iweef end white. Home women even prefer pur bite kill ben apron. To b lure, the old faahloiud dark clun ked do Iiut how III a. II. but prill. loon. Tb (hey heioine wiled Jilat pure white apron ha the advantage lo the rupiihiii tmuaewifo of i ill, oU can alwn) tell bowing when It toi'ild be dlaiarded for a clein one. And the pure white can be wimhtd with odor Ipr.-wb.ie rloile. and hcvir take on that ll.ligy be k tl at Colne lo Co on d apron wbm t'u) hate become fld.iL Mother foinitliiua n g ird It n extnvug nne to ilr, children In t ure while Hut the eame adian (age th it bolt In Ihe i a e (if liou-- e b iid bol I In children limn Till I lapei tally true III chit hi. Ihe cae of Ver) young children and wlui-- e be h. ili a. muat tint lo- w'bi J friqin nlly. , 1)1 1 Mi in- iur ratha'a I IVM tua) WHIHHIIIHHIIHII) Sx Bedtime Siol'ij WIIO WAS WHO? jThornton W Burgess !v j, nnt ihh :) IIAS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wm:v & jfh fif'i 1 1 1 J & J rjn on -t I I Cr, I I B- X ready-madr- fr vt HUH Hit MY MEMORY i One Camera Proves That Another Is a Falsi I in i . -- 1 YOUR WOOL j nun tip-to- p j i. HI. k I KITTY McKAY tome Occasionally NEW d di-.- di-.- -t First Cosmic Ray Telescope X tahle-poonf- ul Stomachs i I. 11 n GARFIELD TEA Caterpillar NIP WITH OF RED PEPPERS APEX ASPIRIN lf .. vs QS VeUU |