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Show PROVOS POPULAR NEWSPAPER NO. 209 PROVO CITY, UTAH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1916. COAL FAMINE vou vn. Two Senators from One Little City HITS PROVO AT LAST; KNIGHT WOOLEN MILLS MAY HAVE TO FIRE BROKE EUREKA MAN FROZEN; BODY CLOSE FOUND IN SNOW OUT TODAY AT KNIGHT MILLS A fire broke out at tne Word reached here this morning Knight, ago the coal dealers Bill that Woolen employed Stauffenberg, mills during the noon hour d Prow had coal in their yards. GEORGE A. SIORRS temporarily as watchman at the Eu- today and for a short time the emThey held bills of lading for enough reka Bulli&n mine waa found dead of the factory who were- Just ears to carry them over the threat- IS in a snow drift near the ployees LIKELY lasLnlght e&ed famine and felt that they could ) companys property. The man had returning from lunch began to see supply all the want's without trouble. not been seen in the neighborhood more holiday Jnjsight However the Orders" came" In' thlct and fast" and for over three days and the miners quick response of the fire depart then they opened their yards this at the Tintic Standard and the Eu- ment soon had it under control. Doming there was not a pound of reka Lily mines feared that he had . Salt Lake, Dec. 29. Samuel Dowse The fire started in the old court coal to be sold. The bills of lading met with an accident. After notifyis definitely out of the race for warhouse built more than forty year coaid not be converted into cars of ing Sheriff Eeast of his disappearcoal 'and today' Provo is facing a den of the state penetentiary.- - This takers left some ance, they started a search party ago when stock tool famine with the rest ot tho became knownyesterday following a out and soon found him. loose paper too near the stove and - slate. tlsit to Governeor-elec- t Simon Bam The man was a heavy pinker and left for dinner. When the blaze waa The supply of gas coke, which has no doubt wandered away from Yhe berger of a delegation to urge the ap- discovered smoke was coming out of been of such material assistance la cabin in - a --drunken condition- ,- Sher--of- Jd r. OuwBe. e Th delepointment window and it looked like a big and orders ar bow practically "gone iff Eeast and his deputies will make every as iformed that circum- blaze had been started. stacked up In abundance for the sup- - nation an investigation of the case tonight f'tance8 militated against the award- When the blaze was put out an inply as It comes, from theTurnaces of or in the morning. was made and the losses ing of the plum to Mr. Dowse. spection the Utah Valley Gas and Coke Co. John M. Bestelmeyer left yesterWhen news of the elimination of were checked The . damages up. The State Mental hospital has orday for' the mine expecting to were Bmall. about enough coal on hand to last It Mr. Dowse from the race became ganize a search party today, but The building in which the fire nntfl the new governor and his as- known, the wiseacres in the Demoafter the body had been found. cratic as was one of the landmarks of Indiit started an party regarded sociates take charge. However, the Provo, it was once the home ot the Smoot and Spafford company has a cation that the wardenship will fall Federal court for this district. contract with that Institution and to George Storrs of Utah county, JUDGE MORGAN fill furnish the coal if it is possible who8e candidary for the appointment BOSHARD-CLUFls hacked by Jesse Knight. BARBER tc obtain it 'A SENATOR Wtt P. KI3BY. CASES FOR StNATOQ SETS To WILL BE MOVED the which SHOP on The Knight Woolen, mills will be delegation called rm TO 86 WEST CENTER' forced to shut down tomorrow morn- Bamberger said that while fcs unless a car of coal arrives to-- Tie has arrived at no decision In Texarkana la the best represented pard of Texas lives In Texarkana, JANUARY TERM . Boahard and Guff, popular barWhen the mills opened this &ard to the. wardenship, he has Tes and there been In has elect the Just United States Senate, for city the elimination stage on the bers now located on Academy Ave the supply was barely it has furnished two members. Of ed to the Senate William F. Kirby of The suit brought more than a year will move to 86 West Center street or the days run. It ls out pointment and that Mr. Dowse was Ark. live within Texarkana, They course there ure those ago by Julia . Middleton against the next Monday and" will open their -Texar&kana, eliminated, of coal tonight and the outlook ls not amorig Tex., of ach other and are three blocks which In the upcalled which school trustees of Colton and the has a population of 11,722, and delegation shop to the public Immediately. Ight for imedlate relief. very good friends, so they did not were H. J. Mcat been board has last school Ther have been convinced for The schola of the city have only on the governor-elec- t Texarkana, Ark., which hag a popu- hesitate to clasp hands outside the some street Isjl. time the dismissed Nulty, George Ialanb, P. S. Fern-stro- lation LSAQQ. but .MorganJudge they are In effect C&ptltol at Washington for the beneW. H. Bywater, Richard was better location for their buBlneos and It case without prejudice. one town. Senator Morris Shep- - fit of the photographers. Hartley. F. S. Richards used the brought to collect salary on a teach- will occupy the atand where thw the to Modern Barber shop ia now located nrge appointment telephone ers contract of Mr Dowse. At the meeting of the set the following Judge Morgan CANCER CLAIMS and the committee, FORMER RESIDENT governor-elecases for the January term of court LOCAL AUTO CO. MAKES GOOD DECEMBER RECORD freight yards, but investigation later more than 600 letters ot recommends,-proveWednesday: 4. R. that-the- y J. vs. State Cluff, were consigned to, tlon were presented urging the anJanuary DIED III OGDEN PAYSON VICTIM That the automobile business is te points north and were held In the pointment of Mr. Dowse. State vs. Alfred Johnson, continued Provo yards for only a short time good In the winter, notwithstanding for the term. 28. Dec. SUNDAY F. 6. FUNERAL Lewis Payson, G. White, All the local coal companies reit Is hard plowing rnd uses great State vs. (X.Haws, January OFFICERS an STAFF old and Pay-so- a cltlxen of H. vs. respected Bushnell, Waller Lehi quantities of gas, wis demonstrated port that the situation has. not yet City this month when the Telluride Motor 9. his home at become critical died here Wednesday January but orders sent in Word was received here today that sold nine Bulcka and three Jancompany Mone vs. by people with their bins halt filled Provo Lawhorn, City CHOSEN FROM I.IEII Joseph O. Turley of - Ogden, but a of cancer on the face, from which Oldsmobiles. 6. Managei Clark of that ban exhausted the supply more rapiuary former resident of this city, died to- he had suffered for about 25 years. states 10 that the coming year looks firm Provo City vs. Cleolan Bray, Jan. dly than they had anticipated. day of old therage and general debility. Mr. White was born April 13, 1846, GUARD RATIONAL III A.-dishis for company. They ex very good In the meantime the Susan Miller vs. MiHer, shortage of He was the-faof MrT Elsie Barcame to New York. He Buffalo, all break to motion. previous records of pect coal has caused a real famine In namissed on plaintiffs rett of this city, but now matron of Utah In 1864 and b&Iob in this city. Mr. automobile lived Am had vs. al. et J. practiThomas of Chipman Governor-elec- t the cities anJ towns of ,the il Simon Bamberger the Industrial school at Ogden. Doran who has Mr. states Clark that 11. et Jan state Fork life He erican al, in all his -since -City At Bingham the mines have has made a wise - selection of the Payson. The funeral services will be held In cally with Utah the troops on the' been shut down and at Garfield the trained offlcera of the Utah National The Arctic Ice Machine Co. vs. G. been the Fifth ward chapel Sunday after- married Artemecia Knight, sister of ' with now is border company in the et al. Jan. 23. imelters have been closed. Already Guard. Major W. G. Williams, com- - noon at 2 oclock, Jesse Knight, Dec. 21, 1869. He was P, Garrf same he ae occupied before A. ''Arm capacity, August Swenson vs. J. large number of manufacturing ;mander of the First squardron at the of eight children, four of the father which will he strengthen the left, , Plants have closed their doors wait - border strong, Jan. 12, ' during the summer and fall CHRISTMAS POST. THE follows: Chas. as whom are force vs sales Co. living, materially. very Amusement Fork American fog shipments of coal that have been has been made adjutant general to REACHES THOUSANDS H., Newell K. and Mrs. MInnWTV. Bank of American I ork, Jan. 12. ordered for nfeeks. Some of the big succeed General E. A. Wedgwood, Already copies of the Christ- N, S. Sanderson vs. Wasatch Con SUGAR PLANTS CLOSING boating plants that heat hotels and Douglas, all of Payson, and Mrs. Colonel H. M. H. Lund ls the only to sent been have mas Post FOR LACK OF BEETS struction Co., Jan. 16. ifercantile houses as , well as the member of the staff of Gov. Spry re- - states Walkingshawof Salt Lake. and different thirty W. f M. A. Crystal vs. John Hoover, 'Sttlce buildings In Salt Lake are get- - tained. He will succeed himself, as Mr. White was a good citizen. He more than five hundred cities. The unprecedented extent and ae Jan. 17. dug right down to the end of their assistant adjutant general, out. with was especially active in church acfor copies of this call The of the recent storm are uU vs. N. K. verity A. Stewart Nybo, John nPpIy and a business suspension is the rank of major general instead of have leen edition Christmas In the occurrences at demonstrated tivities. 18. Jan. Threatened In some of the houses. coloneL Major Lund win continue , the greatest we have known. several sugar plants in Utah and in vs. Albert M. et al Rhebold H. held be will Funeral in services In the meantime thousands of resi- as the the head of the quartermasters The edition, however, Is- not Idnho. Never before have bo many " Jan.. 19. dents of Salt Lake and other towns Payson First' ward chapel Friday afdepartment of and exhausted patrons shut down at once for a lack of beetC' Consolyet Colorado Louis Larson vs. m ternoon at 1:30 oclock. calling al Many families - Other members of the staff select- copies secure Post' The may 20. the condition of the roads and the Jan. idated Mines Co., re Bamberger are entirely out and are borrowing ed by Gov.nelect , r by calling at this office.- Glass vs. Utah al C. slioitage of cars rendering it irapos-slbl- e et G. Johnson fcoa neighbors to cook their meals. Major John F. Sharp, Captain E. Le to obtain a sufficient supplr to 22. et Cor al, January Freeman BasOnly a change In ttss weather win RoyBournerCaptaln MILAN R. STRAW WILL American vs. Co. MEN justify running. LAKE All SALT "Webb. the situation for the next few sett and Captain W. C. OPEN LAW OFFICE Last 25. Sugar MIKE Jan. KENO et night the PRAISE Fork naal City The terrific storm which hit these oflcers will retain their Carland and Brigat company Far Co.. Moline Plow plants West era -The state V. ' the on congovernors Milan RT Straw" has : made has caused the worst tionai guard rank mers .Implement Produce Co. et al. ham City were" forced to shut' down John Matson teatlon of traffic that ever swept ot staff. The appointments will bearrangements to open a law until the roads were open surflcient-l24. interests Jan. the The state. It ls also office in Room 1, Knight Blk, reported that come elective January 1 It ls pos" Merrill Waters et al vs. "Wayland to allow th beets to ' come In. ' An-- 1 the locater'ln The coal mine Keno on January 2. Mr. Straw is mines are not working sible that other' members' of the of the Both men They have a supply of both coal and R. Wlghtman et al, Jan. 26. there are no cars to load. well known In Utah county staff will be chosen, but If so they teolpe Mining district.over the out-locoke. Several of the remaining WarThomas Warren vs. William and' especially In - 8pringvllle, will be selected from the national are very enthusiastic -aro 27 running close- to the danplants ren for1 the property and claim that 0CtALtSTS'OFPRANCE where hrwat bora and raised. January guard. Alfred Warren va. William Warren, ger line, for whQe they have beets, r it will prove one of the best traders He studied law at the UniverDEMAND REPARATION . . In conectlon with the . 20. they are short of coal. At Lehi the Jan. stocks as- In' the list of Knight Knight BY GERMANIC- ENEMIES ment Governor-elec- t , sity of Utah and has since F. vs. plant waa barely saved from closJohn Harris, now the at is property Jordan Payson City taken special courses. The serted that political affiliations were SUrr ing by one or two carloads of coal Jan. 3L consideration. In and work wUi be started in a few Paris, Dec . 27. Tbs congress of not taken Into Post wishes him well In his s Alice Furlong et alvs. Alma Tilley which. came in yesterday. Pnch socialists today by an almost fact he declared he did .not know the day. new field. et al Feb. 1. salmons vote passed a resolution politics of ft single member of the WILSON Alice Furlong et al va. Alma Tilley PRESIDENT WOODROW r- testing the entente allied govern St aft ALBERT H. RICHARDS 2. THURSDAY Feb. OLD YEARS . al, SIXTY the tets-treply to President Wilsons - In making the selections - FAILS TO ARRIVE ' P. CHURCH CONGREGATIONAL vs. David Brlnton E. Joseph to accorded recognition him telling concerning jteaco bj j5rinton-- e their Washington; Dec.- - 28 President conditions for peace which every branch of .The state fnllltla. school zt l'l Pueblo, Dec. 28. Albert H. Next" was the Gua Henriod et ajvs. East Tintic Sunday Sunday iO old..He Wilflon years of ls Officer reparation for- the Major Williams service 11 assistant superintendent of the New at 6. Year oclock. Development Co., Feb. of many- congratulatory rils done by the central empires. the National Guard of Utah, wass recipient from 3 Utah smelter, hre been lost at vs. Co. Endeavor conn o'clock. ; Junior Murray, Vehicle Utah of the all parti Implement messages chosen to bead the staff. Major somewhere between Salt Luke City No In o'clock. the services celebraCo., Farmers' Produce a No evening. Implement pedal Charles. Carter charged with at- has been lndentifed with the try and abroad. Hia father baa ap Pueblo. and New In Union will 7. as church the Join Feb. the for day was planned TPtlng to rape ai" eight year old state mUitla organization since l60.,tlon to the Year service at the Methodist church police. Young Rich Aria L. Egertsen vs Andrew Eg- peW tjri in Santaquln, was arraigned on Pu left ' Lake Salt Sunday-f8. 7:3d oclock. at jards jgertaen, Feb. YOUNG CHECK ARTIST IS I8SUED -to cblo his the Ynesday and pleaded not guilty, BEAUTIFUL CALENDAR MOTOR CO. funeral of RockA BLACK ve. LOST Nate LEATHER Mendenhall L. H. SCHOOL gttend SENT TO INDUSTRIAL BY TELLURIDE 1 t atterap to have He not made mother. did the and arrive coin. 9. . flO about .. being Feb. hill et purse, containing al, ft continued until the next -, City vs. John Thomas Wig- - funeral was held without hfs being Officer B. F. Roper left Leave at thia office and receive rePayson Probation "has nB of company Motor The Telluride court ward. which In defendant has been present. The father fears his sons ' It. nail. with for Ogden calen- yesterday morning Just Issued the most beautiful from ' was convicted of disturbing the peace, a mind has become unbalanced treated here who fclanche Wilson - 160 that has bees brought to our at, Lee Black, shock of dar his mothers and the death has been CaffarLouise granted Louis Durand and waa flne -Imposed and paid. 1 last Friday- night for passing, worthlwce from Lester Wllson'on Ihe' tentlon this season- .- It i a wan fl- - Hat he left the treln and is eounof Co. Carbon Cafe of both Cameron, to Spencer ath, Assignment f ta less checks. He was committed onds of failure To The water color portraying a cee provide. ty, were married Wednesday by Eli- - nal acount of C. F. Decker, assignee, dering somewhere in the mountains. school Judge by Industrial State the KUUrnr !Urf was given the care and ens- - old Rosa castle on UU allowed. as A. Gee. . Lewis. of a minor child and la mounted on a beautiful card. - Three day t - ii ar-riv- -- F , - re-sig- reach-nornln- g - Ne-b- o f set-tied- lbat-Cen- ter . ct d -- j , Lay-eock- for-co- Briggs-Pharmac- y Utah-Id&h- o y . be-bas- e ot - -- - announce-Bamberge- - -- J 'et o r - ' Rich-ard- ranking Wlll-liam- -- . or -- v ' . s. is d |