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Show THE PROVO POST, TUESDAY, APRIL 27. 1920. EIGHT fj mm ip i : k: ::: ADVERTISEMENTS Four Per Cent Interest Paid Interest on Savings Accounts .Paid s:: on all Semi- - Savings Accounts Annually 11 - unit illili 25 IB :::::: WANTED. auto or bicycle tire daily. Price right. 16 vulcanize Work . pi til::: FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 460 W. Third S. Phone 400-- iiiijj i lijiij i FAMILY WASHINGS wanted. Apply M364 E. Second S. -l The Folly of 11 ffesr H: :: 11 11 Extravagance until his future No man can afford luxury and the future of, his family is amply provided for. It is better to live without luxuries than to, face old age with an empty pocketbook. A small percentage of your earnings, if set aside in this bank week by week, will make you independent of the charity of relatives and friends. One dollar will open a Savings Account paying 4 per cent interest, compounded semi-annuall- iiliji 1 SH tun tr n-- ; :::: !::: Ladies Princess Slips, in muslin, nainsook, cambric 1 fc o p -l Ladies' Ladies Misses' Misses' Misses large sum of jnoney by a man who purchased a range before investigating our complete line s of ranges. Werntiy anya carload a from frying pan thing of used furniture. New Second-Han- d Store, 851 West Center. Phone 348. A $1.69, $1.89, $1.98, $2.49 White Muslin Skirts $1.25, $1.49, $1.69, $1.98, $2.98 White Muslin Drawers 79c, 89c, $1.25, $1.49 Gowns, ages 4 to 14 98c, $1.25, $1.49 14 Princess Slips, ages 4 to 98c 8 18 to 79c Drawers, ages - first-clas- I!':' an: YOU'LL NOT REGRET BUYING NOW THATS A TIP See our assortment of Childrens White Dresses, for the infant of six months to the young lady of 16 years. May 25 can You SALESMAN WANTED make big money selling our Texas and New Mexico oil leases locally. Perfect tiUe guaranteed. Deep tests being made; we do the 'development work. Wonderful proposition. Write Hi. or wire Finance Victor Rldg., Kansas City, Mo. nt 111 Co., A-- If April 15, in Provo, hand bag containing eyeglasses and other articles. Reward for return to S. P. LOST : Eggertsen. HELP. WANTED West. The local chapter (jf.the American Legion is In receipt of communications from Senators King and Smoot relative to legislation favoring the American Legion bill granting the soldiers certain bonuses, in which both senators have agreed to do wha tthey can to help the GROCERY $1.23, $1.49, $1.69, $1.98 Singer sewing machine with all attachments, In good condition, cheap; 14 hens, 7 of them thoroughbred Plymouth Rocks. or call at 220 West Phone 623-' MFifth 8outh. LOST SURPLUS $6,000. CAPITAL $100,000. Member Federal Reserve System. PIRCHASES -- 0 Hi:i FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK SENATORS PROMISE FOR SALE y. SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW SHmnnsnnsHHnniKsnninnnHnnnninnmnHHniH-n:- tire and Return to this office. A-3- For ...... iilil LOSTA new FireBtone rim, 34x4. $10 reward. INSTITUTION E Priced to you cheaper than todays market value. We always give you the advantage. Ladies Muslin Gowns . $1.25, $1.49 Ladies Flesh Nainsook Gowns $1.79, $1.98 . $1.69, $1.79, $1.98 Ladies White Nainsook Gowns Ladies White Cambric, lace or embroidery trimmed. .$2.25, $2.49 Ladies Envelope Chemise, in muslin, nainsook, and cambric, 0 A E:-- NATION-WID- Ladies and Misses AUTO SUPPLY CO. Hill! PENNEY CO. A guar-DURRA- A-3- Liberty Bell Home Bank a symbol of with every savings account of $1 or more opened at this bank. C. Dainty Muslin Wea unit ::: III j::il CLASSIFIED llilij Hi jj::5 J. A-3- 0 Boarders, 317 S. First J. C. PENNEY CO. A-2- 8 A NATION-WID- E INSTITUTION LOT FOR SALE Fourth South and HERES A PHOTOPLAY Second East; also range, kitchen WITH A VITAL QUERY cabinet and heater for sale. Address 0 410 S. Third West. Would In the Fox production, which opens at the LOST Will the party who took my You Forgive? card case containing lodge cards, Princess theater on Friday and Satreturn it to 164 West Center street. urday, as the first starring vehicle of No questions asked. Liberal reward. Vivian Rich, occurs a scene which A-3- STORE. A-2- 8 day 1 go veeslt leetle town who for OTHER I worka flrsta job I gotta FOR SALE About 200 locust fence Walter country. Everybody treata me posts at 35c each. Phone 246. many years has been engaged in the deesa swell eeu dat place. I no been dat M-- 4 t grocery business in this city, an- town more a coople- - days when my nounces that he has purchased T. A. frlens geeva beega cheecken deeoer FOR SALE Outside toilet, rustic Thurmans store, which is located on jusa for say hello weeth me. sidings shingled roofr well built. I eat it so moocha cheecken feela Ilka Seventh East and Third South. Mr. wanta lay round for moot I dunno Phone 268-R- . 8 . Whitehead reports that he will con- - where he come from seence da prohl-blsduct an market and carry j but we gotta somatlng weetb WANTED To rent four or five-rooa complete stock of household necesleetle keek een, too. I catcha da bee-cuhouse with privilege of buybut he no sounda right I eats ing; must move in the next week. sities. He will conduct his store on so moocha cheecken dat hee-cu- p gotta Call Vernon Gray. Phone 95. South University avenue as usual. tune alia same as de cgckle. But .was Jusa one ting wrong weeth call da deener. Da cook roaka da soup too NuTICE For Racine stockings 592-J- ., S. W 627 or Fifth phone thick and when we eat was preety 0 successor to MrSy York. j hard time runkn da music. Seence I been dat place lasa time , everytlng ees deefrent leetle bit. MARRY IF LONELY; for results, Longa time ago I know one man eeu try me; best and most successful dat town wot never buy da haircut. "Home Maker; hundreds rich wish Anil when I see other night he loa da marriage soon; strictly confidential; hair, lie was so bald now eef he most reliable; years experience; detunda upaMile down hees head looka free. "The Successful scriptions Jua Ilka shoe shine. Follow the use of I meeta one guy wot used to worka Club, Mrs. Ball, Box 556, Oakland, weeth da rallaroad. But he gotta new Cal. DR.7 job now. He ralsa beega family and starts newspaper een. dat place. He WESTERN HIDE A JUNK COMPANY tella roe he gotta feefateen keeds. Highest prices will be paid for all twenta grsnda keeds and tree, four kinds of furs, qspefcl&Uy Muskrat If you are suffering e dozen greata granda keeds. So I will pay from $1.50 each and up hydea, he was smarta guy alia right. Eef from any "weakness, 7 irhees family taka da paper he gotta Call $12 So. Acad. Ave., phone 224 regularity or distress of beega clrculash alia ready. WANTED At once, 12 girls; perWot you tlnkT the heart you should try manent work, good pay. Call at . O this reliable medicine. Feminine Finance. Garmeny Factory, Knight Woolen tf "John, do you know that hat I Mills. Thousands have been JLj bought yesterday for $207 Well, they reduced them to $10 this morning. benefited by its use. TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE ALL Then you are out $10 for not waitmakes. Phone 144-MchJltf Mrs. Mary E. Sheafer, West ing till this morning. Philadelphia, Pa., found great downwent No, dear, only $5. I relief. She writes: WILL TEACH MUSIC HERE. town today and bought' another one "I believe if it had not been averthem two for $10, making the of for Dr. Miles Heart TreatCharles H. Endicott, teacher of age $15 each. ment I would have died, and piano, whose advertisement appears I owe my recovery to this elsewhere in this issue of The Post, Little Wind in Siberia. Medicine.1 will open a studio in this city. Mr. While the average temperature In Suppose you get sbottle of Endicott comes to Provo highly Is It low Is Siberia Western extremely this medicine today and try it recommended as a musician and is withstood by human beings comparaa lack ol member of Battery C band and of the because Money back if first bottle fails tively easily orchestra. He was a pupil of Julius wind. to relieve or satisfy. Eichberg, principal of the Boston SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Conservatory of Music, class of 1883, WANTED TO RENT A modern In piano, harmony, instrumentation, home, 3 or 4 rooms. Inquire at arranging and composition. He has 3S1-- J. tf had two advance study (piano) with Collxa Lavallee, Worcester, Mass., and later took a professional course in practical harmony and Instrumentation with George Lowell Tracej of Boston. Mr. Endicott baa studied brass, reed and woodwind, t string family, and orchestration under Messsr Leverett, Brown and Eichberg. He holds a special certificate from the California Btate board of education entitling him to tP'ch bands and orchestras in the i state, of Ua.lL jLu. schools e ' -- Ma. He comes to Provo with 154 WTHT CEXTrn ' letters of reedtnmendation enoivo a ""ft pupils cannot fall to cause serious thought among men and women alike. A A-2- m up-to-d- A-3- NewVigor Vim and Vitality " MILES , Heart Treatment . FORGIVE? roKl eappoev i o h WOULD YOU fee-gur- -- j yrs Bqytf DU BSE (LB 0 O' Clothes CHRISTENSEN CO. of-th- wife is destroying certain old documents and valueless keepsakes. She discovers a letter written to her husband in his bachelor days by a woman a letter revealing their relations. Every man buries a thing like that when he meeta a woman like you, the husband protests. "And every man expects a woman like me to forgive him for things 1 wonder if like that, she replies. a man like you would forgive a woman In a similar case? There is injected the old question: why should a mans guilt he easily lived down, and a womaq4 guilt never? Vivian Rich, just made a star by William Fox, enacts the role of the wife in PROVC COMMERCIAL & SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock Paid in $100,000 Surplus Fund $100,000 Reed Smoot, President C. E. Loose, J. T. Farrer, Cashier J. A. Battle, Asst. Cashier F. G. Richmond, Asst. Cashier. Our growth is accountable to at least two things. Virst, the confidence the people of this community have in this bank, and second, the service that has brought about that confidence. Vice-Preside- nt We solicit your patronage. V ' Would You Forgive? MOTION DENIED. In the divorce salt of Daniel A. Morris vs. Sarah A. Morris In which plaintiff was granted lnterloctury decree some time ago a motion to reopen the case, made by defendant,. was denied. MUST PAY ALIMONY. An order was madq in the suit 'of William Masters vs. Marie S. Masters Ju the. Fourth district court yesterday for plaintiff to pay defendant 1 10 a month temporary alimony and 80 attorney's fees. UTAH TIMBER AND COAL COMPANY 160 C 0 A' P JESSE HARMON, MANAGER. West 5th. North JPhone 232 GASTLE GATE CLEAR CREEK KING . BLACK IIAWK ROYAL STANDARD ' LUMP NUT AND SLACK 7 Kindling, Lumber, Shingles, Roofing ' .and Cement . gpuare Djaj to Eyery Patron |