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Show From page four News and views Remove the .cable Twenty-eigh- recer- t pesticides that have been placed on the restricted list must be certified with the State Department of Agriculture. Joe Recertification is pro- resulting from the cervided to assure that cer- tification helps to meet tified applicators keep the objections of people up with changing tech- who have tried to picture nology and maintain themselves as protectors competency to use pesti- of the environment in cides safely and propertrying to get more ly. The certification as restrictions on conducted in Utah is pro- pesticides. They are just viding assurance to the as interested in protec public, to the critics of pesticide use, and to the Beckstrand, pesticide specialist with the tification training ses- department, said 7,300 tfe engine and the other cars nega- sions were held over the people in Utah have certive pole. Then remove state during this period. tified since the requirethe cable from the They were sponsored by ment went into effect the USU Extension Ser- five years ago. positive poles. vice and the Utah State "Because of the toxic regulatory agencies that PESTICIDE of nature of pesticides used the major use of AgriculCERTIFICATION Department to control damaging in- pesticides needed for proSome 1,500 Utah ture. The one for Juab Coun- sects, weeds, disease, ducing food crops and farmers and others who need to use restricted ty was held at Juab High and rodents, applicators livestock is in the hands e have a special respon-- ' of competent people, pesticides participated School Dec. 8. Seventy-threand November participatsibility to the public and Beckstrand said . persons during to the environment. Reed Roberts, ExtenDecember in the pesti- ed. cide applicators pestiAccording to Utah They must strive to be sion entomologist at cide recertification pro- law, persons who buy or competent in the use of USU, says, The care in use any of the 45 or so those products, he said. use of pesticides gram. block from munition to go to the news media with stories of damage arising from misuse and try to get more regulations and ting it as anyone else. To cope He urged, with their objections and for your own safety, be very careful in the use of any pesticides. Follow label directions precisely. Dont give those peo(the ple more enforcement leads to more taxes. am Pink Panther Stallion Apache ONelvanamation Superman O Huckleberry OPippie Long Stocking Finn Adventurers of Torn Sawyer Change of Seasons Blue Hawaii 09 to 5 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid The Fog Silver Streak The Muppet Movie The Producers Inside Moves Breaking Away OThe Baltimore Bullet OThe Graduate OThe Alien In Time .soeooppsooooooBOSoaooocciaoeococoaeoeccod, Subscribe today SAVE' An additional 10 j j new home credits and careful driver credits . REPAIR Call Forsey's For Appointment We sell the best and service all the rest. Now doing Refrigeration STEVE'S APPLIANCE REPAIR Steve Boswell - OwnerMgr. 45 South Main Auto Health Commercial Nephi, Utah Call or 623-191- 0 623-005- 0 We sell Frigidaire appliances and service all major brands. Before you call anyone else remember we have parts in stock for most major appliances, and feature fast friendly service on. all appliances from the smallest to the largest and stove refrigerator. WE ACCEPT Estate 475 623-016- 2 jK or E 623-- 1 Nephi We do tune up, engine overhaul and brake work ! If you need any mechanical work done see us first - For A Inspection work It Brake relines A Engine Overhauls A Tune-up- s using the Sun llectornic Tune-uMachine A We use Quality Parts p SPECIAL This month Only Tune-u- p $-- only 1 I COO kJ Plus pans 53 623-152- 'MINUTE MAN GEM FLOUR RED BIRD CEREAL products of local milling your Fine company. 24tf B 623-047- 1 See Chapman Furniture, 27 South Main, Nephi, for all your floor covering needs. 30 years of 26tf B installation experience. Real Estate Wanted Conrad, 9112 Elm Street, Los An45tf B geles, CA 90002. For Rent SERVICE apartments for rent. Furnished or partially furnished. Call Vard at Four-ple- CO. Refrigeration and Appliance Specialists A Serving most of juab County A Factory Franchised Service A We service most all maior of Main, Nephi. Wanted to buy homes, lots, acreage. Must be affordable and flexible terms. Write William have Appliances x or 623-110- 7 623-183- the following: One home, one furnished apartment, rent For three-bedroo- one apartment, one home Call Steve at 623-130- Maytag, Sears, and Others in Nephi. Furnished Nephi. $300 Litton furnished or 623-043- 9 53 ...Whirlpool, Gibson, Kitchen 623-064- 3 or 462-266- 5 i 509 West Main jMt. Pleasant, Utah classifieds home in per month. Call 1 mobile Spacious home for rent. Newly redecorated. $175 per month. Call 3 623-195- 8 Completely remodeled home on large lot. New kitchen cabinets, new carpeting, three-bedroo- windows, e r washer-drye- hookups, fireplace availafor appointbility Call 3 ment. Free two weeks rent. Nice, house. Range and refrigerator furnished. Oil heat. Deposit required Rear 268 South Mam $175 month. Call SLC, 623-195- 8 3 available on weekly or Rooms monthly basis Call 3 evenings 623-120- 0 Help Wanted A DR. TODD KIMBALL OPTOMITRIST- - 93a Service Main, 53 53 Wedding gift list at Chapman Furniture. From $1. 27 South 972-266- 5 Nephi "We can handle all your insurance needs". Ferg's 1010 North acre $6,500. Planning Hansen Agency K 1334 TRADE-IN- Use EYE INJURIES Eye injuries can happen to anyone. Thousands of peo- ple are injured every year through freak accidents, carelessness, or from exposures to hazards on the ' job. If you wear glasses, good quality impact-resista- lenses will give you as much protection as possible. Your glasses should be checked often to make sure the lenses fit firmly in the frame and have not been scratchg ed. or damaged glasses increase the danger of eye injuries. Anyone exposed to unusual hazards in his work should wear safety goggles or some other kind of prtective eye sheild The danger may not be just from flying metal ob Loose-fittin- I j Bring 3 3rd Free : Bring 2 2nd Vi Price mtker vorlfn ' of follows Pursuant to Section the Utah Mined Land ReclamaDATE RECULAR MEETINGS tion Act, Title 40-' 20 Utah Code 1982 January Annotated, 1953, the Board of February 1982 17 Oil, Gas and Mining has given 17 March 1982 the to tentative approval ' 21 propos1982 ed addendum to Rule M-and April 1982 19 May rules and applicable regulations 16 June 1982 the of 21 plugging 1982 governing mineral exploration drill holes A July 18 August 1982 copy of the final proposal may IS September 1982 be obtained from tbe Division of October ' 20 1982 Oil, Cas and Mining upon re17 November 1982 quest. All persons interested in 15 December 1982 commenting upon the final Regular meetings are held on amendments do rulemaking may the third Wednesday of each so by appearing at a Board hearmonth at the school district ofon 28, Thursday, January ing fice, 42 East Second North, 1982, at 1 00 p m , in the State Nephi, Utah commencing at 7 30 Office Building Auditorium, East p.m of Room 110, Salt Lake City,. By order of the Utah, or by sending written comBoard of Education ments to be received by the DiviJuab School District sion of Oil, Cas and Mining by Sheri D Ferre the 27th of January, 1982 Clerk-Trea DATED this 23rd day of December, 1981 Notice of trustee s sale at T--N We will be closed for Vacation from Christmas until January 4th, but you receive our Christmas Gift in January!: Bring in your film after January 4th and we will develop your film using Kodak Paper for a good look. Legal Notices 53 one-quart- 623-087- double-pan- Life Fire . FILM DEVELOPING SPECIAL!! This item may be ordered from INNSIDE COOLER COVER, BOX 151444, SLC, UT841 15. Shipment is guaranteed within 10 days after receipt of order. Utah residents should add 5 sa'es tax. 623-046- 1 Phone 6230250 South Main - Nephi, Utah CAUSE NO MR-00- 1 THE STATE OF UTAH TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE FINAL PROPOSED ADDENDUM TO THE RULES AND REGULATHE TIONS GOVERNING PLUCCINC OF MINERAL EX- -' PLORATION.DRILL HOLES Call Forsey's XSOOOaOOOSOOOOOCOOOOCCOOOeOCOBOOOtWauOOd 123 We maintain a wedding gift list on all East Juab County weddings! $1.00 and $2 00 amounts. Plumbing and Builders' Supply, 66 South Main, Nephi 28tfB Aid, 15 South Main, Nephi, Utah pointment. Make your holidays less hectic by having your carpets professionally steam cleaned. All bathrooms cleaned free through December with regular job. Call Philip Baker for free estimate. brands Larry Peterson Central Utah Ins. Agency ap- Green and yellow beginners' bike. Converts to boys' or girls'. Cood condition, $25. All wood table dining set. Plastic-coatetop. Two extension leaves. Four large captain chairs'. Very good condition. Call Jim Phillips, Call -- 623-064- 3 . for 8 Legal home at 836 North Second East, Nephi Energy efficient construction. Two baths. Full basement with large family room. Wood-stov- Policy For this new insurance innovation and all your insurance needs whether Commercial - Life - Crop or isr-'v Specialty Contact A Professional Skyline TV Of Ephraim Serving Nephi on Tuesdays 623-195- Services Four-bedroo- Antenna Instalation hookups, fireplace availabilty. Call For Sale building lot in Levan Call Lee Taylor at 623-160- 8 Personal Package r For Sale One and All Makes washer-drye- Classotfneds 623-169- By packaging your home & auto insurance on our new TV J d on top of windows, Kinw's Kamemi Here's a new and inexpensive heat saving device for roof mounted evaporative cooler ceiling outlets! The "INNSIDE COOLER COVER" can cut heat loss through the cooler vent by up to 95. If combined with an outside cover of canvas or plastic it can approach the insulation rating of a normal roof and ceiling combination according to the designer. The INNSIDE COOLER COVER" is molded of snow white expanded polystyrene and attaches to the metal vent with an adjustable magnet. Fitting vents up through 21" square by 4" high, it accommodates most vent outlets in use today in mobile homes, apartments and houses. At $19.95 post paid, the cover can pay for itself in a short time through savings in fuel costs and offers the added benefit of preventing dust and dirt leakage common with closed but uncovered vent outlets. As insulation, the cover is eligible for the 15 tax credit available for energy conservation programs. O Black TN new carpeting double-pan- e 413 S. Main Nephi Rent your Favorite O Somewhere lot. New kit- c hen cabinets. at the Safari Motel Tape : home on large. BEDS NEW HEAT SAVER from Movies such as three-bedroo- m AND Fumutunres Video Club!!!! T Completely remodeled TV'S (Lhapmam Movie for only $35?, Price for member of our video tape club For Sale that (ADVERTISEMENT Now At s Nephi, Utah SALE . Times-New- Dec. 29, 1981 FOR self-appoint- environmentalists) The jects or chemical splashes. It can come from gases, vapors, and fumes, and just plain ordinary dust if there's too much of it. If you need safety eyewear it should be of the highest industrial quality to protect you from accidents. You and your eyes deserve the best possible protection Your optometrist can help you get it In the interest of better vision from the office of: TODD KIMBALL, O.D. NEPHI MEDICAL CLINIC 392 E. 600 North, Nephi Phone: Examination by appointment only A Wanted A A A Correspondent A to cover the meetings of A the luab County Commis- The commission A sion. A meets on the first and A third Mondays of the A month. Pay is according A to the amount of copy A written. Call Vance Gib- A son at The Times- - News, A 623-052- 5 for more inf or- SOtIB A mat ion A A A A A A A A A A A AAAAAAAAAAAAA Notices s Please check your classified ad the first week it appears. If you find a mistake, teles phone us promptly. The will be responsible for one 28tf incorrect insertion only s Here are classified ad rates. 404 per five words or portion of five words, $2 mine mum. No discount on additional weeks No refunds on ads cancelled after the deadline 28tf Times-New- Times-New- Times-New- 623-077- 5 Services Wanted work as md.F house worker, or baby r 10 to pm. pm Phone 6230346 J3 Part-tim- e sit-e- 4-- 623-119- 40-8-- 6 . BEFORE THE BOARD OF OIL, CAS AND MINING DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENERCY in and for the STATE OF UTAH OF THE IN THE MATTER THE OF AMENDMENT AND RULES CENERAL REGULATIONS GOVERNING OF OIL THE CONSERVATION AND CAS IN UTAH FINAL NOTICE OF HEARINC CAUSE NO. 190-- 3 THE STATE OF UTAH TO ALL OPERATORS, TAKERS OF PRO- DUCTION, MINERAL AND ROYALTY OWNERS, AND PAR- ALL PERSONS IN TICULARLY THE STATE OF UTAH INTERESTED IN DRILLINC FOR THE PRODUCTION OF OIL ANDOR CAS. Under the provisions of Chapter 6, Title 40, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, the Board of Oil, Cas and Mining Is given authority to make rules and regulations and amend them from ttpie to time as deemed necessary for the proper administration of the Oil and Cas Conservation Act. Notice is hereby given that the Division of Oil, Gas and Mining has prepared a final set or amendments and revisions to the General Rules and Regulations covering the following described area. will be deleted 1) Rule and a new Rule I UNDER1 GROUND INJECTION CRITERIA AND STANDARDS adopted. This regulation is being con- sidered tor adoption for the purpose of establishing a portion of "Utah's Underground Injection Program" as required by the Safe 3 Drinking Water Act, P L and as amended by PL the rules and regulations thereunder. A hearing will be held on said amendments and additions on Thursday, January 28th, 1982, at 1 00 pm, in the State Office Building Auditorium, East of Room 110, Salt Lake City, Utah, at which hearing suggestions as to the adoption, amendment and additions to such changes or any other changes will be heard Copies of the amendments 1 proposed in above may be obtained after January 4th, 1982, by contacting the Division of Oil, Cas and Min- . 3 - a STATE OF UTAH BOARD OF OIL, CAS AND MINING PAULA J FRANK Secretary of the Board Division of Oil, Gas and Mining State Office Building, Rm 4241 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 1 Phone (801) BEFORE THF BOARD OF OIL CAS AND MINING DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENERGY in and for the STATE OF UTAH IN THE MATTER OF THE PROSTATE'S PERMANENT GRAM SUBMISSION UNDER PART C, SECTION 1425 OF THE SAFE DRINKING WATER ACT, 3 AS AMENDED PL NOTICE OF HEARINC CAUSE NO UIC-00- 1 THE STATE OF UTAH TO ALE PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE PFRMANENT STATE'S PRO CRAM SUBMISSION FOR AP PROVAL TO RFCULATF CLASS II INJECTION WFLL(S) UNDER PL 93 523, AS AMENDED Notice is hereby given that the Board of Oil, Gas, and Mining, State of Utah, will conduct a hearing on January 28th, 1982, at 100 pm. in the State Office Building Auditorium, East of Room 110, Salt Lake City, Utah, in the above-entitle- d matter, at which time all persons, firms, 533-577- - NOTICE OF ANNUAL ; MEETING SCHEDULE, BOARD OF EDUCATION OF UAB SCHOOL DISTRICT Public notice is hereb given that the 1982 annual meeting schedule of the Board of Education of Juab School District fs as I and corporations interested may, if they so desire, appear and be heard Notice is further given that the ' purpose of said hearing will be ing to determine whether or not the DATED this 21st day of Board should enter an Order reDecember, 1981. questing the Division to submit STATE OF UTAH the United States Environmento BOARD OF OIL, tal Protection Agency the proCAS AND MININC posed program for regulation of PAULA J FRANK the Class II Secretary of the Board tion Control UndergroundforInjecthe Program Division of Oil. Gas and Mining State of Utah The proposed sub4241 State Office Building mittal may be reviewed at the Salt lake City. Utah 64114 Division from Monday, lanuary (601) 4th, 1982 until the date of hear- BEFORE THE BOARD OF OIL. GAS. AND MININC DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENERGY in and for the STATE OF UTAH IN THE MATTER OF THE FINAL ADDENDUM TO PROPOSED RULES AND REGULATHE THE GOVERNING TIONS PLUGGING OF MINERAL exORIEL HOLES ploration FINAL NOTICE Of HE API- Legal Notices DATED EJecember, this 21st 1981 day of OF UTAH BOARD Of Oil CAS AND MININC, Paula Frank STATE Secretary of the Board Division of Oil, Gas and Mining Room 4241 State Office Building Salt lake City, Utah 64114 (801) $33 $771 S1S3B I (SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE) On Friday, the 22nd day of January, 1982, at the hour of 1 2 00 o'clock noon of said day at the east side of the Juab County .t Nephi, Utah, Courthouse UTAH TITLE AND ABSTRACT as Successor COMPANY, Trustee, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described property, situated m the County of Juab, State of Utah, and described as follows, to-w- Lots 5 and 5A, NEPHI. DUSTRIAL PARK, according IN- to the official plat thereof on file in the office of the County Recorder Said sale wall be made without covenant or warranty regarding or encumtitle, possession, brances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the trust deed executed by UTAH CANDY as MAKERS, INC THE to Trustor, OF THE SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Trustee, for the benefit and security of NEPHI ENTERPRISES, INC as Beneficiary (the beneficial interest in said Deed of Trust has been assigned to THE BUSINESS SMALL AD- recorded MINISTRATION). February 9, 1978 as Entry No 153801 m Book 266 at Page 697 records of Juab County, State of Utah (said Deed of Trust was rerecorded on April 7, 1978 as Entry No 154310 in Book 267 at Page 685) Utah Title and Abstract was Company substituted as Successor Trustee in that certain Substitution of Trustee recorded August 31, 1981 as Entry No 170310 in Book 297 at Page 571, records of Juab County, State of Utah The balance owing as of the date of recordation of the Notice of Default on the obligation secured by said Trust Deed was $180,311 55, plus interest, penalties, and fees Dated this 7th day of 1981 UTAH TITLE AND ABSTRACT December, COMPANY, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE Alfred S153B Newman VICE PRESIDENT 1 |