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Show H PERSONAL. H ' Mrs. Edwin Webb is visiting with H her sister, Airs. J. L. Heap, nt Spry. 1 Miss Vnn Dyno Jones, who has been H teaching school in Hinckley, is 'homo H iipnin for tho summer. H 'Henry Esplln "6f Oniervillo was in 1 1 town n tiny or two this week attend- H ing to business. ' Miss Lorccn Hnight is back in town H for tho summer nftor spending the winter in Hinckley teaching school. H "Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Maco leaves B this week for Knrmb on a business B social trip. H Miss Iva Knell of Nowcnstle, and H Mrs. 'Arthdr Cox of Ordorvillo wero H operated nt the local hospital this H -week. H -liss Virgie White of Summit spont H n few days last week in Cedar vislU H ing with her many friends. Evcry- H ono is glod to see Virgie when sho H comes to town. H H ' Mis. II. C. Watson left Tuesday for H " pOcdon where she will Join her husband B ' for tho summer. Sho will visit in Salt HL 'Lake City for a few days beforo go- H ing to Ogden. H A Mrs. Christena Chattcrloy entor- H ' ' tnlned at n dinner Wednesday evening H j .in-lionor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. A. ( 'C. Macfarlane of St. George, who is H visiting in Cedar for a few days. H H ' &ftB. .F. Knell returned from Salt H '"lVLako City Sunday after a few days H i'.visit thore, bringing with him n seven-passenger Buick which he re- ' cc'ntly purchnscd from the local H H '' , Mrs. J. W. Thornton entertained H nt,n Kensington Thursday afternoon, ( in honor of Mrs. S. C. Hnight of H Los Angeles. Luncheon was served H ft at the close of the afcrnoon and a H .vary pleasant timo is reported. H R. L. Jones, who was in Salt.Lnko H ' ,City''l'nst week, returned Sunday1, H driving n now Buick car for J. A. H i Kopp, who also returned from tho H i metropolis Sunday with a second new B r I3uick. vf C. B. Morse, assistant District For. H r ester of Ogden, was hero visiting tho H ; local forest office Mondny. Ho then H' j vnwcnt on over to the Kinbab forest to H ! v - inspect . tho work being carried on H ') against insect infestation. Ranger H ' J Dodge accompanied liim. B ,, Ray RoMnson of Pnrngonah was M hero Sunday to attend tho funeral H services ovor the remains of John H V Chattcrloy. Ray was formerly n B student of tho B. A. C. nnd lived nt m I ' fWtho home of Mr. Chatterley while at- H . ' tending school. H ' M i f Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Heap nnd fnmi- j ly of Spry, and J. G. Knell and M daughter Iva, nnd Miss Lilllo Knell m 4 stA Newcastle, wore hero Sunday to H , -y' Tny , their last respects to their rc- H ( lativc, John Chattcrloy, whoso fun- H oral was held that day. H ; 1 Clarenco Bamberger of Salt Lake B City spent a day or two in Cedar fl City this week, making n tour of the m iron mines last Monday. Mr. Bnm-M Bnm-M , f ' bcrgcr was astonished at the immense t iron deposits he saw, stating that ho r had no idea that there were so much H j excellent iron oro in this part of tho H M Don Coppin states that ho has a H .shipment of Studebnker cars on the m jLwav from tho factory, and he ox- M ,pccts word any day soon that they H hnvo arrived at Milford. Mr. Coppin m says that he has several purchasers m : in sight to whom tho enra will be M delivered shortly after their nrrivnl H H Dr. Hnrold Wilkinson of Hurricane H 'came up Tuesday night, bringing with H him his mother who ha3 spent somo H itimo visiting with him in Hurricane H '.The Doctor is looking well and claims H ;to havo been kept comfortably busy H' ( , tho past sovcrnl months. Ho snys H that the health of the people is cx- H j v cellcnt at present. H , 'Tho following relatives of John H f Chatterley, whose funeral was held H last Sunday, wero in attendance from H'i other parts of tho country: Mrs. A. Bj ' C. Macfarlane, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. 1 Morris, and Mrs. Jos. Milne, of St. H George; Mrs. Chns. Gregory of Cal- H'f .Yifornia; Mr. and Mrs. "Erwin Walker m of Salt Lake City. Mr. Walker is un H ex-sorvico man and is now taking vo- H cational training nt tho University. B i Ho is a grandson of the deceased. |