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Show ahan i iiiisi vu:itr. The llfliliirrnl.il, the ll.iii.eJ.il" Ibe HriMihllrnli.. Ten I i;a, ICau , Jan. 12. Tho scnalo did Helically nothing today. An at-lemj at-lemj t was mado 1) tho moru radical mtnilx ri to foreo thu recognition of the linure, but It fulled. All thu morning and n poitluu of thn afternoon after-noon was spent lu awaiting tho report of tho committee. At 1 o'clock tho Popillit senators, during n reces., Impalleiit nt the long dels), voted In caucus to discharge tho commlltii. When the senate reassembled n motion mo-tion was made to dlschaiLO the com-mlltiennd com-mlltiennd rceognlzu the Po ullsts by ado ting a formal resolution to that II. cl. rim motion uroii-e I au mil mated discussion. During thu debate news came from the house that tho Democrats of that body had Joined thu Republican., lhoillect waslicausu the sen tors tui rice I slowly. All thu Itoiutllcau senators nnpore I tho discharge dis-charge of the commlttio nnd tho Democrats sided with Iho lUiibll-cans. lUiibll-cans. Pen llig tho discussion Leedy, a I'o ullst, movid au adiournment until tomorrow, which was curled. During the roll call In Ihu Republican Republi-can houto this nllernouii, thu Democratic Demo-cratic momtcrantinounu I that they held aloof ni long ns It was pro cr fur tlum to do so, but now believing that tho Itnptibllciu house was tho only iroperly organized one, they woul I recognize It. the uldltlou of threu Democrats to the Itet ubllean mem-belshlp mem-belshlp gives the Republicans sixty-live sixty-live members, it msj lit) of live, com-lurid com-lurid of sixty-one Iti publican., ouu liu!eondunt (Wilson) nnd three Democrats. The excitement caused b) thnactlouof the llemierats ainu sub-aided sub-aided an 1 theniQiioliny of waiting for lutther developmi nls was resumul. Iho 1 1 in that thn seuatu recognized the I'd ullst houio by n resolution nu 1 the governor sen 1 lu his message of ricognlllou miscnrrled, thu senate adjourning without Uklug action. Thu governor did not hear of Ills, however, until Ills mrsuigo had stalled out. Iho Pojullit. Ill the homo cheered loudly when II wns received. Uhllo It was being rea I It wa. ncolved w Ith catonlls from tho R pm II nn side. H mo minor resoluilons were then olli led and the roll call ordered which showed that sixty ri vcunnsweicd to their names. Mandamus proieedlng ngalust Heo. rctiry of Htato tltbornu war begun this i Veiling In the supreme court tu com lail lilm to handover lo Hpeakir Douglas Doug-las of the Republican house, ncertllled copyrf the roll ol members selected to Ihutiousoon tliu In Ills Cilice. Diu cwrt will taku up thu milter in tho morning. I nlivlels tllnek n Mrrxesnl Han riiANCisoo, Jan. 12 Tho military convicts Donllnid on Alcu-Iraz Alcu-Iraz Island today utlacked Hergeant Dutly, und were only irevmted from killing lilm by the liitirurcncouf uu urmeet guard. DulTy has cl nrgu of the I rlsouers, ubout filly lu nuuilier. They rlato that his treatment to them has male life uubc liable. They secreted r.ckalu Iho cells, and this morning when Dully marched them out and s.uod at the head of tho Hue tluy knocked him senseless with (tones aud then Jum ed ou lilm. Iho guards had to n d the convicts with la) onets t e-fore e-fore Dully could bu reicued. Uu was badly hurt, and thu eoiivkls declare that tin) will ri eat the doro when he ri covers. Ihu guards rofesa that tboy do not know which of thu convicts uieaulted Dull). Nln Iuu Inlerr.lr.l MAtmiii, Jan, 1.' riiu Hpanlsh cabinet declled todsy If l.ugland should send n njuir Iron to rangier, to couipoll Batlnfacilon for tho recentmur-dir recentmur-dir ol Ltigllihmeu by natives lu Mur-rocco, Mur-rocco, Hi mis vvuul I ills atch throe war still a to reach Tangier, at tho same time. A )leinlriir 1'nelli.lilrnt lll..linf, I.O.MWV, Jan. 12 Iho receiving or ler lu bankru( toy against J. H. list-four, list-four, liberal memh ir of inrllameut for lluruley, and prominent beforu thu publla owing to Ills Interests lu the London and Ucncral bank, thu Liberator Libera-tor llulldlug society, thu Huuse of Iu vestment Trust, uud uther Institutions which sus ended Willi liabilities of many millions of pounds, status that lili rcunt aUilnss ts unknown. It is reported that Ililfourls now iu Hout I America. Tho bankrui toy of Ilalfour will miku hit seat lu arllameut vacant, va-cant, and thu liberals will havu to right to retain the scat. Ills Irrnrli tnliliirl. l'AKIS, Jau. IJ S'lce Admiral Rleuuer has accepted the olllco of minister of marine formerly occupied b) M. llordcau. This completes thu new cabinet. VViigrallrilueiil H-AHi l'.vii.s, Pa, Jan 12. A notlco wns oitel 111 the forgo dtp lament la-ment ol tho American Ax and Tool com any today uollf) lug tho men lu the deiartiuent that n reduction of nearly oil par cent would taku placo bu-ginning bu-ginning next Monday. Thu intu aru very much dUkatlstled. I levelillul Hera l I nllnloml, Niw Youif, Jau 1.'. Presidentelect President-elect Cleveland will leave the city to-moirow to-moirow for Lskewood, N, J wheru he will remain till a sjieclal trulu con-ve)B con-ve)B him to Wajlilugton for his lu-augurallou, lu-augurallou, A hi ll.nl l.mal Klnry, Omaha, Jau, IJ. A sensational story comes from Lincoln at n late hour tonight, It la to the ellect that tho constitutional tlmo for thu election of ii senator b) thu Itglslaturu expires next Thursday and unless thu deadlock Is broken beforu that tlmo Governor llo)d, who still holds uver, will bo e nai led to appoint a sut cesser to Heua-tor Heua-tor Padduik. Uovernor Crouuso cun. not I u Inaugurated until the deadl ick la broken and the legislature uuels In Jolut scselou. |