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Show v r A v H i - j THE DESERET WEVTC DECEMBER 26 1S2I MONDAY PAGE EG: j? EVERYWOMAN Safe. Milk fwi::r;: ip'd INVALID A mystery ranch I ,llu. ' station at- Whit. lntr- - sgSSKSTs-S- i This tba Orsek Latter Ranch. If tba shock to dlcatlon of tho fact. Bba answered Lowell steadily enough when he naked her when he should wall for bar on kor return trip. "My return trip will be right now, he said. Tva thought It all out Juat what Tin te do, with year help. Pleaee dont take my suites oa from the ear. Juat turn tha car around, and be ready to take ue back I mean Helen and myaelf. Itonight Intend to bring her right out and taka her away from this place. Wonderlngly Lowell turned tha ear aa aha directed. Mias Seovtil knocked at tho ranch house door. It waa opened by Wong, and Mlae 8cov!U stepped Inside.--Thdoor closed again. Lowell rolled a cigarette and amoked It. and then rolled another. He waa about to step out of tha car and knock at tha ranch house door whan Helen and' Ml oa SoovlU came out. each. with an! arm about the- others waist. Mlaa Scorin' face looked whiter than ever In tha moonlight, hai "Something happened. ahe said "something tbat makes H Impossible for me to go back for Helen to go back with me tonight. If you can come and get me in tbo morning. Ill go back alone. Lowells amassment knew no : u await th dutrlbnUw. ST4J refined looking PV .TSSSTiSe tbrUa-u7-.fur Shi the 4W XIndfi-ML- S that ape of mofioja3lin of tho paa. iViaJSTVr th other from iscledsd two woman Ante-IaaThM a from rancher oa Whlta Lads two dnunroera who on Wit. Lode, ul Tho convorxatlon waa brink and rn. almost nxeinray ., trip-pm- -haP would e ."SIko s prominn to Bear on tbn exrnt in court was the prisoner produce tbo Tbn auK of eonnklnrabl criticism. and on no! two women, tbo mncbmnn, mocb too tbo drummern hnd voted thnt r Ian loner wno shown. Tho othordrum-moto d appealed to the etsge-- theriver court o that contention bin aopportwan novel, but entirely Jnt aetton remarked 1L Mi I can aar U - In' to bo n hard lonnoa for bow race to awaller- - Ton can Imanlno aua-pocta mock courtd bo bald if all wh in waa to bo lot go on their word Detrial. uo for that t har'd ohow all over fectives d bo chasin' fugitivesahowc np. Iniun tbo universe. If thatTseervatton anyhull tba carry Ill If ibaril wheres, without tickets promise to pay mo nt the and of tbo SSBEDTIEJE STOnilS n. ' j ( lone-1tn- X - norm old is ihwWorld's Finest OLIVE OIL &2SferelNrost Teion'. 16? coast by y CBOm Anpabcf worthinQton DRESS. Jzrz who if or the look. tl Mylt for her fkCrtir that 'wffl he at the tMM ? to make will fta4 pkaefair ftylc. The Iib over biowee with aqoare-c- ut aim. bolea i, very effective wbc.t outlined with bright-colore- d worst- aii PETERS Ct RJOBlTT IS TOO MICH FOR HIM. BT THORNTON W. BCICUfT r To motion turn a hdful ar; TwiU aara you much of far. Polar Rabbit. K aoonar did Patar Rabbit think of Buator Rear than eurioatty took po aeaioa of him. H had juat Mother Bear aad th twine Roxr and go la under th great pii f fallen traea In tba and he felt aur that thy had gon there to aleep for the winter. Ue wae quite poeftlr la hla own mind that they would not be aeea again until epring. It would be great uewa to spread PM eg waa vary among hla frlmftw much excited. And then he thought of Boater Bear, the father of the twin cube, and at one begga to wonder If Jlueter bad gone to sjeep for th winter. The mere he thought of thfa the more curious he became. Ue remembered that Buster and Mrs. Bear bad not event tbe winter before together Mr. Bear had spent ar.tnla very windfall. While Buster had slept la a litUe cave under -b ledge of rock asm distance away. Tou don't have to and It Would be do same thing this year? really (a no business ofknow, yours, any or would ha the Join Mrs. Bear and the way. declared Caution. CUb under the windfall? he You never will be satisfied until waa in there already. BusterPerhaps had been do know, and to try to find out with hie family more or leas ever since you isn't going to hurt any one, whisthe latter part of summer. pered Cariosity.. T ion otlieve he la In there yet. "The surest way of getting into thought Peter "perhaps he will join trouble ia to meddle In things that them later. Of course, they may not don't concern you declared Caution. have gone in there for the but But you won't be .meddling, prosomehow I almost know theywinter, AU you have to do have. It tested Curiosity. may be that Buster Bear will spend la to peep cave and make Inside tbat the winter by himaelf, lust as he did sure whether or not Buster is there, last year, and ha already gone to bed j Then you'll know. , In that little cave under the "Go home. Peter. 43o hmoe as fast of rocks. It won t do any harm toledge run as your legs can taka you. It la tha over there and find out. 1 guess there only sensible thing to do, commanded Won't he anv danger. Better he satisfied wttb what you Caution. .But find out first about Buster already have found out and scamper Bear; It won't taka you Jong, urged back to tha dear Old Briar-patc''' Curiosity. wnispered Caution. Peter hesitated only a few minutes But then you won't know about more and then Curioeltv won. He Buster Bear, said Curiosity. , turned and beaded straight for that ed., The decree and upper pert of the body are in one. The child's dress is cut in site 4, 6. 8, and 10 years.. She 8 rematerial. quires 2 H yards Price IS cents. 86-in- an Woof-Woo- f, h. TOC tm- - tt oT Ins or tho Rater otte hems? 1 Mir ml Shoe wto hnlie romr of Mitts r Rtewt Ml Cor otter MrSs thla trmof r!2 holm. " I . shORRhl ttey tfrott b t. S3-- Has your skin a. clean healthy outdoor .f r tnttmt stub nrt.rwnrd drown out when dried and looeo. On farms, oetrk-hare paired whoa about thro and a half years old. but thla la a little younger than tho matins ace for wild Bp.clm.ne. S. Are tears ated to the eRrntoe. The Right Thing dsmand vary prompt ccspucs or regret. Jfryou art asksd to dinnsr, to luncheon, to a wadding breakfast or rsesption. to a boos party, done. I eard party or a thestrs party you should reply vary promptly. If possible within 24 bourn, Often formal invitations to aneh entertainments have tbs letters Tt 8. V. P abbreviation for tbs French word Rspondes s' 11 vons plait Written or engraved at a lower comer of the card or paper. However some persons no Jongs use this as they feel that well-brepersons know When to send prompt acceptance er regret without being reminded. The usual rule Is that Invitation te the uaoal sort of teas or receptions bearing no R. 8. V. P. should not be acknowledged before the time stated on the card. Then If you go you leave In a card basket or tray set yeuryard out in a convenient place for that purpose. If you do not go, von should send your cards by mall or by someone going to the tea. so that they may be received tbe flay of th tea. If you do not know In time Id do this you should send your card so that It pete there tbe day after. But a new fad has come Into existence. This Is to write personal notes of acceptance or regret even to cards of invitation for a tea. Tou may have received nch a pots yourself aad you may have set it down to a lack of Informedness on the subject of good But in reality It mar Indicate form. that the sender baa adopted the new look? An Certain Called Kind of 'Stews Hash? Comedians end others who profess to obtain amusement from the contemplation of tbo various Ingrraiente which enter into tho dish bow known ae "teak" n form of food which rune a close second to prunes In Us debt of propenalties owe gratitude to tha French language, for "hash le obtained directly from th. French by th. elimination of tho final of "hoc hie," pronounded syllable "hashes--" food In or ent-u- p Tho heshed-u- p question did not begin to bo known ns "hash" until our forefathers tired ol calling It "hashes in close imitation of tho French noun derived from tho verb "hecher." to cut. chop or shred, which, la turn, came from tho same Teutonic source as our own verb "to haok." Being faiaons for their cooking, tha French early recognised the taaty cut appetising qualities of cooked meat Into nmnll bite and highly seasoned with vartoua kinds of eeucea and condiments. Thle "bach Is" made Its appearance la England many years ago. but It did not take long for tbe word to he shortened by the elimination of the final "ee" sound and, now, speaking literally. "hash le e synonym for n little of everything. There le no foundation, however, for tho legend that the name of tho dish came from tho fact that tha cook who originated It conceived the Idea while under the Influence ot "hashish" - or hemp from which the word "assassin" le directly derived. (Copyright. 1S1. by Tho Wheeler Syndicate. Inc.) t - Mira Margaret Clark, public stenog- rapher at the Semloh hotel, played Renta Saturday to about 0 newsboys working In the vicinity of th hotel. The lads had a treat of home-made cake and candy made by Mira Clark herself. and fruits and nuts packed neatly In holly boxes. The Crawford Furniture company lent a handsome Cheney phonograph for tbe occasion and the hotel Christmas tree added a unique setting for (he distribution of the boxeei Seed Sale Campaign Is Fairly Successful The annual Christmas seal eels dosed Saturday end J. H. Weills, executive secretary of tha Public Health t Hand RESIOOL mirth-provoki- Public Stenographer - Plays Santa Claus N Or is it blotdry repellent? Resinol Soap and Ointment are natural aids to skin health and they do build attractive complexions WHY?- - ht they are more accurately celled omnivorous, ae they eat rich food, maay aorta of berries, beatde note, honey roote, even greee whey food is scant. Ia tha fall they seek a good deal of sweet, fat. producing food, taking on a layer to prepare fo hibernation. In regions were salmon era plentiful, bears catch quantities of them. 8, to H safe to handle gurtes Trial Ten. If you are rare the nuke Is a garter enake. The Utter are There le a tremendous variety of these stripped snakes, their chief charecterlntlc being usually a narrow yellow stripe on the two on the aldoa. , 1 back, aad d, cX ealle for a prompt refueal or reerot to any and every sort of invitation. It is perhape only a fed. In any aeeat It ia far tetter to err In tho direction of eendlnr acceptance or re (rote when tt is not Imperative to do tn- .. i r. rub that to-d- o so on some of the ANSWERS IN TOMORROWS NATURE so. then to omit occasions where good form actually deNOTES. mands that you should. ANSWERS TO ntCTIOU What iiRltw Ask. TION. "Hhould tha glove lie removed when 1. How Slf RM RL eating na ice cream eoda Thla la not a very formal procedure Rto. rrA tew oM ytU any way aad you may do ee you choose Tho first crop plnmoR crr te about 1L tnk.n vh.n the birds aro lma then a (Copyright. lf?l, by Tho McClure yonr old. Tho ptamos nra not Newspaper Syndicate.) but cllnpml elom to tho root, plockte. and tho thacrttn issue o! 1922, MAGAZINE is . now ready. It contains over 800 stvlrs, several dressmaking lessons, etc, aad is, undoubtedly, hiok which every woman who wants to drees well and wants to see her family well dressed should have Price 10 cents a co-;e qua ueeitnd eeejppe puu eento d tsoo eoija eeo3ua eiueo if I ISIS peotniqo tooq nil aq ins lepom eim JOJ tuenej raisins more Eat L WkRf mrr ACCKPTANCB OB BEG BBT. moat tininformsA psraon Only th nssd to b told invltationa Ora rdrt - ; CAN AtthelUghtTime adl nr. ii I, by T. W. Burgess.) l quee-tlon- kf 1!L ; What do you mast to know about Nature Subjects? Bead any quee-Mou of general Interest to tbo Nature Notes Dep-t- of ht paper. Look for saiewere la , this column. llpperty-lip-porty-ll- p. Mlaa Scovlll. Lowell banded Mlaa SrovllTa auitcaae to tha silent Wong, who had slipped out behind the women. "I'm only too glad to be of eervlca to you In any way, ha said. TH be hero In tha morning early enough so ou dan catch tha slags oat of White n V L In tbe Oreen Forledge bErooks est and away deep be went, aa fast aa hie legs could taka him. Aaid all tbe way be kept make himself believe that it trying te wasnt ee fleet ty that wae taking him over there. When kei drew near tha ledge of racks he Mopped running and began to neve atowly and carefully, stopping ovary two or three steps to look end lleten. He saw nothing and heard nothing that even bimtd of possible danger, and nt laat reached tbe entrance to that little rave where be hoped to find Muster Rear already asleep. The next Makes Peter Bold. Mary:.Curloelty encee ehe had Intended to combat. "Flemee. Mr. Lowell, do aa aha aaya Interposed Helen, whoso demeanor wna grave, but whose Joy at this meeting with her teacher and footer mother sbond In her ayes. Tea, yea yeall have our thnnka nil through yonr llfa If you will take mo bnck tomorrow and say nothing of what you hava seen or said heard. - i If ttetTnJun show, tbodrlver, tbnt bln agreement. up for trial, aa per bo to without having fr,the while?: trTbo driver noticed that tho quiet neat, though taking lady In thathaback converaalton, acetned to no part-INo be a keenly Intereated listener. of the murdera part of the diocuaslon no naked ehe but her, eecaped On alighting at White Lode, ahe couW aba aaked the driver where at a convayanca to lako her to Willie ' ranch. lorgtns Tha drtvar looked at her In eueb that aha repeated her quea-tiewae such 'a plum forgot ofthara Td tba country, a man in Ihle part been that aaid Charlay, If It hadnt a before thle here muraometime der I earrfed a yoone woman a stepaha aaked me daughter of bls'n and the name question. 1 don't believo you can hire nny one to take yon out there, but Ill bet I can get you took by tha same young feller that took thin girl to tbo ranch. Hai I ha Indian agent, and I acen him In bin car when wa turned thle laat corner.' Followed by hie paooeagef the driver hurried heck to the corner and hailed Walter Lowell, who waa Juat preparing to return to tho ageacy , , On having matter explained. Low el i eapreaaed bla willlngneaa te carry tbe ovar to the ranch, liar - lady paaaenger auitcaae wae put In tbe automobile, -and eeewthey war.intbe ouiaklria of White Lodge. eatd the agent a 1 ought to explain name -le Scovlll aa my that and SrwrlH Mr, MonrasW Serai k ategdaughtar ban baeuvlR my acbool far yaara. 1 know, said Lowell. Tvs heard and Im her talk about your school, glad yoM going out to see her. She needs you.1 Mlaa geeeill looked quickly atwomen fib wa one of those whose beauty la only accentuated "by and eye were gray hair. Herofbrow a dreamer. aeretie those mouth and ehla were delicately mod exsled, but firm. Their firmnessexecuperhaps, why ahe wm plained. live head of a school Instead of mere' Not all hr philosophy 1y a teacher had heeu won from book. Kh had traveled end observed much of life at first band. That waa why ahe could keeo her ceunael why ahe had kept It during all the talk on the stage, area though that talk had vltaliv In tereeted her. Bhe showed the effects of her long, hard trip, hut would not haar of subplot at the agency for supper. !f you don't mind If It I not altoo much trouble to put you together to I moat go on. ahe aaid. T aa- sure tou ft's verr Important, and tt concern Helen Ervin, and I assume that you are her friend. It all Lowell hastened hie pace. meant that It would he long past 4h the to upper hour when he returned ssenev, but there waa an appeal In which voire and Mine Rcovlir eye wae not to be resifted. Anrway, he was not going to offer material to something which wa concerned with the wall being of Helen Ervin. They aped through the agency, peat and climbed tha hig Ta)pervs store, hill lust aa tne purples fell Into their accustomed places In the hollows of ' the plain. As they bowled past the neena of the tragedy, Lowell pointbrief with only a ed it out, - word. Hla passengw gave ' a .little gasp of pain" and horror. Ha thought K waa nothing more than might ordinarily be expected under rack circumethncca, but, on looking at Misa KrovllK hk waa surprised to tea her teanlnenfk agalnat tha ' seat, almost falnttnin said By George -- T shouldnt have i you. He slowed down the ear. but Misa ftcorllt sat upright and recovered' her mental poise, though with evident ef ' ' fort. t Tib glad you did mention It. the aa'd. looking hark as If faidnated Only, yob see. Id been hearing about tha murder moat of th day hi the stage, and hen thfa place la so big and wide and lonely. I'lexse dont think Yn foollah. 1ta all because youre from tha cite and haven't proportioned things ata -Now at) this vet, aaid Lowell seems klr.Jly, to me. It'a only crowd that seem cruel. often envy tfappera dying alone In ruth place. lrartAho I can understand why the wanted nothing better in death than to have their bodies hoisted high of a hill, with aothlng atop turh. Aa they rounded the lop of the MU and the road came up behind them like aa laverted curtain. Mlaa Scovfile one last backward look. Lowell gave saw that b waa weeping quietly, but He drove on In aAcnce Until he pulled the automobile up In of tbe Morgan ranch. front w -Ton'll fod V Frvin her. Por Infests, Invalids asd Grooving Ch&d ran Kkfca4Ck,a&adpufa extract in Powder A Th OriHoitl F(wfWnV For ' foAhtBamliliHo Dlgidftli Muck smoking bn the way home did (Copyright, not clear up tba mystery for LowelL Nor did sitting np and weighing the matter long after hla usual bedtime bring him any nearer to answering tho questions: Why did Mlaa Scovlll' coma hare determined to take Helen Ervin back to San Francisco with kirl did Mias Scovlll ebanga her. mind Why completely-afte- r at Morarriving i's ranch? Also why did Mlaa) bound. Mlta Scovlll hid made thfi Seovill bftray uctv unusual said agitation long Journey from Baa Francisco to ret or paaalnr tba ocene of the murder i Helen evidently to wreat her at one on th Dollar Sign road a murder' away from tbit ranch of myatery that ah had been bearing dlftcuaae! and now an waa going back alon.jfrom - all angle during I th day? f I the th influx among Searing girl vary (To b continued) j Fir . Substitute - ,fc AtOrisissl (Avoid Imitation Is IoO . Had your iron norlitS J Lowell, stopping out of tho ear. criitci vn .X fib T iTHT CHAHU. w' ,( o(hri i-- ta, k ASK FOR 5oottiinq Mid HttKnq assoc lotion, gave assurances that the aggregate amount would not te so far under that raised lest year. Ae yet tt la Impossible, however, to estimate the exact amount of the total sales. Becre-ar- y Wallis declared everybody bad worked diligently for tbo success of tbe sale and that nothing had been left undone which might have made the campaign go over tho top. Nephl L. Morris chairman of the sales In this city, expressed bis appreciation of the efforts of ell who had helped to, make tbs campaign n success Volunteers of America Distribute Dinners Some 814 Christmas dinner were distributed Saturday among the poor of tbla city by tbe Volunteem of" America. In each basket besides oth-- T er food were a chicken or two ducks, box of candy,' and In addltloii and underwear and toys were given to There In no need, needy children. according to MaJ. J. H. Berrqr of any one in Salt Lake going without food and hrf announces that the Volunteer have a supply of provisions which It Is believed will be neceeeary to meet all requirements of the occasion. WILLIAM H. LESLIE Instructor Plano. Comet Braee Instruments. Comet 1st Paramount-EmpreSZe East 6th 8a. Wasatch 1021 STUDIO No. I Kueter Terrace. , ' ss |