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Show "nr 7i- K - ft''Wll'l FRIDAY APRIL, 13. 1917 EVENING NEWS DESERET Hall1 Wilt Retain Historic ries In producing som of the n al) of which will com of life." GENERAL ORDERS CALL the bi)-e- f jb government Arrange Maas Meeting. d lament led immediately, an ill , - ; following. Through arrangement with City Cedric Hart, Tl 8lxth avenue. Commissioner H. H. Green, pf the de' BELIEF E PARADE for two years; Fred Graham. partment of parks and public property, Wall etreet; Antannao at 110 the office of Mayor W. Mont Ferry It) BUY . 120 for north State atraet : Endear Hemp!. this morning made arrangement ninth Fifth Eaat otraat; Leroy Taylor. tho services of Grow Military ban EIGHTH CONVENTION PART OF 0 OIK 1114 Emeraoo avanua; Victor. HU1-for the mass meeting to be held at the . avenue; 114 and. Ssbernad tomorrow night-- The bana Kensington Ernset Strong. 1(0 aouth Ninth Eaat will parade from Third Booth trw to the tabernacle beginning at atraet; - Raymond Law. '122 nouth Social hall, the, historic, . amuso- Mr. Martha J. Hines, department to : Ninth E4at atreal Clifton Culver, o'clock tomorrow evening and render 9otriotie and MUilary Spirit ment hall of the city, la not going to concert First avanua; Clarence Cuihtng. Banalong tho route. president of tha Women's Relief patriotic announcebo torn Nadown, according to Also. It will render music at the dy; Sergeant J. B. MeCulium. corjm. auxiliary to tha Grand Army Attends Painting of Big ments made But right tional Guard of the United Staten, this morning. ot ha Issued lb Republic, mlimh in readiness for the mas 1272 .aouth Seventh Eaat atraet; liin the heart of one of the busiest auI Is A call general for th ce need; Stephen Baealay, 179 aouth the tatmrnacle ij order No. 2 which convenuon ' meeting to be held at Monogram. old Commit ion Appropriate tomobile the wa all districts of the of eighth city which jth department Work Arthur for call Eaat licenaed; '.Officer 8evenih tomorrow night, etreet, b L to ln O. beld O. F. halt the In corps, issued' by 'Mayor W. Mont Ferry building Is to have its place' with a Lundberg, 7 P otraat; John Bloom-quin- t. Assist in Plant earns 15. to th as date next, May procla-,$1,000 ) 40 O atraet; Jack and Paul tnt tablet on its front telling Its history. conformity with tho governor's t Night Army Office of municipals assigned for tho G. A. B. annual 44 8 etreet; Gordon Smith, 144 mail on for Plans were made some time ago to movo- - j parunent encampment. Available Ground of conservation Eighth Grover. food in avenue; JoSeph the a ing Wan for tear down the hail to make way kU announced for the - F.et treaty Valcolm Burton. Third Appointment Kept Busy ; roadway to be cut through from State at th meeting In addition .convention as aa follows: Cyeden- avenue and 4 atraet. either On to street Second East. Radio arte In operation In other TS fc. - Will lama. Miry" to setting forth th necessity of d of, the. roadway it was planned to , conservation also will call attention to manr Addle part of th ctate and In near-b- y ate tea airs. The ' nmng or wor rrra, bespat-- - build up one of the largest wutomo- Agnes Carter, and Dora her Springer, PROGRAMCOMPLETE of Utah doing which have eetabliahed communication tered wUh 11m and clad In overalls blle rows in the country. tha Importance -- Conductor, Lira. j. g LOCAL RADIO with Balt Lake radio atatlona are the and work clothes had started share hi recruiting the arms and navy Weetrobe. to later developments, a According Down Assistant conductor! Ogden. MEETING Hart: MASS The Mr. to cut principal FOR be to to a according strength. still is following, greater roadway down a the hilt .when Salt Lake City, guard, suddenly STATIONS CLOSED Saliahury Andalin, Richfield; Orion wavs of Mary Maxwell. but in such a way that the speakers will be Gov. Simon BamberMr. Boyce. FrovO. axaUtant guard! Suthpatriotism swept over the through, historic Ql hall will be left in the 8aliabory, farm near Richfield; Har- men. Quickly ger. MaJ. B. H. Robert: George orA. Balt Lake City, Emma forming Freewin, on on senator, Other erland. former oiled State ry Lindsay, Evaneton. WyQ.L roadway leaving a ranks which would have done center, side bearer. No. 1, Amy Iremane' aet at Evanaton, the name of the oper- dered A. Wldtaoe. Th meet- color Lake of tha building for tha , either Am and John Itr. X. Ellen No. credit whole a to Salt Huu! tba troop, City; TTf ator not being known to Hart; and a 164 paraded military and' exits of the machine. Prize Are Being UuCTCd DT ing wilt bs called to order by Mayor von Elm, Bait the hillside district. The entrance will be as Chairman. Ogden; No,No.2, Marie aet at Ely and another At Reno, Nev- school Men of Character Wanted around will tha building who Specs pneside Ferry, Millie stationwhich had been 4, Ridge. Provo. City; be offered by Lake The shops which now nearly ille names of the operators not being ed on bend, SJW latent Firm for Best Yield of Th Invocation8. will the hill during the morning, parked. Anna L. Nelson", obstruct he old structure from th to Mr. Hart. Glass, of theCth-sll- c Salt Lake secretary, Joseph Bisbop he headed column and taken Practically No Applica- known musician, City: Mary E. flags wilt removed, be the view of puaeisbr Whan aakad today about for church. Justice. Salt Lake City; platform aide, homes, and the spot much writ be mad of ernment orders to close up the radio from several 'of the " nearby Vegetable . Give Frtar. Win Elisabeth Lake Salt GuarcL in the' ware carried front f Smeltxer, or City. tions proudly interest as old Trinity church in the atatlona Lieutenant- Guthrie, comThe line iof March led up busy. Wall street To Observe Asslntyriea district of New In Una with the conservation Frs-semanding the naval elation hare, aakd ranks. - Federal movement th Goddard Plckl Heights and the York City, or the histone old buildorders call that bs had learned unofficially that throughT The attention to the in th heart of Boston. lb county commission thl morn- company of Ogden ha offered the radio business bad born handed bench residence section, with interest- ings th national - of necessity . of .. Observing Ever since th plan for tearing . (anniversaries: Enlisting .continues at lively rate over to the 'navy department, but the ed spectators lining the porches and A resolution providing for $25 hi prises for tho beet yieldnd Arbitration Peace 5 adopted A parade of the down cucumber down the structure were announced. la the regular navy and army offices. official notice was yet to be- received, sidewalks, ..May 12: Memorial Sunday, the th appropriation of $ MMKT as much pickling of enttreprlse town district was proposed but poet- -. much public sentiment has been i f. Sunday JrecedinS Memqrtl..Uk-- FLimit-- Edwin Guthrie of tba naval of and ha had not received either official - j preseed in favor of saving Social halL thereof a may b necessary for he purctaM luncheon Lake preuntil after tba Salt The atatlona the radio rake, ftce arut aeuwal ot hls jpen jereup . information that .uch-noU- e '- or" BirflBUtion offrcontributlonof l2hoe12 pared. Jof .th jnen In the gymnssium, tho seen .of ronyv'jeoriy theatrical bav the choicest flowers for their Th purchase of eedsclub. A lm-i- to to choolrrd of th school by the women students. I productions and pioneer ball all night, making out reports tribute to the unknown dead mif ht arrive by. any malL The poor people of Balt t shovel 8irevelI-Pt-ro- a worthy bas among be will use to which hall put the tb of the men annual 14 j After its offer by lime, enlisted m4 i coating loss to th Grand army of Thomas reeorda The navy Want Mea of Character. but it I es- - Lake county- - This resolution was pass- been announced not yet were on 'stand hillside out company. the letter Herd big two B. and more A, Laurence, this Lieut. Guthria says over 0 PPU Lundy past A M Thureday aftereoon. and 19 ia peeted that the retaining of the old after the board had defeated a Tho Consolidated .Wagoncontribute department commanders 1 regretted. - morning. The lieutenant says that If cations for enlistment have been made wuh unusual distinctness. Today to W. R. C. who ttatt C. F. BUU- - chine company offer Members of the Commoner I j. end'ar'Yf one in number the last five days, a large . the recruits continued at this rate, he Fbtnet, Jr cultivator end g - passed to the Great Beyond are named built for an appropriation of one Th old building wa being Balt Lakers.- - la this number Maude, th noted English street. i aa Susie Simms, of Ogden, Ann James, horee'ptow to thw ecbool garden r on of the $5.609. The Stillman resolution may be able to get the 44 called for the high school is well repretented. actorCyril Is playing at th Balt Lake ; In the early, sixties and who aodatton of Salt Lake City and Mary Ann Curi April 19. The The lieutenant further remark; of tice. - the; few landmarks of its time left In tha company In Theatre at HanImplement Utik The ff the department a by. "Grumpy of Provo, spok Chairman Lafayette opposed by We do not want and will not ac- students assembly in the gymnasium fst growing city. Besides a place cultivatwo before, to com - The national memorial day call of donate continue e ier "teru!ti Commtsslonef but scans 1 " of by chool drunkard ebrit. victims toe habits, of supported the drug to cept and two Mr. I at o'clock. end iii tor mngletroea .Maude itme the relief corps also has been sent ootT from Utah. Idaho and Montana, chronic cigarette fiend, criminal, no a part of tha "Lr day program s peak- some of th early day legislative ses- J. S. Lindsay. garden aeeodation. by Ida K.Martin, national, pteiirtem aome from Wyomto. incorrigible .boy or man. We want ing XoLha students assembled for lun- sions and also one of the first home of Boaton. She asks active members ,MlutacbettppoMLMtJBUUmaa'j deserter men of good character ana clean cheon tehee Isle year fif lobe LrlFdrllesiOf men th claiming Tahors on Two of th corps to solicit th use of following their annual .t Road. and the hillside. and its resolution on th ground that It mde honor Coal will the exhibition art who used for Build been habits, at uphold called the tfor that day for the G A K. marina corps from the basement as a cafeteria. possible th furnishing of free seed dignity of the flag. W want boys and members and members of auxiliary surrender to office local recruiting men who know what their oath mean the county to persona other than by and to point out to the automoGeneral SupL I. H. Luke ot the corps,owners as the those who may be classed to Capt A. K. Bobbins.: They were and who era prepared to do their full bile that it is their patriotic Thuraworthy poor. He said that the county i Utah railway, began operation Mining Companies by their country. DEATH BY duty to grant the use of automobile told, however, they were not wanted, duty CALLED miles furnish in not from three lesion co could men "Married mm legally ag station, ranging on panther bother with that day. She also asks that the the corps did not ear to the May Help Clear Road seed to men who own property snd from ltCrnstl be accepted. If they Goto. In construction of ;jck in the hospitals be remembered men" de- IS to li years can families- are them. However, one of not fiin a position to buy seed. terminal show that their Th an therefore, H. wsso roundhouse. a I ire. with Howard and wa Following programs of song and prayer hia expanse would yards he pay clared He declared that people owning their terminal building, it is reported, will dependent upon their earn- operation for stomach trouble, Howard Effort are to be made by the back to Mara Island and surrender nancially of the not are own in the service. But In all eases H. Lawson, 45 years eld, live stock The deserving 14 In com CEMETERIES. ings Provo days. property, at be started commission to have mining there. broker, died at a local hospital Thursaid in the matter. unmarried men are preferred' th Panther railway will f In Little Cmtonwood countys Mr. Lawson wa born In Tase-we- ll pan! la day. operating what as to hand Inal ructions jjj LAWN CEMETERY. PEn. Waiting at Training Camp Office. Route, WASATCH Qthgr Complete county. 111. Feb. 1. H72 He went canyon ,beai A.Jorilonof ti of- to be done here in connection with to give away TSJJJmw proro. The cost tjXe of both ter-- petual car 114 Kearns Bldg W. ittg. At tba Cullens' Training camp gtljman declared thatwould I Timwintiim: of Ice. Mr anow and of road the eemera milia a tha of clearing result the officers training MVS al , the seed more freely fice "peace and quietness minais will approximate half a when 7 years old. In 14(4 ho came as i, mining companies In Big Cotton- th cultivation of much of serve corp. are promised from San CaL. property lion. Ten Mallet engines and 2.000 frFLORIST. to 8all Lake, and became telegraph optery"" prevaiied.At the f eru lung waa canyon and Bingham canyon which would not otherwise be culti- coal care are expected the last of the erator and station agent for the Ore wood flee of the national guard, therelimit- Francisco Saturday. as a result, tend to summer, or early In the fall. The loMiss Estelle Goodwin, aged 29, of gon Short Line at various points In have done. and would, vated llttl activity, but the new order a specialty the designs N. W. Halre appeared before war la still Beaver, la in town with a view to a situation th etate. Later he became livestock by cal mines are t b operated on full Evans Floral Co, 2 Main. th Waa. (( ing military service to the board and complained that the county alleviate to keepgeneral In curing hospital training Rio for foodstuffs Grande the Weeler, of cost enlistment the agent nurse, a summer. stimulate t all time expected In this city. Still waa not progressing satisfactorily helping inLAM BOURNE ERNEST demanded He SALT and later to enter th Red Cross serv with headquarters a reasonable st figure. ail branches of tha servieo. For Mr. of the fond. later he became associated with the with-Lake's leading florist, nsw store Funoriginal feaolution stance. 122 srmy recruits who enlist- ice in th field. Marion Welle aged Mallory fomralseion company of Kan- Halre thwa clearing can-- 1 a roll call on tb our specialty. Decor, Informed that other eral design -two of Choose To sot defeated a -Delegates by ed for six years may be discharged at 19, of Millard county, writes Gov- sas City and after that with A- - Hn - bring cleared through t wnicn ttona 72 South Main. Waa 1514 ernor Bamberger that h wants to en auor A Company. Salt Lake stockmen. yonswere Hanehett then offered th the close of the war If they o deair. To Capitol Meeting efforts of the cqnnty and to one. Mr.resolution -which waa passFor the pest five years be had operat- combined national guard enlistment will list and fight for hia country. substitute be will which com fifty the FUNERAL DIRECTORS. panic mining voted Independently. also ba affected by this order. Mr. Halre. repre- ed by a similar vote, Mr. Stillman Request Leave of Absent. In 1(02 he married MU Louise Beas- chiefly benefited. The resolution as Under a resolution by Commissioner High school boys too young to en- h company ing against It A number of requests that th elty ley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J D senting the Michigan-Uta- h Wa Taylta , 5 Bo. W. Tempi Joa and list are studying signalling commission allow a three months Beasley. Th widow and twin sons. said that he believed his company adopted reads'there have been num- C. F. Stillman, adopted by th county St. Utah's leading undertaker and "Whereas, operating under 'Cedric Hart, as and Services and quality goods the dl commisto 'be and to Howard. would survive, of absence the leave Robert, rilling any etty this employs Jr. morning, who report the boy ars making com- who may wish to loin the officers' the methsr. Vre. Kats Lawson, of San agreed to confer with other mines. erous requests for seeds from the peo- commission beet. Prices at your ewn suiting w. Ul with th city official Law-soview a unite will with sion E Balt Lake of mendable program, William a county brother. Bernardino: referred been was ple has then matter whole Tb camp this summer, i Soma Insurance companies are re- training (YDONNEL CO, UNDERTAKER Third avenue, and three sisof utilizing all vacant property forof Murray In calling W mass meeting C. F. Stillman. filed with J. A. Reeves chairman of ters. 1614 7 South West Mrs. Anna Guthrie. Ban Bernar- to Commissioner Intensive cultivation, and be held ag' the $4urray high school, and embalm era to port ad asking increasedlife premiums committee. executive th Mateo. ban Mrs. Bull, Clara of CaL: Insurance Realty Bldg, Phoaa 524. !next Monda? evening at $ oclock to Tempi from recruit carrying Whereas, there Is urgent need Yaaef Alf Olseff. a Mat prisoner, dino, of New Lawson Mlsa I Elenor and 54 Cal. to 124 from of tillable an a acre increase ground meeting policies, Create Drainage District. having every delegates to attend has applied to tho local army and na- York city held at he eapitol April 21 for cultivated, anticipating the possible !to par $1,904, on account of toadditional officers for a chance tQ.enileL He Mr. Lawson was a member of Ar1417 the purpose of stimulating Interest in be dis- val the for " of year risks, the same however, crops A Belt three A. 54. F. with shortage nd of la No a native 2, west Denmark, Creation of a drainage district gent lodge now. therefore, be It" continued at the close of the war. . the Increase of the productive acreKnights Templar, years' experience in th Danish army, Lake eommandery, which more :' "Resolved.- - by the board of county age of the etate and to assist the miliRadio Stations dosed. Th application will not bo considered and Salt Lake temple. El KaUh. No- of the Jordan river by of the Mystic Shrine. than .000 acres of land will be re- commtmlonera. that an appropriation tary authorities In recruiting the mili! !The Atty. W. H. Gregory, formerly cap- bles navy department baa Instructed The funeral will bs held Saturday at4 claimed, was voted favorably by th be made In th sum of $l.f9 or as tary and naval force of the nation to: Cedric Hart of 21 Bixth avenue, a tain of C company. Utah infantry, has Philip church, at commissioner this morning much thereof se may b necessary, for t guif Sir strength, and high been notified of his successful exxmln pm. Th Congregational licensed radio operator, body may be viewed st th county action. John the purchase of seed to be given to .school pupil aged 14, to notify ail ation for major In tho reserve corps. church for one hour prlor-t- o th serv- UnderC.thW. board' Brown and Glen R. Botlf-we- the worthy poor people of Salt Lake usmateur radio operators within re- H will go to California i for further ices Interment will be In Mt. Olivet Legal blank of every description are named a a board of super- county who will pledge themselves to to training. - MsL Gregory graduate cemetery an will be private. ceiving distance of hi apparatus, or arranged" from the best legal forma rands loaned of reclamaraise haveupon th to whsre other-wls- e gardens atat visors charge Illinois tho of university, and A dtamantls their antennae, -- Word bas been ' i James W. work. The supervisor will file rented to them, 'with a view of In- and brought strictly on hand at th disconnect their plants, under he was captain of cadet. Tbs major's received hereHeSera Jams W. Hender- tion that full always supply snd food lo the The each. of in sum products, tha bond $10,000 was conducted creasing Capt. by examination son. 45 years old. railroad employee, Store penalty. The order reads; on district expects to float an $24,006 le .encourage In a general way more Deseret News Book i Pursuant to tha president' war W. B. Elliott, commanding Fort Doug-In- of 572 Poet etreet, dropped. dead on th partofthoe people birth- bond Issue. hi C. French. Seventh Tenn J. in Jackson. street all of imprest the atatlona radio las, all Capt proclamation, been a rl-n- F closed and fantry, and Lieut. Ira K. Humphrey. place. Mr Henderson hadmore nwari are hereby orderedexcept "20 than Of Balt Lsk tor such M. D. dwmantled Immediately, ear a but waa visiting hia brothare Id , Harvey W. Gulver of $44 west First are specifically permitted stations Th widow and five grown 'snnesse Thursso was South street, Inspired In operation under eompe--twchildren, survive him. ty remain naval authority. day by the action of his boy. Harvey. At tho resMrs. Maria Lelea Lye -- All or wire for Jr., aged 19. who flew two American idence aerial antenna of a eon. Hsrbert A. Lyons, Mrs. radio or wireless communication, flags from th top of an apple tree, Marl Louisa Lyons: 44 years old. died whether for transmitting or receiving. and dared anybody to taka them Thursday. She waa the widow of OsAgain-Sehad been a resident ;oy both, must be taken down and alt down, that he want to th army -- re- car A. Lyona, and p Mr. of Utah since 1452. when her parent enlisted. disconnected. office, d cruiting apparatus England to this country, ; The antennae on all merchant ves- Gulver la 42 years old, and tried first cam from the plains in a handcart blisels must b lowered to decks when to enlist In the guard, but finding his crossing U at Pena. where Mr settled nd They three-mas against him, went to army head- ,yons lived moll of her life, coming such vessels are within the milinot did ot his the United States age to thi city eight year ago, Sh is limit quarters. where y thi urvived by the following children , tate against him. .5 Failure to comply with war Albrt ,7 a- ? - . order may result In severe The army enlisted 22 men Thursday Oscar. A. FLyap. SL Lyons. Herbert A Lyon the Ini more -with This afternoon and posed upoa morning Penalties being FolMr Ralph Mr Criddle, "owners and those responsible, ana coming. Men are constantly being som. George Frank Barnum snd Miss Mr confiscation of the apparatus sent to Fort Douglas for equipment Gladys Lyons; also the following J Merchant, ., Owner of stations heretofore li- and preliminary drill. brothers snd sisters G. F. W. Merchant. A. G H- - Merchant. A. censed by the department of comWalker and Mr Stsvsn R. Merchant. merce are requested to bring this A V f Mary A. Green. the attention of owners of unli- Appointments Affirmed to Pse sent be will Th body censed stations and receiving staharefuneral services Pemit us to call your atmorning, - By County Commission tion In their vicinity. snd Interment will take place Sunday, . " Alt federal, state and county stock. tention to our-fin- e Themas Barton Shan At th authorities and municipal1 police are Th county commission this morn514 west Third North street, are We with the navy 54 years old. died offering for requested to ot Sheriff J. Thomas B. HShaw, wa a painter by trade department In the enforcement ot this ing. on' recommendationIn Thursday. th appoint- and a native of bait Lake. A a Id' 8. Corle. concurred spring planting order. -- "All reports of violation should bs ment of David F. Lewis to succeed E. and four children surviv "district the to 239 Floral mads superintendent Jeu fMw AalmeMwAt naval radio station. Ban Francisco." C. Penrose, resigned. rear FRUIT Androaaen, 7? Thar-daJni tfF. Danmark, Iileub avaoue. H. G. Recorder died a native County old, S Provided. penalties Heavy wa of H and native Danmark, commission that tb SHADE to Utah 38 year ago, fettling In ; Confiscation of oqutpment la the recommended to W. M. Swan, chief de- ram least severe of the penalties to ba in- the salary of recorder Weber in- Tha county. be office, In the body I to bo sent to Ogdrn for flicted for disobedience. Other penal- puty BIBB to ORNAMENTAL $125 a month arrlca and Interment. Throe da ugh ties: graded according to the nature creased from month-- ' Th matter wa continued for tar and two sons sunt? of the offense, will include fines or MTora baon ba mat consideration. Arthur further Imprisonment. or"bqth. In the event hard of (badestk la Arisona of a wireless operator is convicted of Clifford W. Naylor wasof appointed & Arthur Walaots, 32 year old, the coun- of death to a position in th office aiding- - tha public enensf.-j- b and Bingham canyon Tha 8ait treasurer te succeed Ed. J. Gross-bec- body IsLake be inflicted. sent hare for oerrira ty might penalty bring -- Mr. Watson waa inat a salary of $199 a month. and Interment LAmong. the sets reported by Hart to terested In mtnlng, and I survived by a widow and four children. EIIUSIG 1b $1111 Social In Knit Lak IS Place In at UME 'Nary .. 10 BEN'S SEEDS WS JO City i j Alo En-aq- n, - J de-ti- es , j . pell-me- ll, -- inlolL t ot $lit v JM rv ,jday - ed 7 f vh j j & man-callin- Jfl - 1 L r'T -- Co i ene-her- It "W . - tf; rh - o'th, svn - Commiaatoaw.l'.ray-i- floral 21-2- tala-grap- sr 225-22- r t, , Salt Lake Pin-gre- e. ll a - i 'any Boston Common, Focus of Americanism, nt 71 es Outpouring of Patriotism TREES il For Arbor Day mlh-tar- Jr-M- xi bh -- h Bnt-vrd- ''fU&.'in resl-dsne- s. w J r ed TREES k, Public Utilities Act . ft auto-mobl- OF i :u: STATE TH-E- . : Shippers. Now' Ready I More than 2 Wcatey K Walton business and popersonal friend and etical associates ware present at fun rat service for Wesley K. M after-nooalien, held to vAasembly Hall Thursday Bishop Jesse Wheeler conducts ad the Services, and the speaker mere B H. Robert. Golden Kimball and Wll ham p. Llatnratim: Two sole were rendeagd by Horace Ensign, and tha other musical numbers war furnished James Moyle by string quartet. dedicated the grave In Wasatch Lawn cemetery The pallbearers, all son of Mr. Wal- ton, were Reuel. Dyke, Paul, Thaddeua, Arthur and Mark Walton. Tho honor were Fred Sweet pallbearers C C. H. BrametL Judge Judge W, James Moyle. Aqulla Nebe-ke- r. Goodwin, W. D. Livingston and Nicholas - r Railroads, Express Companies, Telephone and Telegraph Companies, "Attorneys and . 25 Cents Each retNewsBookStore Robertson, Mr Mary ic.i for Mr , 2. H.sss E --fmrrrl (erv- - who Mary Hoggs mat dsath in an automobile accident held wsro afternoon Thursday Sunday, from th re.id.nr 221 G strost. Th Dr Rsv. Elmsr L Goehsa Officiated. whoa Gsmbl automobile struck 51ry the many Mr Hoggs was among . , , mourners prre.nL Advertisers ihdiild us- - th New if they desire to reach th people of. tha western stats la thsir home Adrertiremtirt. Semi-Week- ly 6 Main Street Roses, . Salt Lake City. . Climbers Flowering Shrubs and Perennial Plants.' n. OF-UT- AH Of Interest to li 3s FUNERAL SERVICES Orders by mail will have our Closest attention. SEND FOR PRICE Pbotea bp American 'Press AosociaUen. Boston, ancient and modern cradle of American patriotism, has put on her Vrsf paint. At th moment that the wires flashed the word that Congress had assembled tn momentous evasion, the biggest flag to which New Englanders ever xaiacd their hats was flown to the breeze above Boston Common. A woman' voice began Th Star Spangled Banner, a half dozen band struck up the national air and a chorus from a hundred thousand or more men. women and FLM Km SCO OH B05TONCOMMOH IN PKCSCftCS OP children rolled acrora the old training O IMMENSE TMKONO groundnut into the Public garden and 4 was echoed from crowd that urged j in the etreet in front of the etate- - I witnessed such a scene Their elder . which ceremony cam a a climax to lt had hoi said belh that approached a patriotic meeting addressed by th house, down Tremont and Boyleton and army and navy streets and around Into th Back Bay. ) since the outbreak of th Spanish war. I governor, mayor , hoisted th color officer The younger generation bad not) War veteran J r - LIST. . Office 1945 S. State 0. Box - 417, Phone Hyland 399. M. Christopherson, c St . 3 V G V I r n |