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Show The latest store ad contains the latest store news. Andks n 5 -- events in a store move as quickly as in' the world outside the latest advertisemen becomes the , valuable - advertisement. It is Ihe that i3 merely booking for cheapness. She comes to know, through studying the ads, that the price is only a relative thing in buying. ' j LOGAN CITYCACHE COUNTY, UTAH; VOLUME XXXVI. nonsense to Argue argain-hunting-woman . NUMBER 59. TUESDAY, JANUARY 19,19157 -- 3 show ready for the first week" this year, and he held opt someito the thing of encouragement r; ' minstrel have been increased orchardist. , - and rapidity andthe-manne- r Dr. Widtsoe presided atL the in which are brief a and made mastering he they meeting address of welcome and Dr. Pettheir. parts is most excellent. The combination is very good ersen spoke a short time. Presiand will far surpass any mindent Marsden of Iron county, strel that has, been here fob a one of the- - agricultural county chairmen spoke briefly and Miss long time. MiyJE. Benson Parkinson has charge of the min- ANDREW-GIBSOMcCheyne made one of AND WILLIS N TEAMIS -O- UT-t strel ATTENDANCE WILL BE happy, snappy litte talks of PIONEER IS1NTERREDIN PRESTON ARE BURIED CLASSED. SCORE 41 to 16. RICHMOND CEMETERY LARGER THAN EVER BEhers. The band is preparing a very AT- IN SLIDE S.-- MBESIDE HIS WIFE. FORE IT SEEMLast night Dr7 Bailey talked class musical act under high FRANKLIN N The' basketball team of the the direction of Mr.' Lewis Edagain and today the beet sugar deOneida was Stake y Academy The remains of Pioneer, John Andrew and Willis Gibson, , The annual Roundup of the situation will be discussed-bwards and G. Alexander. Agricultural College -- of Utah Joseph., QuinneyJr.i..aijdQther Ash were interred in the ceme- feated by the B. Y. ColIege MrJC.W.,Hansenhascharge sons.of.Mrv,.lliam.lGibSon,.K tery at Richmond orTSaturday, quintette' nT1he'game played of the dramatic part. . The one who is now residing in Logan began yesterday and hundreds experts in that line. ", after service? had been held in here on Saturday evening, the act play entitled Carrots has were caught in a snowslide in f farmers and farmers wives, the Second ward. At these seiv final score being B. Y. C. 41, been selected. This act has been Maple Creek canyon, Lom near and far assembled dear vices addresses- were made by p. S. A. 16. The first half ended played by Mr. Forbes Robert- Franklin, on Friday and killed. at the big school on the hill yes-- 1 . Bishop Anderson, "Elders Chas. with tye score 16 to 8 in favor son in the Garrick Theatre Lon- The accident happened terday afternoon when the op- in that per- don and by Miss Barrymore; f the College-an- d and .the eping session of the great gathiod fast ball, which goes.to officials bothrteams played The held. at bodies is were nolr until recovered jeringwas provethatit In the last 'period, however, a good More details of the about three oclock on Saturday the College were so busy with play. the pace wa3 too hot , for the show will be announced later. registration that no accurate morning. The youngs men had jdsitors and the Crimsons inestimate could be. made as to gone into the sanyon for :the creased their lead with- - ease. the probable attendance this purpose of getting out some saw Hill, the fast forward of the DAY NURSERY year, but it seems safe to say logs which they had cut last College could not play. In our that it will be the biggest gath-- I year. There is a mill in the can- SCHOOL HIGH CACHE have SOUTH opinion in held kind of the and it' was their intention ever," ermg C- yon been larger had he been in, for haul the state. Dr. Bailey; the fam- - DEFEATS WEBER STAKE to , the logs into this mill. , there was a good deal of fumbl ACADEMY. oua agr 3 They left the mill some time of course the . great attraction afterliooH; ancTwhen "'"leaving" In a very fast game Friday ing bajKeto,utQOumbies4vicMtraTTdianrlTri?itrd--to- . cautioned - bynsome-o- f- the were yesterday, if one may be per- the South Cache High mitted to designate the Doctor night mill people about the probabiSchool team defeated the team ' a brilliant game. He is share' with visitors from outplaved as an attraction. of snowslides, as the snow lity the Weber Acada fast, powerful young fellow side, the benefits to be derived was offle had a splendid audience representing quite wet. , . who is never afraid to go after from the splendid courses emy by the score of 32 to 30. When to talk to and he made a very At they did not return-tFarmers fered at the Roundup no point in the game was in ball a the mixup. were the mill, in the evening, the There effective address. there a lack of interest and Petersen was the star of the and Housekeepers conference. people there became no oratorical flourishes or alarmed' desired that especially - and 'went oat to .gamoHems-to-be-playing- l rinvestigate utionary stood 26 to 26. Five minutes more consistent ball this year TKeTadieS of this City and cOUtlnear They found the team-tie- d it, the Doctor ha! a message for more, were played resulting in shall of the privileges enjoy ty than he has ever played, and in a slide had down come where a the people and he delivers conference, 'score of 30 to 30. In. the next his basketwork is very " accur- the Housekeepers plain yet choice language. He required period South Cache in and for their accommodation a and soon concluded that the to ate. whole team seems The' men were buried beneatty the has a pleasing presence, and a cleverly executed play, scored be steadily improving and if Day Nursery has been estab- snow. An alarm was to not sent into listen do have many you field basket which ended the does not at- lished where they can with per- Franklin and some and minutes to get the impression gamer Kimball W. N. thirty men England. tack it, Jensons squad will fect safety leave their babies atwhom of all that he has a head full of In general the game was responded. arsmall and Sloan, children, every make the best of them hasten brains. After working - for several theJvorthandmteg- rangement having been made allthespeeta-testedA- o to big" surprise their comfort - and plea- hours they found the two brothYesterday he impressed upon tors and especially to the visit-- i rity t the departed brother. the q g' a. eenter for Lo- of the the farmer the necessity of ing piayers, who were very con- - President sure. The nursery will be pro. ers under about four feet of Budge . , services played a remarkably good game, sided over by Mrs. Christine snow that was packed hard as his fident of the openea Ean having a definite motive-itempie victory. Crockett has not reached his a trained nurse, ice. They were very close towork, something bigger, better 'XoVarn'e IbiTstars "on "the with prayer and President Bal-an- d last form but he fought Christensen, years benediction. the more Inspiring than the a staff of com- gether, and the upraised hand will have who lif rwhf team would he a ' pronounced ' gamelyi The - Crimsons have a Ash of mere making of a liviw-so- me Life John assistants. Sanitary milk of one of them was but six or tok as eve man was on He was born in Stockport, good margin on the ' Preston petent the Col- seven inches below the surface be will from higher ambition than that of be- provided second. Critchlow j0b every but the Oneidas team, see-sasnow. and mg a settler. He" nhould be a an(j lege swings, dairy, for the visitors Cheshire, England on February Shouldhowever, in from be heard later fthe showed- - that-th- e his a dweller but 1820. When indications' and of upon boy, sand piles; various permanent .toys showed' exceptional form." - The 10, The pleasing feature kinds the year. to moved two brothers had will a make the soil, and should found his dynas-- , 'lineup Birmingham .of parents just unnursery was the manner in the game - mainto he care of litfourteen .land d fairy-lanand tied at hitched the horses for the their veritable : age taking r ty there, South Cache Weber to a gunsmith. which Jensons players stayed tle ones,, who will enjoy their one at some distance above the tain it well. The obligation of Maughan.:: apprenticed s l.f. Belnapjwas with their men. They smothervisits no less than will other. They had apparently not the farmer to society is thatjie Bird Critchlow After learning that trade, he ed r.f. The collegemothers. the visitors all the time. shall maintain the fertility of J. Maughan started to work when the slide their ......Nixon.... was married to Jane Leint and " lineup: two . the soil. Until we have perma- - Reed him bore she daughters, caught them. The slide passed Huriburt l.g. A. C. B. Y. 0.S. birth after' not nent homes established and Hanson... the between the two horses, partilong r.gV ....... Miller dying ...Gilbert l.f Wright one.. Three second maintained on the farms we of the years Hanally covering one of them. The Substitutions: Jones for j later he married . shall not have good" argricul-tur- e. son; Wilkinson for Miller. Mary Steven- - Nielsen; Cox . r.f. ... ..C. Neeley place where the accident hapc ....Cutler son and she too passed away S. Petersen pened is a very narrow ravine Hugh Peterson, Referee. leavinD. Petersen... married a short with steep hills on either side. after life, It is the permanent occupancy Crockett l.g. g-him one child. Three years Hurren There was not more than a foot . of the land that we must look : r.g. after-that- he Neeley . to. The speaker commented up- THE COUNTY married Sophie Williams On and hair of snow at that point LEWISTONr Jan.16. Baskets, Wright the night of January - 1st the and very likely for that reason Summary Edwards. on the farm conditions in Utah -He" became' acquainted " with r Nielsen 3,-- Petersen borne of Pres. ancTMrs.' B. A. thrtwemreTrdld "not fear it. very favorably. He had not been 2, C. Neeley 1, Cutler 1, Hendricks was burglarised, For Willis Gibson was 30 years of some of the Mormon elders laapproached to buy a farm here 1. From free throw: several reasons Crockett and after notice the his to . failed had and vicinity boring ip it has been kept age and leaves a wife and two 13 tries ; .Gilbert out of 9 Cutler emhe of the rid careful to a commissioners at desire The investigation until get county general today, when the par- children, while Andrew was un- - . 4 nut quiet farm that one meets in so many their meeting on Saturday nam- braced the gospel. He started 1 out of 2 tries ; Petersen ticulars of the theft were given married and 28 years of . age. communities. Utah seems to be ed Dr. W. B. Parkinson county for Utah in March 1856, and of 9 tries; Wright 1 out of 3 It is a custom and has been for Willis was to have gone on a Referee, Homer Christen years for stockings to be hung mission next spring. appreciating what real agricul- physician for the. central dis- made the journey across the tries. sen. , A handcart means. .in the A. Adamson of The funeral services will be H. and Dr. .first trict tural development plains for Xmas for father, mother, Lake reached Salt meet least at must monthat held Richmond for at Franklin on Wednesday farmer the one. For several company and every good physician northern district of Cache. City. He opened . a gunsmiths these four requirements: ths Pres. Hendricks had plan- at noon. Many local people will bro, ned to, give his wife an elabor- likely attend it as the two He must be able to make a This action was taken after a shop in Salt Lake . City, and I deHe matand in those wholes making pistols. , livlhg for himself engaged ate dress, for Xmas. So the most thers1 and in fact the long deliberation over the ' was in the move south in the . ter. in the Gibson family is well known skilled dress-makpendent upon him. -- i TIME to IIASJHJSY returned and 1858 of dollars . a was thousand to rear to Ten must work on this here and, in , Hyde Park where spring be able He county was put of that fall in Lake Salt local the a from borrowed well. the used in there are m$ny relatives ot it.. and much was bank, gown, tact, family carefully Mr; George S. McAlister and getting it made perfectly withHe must make his farm of treasury being practically emp- year. In 1860 he and Thomas Griffin decided to seek a new R. W.- Eardley of the Utah out Mrs. Hendricks knowing of some value to the community in ty. home in Cache Valley and af- Manufacurers Association were it. It was a beautiful creation orderof was A new which he lives, by the force , typewriter ter ed for the reaching - here - settled in present at the regular monthly of the finest materials and excel County Engineers the example he sets. ' . where Mr. Ash re- meeting of the Commercial club lent liand work. office.Richmond, . ; t V He must leave the land he Messrs. Eardley and Mc- mained for two or three years held Jan. 15th and gave very After the Xmas opening of tills in better condition than of Alister Salt Lake Manu and then moved to Logan. He excellent talks in regard to the parcels they were all placed on the when he took' it. facturers association met . the conducted a shop here and at great resources of Utah and the a couch, many valuable gifts Dr. Bailey called attention commissioners , Even the most casual observone time did a flourishing busi-nes- s. necessity of the people of this for in the .morning not were and one, every er can notice , that algebra or to the menace of His wife died in the spring state using Utah made goods moved induced them to pay $5 per and On several the for and that days. rather here in Utah, algebraic language has a The club mem night of the character ball here month for maintaining the of 1863 and later he married and products. are ' and irrigation prominent place in the drainage . . here were asked to buy and en- a person entered the Hendricks very, man- Cache county exhibit in the again. associated trade journals and other busi,closely jnthe He was noted for his honesty courage others to buy; Utah home and took the dress, leav- ness hand Vermont muildmg. books. In view of this agement of a farm. Animal husA petition asking the com- and integrity and hn4 a large made goods in preference to ing the other things untouched. fact we can of readily see that bandry is an essential part alv missioners to join with citizens circle of friends. , others so long as the price and They would rather have had as is in . - successful agriculture the shop or the interuvb&n people in are the the asking most in quality house farmthe rise things officeeach has & any manrinr rotation. The good the so crop f The following were unani- taken than to" stop their cars at the post-offiThere were practical need to interpret it. that, er must learn to secure the as- -' in Logan, was granted and mously elected as members of only ohe or two outside of the When we consider that one sistance of the plants in main- the commissioners the the club: Dr. C. N. Jensen,. immediate family who knew of the most significant features signed taining the fertility and pro- request. Clyde Green, Raymond Green, about the dress being made. It of our modern education is to ductiveness of the soil. There HYDE PARK David IK Shaw, J. H. England, C. is certainly hoped the Nearer of elevate and dignify Industrial is no better place to learn all Lieut. E. Santsche P. Cardon, beautiful dress will feel and commercial pursuits, we this, no place as good perhaps It HYDE PARK, Jan. 18. The Jr., Cy. W. Jones, E. R. Owen, the most uncomfortable. see that the ability to as the agricultural colleges. annual Old Folks day for the M. Salisbury, A. Atkinson and the to alluded . The speaker before celealgebraic language will be Monday pret morning just of Hyde Park was Othello Hickman. PASSES AWAY pepple 10 school desirable possession. time a the condition of the apple- market, Verland, very a and on brated gala ' Next Saturday evening Jan. Friday last old son Mrs. and the amount of Mr. of However, year having been told of the bad seawas. enindeed it 23rd, the club will give an met a Leavitt with son that Cache Valley orchard- -' Mr. S. B. Mitton of this city day algebra actually required to At 12 oclock the ever cheerin honor of the Joseph accident. He was very read with intelligence the avergetists have just experienced., He received word yesterday of the ing Hyde Park band was on the tertainment painful Roundup and Housesome in from said that while the apple crop sudden death in San Francisco ground .Ringing out a welcome Farmers conference. age, workmans manual or to ting kindlings All the keepers front of the stove when in some throw light upon the solution was the largest one this year -tiBcfuBprobtera-maritlr- boil Uiat Met pruauctiu In Davis, 23 years of age, was announced and one WOlTItT friends are invited to attend way the teakrittef all ofon not khe United States, still it was mondDavis is metic and extensive water can was over, him, pulled his way home have thought from appearances An excellent program, games, Mr., wasjn to no so large that the market from a mission Australia. that the committee must have refreshments etc., have been his face, both .ears, neck, shoul- be condensed to two things to understand and would have- been disarranged Upon their . arrival at San opected a hungry crowd. But William der blades and up in his hair the ability , Governor Parkin- manipulate a formula and the was Dr. burned. had not the war in Europe un- Francisco, the elder in charge Hyde Parkers do not believe in arranged. badly Spry will no doubt be present son, was summoned and has the power to form and solve a settled things. halves. the of doing by company telegraphed anything and give a short address. case nicely in hand and the lit-tl- e simple equation. ... He had figures to show that Mr. Davis parents, who reside dinner was over a very The Lop-aAfter Military band and -the t'hat this is only a fdtow is rapidly- - improving during "apple production in Burley, Idaho of the illness Vaudeville committees .Boosters off. fallen had ten years past (Continued on Page Five) (Continued on Pago Four) are- working hard- - to have their (Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page Flv) despite the fact of the big yield -- j, MSA i; - - 1 I ' 1 I 1 ! - I.., f t -- n eloc-conrie- - cte it - over-confiden- ce -- lCutU" n i i I j. o!. S 1 ' -- :- - ! f 9 - i i I rV illiams - boosteFcli . - - er - , 7 XTgebra - over-irrigati- on -- . - the-workma- n ce ( OLDilisir' - -- - toljomersUinner - renr interesting-program"wasgr- - |