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Show I THE RICH COUNTY REAPER THE RICH COUNTY REAPER, RANDOLPH, UTAH WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS Entered as second class matter Feb. 8, 1929 at the Post Office, Randolph, Utah, under the Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION 1.50 Per Tear in Advance. Wm. E. Marshall, Business Manager Layton Marshall, Editor and Proprietor GERMAN ASSETS: Uncovered in Spain State Department Blueprints International Atom Control ; House Probes Spy Intrigue Released by Western Newspaper Union. (EDITORS NOTE: When are expressed in these column are those of western Newspaper Unionsopinions news analysis and not necessarily tf they this newspaper.) Better Market Fowl Needed by Farmers Pictured (from totop) during tense UNO talk on Iran are bot-to- Chicken of Tomorrow Must Have More Meat m Andrei Gromyko, representing the soviet; Sir Alexander Cadogan of Britain, and Edward Stettinius and James Byrnes of the U. S. While the development of meatier chickens has been remarkable in the past few years, there is still 'room for improvement. In order to add at least 10 per cent more meat to the present-da- y yyblL. $DtUL3u TlsUvdsuL Jo fisL (pMpWisui! of the Enjoying the Franco government, the U. S. and The book salesman knocked at Britain, acting for the Allied control council, have uncovered more the door of the Jones residence. Mrs. Jones appeared, and, upon than 100 million dollars in German assets in Spain and taken possession seeing the canvasser, said quite as the ruling force of the vanquished firmly: Nothing today! But, madam, he insisted, I reich. have something here that is bound Included in the assets are concantrolling shares in extensive holding to interest you. In fact, you HusThe it. not without do facil30 ,Its and other ships companies; ities of three shipping companies bands Friend, or One Hundred 100 buildings; gold worth $1,125,000; Reasons for Staying Out Late. German paintings used for propaWhat makes you think that ganda purposes, and a huge stock book would interest me? asked of champagne which was to be sold Mrs. Jones, angrily. to obtain foreign exchange. Well, said the book salesman, Discovery of stock of the I sold a copy to your husband on Industria in a vault his way to the station this under the German embassy in Madrid gave U. S. and British officials control over a holding company comprising 17 corporations. Organized at the beginning of the Spanish civil war to supply goods and munitions to Franco, the holding company was supported by the Nazis. Among the German businesses taken over were makers of tires and rubber, medical and electrical equipment, electrical appliances, radio sets and telephones, and light bulbs. Krupps extensive licensing of patents and processes at a 3 per cent royalty also were subject to Allied administration. Socie-dadFinanci- far-flu- ng FARM EXPERIMENT: Dropped by Ford chicken, to secure a higher percentage of meat to bone structure, a WORLD RELATIONS: hunt for the Chicken of Tomor-rois under way. Atom Russ ' D. D. Slade, Lexington, Ky., Even as the United Nations Orhas been appointed chairganizations security council strove man of a national committee which to with Russia differences compose will supervise the distribution of over the Iranian the U. S. question, $8,000 in prizes to poultrymen who state a issued department special can improve their breed and for the, creation of an report calling strain, so as to produce the ideal international agency 'to control all market fowl. The contest is sponphases of atomic energy and avert sored by the A & P Food Stores. atomic rivalry among the major The contest will last for three powers. years and provides for. progress Written by a distinguished board awards totaling $3,000 with" $5,000 go- of scientists and technicians the reing to the poultryman who develops port recommended the establishthe ideal market fowl. ment of an atomic development authority that would own and lease property and conduct mining, manufacturing, research, licensing, inspection or other operations. While Ratchet-Actio- n Wrench the authority would possess absolute control over the production of atomAn automatic, adjustable, ratchet-actio- n ic weapons, it would permit utilization of atomic energy in such civilian wrench, product of Hedstrom fields as medicine, biology, chemisCh Industries, and physics. try been just The U. S.s secret processes in placed on the marw poul-tryma- n, Improved Equipment development ket. The wrench adjusts itself auto- -' matically through an instant thumb-triggan and automatic eye control that keeps the of atomic energy would be gradually unfolded to the United Nations authority as plans progressed for its development. Release of preliminary information necessary to discussion of setting up the agency would be followed by revelation of industrial know-hoin manufacture and finally the method jaws in positive of constructing the constant grip on In releasing the report, Secretary square, hexagonal, metric and odd- of State Byrnes pointed out that the sized nuts while the wrench handle recommendations did not constiis in manual' operation. tute official U. S. policy but could be considered as a basis for discussion of the creation of an interCow Tether Device national atomic authority. Meanwhile, the security council worked on means to adjust the difficult situation posed by Russias walkout in protest over UNOs considMU eration of Irans complaint against the Soviets for failure to withdraw 'lit Red troops from the country. While i! Russias withdrawal from the deliberations jolted UNO, the Soviets li were quick to explain that their acu tion did not mean they were withTether That Holds the Cow But . drawing from the United Nations, Gives Her Plenty of Freedom. but rather objecting to security counPasture may be increased by cil procedure. staking the cow along the road SPY INTRIGUE: or irrigation ditch. A wire cable may be used as shown, which has House Acts , been fastened to two iron stakes. A Hard upon the arrest of a block on the cable will keep the Russian naval officer for espichain from winding and hold it away onage by the FBI in Portland, Ore., from the stakes. the house committee on f activities, headed by RepreTreating Poultry for sentative Wood (Dem., Ga.) voted c Gapeworm Infestation to send investigators up to Canto probe possible connections A safe and rapid treatment for ada between the Soviet spy ring uncovremoving gapeworms from chickens ered in the dominion and agents in and turkeys has this country. been developed by Revealing that the committee had the U. S. bureau of been aware of the FBIs investigaanimal industry. The new treat- tion of the Soviet naval officer, Lt. ment involves the Nicolai Redin, the committee counuse of the chemical, sel said that the group soon would barium antimonyi hold hearings on subversive activitartrate, as a dust. ties and call on a number of witWhen breathed by nesses, including atomic scientists infested chicks it and government employees. causes dislodgment Meanwhile, Redin, nabbed for obof the parasites. taining information "about the deThe powdered drug stroyer tender USS Yellowstone, is dispersed in a charged the whole thing is a buildA membox containing infested birds, and up for political purposes. e the powder is inhaled by these birds. ber of the Soviet purAs many as 50 birds have been chasing staff in the U. S., Redin treated successfully at one time enjoys no diplomatic immunity and was held on $25,000 bond. with one ounce of the chemical. er w A-bo- I 9 lend-leas- LABOR FRONT: Farm Machinery Tie-U- p Government seizure of strikebound farm machinery plants appeared as the remaining alternative as negotiations between companies and union bogged down and equipment was badly needed for the maintenance of high crop production to meet domestic and foreign demands. As the government pondered taking over the plants, the International Harvester company continued to resist the Equipment Workers demands for union security, maintenance of membership, dues checkoff, arbitration and methods f5r settling' grievances. Both company and union agreed to a government recommendation for an an hour wage increase. In addition to 30,000 workers in 11 International Harvester plants, employees in six plants of and J. I. Case remained out over contract differences. CIO-Far- fact-findi- m ng StarKist Fancy is best of our 4 grades It's the kind that's rich in natural iodine In line with its announced policy ot abandoning activities not directly connected with the manufacture of automobiles, the Ford Motor company will dispose of 10,000 acres of farmland in Michigan originally acquired for experimenting in the adaptation of agricultural products to industrial use. The company also decided to give up the model school project organized for the communities surrounding the huge land holdings. schools were remodeled, kindergartens opened for three- - and and studies shaped to permit practical application of textbook teachings. Under the new policy pushed by Henry Ford II, the company will not resume manufacture of some of its own tires and a tugboat used for Ford piers on the Detroit river has been sold. Operated by a foundation separate from the company, the Ford museum and jpreenfield village will not be affected. Enamel lined cans insure flavor-pur- ity One-roo- m four-year-ol- 18-ce- nt 12,-5- Allis-Chalme- Found: An Honest Man! 00 rs Coal Snag While the government kept one eye on the farm machinery situation, it trained another on the coal industry, where parleys between John L. Lewis United Mine Workers and the operators sagged over the UMW chieftains demands for the creation of a health and welfare fund. Dropped last year during the bargaining over a new contract, the health and welfare fund issue was raised again this year by Lewis, who gave it No. 1 position on the nego- tiating agenda. Asserting that it would cost them $50,000,000 annually, the operators proposed the creation of a joint committee to study You PS. in can also get this cereal Kelloggs VARIETY 6 different cereals, 10 generous packages, in one handy carton I Honesty still is the best policy to Frank Barone, 71, who has worked hard operating a shoe repair shop in Chicago, 111., for 40 years and knows the value of money. While reheeling some footwear for an unknown cus- tomer, the cobbler discovered $1,100 in ten and twenty dollar bills stuffed deep inside the shoes. When the customer returned, Barone handed over $1,090, insisting on withholding $10 as a reward. an accident compensation plan as an alternative. As a walkout in the industry loomed, the government prepared to control the shipment of an estimated 29,000,000 toifc of bituminous coal above ground. Steel spokesmen said a miners walkout might result in the restriction of producPEARL tion within two weeks. New UAW Chief A concerted drive to organize the white collar workers in the automobile industry loomed with the election of fiery, Walter Reu-thas the new Automobile Workers president. Avowed foe of the communist faction within the UAW, Reuther thwarted the hopes of R. J. Thomas, head of the union since 1938, who enjoyed leftist xsupport. In winning the presidency of the biggest union in the world, Reuther announced the organization of the white collar workers in the industry as one of his No. 1 goals. He also said an educational program would be undertaken to interest the membership in union activity and the UAW would strive for industrywide instead of qompany-wid- e bargaining to correct wage and working inequalities between plants. The stormy petrel of the UAW, and head of the unions General Motors division, Reuther is 39 and destined for major leadership in the American labor movement. Fired from the tool department of the Ford Motor company for union activity in 1933, he organized an AFL local in the plant in 1935 and then led his men into the CIO in 1938. red-hair- ed er CIO-Unit- ed YOU can have a ' HARBOR: Reopen Hearings FERRY-HORS- SEED CO. E Pondering lengthy testimony on DETROIT SAN FRANCISCO 24 31 the Pearl Harbor - disaster of December 7, 1941, the congressional committee named to investigate the catasrophe decided to reopen public hearings to obtain more detailed information from top military IQlNLGHTj and naval officers as to their whereTOMORROW ALRIGHT abouts on the evening preceding the Vtptndabl attack. LAXATIVI Decision to call General Marshall, Admiral Stark and Rear Admiral Beardall back for questioning folGET A 25 BOX lowed late testimony of Comdr. L. R. Schulz that President Roosevelt had sought to contact Stark on the night of December 6 after receipt FALSEMTEETHlWEARERS of the first 13 parts of the Japanese Try dentist's amazing discove message indicating a rupture in dipMust Hold Your Loose Plat lomatic relations. t While Marshall and Stark had told Secure All D the committee they could not recall Comfortably or you'll your money bad get their whereabouts on the night of ' Juat think how grand yc 1 December 6, Schulz said that Mr. (end look) when talk end laugh withoutyou fee Roosevelt was informed that Stark ... say good platea to sore slipping gums and enjoy ea was attending a theater. Beardall ateak, apples and other tc you ve been passing up. was said to have been dining with Dont let loose pistes sent te asks you alterable the late Admiral Wilkinson, chief of and sm rawed. Got 35 tube, pleasant, e naval intelligence. Schulzs testit druggist Romes thi remarkable trcan-8tax( denture adhesive, mutt bold i mony may serve to refresh their occur all memories, Committee Chairman loniorTteoeta you nothing Barkley said. 1 -- gta: |