Show CITY CITY abill the funeral 0 at mrs mr J 0 sutherland will tako taho place from the residence of byron groo 31 21 first street today at 4 the mayor bell baa approved the iho poro aldro prist lOa list hit passed by the city council tuesday night lad and ahe be warrants will be li ready lor for dollery doll Try to lociy aty fran k licar lical the iha indian who earn com gilted milted suicide at fort douglas last sundy sunday ion was buried la in tle the reservation cemetery with military boilers the kmitch democratic club clab mt met last evening in ID the vestry room of th the mormon couo in the sixteenth ward stravis show shirb way tile wind blows the county clerk issued marriage marr lago licenses yesterday erday to josoph mcbride and nd mary wilson of oakley ids ida and to thoimas D pritchard and od llda lida E H U cook or of salt lake beaver Ut ordan at the th ripe old are age of 81 years year richard bradshan Hrad shan died to la deaver bover utah oa friday Irl day augut IS 18 1303 1893 alia th a deceased was wai borr bore march 27 at clifton nill near coar lancashire englard Eo En glaud rotor peter anderson Aa doron bjorklund a resident of provo died on monday Mont liy in beeden where be was wal Is laboring boring among his people as s a mormon missionary lie ho was A seventy ovelty t la in the and left this territory ou his bis mission la in Kov omber berl isai 2891 the district schools of 0 salt like lake county open next tuesday morn lug inn bep september ath for the aca academic domic year much interest Is manifested throughout ibe county in matters aud and tho the prospects for the th coming school year are very good the th wasatch ch ware Is 1 thus sever etore 11 on tyro two great bodies of 0 by do uirl three states stales as it has done at the dictation of wall street the ibe united sums states sonata to li as little deserving of the ho respect or of honest people as li it the ball bait like city council the th ROMI conference con ferenc of the salt ail lako babko of zion will convene to lo this city on tho the aad 2nd and nd will last two dayl day day and aad night seni loDS will be held the saints are fortumato in that conferences aro are always alay held either just juil prior to or la in the ibo midst ol of a political campaign local weather report at 8 so in ros ye salt lako lake M 68 dog dag baker city so 60 dog cheyenne 46 dog helodo helena fo 50 dog miles city 51 5 deg 54 dog dg idabo falls 60 boic at 10 a in salt like TO 70 dog Blog bam OG GG deg er ogden 67 delt ass logan GG deg park city 64 deg provo 65 dolt dog 0 M awon who complains co ot of the smoke nuisance haa advised withas ellb A lithol city chiy attorney Al tornBy coed and arrived at tile ibe conclusion not to Intili uio w a test buo cuo gritu arlor after islet ilia date dai of the ibo expiration of cf the sixty days allowed by b the city council to the ibe companies to ebale the iho so louf complained of at foot of 0 monog joseph patrick whose end bad accident lit 0 sal air tuesday night has been chronicle chroal aca do was at an early hour yesterday nio by dr beatty the young mails father robert patrick was wai tule tolle irra phed to lo bo be being with the iho tabor oacle insults choir party arly en ell route to chicago and boll bole expected to arrive homo home tonight land and water pon daleton Is san hangulon gulon that his efforts irk in the direction of securing about acres of Govern government men land for a water libed bed will moot with success luc ceas nis lils plan pian which hleb Is endorsed by Delo rawlins united states laud land attorney T C bailey Fo Kegl glater sier ol of the land ofelea byroo byran groo aud untied united states slates surveyor general george W snow Is to have Co congress ConR ogress ross code cede to the abo city all government land embraced to in the territory north ot of lit mill ill creek west ot of tho the summit and oat east of city creek thus increasing the watershed now norr possessed by the iho city from rora 11 OUO acres to noary nearly acres the lao land Is neither suitable cult ablo for timber nor entry end and wis was matil lastly designed by nature lor for tb iba i me ilse which mr its hl planned for IL it the city engineer Is also strongly atron gly to la favor of the tha cession maps lisp and surveys show luor the tb coveted landa will be pre prepared arid and tnt sout to delegate I 1 rawlins atio A lie ill III prepared prepa rei to act on do oriand |