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Show LEGALS NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Notice is hereby given that according accord-ing to law, and pursuant to the provisions pro-visions of Section 6056 of the Compiled Com-piled Laws of Utah, 1917, as amended by chapter 140 of the session laws of Utah, 1921, the following described real estate for which Beaver County has received "Auditor's Tax Deeds" on account of delinquent taxes, will be offered for sale by the Board of County Commissioners of Beaver County, Utah, at the front door of the County Court House, in Boaver City, Beaver County, Utah,' on Monday, Mon-day, 14th day of May, 1928, at the hour of 10 A. M., of said day. Any of these parcels of real estate may be redeemed at any time before the sale by paying the taxes, interest penalty and costs to the County Treasurer Treas-urer of Beaver County, Utah. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids that do not cover penalty, interest, taxes and costs. By Order of the Board of County Commissioners of Beaver County, State of Utah. C. F. HARRIS, Chairman of the Board. ATTEST: E. A. Griffiths, 4 Clerk of Board. f The following is the property sold ; to Beaver County, for delinquent ! r taxes for the year 1923, and has not t been redeemed according to law: LOTS IX BEAVER CITY I ; M H Gale, Estate Lot 1. Block Plat A., Lot 2, Block 79, Plat A. ; Merlin Paterson Lot 2, Block 5, : P1Mertina D. Ferris Lot 2, Block 72, Plat A. , , T , T O. Patterson 95 rods of Lot tz. Block C, Plat D. T,T,,rov MINERSV1LLE TOWN SURVEY Man,' Allen Blackburn Lot 1, blk. 3 Plat A ' MILFORD TOWN SURVEY Beaver County School Board assessed as-sessed to C. C. Sloan Lots 1-2-3-4-29-30-31 and 32, Block S, Plat B. John W. McAllister, Estate Lot 5, Block 6, Plat B. Majestic Mining Co. Com. at point which bears S. 22 degrees, 50' W. 832 feet from S. W. cor. of the. E V2 of S. E. hi of Sec. 6, Twp. 28 S. Range 10 West; thence South 9 decrees de-crees 52' west 660 feet, thence S. 80 degrees .07' E. 330 feet; thence N. 9 degrees 52' E. 660 feet; thence 80 degrees .07' W. 330 feet to beginning. beginn-ing. Containing 5 acres known as the Campbell' Mi 11 site. John R. Ridge Lots 3-4, Block 1, Plat Milford Heights. Jorgensen & Company Lot 14, Block 7. Milford Heights. Alta Edwards Lot 1, Block 8, Mjlford Heights. Jorgensen & Company Lots fi-10-11-12 and 15, Block 8, Milford Heights. Jorgensen & Company Lots 3-5-6, Block 9, Milford Heights. Joseph Blumberg Lot 12, Block 9, Milford Heights. H. F. Kennedy Lots 2 and 3, Block 5, Lewis Addition. Lot 8, Blk. 12, Lewis Addition. LAND IN BEAVER COUNTY M H. Gale, Estate Com. 40 rods North of SW cor. of NW14, Sec. 2, Twp. 29 S., Range 7 West; thence N. 73 degrees 40' E. 74 rds. thence N. 39 rds; thence west 74 rds; thence South 40 rods to beginning. Also NWVi of NWVi of Sec. 2, Twp. 29 S., Range 7 West; also commencing at NE cor. Sec. 3, Twp. 29 South, Ranee 7 West; thence South 30 rods; SW 84 rods; North 160 rods; East 80 rods to beginning. Also commencing commenc-ing 80 rods South of NW cor. of NE Vt of Sec. 3, thence East 80 rods; South 40 rods; West 80 rods; thence North 40 rods to beginning. Also Lot 2, Sec. 3, Twp. 29 S. Range 7 W. Containing in all 112 acres. M H. Gale, Estate Commencing 12 rods East of SW cor of NW of SWVi of Section 15, Twp. 29 South, Range 7 West; thence North 10 rods; F-ast 41.92 rods: thence South 20 -ods; thence West 41.92 rods to beginning. be-ginning. Containing 5.5 acres. Geo. B. Gillies Commencing 68. 79 rods West and 21.4 rods South of NE cor. of SEV4 of Sec. 4, Twp. 29 S. Range 7 West; thence South 16 degrees 45' East 23.15 rods; South 75 degrees 08'; West 45 rods; North 12 degrees 14'; West 24.8 rods; N. 84 degrees 30'; East 6 rods and 15 links; North 2 degrees 00'; East 5 rods; West 3 rods; North 8 rods; East 40 rods; to beginning. Containing Contain-ing 10 acre3. Geo. B. Gillies Com. 40 rods W. of SE cor. of NE VI of Sec. 15, Two. 29 South, Range 7 West; thence W. 20 rods; North 80 rods; East 20 rods; South 80 rods to beginning. Containing 10 acres. John E. Jones, Estate SW of the NEVi of Sec. 10, Twp. 29 South, Range 7 West. Containing 40 acres. Beaver Creamery Company Com. 80 rods W. and 11.75 rods South of NE cor of SE'.4 of Sec. 28, Twp. 29 S., Range 7 West; thence South 11.6 rods; West 26 rods and 10 links; North 12 degrees 00'; East 11.9 rods; East 24.4 rods to beginning. Containing Con-taining 1.7 acres. Ben F. Davis NV'2 of SWU of SE hi; and, SEVi of SW of SEVi of Sec. 32, Twp. 29 South, Range 7 West. Containing 30 acres. H. A. Skinner N hi of SWH of Sec. 24, Twp. SO South, Range 7 W., nH MV, of NE of Sec. 26. Twp. 30 South, Range 7 West. Containing 160 Clarence Grimshaw SWVi of SW V, of Sec. 14; S of SEH of Sec. 15; NW!4 of NWV4 of Sec. 23, all in Twp. 29 South, Range 8 West. Containing Con-taining 160 acres. ,,, Harriet Tanner NEVi of SW of Sec. 23, Twp. 29 South, Range 8 West. Containing 40 acres. John Reese Com. 35 rods East of NW cor. of SWU of Sec. 27, Two. 29 South, Range 8 West; thence E. 35 rods; South 80 rods; West 35 rods; North 80 rods; to beginning. Also commencing at,NE cor. of SE Vt of Sec. 27, thence South 80 rods; W. 129 rods; North 80 rods; East 129 rods to beginning. Containing in all 82 acres. John Ryan South 35.68 rods of SWVi of SEH of Sec. 5, Twp. 26 S. Range 10 West. Containing 17.8 acres. J. C. McGarry. et al Lots 4-5-6-8-9-10-14, Sec. 3, Twp. 27 South, Range 10 West. Containing 318 acres. Sherman Taylor, et al Lots 2-3 and 4, Sec. 5, Twp. 28 South, Range 10 West. Containing 129 acres. Myron P. Lewis North 34.85 feet of NW-i of NE of Sec. 7, Twp. 28 South, Range 10 West. Containing 1.05 acres. John W. McAllister, Estate NW H of SEV. of Sec. 29, Twp. 28 S., Range 10 West. Containing 40 acres. Ursula P. Johns NEH of Sec. 34 Twp. 28 South, Range 10 West. Containing Con-taining 160 acres. Lorin Hall Com. at NE cor. of SWVi of NEV1 of Sec. 9, Twp., 30 S., Range 10 West; thence S. 70 rods; West 8 rods; North 70 rods; East 80 rods to beginning. Containing 35 acres- Cassio McKnight Com. 116 rods East and 100 rods South of the NW Cor. of Sec. 11, Twp. 30 South, Range1 10 West; tbenca East 22 rods; South. 40 rods; West 2 rods; North 64 degrees, de-grees, West -15 rods to beginning. Containing 2.5 acres. Henry B. Peake W'.i of Sec. 23, Twp. 22 Sni'th. Range 11 West. Con-tainintr Con-tainintr ".'20 rcves. T. H. PretlficVl, Estate SEH of Sec. 12, Twn. 2S South, Range 11 WVst. Containing 1C0 acres. Majestic Corner Mining & Smelting Smelt-ing Co. All Sec. 13, Twp. 28 South, Range 11 West. Containing 640 acres. Majestic Copper Mining & Smelt-inn- Co. Wv. of NWU;'& SEVi of NW K: & SWH of NE'i of Sec. 25, Twp. 28 South, Range 11 West. Containing Con-taining IfiO acres. E. H. Martin EV. of SWV and W'2 of SEM of Sec. 10. Twp. 29 S., Range 11 West. Containing 160 acres. Charles A. Zilln-ct EV, 0f Sec. 18, Twp. 30 South, Range 12 West. Containing Con-taining 320 acres. Elam Fonts SE'S of NEH and NE VI of SEV, of Sec. 21, Twp. 30 S., Range 12 West. Containing 80 acres. Mary Richards Commencing 17 rods North and 7 rods East sf the SW cor. of Sec. 25, Twp. 29 South., Range. 8 West and thence East 41 rods; North 42 rods; West 8 rods; North !) rods: West 22.5 rods; South 39 degrees 31' West 22 rods; South 1 rod: West 31 rods to beginning. Cnpta'ninc 13. "4 acres. PATENTED MINING CLAIMS IN BEAVER COUNTY Blue Acri". Copper Co. The Lake j Superior Florence, .Tennice, Michi- , p-an Boy, Bnlwer. Hill Top, Little Dick, Tron Kins, Van. Francis, Minerva; Min-erva; Emerson, Wallace, Johanna, Volney, Pinacle, Lafavette, Little Mildred, Crown Point Mining Claims, located' in Beaver Lake Mining District. Dis-trict. Containing 310 acres. Klondike Cooper Mining Co. . Klondike, Klondike No.3 and 4, Klondike Extension, Mining Claims located in Beaver Lake Mining District. Dis-trict. Containing 59 acres. Majestic Copper Mining & Smelting Smelt-ing Co. The O. K. Copper Mining t Claims. Containing 20 acres located ( in Beaver Lake Mining District. I Copper Ranch Mining Company Jewel, Margurite and the Carnarth- f an Mining Claims, located in Rocky Mining District Containing 61 acres. Majestic Copper Mining & Smelt- j ing Company Old Hickory, Amellia, 1 Summit, Apex, hnd Gothland Mining j Claims, located in Rocky Mining Dis- i trict. Containing 27.4 acres. ! Vicksburg .Gold & Copper Mining Co. Margurite, Copper Belt, Jumbo, No. 2 and 3, Homestake, Mining Claims located in North Star Mining j District.. Containing 75.8 acres. ! Majestic Copper Mines & Smelting Company Midas, Harrington, Hick-orv. Hick-orv. Quartz, Fraction, Oklahoma, Adolia," Camphell & Cannon Mining Claims in North Star Mining District. W. H. Korns The John Kemole j Mining Claim located in Star District containing 19 acres , Majestic Copper Mines & Smelting Company Vicksburg, True Fissure, STiaonHe, Mill Site, Hoosier Boy, Goodwin and Congo Mining Claims, located in Star District. Containing x. 71 acres. Beacon Trust Co. Homestake No. One and Two, WM of Anchor No. 2, Mining Claims located in San Francisco Fran-cisco District. Containing 79 acres. A. J. Killhurn, et al Portion of Gad Fly Mining Claim located in San Francisco Mining District; and further fur-ther described as follows: Com. at cor. No. 1, from which the NW cor. of Sec. 13, Twp. 27 South, Range 13 West, bears South 37 degrees 05' East 12,453.7 feet; thence North 86 degrees 53' West 1500 feet; thence North 19 degrees 55' West, 303.5 ft.; thence South 86 degrees 53' East 13.4 feet; thence South 19 degrees 55' East 651.8 to cor. 1, the beginning. Containing 7 acres Monitor Mines Co. Portion of Atlas At-las Mining Claim Lot No. 57, located , in Star Mining District, described as follows: Beginning at cor. No. 1 of Atlas claim, thence S 442 ft. thence Northwesterly 517 feet; thence East 254 feet to cor. No. 1, the beginning. Containing 2 acres. First Publication April 13, 1928. Last Publication May 4, 1928. |