Show warsaw barracks Ou rack the barracks at warsaw greeted erected by the russian czars azars to hold in im checks check the unruly poles are by far the most spacious in the world the suns guns la in the ehg alls facing the city could easily level the ahe capital of old poland to thi the ground while walle the garrison manta maintained Ined num numbering bezing nearly troops i could d overawe any rebellion debelli on unless the conspirators spira tors had aid from outside the barracks cover some MOO ac acres resin ln the highest portion of the suburb su Burba li thir that barracks at aldershot aldershof Alder shot england ara th the 9 second largest in the world hattu hating accommodations aulk tar lor troops and covering ames acres the par bagh barracks at Mild kildare irein in ireland are K re in 10 squares eich each of half haai space tor for su aa entera I 1 and its officers I 1 |