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Show Guarantee No. 2041, filed at W aihingloe. CoopUfi with all requirement vl the National Pure Food Law, ntt ciii Tii1- - : i: u:iij ll 1 I;n!i Bj.i THEATRICALS. j tli-ii- Theatre T,'e ol t!n- :i y hi-- tb.- UlL'iil hlilvl.iy Friday i:" SiiMinlav u.--i .in ;(i so ilh- in iii.--j ivai I ilM'WIUK :ir iiiiitr: " ji iicii;(d - sole : (i!ii;,:tii in 'J - i Just if no iiiut'i - i!uy Ki irfi' .re tlial ier H ijfll-il- l ran. gin. We J in some t!ini-- J V the finest hotels and reutaiuar.ls, did not find any coffee to excel in quality Aibuckles ARIOSA. That if wlial one lady writes and Lilt 37 years ought to induce to at least sample it. millions of others prove they believe, by using mure ArbucLles' ARIOSA C'uffee titan all the oilier patkaged nifires in I United he States Mr. r "Su-'ain-- Brian ii'.mi that a'lici'im-c- s Hit The fact that ArbucLles ARIOSA Coffee costs less and has suited the health ami taste of packaged Chemists an li S. Hanauer. g OFFICE. PASSING GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Assayers. .Consult County Clerk or respective' J. V. Budls signers for further Information. PROBATE AND i ' ,4 $ I ami I jdlli A will give 4 .4 .4 Tie Orpheum nave another hill the ik. Oh laird! how long? It'' "A Tie Grand preaented Man's Some anuiimed that UP'l.i ii 1ifiniise." ik tit i' belonged to the chief aetor vbn had assured ma manager he could Olliers thought It refem-i to an gni'ir.iiice that the play would not cuiie liack. At any rate whatever was It went premised was not indicated. the tii"t part of the week and was succeeded by "Sis in Xew York. The gains may have been laid In New York but thy looked as they had not been closer than Philadelphia. The (get i liar the audience survived spoke granger than words of their courage. .4 .4 ,4 The Lyric still sings Its way, hurray, homy. At ten, (went' thirl' the show's if you don't mind get cheap as dirt ARBUCKLE BROS. NSW YURK CITY. . ,4 improvement mw.jI is the genuine article, no mattes coffee. . COMMENT Contlnuei1! in our uexl.) 111 ivM.-i- ike itiipros-Jcj- i it ti a tl.snsiii'ii lif lliaT I''- - in ...... . OWNED BY VI Hunnecutt. roR DINNEER Jr ItTo clock. 432 South Main Street, Salt LaKe City. $ SS333aF33aF323W3523K lalMB4rat Fhom 27'. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS the By conSes. Day or Week. Ova LcyOiVa jeweirr Siure, 2o4 5outn Main Sl, Mm' Electric Bl.n. Mmt 'is giving the best moving pictures 1Ver P. O. Bos 1446. Salt I.ake City, Utah Now It bus bei n waAtiei and In (lie District Court uf tin I bird jn ihu city, barring none. The Judicial District of thn State of Utah, sod for one of the coudeiisei-i- i Analytical Work a Specialty. srr given without a flicker or vlbra-The.tracts all the ammonia, and It Is just County of Salt are given with a veiy Katie Father Itishop, plaintiff vs. as dean now as it cun lie. In fuel Kmng light and the subject are more SETTLES, MATHEZ A CO. Charles V. Bishop, defendant - Sum- - just as nobby ami tidy as a little, girl tjun j,,.aK)i1K. to school It and then going Sunday Asa ay, Chamlcal and Metallurgical j A passenger riding on an open car Laboratory. ob First street on a recent, cold even- Vini an hereby summoned to appear .chug out Into the Immense holder, waK complaining about the rom- 1M South West Tem ple St reel. fisit across and wit bin twenty days after the service lin feet high, 1S 'y putting such a car in commls- Balt lako City. Utah. ' uf tills siiiiiinons of pure, un- uMin you. If served which holds l.ali.niHi yes" replied the conductor "1 W. G. KING, MANAGER. within the ('Oiitiry In which this a. lion adulterated gas -- as clean and imde-wlssmash up this frozen .heywoubt In otherwise, within thirty hied as any made in the world, air sitin'' Fifteen assay or anulyaea for 3. dayshroiiglit, nfler service, uml defend tln ls various stages, the gas had I ,4 ,4 ,4 Gold, Silver, Lead, Copper, Iron,. j above entitled action; and In case of.n p8 in,inrillcs extracted the am- - If V. J. Moran thinks he owns the Mangan-eaeand Zinc, Silica, Calcium will to so failure do, Judgment your nionia. sulphur, water and everything gttwts of Salt Lake City as well as be rendered against yon amirdltig to an, w hen It passes Into the hold the member of the city council, the Write for partlculara. ' demand of the ,"l1ll''t ls ',"',lll,'all-- 11 !pmp.Tty owners on Fifth South street irTHE HENRY HANSON CHEMI- jihr hj ' T,,,,r, ,i,v ",hlr l'ircsting things should get to work and convince the CAL RESEARCH COw im nn.nrmmn youUwin he Illc wbh I'1''11 of thla com- Tlils action Analytical and Consulting Chem-IsU- , i.l," rlerk or said Court Iftnan or a guess coming,extraction in fact whl, h l,a,lh, 64 Railroad Building, iP'nt 43.0t)(i,- to recover a Judgment dls- Ldvittg ho bonds of matrimony here- - ""V " anl.nllcHtiou oflts faith In guesses One guess as to what his Denver, Colo., U. 8. A. O- 'W worth and the other as to how ' mrore existing helw.-eyou and the .room, u little ",Iron Imjx about nine much more it Is going to cost him to nhiititiff inches across and two feet In diam-tkee- p the council In line. Pat Moran C'VHI'S ( CATRVT I Ymt feel It w hir, and you learns haa had a contract for putting In the laintlirs Attorney ,H P. n. nddtvsK 311 1. F. Walker Wd'g., .rbtae. or rotary ; watermaln on Fifth South. He dug .engine, and that little machine Is of a tivnph about fifty Inches wide and t l aLe entv Utah Tlieiv are two ijsflfleen feet deep. He started on u ' horscijower. 1107 Formerly of Mlrt PbllrU0b Sent , (lf them, and with them all UjVeek and weeka ago. The trench Is refund proierty owners down that CROW BROTHERS, electricity needed In the plant is NOTICE. erated. vky are lnglnnlng to believe that Haa opened up M ihc plant is a pleasure. ! Put has a cinch on Old Gabriel and is '' I'Fstaie of In-nWannelio I)HPHHed c. 13 W South Tempi r v seen anything of the thelastablding Salt Lake City, sale the real estate situate In If you are l gixid. and ' J1" e Jr 5! Maybe, Lake county, Utah described as Where he will be plaaaed to v '' mIio iiu.J a l (i'-i- i on !hf cli:: g Mrs. E. .ft w l LocKsley Hall. & ting clay. SUMMONS. Went Temple. 151 Tliat Sec that you get the sealed ficoplc for over UNION ASSAY ly 4 Ini. it package, one pound full weight, bearing the nameARBUCKLES ARIOSA COFFEE and the signature of Arbuckle Brothers, which entitles you to presents. r Red Theatorium has changed iiml la now under the ruauuge-ux-nf 1 Offer alio lias made Tb j Tlie cities hide many country girl where you buy it or wliatjjnre you pay and I joys who secretly sigh for a for it cup of good coffee lilc mother" made. Same old Coffee, same old firm. Mother proliahly used the old If your grocer won't supply, write to Arbucflus the first roasted original tugrtlirr, most American evwy-Lot- vSN ij- - Ullllc -- o, - Tin-.- who j lltil)!ll- - Mill ami weekly - limuiu.iU- - a ri.s i Tut! , mpir. Thin wriiil !! "I lu- l.abt ri.itri.'' .ill cani jniirn ul.il. Mr. Bryan proceed-icoi.,i;ii- y .with hia whliiw in.l oratory ilimualioui liUf.il Koiuji to p.i i"i .Miss Nrihi-rsnlis as the "third battle.'' ami l hat sin- - lias mii- iiiiu.: , run ' i i:i-- !:. will li.iiiii it.i.i Miring a i ! "Tl.f la "Siiouiil wives, ml a woman wijur in iui M.-ulm mi- - ii: pay llM-banding oi::ik: SALT LAKE CITY. y -- THE MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGE i ri-- SATISFACTORY RANGE." "THE RANGE THAT SAVES." lad ua place one In your home, use It thirty days, if it is not satisfactory we will call for it nil money paid refunded. $1u.(h) to "THE t h , STAY $70.00. ; MONARCH HARDWARE CO., J. ! h W. 3 S. 27-2- 9 tt G. CAMPBELL, Manager St, Salt Lake City. u Parker Lumber Co. J.EXrow, Saltjo m-ve- Customer. 21 Harness Worn Notlea and Lowest Prices. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Ma. and Sea EVERYTHING the I In . RubberGoods Sta k. All goods guap mtead. Sand ua your DRUG CO, 338 Main 8L, Salt Lake City, Utah. - i j.Twunr.js i x Ch.' r ( Suiucdlo ;; 'Su!UiuujV3 ? I ha 'Sniinu, jadtrj . i 6U30NVH B3dVd 'SUilNIVd; U cs:i INU JUOIM ori 6XN3N3T3 113 'SB3H10ua ; : ojewnivV shoivdooaa ony HBl.l mi, J 0C8 kiu.mu.iu) (( ii.j IS t) AV i 'oju.mwp 115 $ 9S0I ) i rr jg ji Liror'i Dr. Fr noS Tansy Tanlata. An acwith quaintance ttiaaa tablata will reault In a plaas-an- i aurprlue to women aiilTerlng 1 Me ladles' In caaaa of talnful or aup- saf-auar- d. rp,d )rli. manairua- Iton TMKT RLilVKUu. SS.00 par l)OX. At all drug stores or by mail. (oourolv sealed. loull Drug Co., ijh Mala. Salt Laks City. Utah. H. L. GRAY, Surveyor-General- It 1 I , Land Board, State Engineer. State Cutler, Jr., BANKER. Eitebllibid 1M3. INVESTMENT BONDS. SVGA! STOCKS. BANK STOCKS. Ani Olhar Investments Bought Sold. Salt Uk City. MNaiaSu 1X7. High Grad Balk 'Fkaaaa Doctor Johnson, Specialist for Rectal Diseases 261 S. Main T. W. B0CKSTIE, 21 Ladies' TAILOR. Salts Made to Order $22.50 A up. Pants $6 & up. Altering, Repairing, Cleaning ft Pressing. ROOMS 33 21 35 EAGLE BLOCK, Strictly Modtra. The Raleigh! Mrs. 137 East L B. McGrath, Prop. First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Rooms Single U EnSnlto, With Private Bath. Co., S mu-pi- 'ipjfd. I lYifMTonrxvivji Rates Reasonable. Centrally Located. Strictly Modern in all Appointments. NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, EUROPEAN. ; J & Street, Salt Lake City. Practical Gents roKerage usiness o C. WITHOUT KNIFE. 1 Child, Cole Salt Idike City. Utah. John Piles Removed i Salt LaKe City Real Estate Office, SALT LAEE CITY, UTAH. I Corner 2 South & 3 West Sts. ud STOCKS. Attend to all bttslneai before United States Land Office, S. Write or Call at Our to do as he likes. Irrespective of the feelings of the poor unfortunates on lie received ut the ofllce of McUur-rt- n 'his line of (contract march. Tltey . It (Justin, 309 Auerbach Building, car conductors rttt the great hold h investigate Salt l.ake City, Utah. Terms of sale, on he council, and after mature L tov he Investigated in re-0fratth or credit an provided by law. the company lnvw,tiRatlon. they will have fated, September 4. 1907. gard to knocking down" fan's. Af- material enoughperhaps to warrant laying the Kdward Wannelio, Administrator of ter the olllclal had learned that the matter before the grand jury. Who the estate of lana Wannelio, deceased. conductor had kept for himself Jt'i.jr. knows? It is hard to tell these days. MctJurrln & Dustin, Attorneys. out of the day'a receipts, tuming over .4 ,4 ,4 1907. about half that much to the comFirst, pulillcatlim Sept. 8, The street railway jieoplc don't like pany. the official sarcastically said: the new proposed franchise offered ASSESSMENT NO. 1. You brought your car back allrlght, them by the council. The people do did you?" "Oil, yes," replied the con- not either. If the city council would I'lali XewspuH'i- itnil Mining Com ductor much obliged for the use of a sane, decent eipiivHlent for the exgrt laiciitloii pi paiiv, a corporation. franchises they arc going to give principal place of business, Sait I .like be better. the street ear the Creat Blood would City, Utah. company be compelled to give the Notice Is hereby given that at a poor people a chance. I t the sheet meeting of the III lin'd of Piroctort nr company be compelled to give an held on the 3tli day of August, 1!'C, rate, that is. instead jjij open A Purely Vegetable Compound. an assessinent of 1 I cent per slian of being compelled to deposit money was levied (u the capital stiK'k of th. with the street car company and get a cm isii'Htion. pay able October 1, 1907, Tested by Years of Experience. Pos- little book with printed slips in It to I. II Crav, treasurer, at II Kagle laid to be tickets, let the street car Itblg. Salt laike Cltv. Utah. Any itive Cun for Constipation, Kidney company be compelled to instruct ail stis'k iihMi which this assessnicn its conductors that they may take and Stomach Troubles may lemuiii unpaid on (lie 1st day o, a four cent fare, or six fmva for a will be dcliniiumit and Ociiiber, quarter, and that the conductors lie A Sure Belief for Rheumatism. advcriised for sale at public auction (applied wlt.i tickets to furnish the is before made and. unless payment In this wav the poor man public. Testimonials , furnished on 2'-'will be sold on the requec. will have a chance; In this wav the day of Octo-ler. 1907. at the hour of 12 o'clock m., council can subserve Its constituents. Car 1m Medical Company, a' II Fugle Dldg. Salt laike Cltv.l n asses--Utah, to pay the deltiniucnt fill W. 1st South Street. who is now on his Taft, Secretary meat togeihcr with the cost of udverway to the Philippines, will be ah Salt Lake City. Mslng and expense of sale. lent from the country for several 1. H. (1KAY, Secretary. gonths, but that fact somehow seems AGENTS WANTED. Ofllce. II Kugle Building, Salt Lake, to add interest in his availability for Cllv. Utah. Mr. Taft haa had a the presidency. First publication Sept. 1. 1907. elder experience In public affairs than say other man mentioned for the great oSice which seems to be calling for We do a General Ccmmixsion? He solved the difficult prohlem him. of the Philippines, stopped the lusur rtcttnn in Cuba and put the island In S healthy rondltlon in a few days, and dam all he la successfully conducting tie moat stupendous engineering un i Is growing in vuiuc. and now is the drrtnktng to be found anywhere In tin sorld's history the ruuauia eanal. Si ofwill ltith On to invest. time Sept, In all tils long record of success sc n.s to ifer for sale; ns one hdd him out conspicuously ru) lots In JORDAN PLACE. eninently fitted for the "High Office.' o- at A subdivision of Salt latke City, It Is generally believed that il is Third Tenth West street Irntwecn o4 possible for a hen to lay more than South and Sixth South streets. die egg a day. Professor (Sowell, of u Otic dollar cash and fifty cents d4 University of Maine, has been mak Orders Promptly Executed week will buy one of these lots withlig observations on the subject. Parc Bank in Vuh. References, Id notice was taken of several white any out interest or tax. Wandntte. one of which especially Priee from 1100 to $200. Sire, 25 ms suspected of transgressing the rate of output. These snap! adrK' by 1.V7 feel to alley. Streets graded 100 Atlas Black, Salt verified. The special white were dtis and street to school and close city ndotte actually laid thirty-fou- r Lake n City, Utah, cars. Send for Plat to E. B. Wicks. In thirty-twdays, and twice in Cltv. No. t;9 State Street. Ball months laid two eggs In one day seven other Wyandotte exceeded Utah. THE KEELEY CURE. thil usual output, hut not to the same ex1 nt. Drunkenness Cured. To women for collecting i o A names and soiling our are positive and permanent cure there only eighteen though for drunkenness and the oplnm d novelties, we give big: (IhL used in the International Code eases. There Is no pulillrlty, no Ipli1'1- - which la used by warships t ftlrf premiums send your nnme today fot sickness. Indies treated a our new b n of big profits with litprl- - jam merchant ships all over the world. jM tle work. Write today. Address C. vainly as at their own homes. Tbs ioit can be mad to represent no T. MOSELEY, Premium Department,1 Institute. 334 V. So. Tm. Lr mn 20.000 signals, and by its 31 E. 23rd Street. New York City. Salt Lake City. Utah. thing like 5tW00 ships can lve do1 UTAH and NEVADA Land Attorney. U. c;ysri Cdrbo mall order E caV'on Mr - r rssh line S I Dona on Shortest Can 'K'n-f- ilTthe 'FlretIlurHngton Addltbm J..,1 n-a- fd-'kln- d. See Old Friends Wholesale 3 Retail Mining Timbers, Genasco hoofing, Blue Plaster Board. All Kinds of Ruilding Material. geltv : I Wi ? Mrs. E. Bartlett, Prop. a'si-- x. 138 State Street, Salt Lake City. S ih stjj S |