Show ATE lAtt > E Notetnlt r I7lb hi In the I levenlh War of this cltj Uwin Jo < epli Lr Fame born Aogcit T 1 < < 3 la London England Tbe funeral aid b lucid at 1 clock tomorrow morrow Irom J 1 IVcllanl a residence S3 Ii Elrtct Twenty fln d svimust Cal Idaho November into Anna 0 UloieJ wlr of rank o scimi and dacjbcr ot Chrlitopher and taaa DIehL anent from reddened ot parenu Soma So-ma e Feeond Sloth Street next Sunday 1 clock run ncvx Died at hens residence at nearer lisa Box Elder Coantj Uetrey title M anl on the UUi of Novemer IfeJ at old age Sally Barker Iinnu fter i astinit irocKn ooe or mite Irdhlr in rotnmon with the Latterday Saints at Naaroo she came t Sail Uke alley Miewa aeJ SI year > 9 menuS and M itijf and died la the faith ot the new an I cvf rliilmj eorenant EV NS November tth IsiS at i I Im at thc reuidcaee of the loin D LuViel Je in tbe Twenty < econ 1 n anl Salt Lake Lily ale ImctrloR Uejt of tbreo jeano onfuroplion l > atid L ion at John Iand i Iiiabeth ETa > aged 25 yean I montbi and I iin otkc of funeral hereafter I JtiUmmt SIIr and Olaf ow paperi IJeoe copy I kLLunAt Salt rake City November I ma of pneumonia thai widow of George I ellar In the tevcnty Brit year of her ao i Fnceral terrOrs will b held in the First ward meeting Sonic at I Im Sanday cremberlit Friend < are re1ecufatly Invited Gcrrnrii In the Tenth Vard tbi cUr = ovcmUr tb 1 A at 1 3 rm alter a eknect of foal weekc of covamption Ua Grether aged W yean 9 moat and dayf Iiceea ed was bronrht to Ltan by Tot lark and leaves a Kirrow stricken iniband and four mail ebil len to mourn hero Funeral icrvlcea will take place In the TeamS Ward meetioi hoe on Sunday mmendng all 0 am umammatttyehiJuat County Crab ovember Elb Ernest Bailey on of L A alley aiccd 3 reare l > erea > ed wa > an nn aaly bright child and exhibited Inlelll genes beyond fell yean Much rympathy U felt for the bereaved taaiiiyCoii IUTC1L In tbeSixteenlh War Note rrrth of diphtheria Abram ArcLie ion 01 Abram and Ida Hatch ased 1 yearn J monlh and 10 daye |