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Show i Wk. tiiE 4 devoted THE PEOPLES' ADVERTISER. VOL. XXI. to th rTJsrs of summit county IH, FRIDAY, COALVILLE, JOB WORK NEATLY DONE l r NO. 18. MAY 1, 1914. rT ACCEPT L rf T ATION-O- I map of r.::ao showing ports blockaded by u. s. navy PRESIDENT WILL ENDEAVOR TO STOP RIOTING IN SOUTHERN COLORADO COAL T FIELDS. STRIKERS MAKE SUDDEN ATTACK ON CAMP OF FORBES, SEVEN GUARDS MEETING DEATH., r Battle at Wilson. During burg, Militia Surgeon Is Shot Dead by Attacking Force While Aiding Comrade. Five-Hou- Government Troop Will Maintain Order Until the State Can Reassert Its Authority and Control Contending Forces. Ms. as.MM'h The protecting arm Washington of the feder2Tvgofcrnment is to lie intended to the state of Colorado, ITesi dent Wilson hating decided to send federal troops to stop rioting in the Colorado coal fields Torn asunder by riots and battles between the military mine guards und striking miners, Governor Amnions found the state militia unable to cope with the sltua tion, and asked for help. The Colorado delegation in congress, the mine owners and the miners themselves joined in the request. it was onf- of the rare occurrences in American history when a state found itself impotent to assert its authority, but the president, in a telegram to the Colorado governor, expressly stipulated that the federal troops' would confine themselves to order only until the maintaining state can reassert its authority and resume the enforcement thereof." The president issued a proclamation ordering ail persons engaged in domestic violence to disperse and "re tire peaceably to their abodes" before April 30. Secretary Garrison, after a conference with the president, order ed three troops of the Fifth cavalry from Fort Leavenworth and twc troops of the Twelfth cavalry from Fort D. A Russell, Wyoming, to Trin idad and Canon City, respectively. Colorado members of congress say the mere presence of federal troops MumeHtnos PRESIDENT ACCPETS OFFER OF MEDIATION FROM BRAZIL, ARGENTINA AND CHILE. Denver The Industrial war in Colorado claimed a toll of at least nine' lives on Wednesday. At Forbes, seven mine guards and strikers are believed to have been killed. At Walsenburg, one officer of th militia hospital corps was killed, one officer and two enlisted men wounded. The Forbes camp was m scene of desolation, practically all the mine bulldlugs having been destroyed by fire. Here it was the work ot only e few fleeting hours. It wa about 8:30 a. m. that the strikers opened their attack id force. With the women and children of the camp barricaded in the' mine stope, the guards, under the , personal direction of Superintendent Nlchol, responded spiritedly. About 10 o'clock the firing ceased T and the camp'e assailants disappear ed as mysteriously as they eame,-aomtoward Trinidad and others over the hills In the direction of -end Tabasco, According to 80 . strikers perintendent Nlchpl three hlU- the down tumble seen to were Elimination of Huerta Said to Be Part of Plan Submitted by Southern Neighbors in Proffer of Gbod Offices to Prevent War. War with Mexico will Washington probability be averted. on Saturday diplomacy made ks first attempt to solve the Mexican crisis by peaceful negotiation. The Cnited States government acBrasil and cepted from Argentina, Chile a format offer Jo act as Intermediaries in the present situation, but reservedly pointed out that an act cl aggression by the military forces or hostll demonstrations toward Americans might upset hopes of immediate peace. The Brazilian, Argentina and Chilean envoys transmitted the United States acceptance of their proposal to the Spanish ambassador, who immediately sent it by cable to the Spanish legation at Mexico City for presentation to Ueneral Huerta. Carranza, head of the constitutionalists, was informed of It through his representatives here. Although the offer made by the three south American countries did not reveal their plans lt waa learned '.hat they contemplate a broad settle-und ment ot the Mexican problem Jhrough in all n mrrmmvmat KtnUg&mjOdL Insisted the United States has ' e Ber-win- - Nide. . ' Fighting that practically encircled' the town continued for five hours at t Walsenburg between strikers, militia and mine guards. Major F. P. Lester of the hospital corps met his death shot through the left breast while dressing the wounds of a comrade within ISO yards of the strikers' P kn . ,r . , - sition. Li EVE NAVY OF LAND WORK At MEXICAN PORT, MENT WILL BE, OP ARMED, ( - w President Wilson has asked the president of the Kentucky Mine Operators association and Ala bama Mine OPerstors' organizationU come to Washington immediately lot conference with the view to further attempt a mediation of th Colorado mine strike. It was understood that, acting on request of Secretary Wilson of the department of labor, these twc men, representing the owner and the were employes of coal mine interests, on their way to Washington and that n third they probably would select of the disscene the to and go party - OFFER OF DIPLOMAT TO GET HIM OUT OF TROUBLE. Washington. the beginning. Notification of the offer of intermedTO AID THE. PRESIDENT iation was sent net only to the diplo- Demands of President end Hu-- j The American Flag for th First Time While It Was Believed Huerta Would matic representatives of Argentina, Since 1847 is - Raised Ovsr the Accept Good 0 fries .of South Welt es as Prem8u Brazil and Chile in Mexico City, but to erta, as Prieon Americans, His - Acceptance Fortreee of Tower Con the Carranza and ie Zap John D. Rockefeller, Who Controla General Carranza and the constitutionD ste. Uloa. de bidered of Ben Juan Cauoes.Foellng of Relief, by alists in northern Mexico. Coal Property Affected by Colorado President Wilson summoned SenaMiners Strike Refuses to tors Stone, Shively and Lodge ot the Washlngton.--T- he if is of Huerta Vera Cruz. The transports bring Washington. Formal acceptance by Arbitrate. and the United' i with sug- ing the Fifth army brigade, compris the Huerta government of the offer of Senate foreign relations committee and Chairmon Flood and Rpresenta-tiv- gestion! from Carrai tad Zapata tag the Fourth, Seveath, Ntoeteenta Argentina, Brazil and Chile to use New York John D. Rockefeller, infantry regi their good offices to bring about an Cooper of the House committee will be laid before .1 jsador Da and Twenty-eightJr rejected the efforts of President on foreign affairs to discuss the new Gama of Brazil, Min e Noan of Intents, under Brigadier General Fred amicable settlement of the difficulty Wilsons personal representative. Con- turn in events the first ray of hope Argentina and Minted Suarez of I erlck Fun stem, were made fast at the betwpen the United States and Mexi Colorado. I gressman Martin D. Foster, on Mon- after a day of worry and anxiety over Chile, the peace medU r docks shortly before 16 o'clock Tues co was cabled to Spanish Embassador orders In I Found in BtomacL Rlano here Monday night by Portillo day to effect a peaceful settlement of the scores of Americans held up In Their first step towajh ttlement of day morning, Strychnin Huthe Colorado mine strike. As a result their fight from the Mexican capitoL la the minister Brigadier General Funston,. hccona the crisis will be anil empted ar--l Rojas, foreign Brigham City, Utah- - That strychfederal- - troops in all probability will From those at the White House con- mngement of an arm uce, , with j pairied by Captain Harry McL P erta cabinet. . . nine was present in the stomach and be ordered into the strike region to ference It w as learned that while the strict maintenance of Senior Rojas's note was transmitted stomach contents of A. J, Thomas, itatusjauo. end the civil war which is raging. at once to the three South Americas who died mysteriously president was not sanguine of the suc- This proposal is favorafe Regarded by t Willard on Mr. Rockefeller told Congressman cess of the intermediation plan, he President Wilson an v form a dipiomates, and also In' the stomach and 8, April Neither Embassador Rlano nor the stomach contents of the pig that diel Foster, in effect that the standard Oil ie!t it to be the duty of the Ameri- basis for further nego t ms. interests Jiave nothing to mediate or can government to avail Itself of the of thi ited States envoys would make publlc the after eating refuse from the table of The peace proposals offer of the" three great South Ameriarbitral e. of t ie the surtext the Huerta acceptance. It Was the Grandpre hotel at' which Thomsa as outlined i Tuesday can countries. It was suggested that Ve are ready to our mines, the negotiations, even though that Senor Rojas re- - breakfasted foF the last time, was Huerta however, aid, of the render by governm they and we have the men to operate them. the offer and the vital import of the toxicological $' accepting ie With no withdrawal briefly, plied be military unsuccessful, and might might If order is restored, Mr. Rockefeller serve to repress forces of the United Sts from Mexthanking the South American plenlpo-- report received from the state cnem x said. "The only suggestion I can offer outbursts and offered an - oppor- ico until after an electentiaries and the Spanish embassador tgt. It It exis that peace be restored. for reference a Americans to with tunity for their good offices, depart pected that Huerta wffin set the defrom Mexico The president had mand that he abdicate suggesting 8tsamr Sinks in Lake Superior, Mr. Foster came on from Washingto the "real spirit ot solidarity bethe subject under consideration race. same ton in consequence of the a of Duluth, M tan. That the- steamer tween peoples to man president's most of the day with Secretary Bryan the delegation of his p crew of twenty f appeal toJon D. Rockfeller as the and other members of It has been - generally understood I Benjamin Noble, hef the cabinet. of hit own choosing. expect tf or mors men and officers and a large dominant financial interest in Colorado The matter had been envoys the that peace here Axgepjinsjl Chile of 111,' Agents informally dls to end the struggle there. The deal directly wtih the situation ere 1 cargo of railroad iron Were swallowed senior cussed by the three diplomats among and Great Britain are already to stormftockef et ierTf plied that he had never themselves and the Joint note was pre- be at work to effect mer of running ,ted by the resentment bf the United gp ta the turbulent waters of taken an active part in the manage- sented in person to Mr. Bryan early the government provide iuerta surwept Lake Superior was made certain States government against the Tam-g crew ment of the Colorado Fuel & Iron com- Saturday. incident and other - offense I Wednesday when the pice renders, while Secretary! ryau is acsteamer from The fact that Argentine, Brazil and the and hoping honor dignity, its wreckage pany but would be glad to have his up picked Villa against govtively working to bring son confer with anyone whom the Chile have stood with the United ernment into line. to bring about a peaceful settlement j 0f Minnesota point, Duluth.' All in refusing to recognize the States, Administration officials here appear I1 president might name. to locate the hulk of the' Suggestions made by lerals CarHuerta government Is an element in at the prosTwo stories are told with much have be proved fruitless. gratified to ed regard to the situation which rose conspicuously ranza, Zapata and Villi ill he con of the the of tbs conference. One is that .Mr. Fos- to the front, as proposals having pect the quesdiscussion of the new sidered by the mediaton Threaten Gsnerai Strik. ter came with a proposition from the situation turned official great South American republics- list circles, for the tion of war or peace tween the 7 Pittsburg, Kan. Unless - President ened to by General Huerta. president that the questions at issue moment at least, from thoughts of war United States and MexJt depends in tc Wilson takes steps' immediately between the striking coal miners and to those of peace. s great measure upon th1 opponents in the situation the strike, Investigate tile mine owners be submitted to arJ of Huerta. ' Trinidad, Colo., strike district, the di bitration and that Mr. Rockefeller deThere is' a vast differ 0 between trlct convention of the United. Mine clined to consider It. The other story, mediation and arbitrate Mediation Workers in session here win ask tbal which emanates from standard Oil In diplomatic w Ply means language a general strike of mine worker circles, is that Mr Foster merely askthat suggestions will be tlepdered to throughout the country be called,. ed Mr. Rockefeller If he could offer the respective governments at issue - Diggs Again in Court to how the strike any suggesyoro.-- ! which they may accept r reject at could be ended without recourse to Maury L Diggs, forFrancisco. San will, Huertas antagonEDUARDO SUAREZ MUJ1CA. on was placed federal troops. Mr. Rockefeller s architect state y mer ism to the United states I doubt Minister From Chile." of n on charge to this is said to have been that Wednesday trial here in the minds of many oftWis that ho men. Diggs two other he had no suggestions of any kind to With assault Admiral would refuse any term HMy to Jeop-- j II use, chief of staff of Rear offer. Is accused of having attacked Miss ardize hla tenure of oCk-J r, Fletcher, immediately came aaRore to" Ida Pearring last New Year's eve. 1 confer with Admiral Fletcher, Hunt Will Withdraw MilitiaS GRANTED FREEOOfS OF CITY.. J grjga(jjer General Funston waa Friendly Scuffle Ends in Murder. In Pheonix, Ariz. Governor Hunt of breakfast -Ogden7 Utah. An altercation which Arizona announced Monday that he rescuffle a on I t from friendly Vsrl Streets of developed would withdraw at once two company r th8 war department There , was at sulted in murder, when Frank Carjls Vera Cruz. With the natves enjoy-- leant one of them, however which had ies 'of state troops which have been 35 years old, a .Greek, .was stabbed tag the freedom of the city tfter 7:30 j nothing to do with the army or the troop of United States oinaoinmfw dis-tb- e In the neck by Peter Demeatre, a time a oclock to near first Yuma. A troop since government It was a reply Tuesday for the doing patrol duty Greek laborer, 38 years old. of United States cavalry has arrived landing of the America forces, j patch he had received telling him of Vera Cruz like its j the birth Monday of a daughter at Yuma. took on somethftg Four Takeiu From Ro!ni, usual placid appearance- Under a j While Captain Iluse was watting to Ore. Four bodies wer Portland; Prisoners to Be Transferred, proclamation issued by Rer Admiral J see General Funston there took place the ruins of a block from recovered Fletcher, the bluejackets patrol on the J a second official hoisting of Hhe stars Washingtt n Orders were issued by old frame dwelling hcuses. on the of street ceased halting MexRans, and J end stripes. The American flag for the war department on Monday transcast side, which were burned early the natives moved about thllAlameda J the first time since 1847 was raised Mexican held the unat " prisoners ferring DA JSAMA, ROMULO B. NAON. . DOMICIO Tuesday. A number of persons are and other centers, taking aa Unusua j over the tower of -- the fortresa prlson , Fort Biles, near KI Paso, Tex., to Fort Brazil, From Winleter From Argentina, for. Ambassador accounted, I of San Juan do Oloa. Interest in th foreign coldly. . Wingate, N. M. . OIL KING WILL NOT TRY if h 11 re-op- 1 - t i life-savin- 1 , - re-pl- oft-disp- ho 1 - -- - r |