Show 1 GOOD WOMAN CALLED FROM TREASURETON Special Correspondence Ida March 2 Last P week weel another good goad woman was summoned train from earths cares cones away Iw IwIn In Iii the tile person of ot MM Mrs Ir Margaret K 1 1 Mustard 1 Slut She SI was las uS born borsi In Ill Runt Island Scotland Nov No 23 1820 I 20 was Willi baptized Into lilt tho Mormon church by hy William 1 Rood feed Aug AuH 1 l i SI S III In Scotland emigrated to Utah In tilling on 1111 till this Ilien Maria M Il She lit u crossed lIo 1 Iii Ih plains In lit A 0 O Sinai moo s company siy walking lug Ih t li entire slit oh 0 t 0 tIrom Irom Kansas I City to 10 t Salt fult Lake II Ity Ml nt which place she sho arrived 3 U I 1 82 2 Remaining there until 1861 she hc her hr husband were ro railed called to hI set sot settle tle tir In the thur St 81 kllc f LI t ih lh While hiie living M Mi h worked In Inthe Inthe the lit St HI George temple lor over Ier seven years doing a l work lork for flu 11 more than 1000 1010 stead dead All lies lier life itte lifelong UC long Iona slit she Ite was lUS a Ii faithful and lous Relief worker Mrs M removed to hi Tremonton In Ill INS luis lIns resided there over ever since Thirteen years oars ago her het husband Dav David hI id Mustard pawed ocl silica which time Mrs 01 Mustard lI lurd has lived with her hll daughter Margaret of or urMon She Silo Is II survived by 11 one 1110 daugh daughter ter tOI or 11 ii grandchildren 53 3 children and nine lIme no dreSs Funeral u services wore lucId held In III the he I meetinghouse last Tues Tuesday day afternoon Bishop Hy Iy mus presiding Thin Tho choir 0 II rendered some or ot MM Mrs 1111 Mustards lu hymns Earth With 1111 Her Ten Thousand and Flower l Softly Reams tho tito Sac Sacred red IId Dawning Ii and fl lisi I All 1 II 11 Honors The Iho I lie following elders spoke of tho tim long lOlly life Christian devotion und religious Integrity of tho tIm deceased Wil j il limn Ihil lilt Ill H LI Smith of ot Cleveland Ida stud and Alma Lent Lant Shumway and ion Joseph II H Thomas fh 1 Four I of her children sang a quartet The Tho pall were welo sis sI of ot her hel sons ons The largest t funeral lal cortege over ever overseen seen SeCil In followed tIle the re Ie remains mains to tito tho cemetery where huer tho the ded dedicatory eil prayer 1111 was offered by br J William Smith |