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Show PUBLISHED THURSDAY OF EACH WEEK $3.00 - - 3 MS Mrs. George Anderson Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Duchesne. Utah CLIFTON N. MEMMOTT. Editor and Publisher Helen Odekirk. Office Manager Goldie Wilcken, News Editor Office Phone 441 SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Year $1.00 $1.75 - 6 Months Payable In Advance Thru The Files Of The Record TAIMAGE The Uintah Basin Record Those from Talmage who attended M.l.A. Stake Leadership meeting at Altonah Saturday night were: Mrs. Adaline Anderson. Mrs. Edith Burton, Mrs. Louise Thompson, Delbert Davies, Mrs. Veloy Bird, Erma Sorensen and Bertha Anderson. In Memory Of A Dear Friend Joan Bleazard, who is road wood providing the bridge Petroleum company arrive here tomorrow night accompanied by three men. While we have no information as to Mr. Balls mission, we again make the prediction that there will be something doing before the leaves begin to fall. We believe that Mr. Ball will bring to the people of Duchesne the glad news that they have been waiting for so long news that a test well for oil will be commence at once. Ute Attend Leadership Meeting July 21 Months Miss Marva Atwood is home, .UINTAH after spending the summer in Tv, Salt Lake City with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. At- - 1 gM. InternalRp Scout8 neturn From Camporc agent. Rat Office Win Open in vt J The Boy Scouts and their! The A motion carried whereby the authorized leader returned home Saturday !a DermantV3 "N was Sheriff Y County to purchase a car to enable him after a week at Petty Mountain. ternal Revenu more exduties his can relate some, to perform The boys Ust One - was iby WiUUmTBS? citing experiences. when three of the boys were 'for Utah. lost as they were returning The new Arzy Mitchell was appointed 3 constable for the Hayden Pre- from a hike to the Swasey Uintah and dit. DudS The a spot. boys cinet. fishing Hole, T,eRov Smithu,esn decided to cut off thinking in they would reach camp sooner, will "be" denutv?W Ni char! but found they were lost. They new district. traveled for some time and then decided to back track, one cf W BuA the things they have learned in Main Street. Mrs. Garda Seeley found soon their and scouting, old familiar, trail and returned Dont buriTdebriT to camp at dark, a tired but very happy threesome. The boys and leader who the trip were James W. made Bob Among the Primary officers powellj phil Mathews, J : i ; BMBELL IB DilS1 itte ,iii if Wal Sal' jd - Mrs klker the 2 held in Salt Lake, spent the week Miss Verda Fitzwater is at rs wh wltt end in time Lott of Rita her encouragement By erpareiJ,tS' n Myton visiting with her grandmion ' and Mr of need. of the knowledge May Mrs. Buckalew. Strawberry Correspondent mother, ahy. Pearl two Uinchildren, her friends loss, and that we are their When I first came to the Mrs. tah Basin with my parents, we thinking of her at this time David, from Salt Lake, are vis- Mrs. Charles ,pYrc?nte left Crav; settled in Red Cap, now known lend some comfort to her and iting Mr. and Mrs. Burton Tew. icharc Cjy This family came from England recently for as Arcadia. Our first neighbors her fine family. Mr. cnverts were the Chris Larsens. "iSSTmtI m HW. White here LnDNsvchuKh Schl I remember so well how kind the motif for two carJ of Pi The Junior Gleaner class and she was one and good they were to my parat Mrs. Loexharts. parties, a held bonfire Gran a hard Junior the were who ents, having rs. Je partyTesday'lnight Aftera dV--j an(i the other at Mrs. Schonian.s. time to get started in this new JF.?IP5?.T watch Jay Your Watch 7 :ity; licious lunch, cooked over the) Items Hazel Goodrich, Thelma country. Mr. and Mrs. Larsen taken from the ml,0JWere minutes, Cook Maxine Winkler. Jennie Go,R,dc man, PROMPT open fire, games were played,gave my parents much encourRiichman and Tpanne trs. of the the regular meeting WATCHES SdK? irtridg Essie Present were Mrs, Cleo FrandGarda agement and good advice in Seeley, Goodrich, of Helen, Provo, Gounty Commissioners, Phone 159-ack, gen and Mrs. Alice Sorensen, Bar Goodrich, daughter, farming. My father had been a Marilyn ited ere a few days recently fron class leaders, Veloy Bird, Eva .held July 5, 1951:from Mi smelter man and had come to Lisonbee, Twila Larsen, Myrle view committee Jane Christensen, Bertha Ander-- - tnetA with the Basin for his health. Goodrich and Pres., wjth reiatjves - Verona of and Commisger jyjrs the Allred, County his son, Beverly and Arnold JenMy mother had five small here Saturday and asked that the Bernard Winkler.General Board homas ...ton,Mr visited children, and Sister Larsen was Mrs yaun Lott gave a love-th- e sen, Kay Barrett, Marvin Sor- sioners assist them in The visiting AllM d ci aud building Mr: first lady to lend a helping jy dinner in honor of her hus- - ensen, Paul Hill, Gerald Dono- County G' red. a bridge at Carliles northwest hand to my mother, who was al- bands parents, Mr. and Mrs. hue and Lon Farnsworthy thn Mildred and MacKay. Boyle motion A Midview. corner in held a slumat al so new in the ways of pioneer- Charles Lott, of Pocatello. Her The passed to furnish the people orated Reming in a strange community, guest list included Mr. and Mrs. ber party Tuesday night at thi was Jean Larsen and LaRee of Midview with $200 towarl happ away from all of her people. Malcolm Walters, Miss Emma home of Etholene Burton. ington visited a few days in Du- In The District Court of Du Donald Frandsen was host lo As time passed, we learned to Lee Brady, of Bridgeland; Mrs. ious b and un- aunt their with chesne love these people, and they re- Leon Walters. Salt Lake City; a group of friends at his home iany County. State of Utah de, Mr. and Mrs. Porter remained our staunch mces HAROLD Summons FriMr. and Mrs. Lott, their son, Thursday evening. Games were home returned rell They enDIX- vs REN. Plaintiff Gear through all sorts of ups and Donald, of Pocatello, their played and refreshments downs in our lives. When we granddaughter, Lorene Fincher, joyed. the ye and Mrs. Albert Mathews ON RANCH COMPANY, a cor Mr. moved to another community of Idaho; Bert Mezenen, and Mrs. Stella Davies and daugh- Mrs. Elsie Bird in and children, of San Francisco, poration; ARNOLD DIXON, sole in the county, our friendship did members of the Vaun Lott fam ter. Leslie, left for Salt Lake and Director of enjoy Trustee a arrived for surviving California, Friday not part, and many times we ily. stat Friday for a visit with her parvisit here with Alberts parents, the Dixon Ranch Company, a do- saw them and discussed old ents. ike Pi Mr. and Mrs. Claud Mathews, funct corporation; VALLEY times. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mayhew, Myton and other relatives. Mr: and Mrs. Ted Johnson Company, a corporaI recall so vividly one ocof Salt Lake, visited Mr. and how THIS Mrs. Ellis Murray tion; and DUCHESNE COUNTY, Edand Mr. Mr. and enjoy Mrs. and children, casion of the kind deeds of these Mrs. A. M. Burton during the i fror a body politic of the State of of five and Tooele: their Harrold and all win children, boys, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bird week. good people, and have been hrougl A. of Salt Lake Utah; and J. G. BROWN, DeSalt Lake, spent the week-enGREAT S: ever grateful to them. Our par- of A large group of Primary of- were happily surprised Thurs- Robertand Murray, inna : fendants. The State of Utah to at Orland Mrs. the of home who Mr, and City, Murray, Mr. ents had gone to Myton for a when and 19, teachers attended and the day, July ficers Lake the Said Defendants: You are Wilbur Bates. supply of groceries an Primary convention held at Du- MsVirgiiAtkinson and family. 1 summoned and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mezenen hereby required of Yuba City, California, and jaunt. My younger brother and BOURBON, chesne Friday. to serve upon Colton and Ham- I were left to take care of and daughter have gone to and Kate Gines and son. Marion, pf Erickson Mrs. Charlotte to and Mr. a for Mrs. few Fred Goodrich, mond, Attorneys Plaintiff, Spanish Fork spend Mrs. Colleen Thacker and chil- Kamps, came for dinner and a Mr. things, and how we did it! and Mrs. John Goodrich and whose address is Uintah Stats week-enTooIt was the end of the first days. in the dren spent famous for Mr. and Mrs. Vaun Lott moMr- a"'i Mrs- Bank Building, Vernal Utah, an Mr'nfilrd'snsisters: !daughter' summer of hard work for my s visiting relatives, to the Complaint filed answer tored to Price this week, ac- eleDuchesne dh Mr. visited and with visitors mN parents, and a tent joining the companied Saturday They algo the above entitled matter by Mr. and Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. George OLD An- Mrs. Emery Nielson, of My ton. log cabin was used Charlie JGoJdriS and Mn and in L1 of Ida. within twenty (20) days after Lott, Pocatello, harto store the summer grain Thackand Earl derson Bertha, Mr. and Mrs. Weston Bates vest. We were just youngsters Visitors at the home of Mr. Mrs. Rulon Goodrich and famil- service of the Summons upon er and Bill Erickson. an you. If you fail to do so. judg5 of 7 and 8, and, of course, we were surprised by Tooele friends 0UJ Ross during1 the J Mrs. and Marion nJy?d QUALITY! ment Bark by default will be taken decided to have a small fire. It this week, when Mr. and Mrs. 1?TondTa-Xealweek were Mrs. Shirley Mecham Donald and Mr. James and son, defor the relief out against was you .Lyda of control very quickly and children, Mrs. Orlene La-Jones and children Lena Lisonbee, of Myton, visited manded in said Complaint, and the tent caught on fire. We Mrs. Irvin brum and girls. to them. visit which has been filed with the Tuesday with relatives, realized, immediately that if we stopped Mr. and Mrs. Loryn Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Parry Grant Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Han- clerk of the said court, and a did not get help all of our winto Salt Lake, a made family trip and family visited at the Lott Ethel Beebe ters grain would be burned, ranch where Mrs. Ross and family re- cock, of Salt Lake City, visited copy of which is hereto annexed this week. Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. and herewith served upon you. mained along with our household goods. for a visit. Mrs. Helen Russell and daughThis action is to Mrs. Chad Evans and new M. L. Hancock. My brother ran to the Larsen Friends and relatives here in quiet title in the brought home and they left their work ter, Alyce, have returned to to were released plaintiff baby daughter Bluebell of Mr. and Mrs. Grant the following described real esand saved our winter supply their home, after visiting Mrs. from the Sunday. hospital of grain also saving the day Russells sister, Mrs. Rachel Donna Ross returned home Monson, of Altonah, were shock- tate situated in Duchesne Counto hear of the drowning of ty. State of Utah, for us. We were ever thankful Bates, and family. after spending a week ed Perry and Larry Maxfield, Saturday Mrs. Lee Halem and children, the Monsons to them, and learned a good lesThe West half; and the Southson, in Salt Lake with her City Arrel Ferril Jacobson, Gardner, of American Fork, are visiting the youngest of five, Saturday east quarter of Section 21; the ' son, too. ac- brother and Mr. and Don Don Kolb Carroll And so my parents and others the Hayes. evening. We extend our deep- West half of Section ' 22; The companied a group of Boy and Mrs. Delmar Ross. est Supper guests at the Weston Scouts on many occasions had reason to to the family, Northwest quarter of Section on a camporee on Petty Larry Gilbert accompanied whichsympathy thank the Larsen family for Bates home this week were Mr. Mountain is well known in Blue- 27; the Southwest quarter of Mr. Mohl-maand Mrs. Glen to Gilbert last week. Glen their ever lending of a helping and Mrs. William Harriett and Section 15. All in Township 2 took the boys up and Yellowstone National Park last bell. hand. We owe much to these Mr. and Mrs. Fred Piatkin and Mr. and Mrs. Orie Cook and South, Range 4 West, a day with them. week, returning Sunday. Maxine Uintah stayed of Duchesne. children, people. Our good and Aurilla Gilbert stayed with boys spent Sunday in Salt Lake Special Meridian, containing Mrs. Vaun Lott, Marie Baum lives have been made pleasanter Mr. where City, Cook went on 1120 acres, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Murray Mrs. Rose Gilbert while their and brighter, having known and Annie Mezenen and their business. Dated this 23rd of May family, of Delta, visited here parents were away. them. May the good Lord bless daughters attended the D.U.P. and Miss Beth Winkler left dur- 1951. COLTON & day week-enMrs. Mary Ellen Gardner and last relatives. HAMMOND, with held at the Duchesne picnic them always. Mrs. Jennie Petty, of Salt Miss Renee Labrum, of Roose- - ing the week for Provo, where Attorneys for Plaintiff, by Hugh To dear Sister Larsen a word city park. attend the B.Y.U. W. Colton, Address: Uintah State Lake City, visited several days velt, sang solos in Sacrament Mr. and Mrs. William McKean !? Gardner Bank Bldg , Vernal, Utah. 8nc! MrsP at of home the sister L, her and meeting Sunday evening. and children, of Salt Lake, vis- brother-in-laMr. and Mrs, Glen Snyder Goodrich went to Mt, Emmons First Publication. July 26. 1951 Mr, and Mrs. ited the Lotts this week. M week to attend a Case re-t-o Last Publication, Aug. 23, 1951 and children, of Salt Lake, came! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pace and Hans Jacobson. home ot Mr. and and Mr. Mrs. Mr. and Pi110081, Delos Bird Mrs, help Sterling & daughter, Joan, have returned Phon your news items 'to 441 a few days in Salt LBke Fairbanks get ready to move, Mrg- Earl Case. spent to after Fork visiting Spanish Duchesne. Utah the of week. Ralph Shields, City during Roosevelt, in our week this HOME COOKED MEALS vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Timothy visited Thursday at the home GOOD CLEAN ROOMS and family, of Bonanza, spent of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. for wished mankind had If Modern Strictly with Mrs. Time Shields. what is right, they might have the week-enDUCHESNE. UTAH Mr. and Mrs. Loran Lloyd, his thys parents, Mr. and Mrs had it long ago. Wm. Hazlitt W. A. Maxfield. Sharrel Ames son, Ray D. and Max Lloyd, returned home with them to of Salt Lake, Ervin Solomonson, "I on visit with Connie for a few of Roosevelt, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. days. Gloria Oman, of Salt Lake Charlie Bird. City, is here visiting her grand Bishop and Mrs. Glen Gilbert, parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jac of Myton, attended Sacrament obson. meeting here Sunday night. Don Kolb was ordained Mr. and Mrs. George Marrett deacon in Priesthood Sunday, and daughter, called on old Mr. and Mrs. Claude Murray friends here Sunday. and J. B. Murray spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lusty and to New Conoco Motor Oil" afternoon with Mr. and Mrs family spent Sunday at HuntsWilmer Murray, of Myton. ville with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd toys Carl W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hayes Gledhill. Daater and family, of Provo, and Mr. ' Those who attended SacraCity, Mantana and Mrs. Mike Christensen and ment meeting in Roosevelt Sundaughter, Elaine, of Boneta, day were Mrs. Ora Holgate, Mrs. were guests at the home of Rose Gilbert, Ellen, Evelyn and n their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Naomi Gilbert, Vivian and PaulA. Fowler, Sunday. ine Larsen, Joan and Cleo HolMr. and Mrs. Thorald and gate. sons, of Salt Lake City, came in Sunday school held its facWednesday to visit George ulty meeting Thursday, with i Cars coming to my shop, and Mr. and Mrs. Clin- eight officers and teachers preston Bowden. ent. using Conoco Super areanyw Mr. and- - Mrs. Dee Clark and and show less wear than Mr. and Mrs. Clarence I! I have seen in my 27 yea of Meeker, Colorado, vis- of Strawberry, were StakeBaum, family, SunIn ited Mr. Clarks brother, Wil day School representatives at garage work, Mr. Smith say liam, his sister, Mrs. Harold the faculty meeting. Morris, and an uncle. George 4-- 1 1 Mecham, over the week-end- . Mr. and Mrs. Everet Daniels, THE of Ft. Duchesne, visited with "SO.OOOAms-A'- o The held their 8th his sister and brother-in-ladur- meeting at the home of Hazel ing the week-end- . After a punishing 50,000-mil- e Johnson. Most of the girls have road Mr. and Mrs. Neldon Oliver test, with proper drains and regular their nearly woolen completed of Carbon county, and John article. have only the core, engines lubricated with new Barnes, of Ogden visited Mr finishing They to add to touches Conoco Supgr Motor Oil showed no TKAVUINO SALISMAN and Mrs. Ed Olson, Sunday. them before wear of any consequence: in they can say well John left Monday for army done. fact, an average of less than one duty. We are all very excited about inch on cylinders and crank-- , Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fowler the ticket," admits ?y trip. We have been on R. C. Eberhart. AND gasoline mileage for the and family, of Los Angeles, Cal- five Travelingman, with the We detrips Flagler, Colo. I average 2,800 ifornia. arrived Sunday to visit cided this 5,000 miles was actually 99.77 year that we all month. Since changing to as their brother and sister-in-laas for the first 5,000! good wanted to look alike, so we or new Conoco Supgr, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Fowler dered my operating club sweaters in cost has been white reduced and the Mr. and Mrs Dancie Vandee with red and then to is much smoother. Worth, of Salt Lake City, were top thingslettering, off we we 1 guests during, the week of Mr would all look cutethought with real nd Mrs. George Carroll. short haircuts, so, people, be prepared for the worst. Remember the time when evThere were five girls and our erybody rushed to leader present. HazeQ served see a lone airplane them watermelon after the flying meeting. Mildred Bird, reporter aJ PrimarV Officers Attend Convention 1 i. s. NeilsonJeyJ n feefeyBrenHanSnd i 1 j 1 1 i. I ,d - Mia-Maid- s Summons friends Mer-lchesn- ARCADIA e J Relatives Make ig Surprise Visit d all-da- weSSd'Le'SMS y j d - ) - TIE one-roo- - j ALTONAH and.r: L Go With Scouts On Ccmporeo to-wi- t: sister-in-la- n down-to-eart- h d lesion Cafo Hotel i - d got the story aynes Optical DR. V.2L. NIELSEN v and changed And Suprr Chrytter-etymau- rti -- DR. L. A. DAYNES Announce the Opening Of This flew Office Mp-cha- m Roosevelt Reports Hcxt Door to Center Service Ufor' O Analytical Eyo Examinations O O Comploto Optical Scrvico O O Credit Extended Offico Hours - IO to th 4-- 4-- ce and 2 to 5 rs UTAHS OLDEST OPTICAL FlIuJ Mission Cafo And Motol Offices BALT LAKE PROVO ROOSEVELT Wflrmnnnnnnrnnrnnmnnoau VERNAL PLACE8 TO GDAND SLEEP Duchesne. Utah EAT BUSY BEATERS The Busy Beaters held their 6th meeting at the home of our leader. Margaret Ross. We divided into two and each made angel foodgroups cakes. Both were very successful. Gwen Holgate, reporter Repair work has been cut 50 since I started using Conoco in all our delivery vehicles, Super writes George Lange Laundry Partner, Muo$ee. Okla. One has run oyer 30,000 miles on Conoco S without any mechanical wor CNTtNlNTAIk 9IL COMPANY |