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Show J - ft eiriBSCRIBB FOR tt a A rutirul Uc !i id : g ri $ i tth ltAk. OtTX4 VOL V. MANTI CITY, SAN UKTK COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY. THE SELi Pacific System, Union Subscription jo a year; Jt 50 f jr 6 months, ami lor 3 igjmli iu a4 di.cc. S'. ! I Ft!r, i: ropitetwr and Mamie fft MOUNTAIN DIVISION. THE OVERLAND EOCTE, Tke Ro.nl to all BtPoint', East, North THROUGH Prin-ci- West, Qur , SiKP-.l'lNi- t PTTP Avd Diving Pars From Salt Lake City, To U it r o a a o a x u St. Loris. ISTO.O, TIME CARD In EfTect Nov. 17th, TRAINS LEAVE. P. M. 1.45 Jub at Nephi at Saataguin at 1889. A. and 2.23 2.21 3.35 Spanish Folk t 3.57 Provo 4.25 Pleasant Grove at 4.55 American Fork at 5.05 5.15 I,ehi at EuTi:s:at SAMPETE by a. e. GIIAPWR 7.4.) 8.15 8.52 8 35 6.90 10.10 Trnn leave .Salt Lk t7 10 a m anil 8 So n M arriTiB Provo at 9 4U iu ami t, j t salt TVaina laave I.aUo for Ogilm at 7 ju and CHI 8 (it) 8 i aad4 and J. GRAND DRAWING OF TRE Bendceia Public OF THE STATE OF ZACATECAS , MEXICO , A sndieat of capitalists have secured thv concession for operating this LOTTERY, MAY 27,1890. munied monthly thereafter. $150,000.00 Tielseti at HalTcs $1.0; CLUB K PEEIAL 4Tli $Vo; t urreuey. $10. oo; AntOrioan 6 For $50.00 Tick WITH RATES IRRAlfCED km WANTED ip the uiul British Aiuerug. AGENTS Laitad St.ite The pavment of Prize? is guaranteed by a special deposit of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000). with the Government, and aPProveh hv Inter-vetito- r. "I Certify that with the State Treasurer alt necessary guarantees are deposited, assuring full payment of all prizes of this drawing. IIerminio Arteaga, Interventor. Remittances must be either by New York Draft, Express or Registered Collections Letter, American money. can be made bv Express Companies or Ticket sent direct to manageBanks ment will be paid bv dratts on New York. Montreal. St. Paul, Chicago, San For furFrancisco or City of Mexico. ther information address JUAN P1EDAD. Manager, ZACATECAS, MEXICO. FAIBTIKWofHOUSE Co-o- I'lRST CXASS ACCOMMODATION'S Commercial samp'e rooms furnished. ns a rail. J. S. Sanderson, Proprietor. tle o. HARNESS ESLar T MAKES andSADDLER. Krops a Full Line lames?, baddies of l.u k saddles at Wholesale f rices. FIRST WIST ll- e , 1 11 1 d An I Early Settler. theendJ TO THE PEOPLE tliO'e from a distance free of chai Ko ,t ", t "r11,1 at t!i! ler' itorial Fair l.i't full was lb75. II will walk ui, in,'. in twelve ti.in-utami Ills fot.mg 1: usurp t"ed OF SN-BETEAN- I liaye laLoted diligently to D i C3U1TTYNEWS? x. ra(HMft:lviir 1SS0. , A FEB jj "Irf. fj A 52. NO. E. C. COFFIN es 1 tl.e draft StaLion. bv A. C. OLSKX. IT I I IIDIOI II E JOBBERS OF RCr. ate entitled to the best that their will t,uv s . eveiv family should lave. ;M oiue, a fiottle of the best lumily leinedv. Sv inn of Figs, to cleanse the svstem wiipn losl.ve or billons Tor sale in 50c and ft. no fiottles b all lead-udruggists. AH ucv SON5rNlS CWWvV, g VYwnWw " ooU, FOR SALE. Wux-now- V' BftvtvA. Yvtns A lot. containing 3) Acres, house, bam and stables etc. f ji sale on reasonable terms. 6J xijr.ds a 3 room bouse, stable etc tor sale cheap for ca'li. 3 x j rods corner lor mam stteef 2 blocks from lu'lle A Cos store, with ifoiise house S rooms, stable, etc. could lie arranged tor a Inuel For paiticiilats applv at Si ntini l office. 1 at Progress Buuaing. W e. H.C. COFFIN HARDWARE CO., v. :i.a. Nu'l ICE OF III iMI.s'l I. AD FIN VI, PHpiiF. mid nilipe at -- .dt I.ak ( it v I tah, Man it 'JDlh. Not c- l? irneii that tin1 toilowimr naim H t Ut h.t lifitiicnl Ins iut liUon hiH clhim. toinitkuliii.il proof 111 support ami tiiut nititl jT'Mit ml! bu madu butorutln J utijRf oi iu h is Hhsuiiff the Clui h of thu lout t oui't ot I murv Comity, I tab. at hisotthu ), viy in t .isilu Half, t t. th, on My I dli. 5 u v k No. (044 lmr Homstt'd N K 4 'sue. 17, ol t liO N Tp. 1W. n. It s He iMiiiu tin loliowin;' w itio sst s to jirevu his iMint m nulls nsn ! u pon and unit btion 1 15. u Alma t plinirr. l, uidUnU, nderst-n- , W. L. 'stilsn, all of .iijim, Ountfoxd e.Kni'Ty Co., Utah. MlANK H. HoBl'o, HuKister, t. I ID hi e, ttfi. for pph lt. xo aa. loir of lltineulrail Final Proat. I.tEitl Qtijee at suli I.ako Cit , V T April Hrd, Nt it is !iivby that Hh follon m'ltlrr has fiiod notion of his lutwtlion npm t iiinku fiDsl proof in hupjiortof hit) claim, ami that hhdI proof will he imuU before tlie lro-lHt- e .InaJe or in his absence, the Clerk of the enmity court of Millard Co.. Kilmore Cit I. T., mi May 17th.? IKto, v iz : Hans I. H. h. ft.TH or the KVV Sandhi 4 h Kn flp. 1HH, R.7 V. He names the following witnewi to vnva big iniituiuous rrl(lenee'uin and culiivatiou of Ejairi lamb vise : Amhrs) N IMersen, Johi H. Kinder, Klvrarl Webb4 JVter N. I'curma nil of lb Oais, Wholbsd.e anx Retail Dealbrs Office, School and Architectural Supplies, I3ao Balland Blank Q-oods- i BonkSjToys Fancy Goods, STATIONERY and BOOKS, Nota Books, and Ink Tablets, Papetries A:j c:: Bsck i Stands, hi C:, 76 S. MAIN ST, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 4 littid CoimtT, I tah. RANK 1. HOBBS. for Heister. Appl. Attty. & M A. M. Froiftetb, ft. f llation lor liHnirot ftnme. A ( onrt of the Kirst Judiuial ot Utah, I tah County. Ih(triet, In the matter ol tin appin a- lion tnr elianu f uume oi IVtitiou. ; Juiik hanMt n Now funuS Miur petitioner, Jens H.idmI), In iho HiKtnut h ll il 1. luspetiully show That uiir petitnmt r wan l)orn in , m tht kijiteloiu oi Hen mm k, on or ab rrr.ooTs Yod-ske- w a sKOE.sjyj at ut Uaj ol' Non ember, A. U. hat "u or about tite Hth. day ofNovem-ln- r i. petitioner t imynted lrom ot Denmark, and made a the Kingdom jour c'unpetet ount , I tah '1 erritnr Fitand oi reanh (NMsinee liabeen and nos it; yaid ounty aud 'i erntory S 'riiattne luuneoi netltioner is .fens jour he Hciihrii. whieh aiil name asks to !mj althe 'Hi. 2 I V. fO-llOTIC- IRICES.J M , . ii cil to n odskow iianye to Hint oi .Jciik H. 'lhat the reaNons tor iiih proposed ate as tollows, it' 1st. Tiiat tlieip beiiij' a riat Biiiularjty tit the I)atth suri. ehaiiKO names, up ui a perwon beinx enrolled to do a eeitiiu term oi military servo e tlie name ol the place oi Ins nauvitj input alter IPs iDitne j mi eV r aft.ir. duriiijf said mditaiy tipou Hie e.iilniK ei a.mj f ealjed ujf, he a p.ii t of eaid iinme. Jnu. 1 hht our petiuomr upon being fulled upon to do military sen iup in tlip arjiues ol his native louutry had ihe name W odskow M jiluced after tns name oi Jens IIuiiHen. and when the toll wasuhlled Hiureaftei, tor a hit-D- e d to unguer to the name oi jeats hadodskow. Jem Hanstn (ird. 'lhat vour p t'tumer alter taking: up hurtsidmt )n Manli, 'tupete Could n , I tali leriiierj, iouud another person residont the inn t the name of Jens H.tnseh, and altt r Miileiing 4 trteiit deal id ineoiiN eiueuee and ann mu at aiteis turn's thiouh nnstakes 1 oF iii iu ina lers to the w ron per added tlie word sons, jour entior r to lua natie , and eVei hime law Wod'Kow been known by the name of Jeps Hansen . and raised a tainil.v to jyit pia Daughters and one sou under Bant name, name and the name under his true and heuame h NNhieh be was naturalised citizen of the nulcd btates was that oiJens Hansen. 4th 'J hat a w ife and the said six daughters ami one tou are tlie only near relativ es nn Iid h pefitmuer has, am! are all r sidents of jour Man I, ainpete counlv, Jerrporyofl tah, and the name bv Nvhuhflo'V are known la vod skow, .nd tlie niHin reason jour jietitiomr has foraerkmjr the paid change oi name is to giv e them a lejfal right to bear tlie naine of dier TUTTLE. & CO., n( DEALERS - Are StiJl at Their Old stand, Main Street, Manti, Utah. Rest Stock of Clothing Wnilskow." ill lN)o General Merchandise-- 5th Ihe father of your petitioner bore tlie name of HansJensui, when aliv. Wherefore, jour petitioner aeks lhat fttf,"r due notice irivep as required bv law a day mav beaut for the hearma of this petition oid Hu older of this Court may be mad chaim nj the name oi jour petitioner from Jeu. IIan n to umi your petitioner that of Jeua 11. W In Manti. cer pray W'm. K. Und, Atty. for Petition r. Territory ot I tah, ij countv of Sanpete, being duly sworn jensI Hansen am the ptifionei iMinud depone and have heard a, ud and io the for4roinx petition pet itlon read, and the a, line is true of m v own d I And further pose that the knowledge. reason st.ied therein, foraskm said mum to w JURPvOUNDING COUNT IKS. aa, be ( halloed are iijso t! oh, re- ns Hansen. I to tnloie me this fUh. ahdwm duce the service fees of the Full daSibsertl JJ. 10. of March John cenntv Jerk, Reil, lUoodtd Hallion so as to give all an t Sanpete county, tab Territory SFAb. No. of tlie to DistrUt Jd'J chance' service Kndmwe(l,j get equal Lirvt Juduial District, lth first class horses, the poor man Turritorv.Court, matter of the the In aiihc ation lTansen foruhanye qf rimm to that f as well as the rjeh, and I have suc- of Ji ns Fibul March J4 tiuon. Jnsn 11.II. WodskoNv. H llendur-oceed in doing so. By lierk, Ch rk. The Famous Stallion Houston, T Jr Deputv rroorj of Utah. will stand at iFlo.OU lor tins season I iah eountj I, H. H Ifend rson, (Jerk of tKe for any number exceeding three D of t ourt for tlie irst J idle ml hsri V ( i f I f F 15 n, f CO-O- P. FURNITURE C0 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL bab-ma- a l F stru c jrt the Termor? ofLfah. do hereby eertiiv that a full, true and eorretoy the ioreKiTif ol jhe oi irinal j tition now on file m my otlic e Witness my hand and the sal of I r aid court thiu tttth da Of Mart h A Dealers and Manufacturers, f mares. I now invite all expecting t Ijreed to this Famous Horse to join in with their neighbors and bring H. H Henderson.c rk, their mares iu groups of four or live Demtv c i'rk Bj B. Bachman, Jr. Tli ,1mNe petition is In re li j' ordr-- t b under one head. JloMP the Publiaiied piibpsliid i 1 b .v 4,111 tin- .'. a on in Mimt , atMat-iU"iiiit, I lull. otre a wi k, of one nod the and month, (Jifi'iif pi March 2(lfli, and will then go nmth for h Dsu, )atd Maicb 2i.John W , Bla k!urn to Ephraim and Ml. Pieasmi, where Attest Judp, ljf If, Hendersi n, Clerk. 11 I ui 1 if ivtf ly iuxouiodatfc 1, L.t Luiaa is, bvyt'.y V..Aw I s . ' WMTI. Indians soon suiiouiukd a,.d killed ineui. It was about fjui o'clock p. in. wpeii it was lust ascei laiucvl mat tlie iwp men were missing l.oal l.u in ll One of the c tizcns go ng wi h an ox team alter a gris;. tound urn m, ll lunnuig at full speed, and ihe mm gone. Alter calling loudly for tliem and receiving 110 tesponce, he liecame alarmed nd leav mg tiie mill still tunning, he mimed, ately drove fiack to the lor., running Ins oxen tlie greatel pari ol tlie way. All was now excitement, and two young men (among the first to hear tlie n) ms report) seized a coiipe of lilies and springing onio their huises who wee standing near by, thev immediately rode to ihe m ll ind shut down the water gate. Thev t leu lode 4 lew nd, above .he mill look.ng lor me m.S'ii.g men, until some eight or ten more m runted men came rusaing up vviin (lie intoinialiou that Warner and .Mills had a team with them Die wagon Hack was followed up and the team soq iouud; one qf the oxen beaig shot dead with anows and the other wounded, and a few yards beyond the team was found the dead bodies ol A man was immediately sent ihe men to the fort for a team to convey the b'dies home. Mills Dudv had been partially snipped of clothing, and head considerably muiilated with a large cobble rock, tins mutilatiut) beiqg done in leveugs fur h s wounding an Indian when they vverg fust attacked. It is fortunate for the two young men who first went up to ihe mill, were trot aware that' Warner and Mills hacj a team with them, as thev would have followed up tlie wagon Hacks and would probably have been killed, as the Indians aiterwarns said they weie hid m the cedars near the dead men and saw the young men when they went into the mouth ol the canyon and were waiting for an opportunity to kill them, but when so many armed men came up they kept out of sight Soon alter tins four Ind.aus concerned in the killing of Warner and Mills were captured and killed, and a sejuaw ftud papoose captured with them weie turned loose, who soon leached a small party of Indians living in tfie hills northeast ol Uintah Apt nigs, now Fountain Green..' About Alls lirst of October a company, mosdv men, fifed up horse teams to go to Salt Lake Guv to attend confeience, purchase goods, etc. 1 lieie Wire four men here who wished t gi , iwo of tnem being residents of S, L. City, with tnree ox teams, and wheat which they wished to take home. Arrangements weie made flint these three teams should start just after dark and travel during the night until they reached the crossing of Sainpuch River, (some unle-and' stop from Manti, iheic "nt. the huise learns would reath tbcie the next moiinng. when tlie would all navel together to Neplv. Wlien the hi.rse teams arrived at fsam- pitch crossing, about eight oclock A M. diev dal not find the ox leani? there, MiJ ah f aung a baity braklast tiiy h .'vnn-pac- sev-ene- ;:tld Bags, Ilobhles, etc. He also carries a full line Shue-Jb.ke'- S f Leather and SuppLes for 5T- e V4r-ne- IMPORTANT. T. ll) cqijfiiimity with this advice, some four hundred heard of cons, two year old lieilers nd sleeis were sent to S. L Citv and turned oqt on the range west of the foidan Km-r-. A lew das after Ills herd was sent away, another held oi s ime two bandied head oiy catling was sent up and turned out with the over Joulan. Of these six littir-no- t ollieis . ol catUe ntoie tlian liny head were fwer recovered bv the owners, and hut little, it anv, pay was ever received fur them, but the owneis liad tlrp coirso lation of knowing that white, instead of red men g t tliem. About the last wf August, two ot the citizens of Manti, John U ruer and William Mills, were kil(ed, they being tne hrst white men killed bv Indians m aan pete county. The day they weie killed .11 Warner lending the gust ntal as tempuiiiry miller, and Mills serving as guaid. Aboqt tpn oclock a. in (as aller wafds ascertained bv llie Jndiatis) the two men left the npd. sail giuiduig, and went up into a nmovy lavme, some tliiee or four bundled yards eqsi ol ihe m, II, to pick up a small load ot wopd tor Mills, intending, of couise, to get back be ore the hopper would becomv empty, (tlie hojiper would hold enough grain to keep tlie mill rqunuig tiall an Ijour.) Tnese men weie wel that it was contiaiy to council and oulets, fur less than eleven armed mm to go into the hills at any point, as it was known mat suit parties ol Indians Weie olten prowling about watching for an ojipo' utility to commit sjine depredation, bui Wat net and Mills piobadly th ughl lliev could gather up a lew sticks of wood at that snort deduce 110111 tne 111. ll witn but little, if anv, danger. It ipifoi tunately hai'pengd that oa tins pa.uoul.ii day a paity ol twelve or nlteen Indians weie hid among ihe ced.tis, sjme folly mils iu 111 wheie the twq men stopped to gamer up wod, a. id seeing them entei the lavmeine 1 Jesus Arechiga, Governor. Drawings under the personal super-vi- s on of Lie. Hermmio Arteaga. wll 's appointed by the Government as Corner west - 11 I 0,000 IV- 1 aw-ai- Ytend iU bnainM thronchont the and will Lulled Slat's and British Columbia. Below will be found a lid of the prices which will tw drawu ou Teuihu m 1 pm. V. BARKER, Asst. Gen. Frt. 4 Pass. Agf C. F. RESSEGUIF. Gen Manager. L' tsria de la COUNTY 3 5.15 5 48 0 35 0.47 7.05 Iayson at J moved on. Ou arriving at Uintah Sprues the three wagons ana thire de.d, nn.tla.ed bodies ot the men. tl o her man being missing. Die Indc.ns u ho had d me the killing were s'. II m s gbt on a cedar r.dge some tnree Is yard-north lrom the wagon,, where they weie sw inging their blun- kets and yelling exultantly. Although ineywete beyond title range several shuts were filed at them, when tl.iv immediately ran out of sight behm 1 ii r ridge. The lnduns hud driven tf the , , oxen and p.undeied the wagon everything nyovahle except the uncut, wh cli thev hud emptied into the wag m boxes so they could c.ury oft the s i, ks. vfter seurclung around some length of time to hud uive trace ol the m.ssiug man, liis dead and naked todv wa tound under the loose wlieat 111 one of the wagons, and all the bodies were iben taken on to Nepln, and buried llieie the next day. The names ol the men killed, weie Aelson; Reed; liomav Clark; (a brotner of j. H Clark now lesidmg in M inti) and William Lake, (iadier ot William and Clus, (). Luke, now residents ol Manli bin, William Luke was going to S. j. City pai tly lor the purp rse of aitend ng conference, but more particularly to meet Ins sous who would soon arrive lat-iliom England. It has always been supposed that the m m Nelson was lit ca ie of lljese men not stopping at cross. ug as arranged, as - hud often been heard to boast that be was not .ifru.d ot Indians, that lie was m t born to be killed bv Ind an, etc., but as ihese unfortunate nisai were dead meie was no wav to ascertain the tiuui ol this supposition. Tne lud.ans afterwards said one of them (Reiuj could have gof auv, as he run hack on the road about one liundied yards, and they did not intend to follow him, but when he had run that J stum-he slopp. d and tried to sfioot Some ol tliem. Ins gun missing fire, De kept working at if trying to make it shoot, until one of them run alorfg bemud a strip of willows and got near enough to Reed to hfioot linn, and to curioboia'e this statement of the Jild.ans, Reed' body was found in the road at the point 7 wlieie they said he was killed, Diping tliesunpner and fall of ihjt the people of Manti had done a egieat amount of labor in building then log lort; comfonabli guard house's at lour dilteient points aiound the loit; public ant ptivate corrals and slipdsi for use tlie coming winter; driven Slock to Salt Lake county; attended to gliei crops ui.d harvested them, not only in .Maim bl)t also at Nevy Denmark and Tw ip bad cut and staeRe. aSaige amount ol hav, torn down the gristmill at the mouth of the canyon and built a new out in town, (the one now ovyueil by S. C. Hansen,) besides attending to tlie nuincious miiior dunes neaessaiy to lie performed, ft was not through the particular love of woik that all this labor had been pel loiined.nut actual necessity Walker and Ins tube l)ad compelled it ol Uie, bad brought an naluei.ee to bear tnal admitted of 110 delay .11 these malieis Bi ps. Young at that tune made this "Walker lias noie influence with tne people than hive, foil nave counselled llie people w.,eu settling new places to Inst otp d in loll sliape, and but few of llie settlements have done so, fmt Walker can make then, bn, Id a foit in a tew weeks." llie nimi:i ol 15354 passed awav without any molestation from die Ind.aus, as llieV w i.teied someu lieie east ol lieie. and m the sumnier of S54 tiny again became peace ible, temanog s. until what 's know as the lilackliaw k W. f," Imike out j ihe eaily pan of the yai 1S65 bouie two anil tl.iee years previous to tins Indian w u, many o the older selileis ol banpeie had made new humes a'ong the benti nvei sonu. t Sanpeie and weie beginning to enjoy tne fiuus of their arduous woik, when they were again compelled to abandon tlieir llomts, and were lubln d ol a ire amount of stock and piopeity accurpu-latesince the Walker war 1 lieie aie a number of people living iu Salt Lake and Utah counties, (and probably many m other comities north) who have cQtne to Utah since those troubu-lou- s tunes, often express a wondef whv Manti. deing such an old settlement, is not farther advanced m impiovement. etc. To such I would say that had thpy pariicipaieoj n thosp labors andt roubles, and been tubbed and plundered ol property accumulated by years of toil, they vyould readily undersiand some of the causes for this lack of improvement, and a portion ot their vvuiidei input woulij cease. Uiuy luiiiui pt ami South. Prr.LM.4X fiiJtL. Puce APRIL 11, f? NSW 111 , . . - jJiistuin We Carry a Complete Line of Furniture, Carpet?, Lace Curtains. WrinloM Blinds. Iron Wagons, Feathers, Etc., Etc. If you deal with us. you will get Reliable Goods and Fair When in our City, kindly call and see us. Treatment. Co-o- p . Furniture Co., (1 Main St., Salt Lake City H. Vi. WILLIAMS SPl- - ' |