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Show A-14 The Park Record Saturday, September 12, 1998 Local author will teach parents how to Course will be offered in Park City through the Lifelong Learning program by Stephanie Howell OF THE RECORD STAFF The thought of a child being molested is horrifying. So horrifying, horri-fying, in fact, that most parents want to push it from their minds. It is precisely these parents that Lynne Finney hopes to reach in her two-hour course "How to Protect Your Child from Molestation," a new class offered through the University of Utah's Lifelong Learning Program. It is a class that Finney, a resident res-ident of Summit Park, has taught around the country. She will teach it in Park City for the first time on Sept. 17. Finney was working as a Classes are by Stephanie Howell OF THE RECORD STAFF Park City Board of Education members received updates from principals about the first weeks of school during the board meeting on Sept. 8. Enrollment exceeds projections When classes began on Aug. 24, the number of students enrolled in the Park City School District was approximately four percent below what had been projected. pro-jected. By Friday, Sept. 4, those numbers had risen slightly above expectations. According to Superintendent Nancy DeFord, the district has enrolled 17 students more than anticipated. Projections were made last spring, based on expected expect-ed enrollment by Oct. 1, 1998. Jeremy Ranch- Elementary School currently has 68 students below projected figures. Last year, however, the school grew 12 percent per-cent during the school year. According to DeFord, the average aver-age student-to-teacher ratio in the district is 22 to 1. School board gives recreation district dis-trict go-ahead on trails The Park City Board of Education voted to give the Snyderville Basin Recreation District the go-ahead regarding its plans to build trails connecting Ecker Hill Middle School with surrounding neighborhoods. ma Gffiosse qedss oraiieoco 1922 PROSPECTOR AVENUE 2 FLOORS - 6900 TOTAL SQ. FT. I OFFICE f ROM 500 SQ. FT. - 3500 SQ. FT. WILL DIVIDE TO SUIT ACCESSIBLE FROM 2 PARKING LOTS LEASE OR PURCHASE OPTIONS lawyer when a personal discovery discov-ery changed the course of her life. She returned to the University of Utah to pursue a graduate degree in clinical sociology. soci-ology. "I did it because I had found out in my early 40s that I had been sexually abused as a child," she said. Now, Finney leads workshops and training sessions around the country, and has appeared on radio and television tele-vision shows, including The Leeza Show and Larry King Live. "There's such a misunderstanding misunder-standing about sexual abuse," she said, adding that people are not aware of the prevalence of the problem. in session According to business administrator adminis-trator Von Hortin, the trails will not affect students' eligibility for free bussing, because they will be constructed out of material that will not be maintainable in the winter. Colleen Bailey suggested that the board pursue similar trails near Jeremy Ranch Elementary School. The district, however, does not own all of the land in that area. Grant received for character education edu-cation program The Park City School District received a Character Education and Service Learning grant in the amount of $21,455. This money will be used to add a classroom component and more resources to the Community of Caring program. pro-gram. The goal of the grant is to integrate parental involvement in the service area with the curriculum. curricu-lum. Pilot testing program results in no language arts scores Park City School District parents par-ents will not be receiving their children's language arts core test scores. Because the district participated partic-ipated in a pilot program for a new test, comparative numbers and individual scores will not be available. avail-able. The new test will be administered adminis-tered statewide next year. Math and science scores will be available avail-able and will be distributed to parents par-ents by individual schools. SAGE PLAZA 1ST TENANT IN SQ.FT.NNtl KIN. "Most parents think their children chil-dren are safe," Finney said. They do not want to think about the possibility of molestation. "Many people still have the idea that a molester is some dirty old man in the alley and that is simply not true," she said. The problem is present in all areas of society among all ethnic groups, geographic areas, and socio-economic segments of society. soci-ety. "I think it's important for people to realize that this just doesn't happen to the other guy." The two-hour course will focus on both prevention and healing. She will cover how to recognize the signs that your child has been abused, as well as how to help a molested child heal. Keeping communication open and finding a good therapist thera-pist will also be addressed. Athletic specialty retailer offers scholarships Funds will be awarded to student athletes with academic achievements For the ninth consecutive year, mall-based athletic specialty retailer Footaction USA is offering offer-ing $100,000 in college scholarships scholar-ships to high school seniors. This year, Footaction will award 84 scholarships, including one at $10,000, one at $5,000 and 80 at $1,000. The deadline for application applica-tion is Jan. 15, 1999. Canyonlands offers five-day If you are a retiree and are looking for a day out of the ordinary ordi-nary with breathtaking views, enjoyable weather and an all-around all-around great time, a river trip may be the answer. Canoeing is a popular activity among older Americans, especially espe-cially on the remote and peaceful rivers of southeast Utah. In the months of September and October, as the intensity of summer sum-mer is waning and lovely fall weather beckons, Canyonlands Field Institute is offering numer SPECIAL $14 PER 2000 SQ.FT. Finney will also teach "For Writing Only" courses and "How to be Happy" courses in September and October. Topics include How to Get Your Writings Published; How to Promote Your Writing; Increase Your Creativity and Overcome Writer's Block; How to Find Inner Peace; and Enjoy the Present Moment. The two-hour How to Protect Your Child From Molesters course will be held at the Park City Library and Education Center (1255 Park Avenue) on Sept. 17 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and again on Nov. 3 from 7 p.m to 9 p.m. Students may register for the course at any time, including the day of the class. There is a $20 course fee,, but scholarships are available. For more information call 649-3480. Applicants are judged on the basis of financial need, class rank, and standardized test scores, as well as level of sports participation. participa-tion. A group of 300 semifinalists will be selected by an independent independ-ent administrator. Semifinalists will be required to complete a more detailed application and submit additional information, ous five-day guided trips for Elderhostel groups on the Green and San Juan Rivers. These trips will be slow-paced, allowing time for instruction in geology, riparian ecology, cultural cultur-al history and public land management man-agement issues. The Elderhostel trips on the Green River are five-night five-night canoe trips through the calm, waters of the famous Labyrinth Canyon explored by John Wesley Powell in 1969. The San Juan programs are raft trips with mild rapids which include a Teachers... send student-written work to The Park Record Fresh Prints page! Slow down You won't regret it. r "What part of this sign don't you understand?" Codie Larsen Megan Coleman This message is brought to you by: The help children heal V& i v Lynne D. Finney, J.D., M.S.W. Finney's books include "Reach for the Rainbow" (pictured above) "Clear Your Past: Change Your Future," and "Reach for Joy: How to Find the Right Therapist and Therapy for you." including a 250-word essay. "We want to emphasize the importance of academic achievement achieve-ment for young people while encouraging participation in sports and fitness activities," said Footaction president Ralph Parks. "Footaction believes that while academic achievement is admirable and important, those students who have performed at a high level in the classroom while also participating in sports are unique and should be reward river trips for seniors light duty service project to help restore the river corridor. These San Juan trips start with a one-night one-night stay at a motel and four nights camping along the river. On either river, senior paddlers can expect a safe and memorable float through spectacular canyons. Dates for the Green River trips include: Sept. 12-18, Sept. 20-25, Oct. 4-9, Oct. 11-16 and Oct. 18-23. The San Juan service trip dates are Oct. 4-9. Trips are moderately priced Park City UlM'T 2J5J Police Department- I - ti A Kviscd. txrantft'd ulitiun of I hf f la k miMc ih M hat wklfdha(XMHtill'ipinionttilbirontlicpalliloiwtry Reach for the Advanced Healing for Survivors of Sexual Abuse ed." Past Footaction scholarship winners have gone on to attend a number of the nation's most respected universities, including Harvard, Yale, Georgetown, USC, Notre Dame, Duke, Princeton and Dartmouth. For more information or to request an application, call the toll-free hotline at 800-521-2123 or visit the Footaction USA website at: http:www.footaction.com. and include meals, instructors, guides and river training. . Canyonlands Field Institute and Elderhostel are both nonprofit non-profit education organizations. Elderhostel coordinates affordable afford-able learning experiences for older adults. Interested persons may contact CFI at (800) 860-5262 860-5262 or Elderhostel at their new toll-free number, (877) 426-8056, or fax toll-free to (877) 426-2166 for more information about these or other outdoor education opportunities. SCOTT SNEIPARK RECORD Rainbow tpkT 4 m ma Sming Summit Cmaiy limy 1880 lJarkRecoixL i CALL OWNER: (212) 239-5252 |