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Show Least One ' for C:-- d Our Goal: Every Worker on raring Driva The Job Daily " ; ... BnanaBBBl 25!!!!i!?Pf!t or or l rer -- -- Air Technical Service Command Twenty Five Receive Cash Prizes for Wimmim;g Ideas Effected in of the 's r 75Madk com-tftt- ie wo luncxions, G. H. Beverley bv Col. Paul W. mmmanding officer of JtA 'nn C Air Inspector Pauses Here Briefly Technical Air Command irh closely fol recent consolidation of the (d m ulU'vi aerviwwu...-jd- s the name of the Air was Anical Service Command, iniavaeto nf ereater effici- .ik WC iv'"w ind economy of operation nf both military i civilian manpower, Col Wolf ana Air Herid under 1 Service Commana. Meeram to CoL Wolf, re-- ndsen i Wen stay on the job was - tascd. The communication from M. Knuasen follows: I "lata nation is faced with a pas ouuapg at Numerous ChrUfmo. We Served in Alaskan Unit - ; . I spring-controll- I . r" ii. .?, KJMS Z rch; i i tt "-- 1 . ail V-M- 1 I ant-colon- i. el 1 First 49 Comes Here for Repair I -- I - Stanfield Is New Social Clllb Head ou Jt Money - (UBCTCU W .?" B5er,0Pnel n buy the MT5fr)nnel buUding. supply mainte-itS- Whl?t .neadquarters, a,uarer- )Mlauartrs C . - iK- -"- t i V VV It '.onner Vin : ' ' Worker Is Britain on iw'epajr la .ffn Fortress flak-batter- ed !?U.?"aedwith 1 ft gnV Vnd came home ,ixk vAiiaahie I"" . tniormano". . u- .mnlnvPIl - a sub-dep- ot house aj 5nt rJr?hail,c ihiiwi ln ln" . i planning to or the f iri m..71 enwive, Field Officials Attend AliSti jra,ri vuucumwu n.otn r W. Anderson, chief of AA1? t'nem unriawnw. v.i. rallinr on Mon g"cti?n " MS MMntaln Btates -- ....----- in Pioneer be Ogaen- cmd Western the rty' with many numw- nlng to atteno. J-..- w1, " dy pian- IJevention, jmd jember nv end. " i Jfc'! i kOpCaiS IOr donation, of muai- instrumenta for use in isolated being made by A For.M tnl, WMlc. A request for sufficient instru- ments to supply service clubs and recreation robins overseas wUl be radio broadcast over . Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. wnicn i ""'"fto " Music Instruments . . . ",lrrolo, nSterhSTu- - tistics,' both of iMlntenance divi- sion, left yesteroay ior a p-- x begin yt the Xmas weekend Dec. 23. Tnje "educed rates will be In he Sunday and Monday, said? there are ai- - However, since on Christmas ways more eve and Christmas day nnr;fe. possibly be handled by ,.he phone company, wise ors or during the day, -the rush, ine- wee avoid to day. to the New Years - colored Xmas folder may also be had as a container for bonds sent as klfts In this country. a a an a fnr service - W, xnor, w"". 3rd South in salt bombers is Corporal Lester XL 'inowbov Xmas Bair .tiSTB.1 foPme' employe of this work. wo u uasiiv xiro CU4- t7lilAV at USO I: ssMutuYw Christ J5kfLI!,e Eighth Alr Force A special wy at -. fbS",yand's a. the ha mas Bau," win December 15, P'.so , JSS Phone Early To ...Avoid Rush men Telephone - ,.! Tfclevice. I : aon-in-ia- w, n. . I " . theselii atthV Theet k., Vn immi ni.nmnm r"rr jaD JrnOlO , battle v i...xheadquarters. uriiii.ma ia the tjilot 01 a Photo-recoon . Lightning rooms' orderly rooms, PJ8 natssance. ne new n V" Vot lub and officers club. 12? - ..,,itoH ' , number !Sf Blt0? ",e Iieia.!Ior civilian Employe Kin Flies 2ed frLry.vPersonnel- -- . I . for Overseas Mailing - - "'--Dond Letter Is I uii vuuu p . throu ed -- I Points r Those receiving awards were: is assured. i7a.ir n Huvhiir. ( A innrio. The drive W- for. a bearing and oil seal WILll Colo.) for use on 1820, 1830 ends on Dec. 31. Only 315 persons spacer puller One of the members of the first anA 2noo murines. employed here have yei 10 nia.c Edward A. Bird (Layton, Utah) tactical unit, army air forces, to payroll aeaucnons For a Col. . E. OATSC Ahead ciamp Lieut. go to Alaska was . . . tn hnliKnf- pvHnrtcrs while Brlnd- here OATSC of Lake utan, Salt Headquarters City, QQ Rt nor Q Meals 0 who was transferred to HU1 field. fnLeVl e! C?o (Salt Lake City) oeTmnToU lMf already Ohio. eSent of 1596 ier last month. He was sent to Alaska and Walter F. Parrtah (Ogden- )vesttag to an nA "For a device to measure tension of Willi a Cent OI tneir pay. ouWi; cent of; in evacuated bellows in bciipse super-h:;iTwhen 13.70 islands and per mfde their first attack charger regulators and remove ex- nrsonnel and train- -- SET & a ce.tnird wUh 98,56 parHarbor ff An . nreemonn After UionaT award for a safety de- ticipating and ; n came ymainienance uoi. jvieais invested; p. twoi -- aevo "J"'B ciouwv. Cent ui iut n.oR's the first maintenance Drol- ...;u io n nor rent of. nayroll: t utilities, with 94.88 pet cenl par- ect undertaken by Hill field. He , was comnussiuucu i.oh'"' " com- - i i. ui ticipating ana i.o pci Women pay. and the army base unit last, o that year and took oyer T ' a niia. "Home Hos and 12.8 per cent of the payroU and in August was commissioned aumnme ana inmicruratea receivea vo.ntiv by allotted. i..n..." major U1UU1U . ArWW--- r V-Msupply- gushed service cross. Of the 2548 employes of special services in conjunction alto vet 10 have 1.. .nturno frnm Alaska in the u :ii.,tiliiols with American nea wuss, Used of 1943 and was assigned their pay in war bonds. an opportunity to lot from service women u...t. .iv nt the 28 branches spring au air Wn in San Fran- ah v.nmo end. week fnr the vr.w Visit have attained 100 per cent partici- CiaC( as tactical inspector and re Churches contact private fam,1" i as ueuveu- i lowestthe a parucniauun lation, and get an invitation ior , ceived hU commission Two)letter with a war The '(continued on of in ouh-i-- . January ana .thisuyear. knnJ . . to spend Saturaay nigm fnnslmllo- ranrarlncerf on the nu He ine attended atmosDhere, aidit - , . romiinr hnmp ---vw : engineer scnoouai wngw ueiu, i n h hnnrii aa fftftn to Hervice-All WACs aesiring xo " Davton. unio. upoat comiucuuu, overseas week end at a private home should women men snii this ' contact lit. K.ornu oi spcvio. P. Murphy. vision Ind" last month waTtranV- - Xmas,Lieut Charles said yester field. He is a grad bond drive director, Hill to ferred uavn Churches gnoui West of day. uate Point . the o of its with first the iin i brouKh't to HU1 Field county are cooperating It exemplifies the Yuletide greetAm.Hran Red Cross "Camp and Lhi be and the bond facsimille is in. a ing as pnmmittee. . VM.a MU nrnmm" with the recipient's name, scribed armv soecial services, .if addrets, amount and serial number Air xraua- Communities p a r t i c i pat ing in 500 ine ior of bond awaiting him when he onfmand. Paul v OATSC's "Home Hospiumiy KaVS1 RLJ returns, he explained. T Unmtiflll. . uun arc. wtwii Farmington and chier mspecior ween. The Utah war finance committee viUe, CentervUle, IT - will enroll young babies in their Announccniciu I section, said lasi Athand HIU field A eomolete depot inspection officers to lead the Ogden. 'Cradle Roll of Honor" if a bond on this ship ob letic and Social club to bought for them repair was started , au" y Novemoer drive baby must the ieraf t" present vpVrv during men's recreation director. tion. it will be used by the inoe Pearl Har- we Stantie to Ruion transport Command ? .ttr.ctlve . . IM a. I mows :r.-- " name, cenuicaie huffe a he up pUed ITXISOIm m the states. ident when of DurehM.r wfth aooro-a on m came ana niuralitv vit-- a um KiiAn- received by VI slide vote. Kay Olander. recrea- are avaUabl. at ware Junior Katie A. Johnson, tion unit, was eieciea : HU1 to Field bond ner purchasers at mat 3, at branch houseman treasurer, Don . T Imif , flnnce ottic. nd office, orenpp fl- mentioned was elected tions unit, 103 he.dq'u.rters buUding, Williams, 23, has been dent and Wayne Cole of Supply Class A fin--r - of the in communiques irom no was chosen as neaa ox bond,; A bright- - h. Rnnnnn npak .( ...iv. 75 a nor ppnt- in. . Caii Buy ' o J Xld UtllCCr Invite Two) e i ur:tv. in Aava in en. attainment Families to This Week Personnel - tied Cross Asking was Seal Hr.v 5pens War unvc, to war bond office reports a ToGo4Home'Yule er-Ji- ve uuuea on E. O. Meals - WACs Get Chance MU1 crisis in the supply of oi pianes ana biu types . hum ... uu. iigu w i ( flrhtinr forces overseas in tantities infficient to outweigh S enemy at every torn. Many which our forces need to nia victory are now used 9 Inter than they being are being Mated. Oar aircraft program ats) be increased. Workers nut ifLS..11" job-- Absenteeism is '.I "mnrance e our our forces the In-wiw wnicn to bring war t a victorious end. The jwe absentee must be weeded " rder that we may hare ?"" - v,u-lyl- at this headauarters. Gen. is said, "This station ad with a potential crisis in the "dv nf rprtain tvnea nf nlanea equipment and ammunition to v nthting forces overseas. The .Sclent use of all nossible man- wer and the necessity of having ni sfssiat. A Bo r Technical 1 of was appnmnaniea dv two other officers, Lieut. Col. Peter and P.nl Tllllev. ' Gen. Beverley was appointed ov.io the post of air inspector on 6, 1844, relieving eng. wn. H. Ridenour. Rm Ransriov maae no lnsueC' tion of field activities during his ihnrt atav Vitro but conferred briefly with officials of the air in spector s office, ills neaaquariers Is locatea at wrigni ueia, vjriuu, Aatr- civilian em ployes at OATSC were given cas"h awards ranging from $10 to $150 Monday by Col. Paul W. Wolf, commanding officer at Hill Field, in a short presentation ceremony. The awards had been ap proved recently by the personnel suggestion committee, Don Johnson, executive secretary, announced. Twentv-fou- oi consolidation Is in line with .nnllmr nntored bv Lt. Gen. Wil-S. Knudsen, director of the 1 Awards to Field Employes of personnel With 96.5 the total payroll now allotted to the purchase of war bonds, emnloves of the Ogden Air Technical Service Command H. Beverlev. air are showing .true Christmas Trl fion fl maae an om-oiof atsu, last week, inspector to OATSC J arr spirit m visit Sixth Frir the and for leaving near their goal riving mThursday, Wice Tat Col. Wolf Makes Persons Only Not Enrolled In Payroll Plan 315 administrative and quarters llPresentation Ceremony HeldMonday Alaska Vet Bond Drive Nearing army, airibase at yrith the Ogden Air leal Service Commana this week; thus w 1944 13, -- Told ve Wednesday, December 15, "SS coast-to-coa- st y- hook-up- s. 1 m.. ux ..w- -j awMsv. t. instruments not now in ocs opportunity In army reg- -- playable instructions pertain- use be delivered to special serviceinS to officer candidates, all war- - officers at nearby air bases. Chromatic narmonicas are most an ne- rant officers and enlisted men who mand. A close second are guitars, canacitv for mx.t.nUnC an opportunity to 1 saxophones, clarinets and accdr-apphleadershipor have or concertinas. OCS. oually g es |