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Show THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE Monday, February 12,2007 f THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PRESENTS: \ FOUNDERS DAY 2007 A CELEBRATION OF INNOVATION TUESDAY, MARCH 6. 2007 - LITTLE AMERICA HOTEL To commemorate the founding of the University of Utah in 1850, the Alumni Association each year honors four alumni and one non-alumnus/a who have distinguished themselves professionally, served their local and national communities, and supported the University in its mission. THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH ALUMNI ASSOCIATION CONGRATULATES THE 2007 FOUNDERS DAY AWARD RECIPIENTS: HONORARY ALUMNA DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI PLAN FOR RECYCLING PUT FORWARD continued from Page I on that/' said Mike Perez, associate vice president for facilities management. Fellow Utah schools Brigham Young University and Utah State report recycling 48 percent and 20 to 25 percent of their waste, respectively. The push to create a campus-wide recycling program started in 2005 when student government leaders raised more than $95,000 to hire Cascadia, a waste management-consulting group, to audit the U's waste habits. The report found that the U was recycling about 17 percent of its garbage and could be recycling much more—about 70 percent of its total waste. "It was alarming to everyone," said current Student Body President Jake Kirkham. Following the audit, the U has spent much of the last two years working with Cascadia to analyze the audit results and conduct a pilot recycling program in a handful of buildings. While the process may seem cumbersome, Perez said, the U needed to know how much it was recycling MORE PARTIES INCREASES VOTER TURNOUT continuedfromPage 1 AKHLESH LAKHTAKIA CAROLYN TANNER IRISH CRAIG H.NEILSEN JOSEPHINE K.OLSEN LEON PETERSON PRIMARY SPONSORS: TANNIiR S>9 Regence uheaa UTAH Kr£H(« [DUC*IID!> TABLE SPONSORS: Ray Quinney & Nebeker The Daily Utah Chronicle University of Utah Federal Credit Union Deseret Morning News D A Davidson & Co. Zions Bank The Church of jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Foundation • For more information, call the Alumni Association at (801) 581-6995 or visit 2005, a three-party election, 15 percent of students voted. In 2004, another two-party election, 13 percent of students voted. With four parties running this year, Pehrson anticipates a higher voter turnout for the upcoming 2007 elections. "In 2005, after the primaries, there were obviously two very strong parties. The year we're in now is very similar, except that there are now four very strong parties," Pehrson said. Evans said that ASUU has encouraged more election participation this year. "ASUU is trying to take a bigger load of marketing for this than we have in the past—two full rounds of elections marketing, tons of debates and more intertwining events with other boards like Rock the U and the Presenter's Office," Evans said. During Primaries Week, the Presenter's Office will host a "rock-the-vote" concert to encourage students to vote. Evans said she does not believe the increased number of people involved before starting a new program. "You (need) data with which to make good decisions," Perez said. "Sometimes, to do the right thing you have to step back and let the right processes go forward." Kirkham said the recycling effort has been an issue driven primarily by prior student government leaders. "After a couple years of the students nagging, the administration got it going," he said. Higgins said that if approved, the recycling program will be fully in place by Fall Semester 2007. d.gardiner@ chronicle.utah.edu General election voter turnout and number of parties >2004 Two parties 3,600 students voted (13 percent) >2005 Three parties, two after primaries 5,111 students voted (15 percent) >2006 Two parties 3,461 students voted (12 percent) >2007 Four parties, two after primaries TBD in campaigning will have a negative impact on students. "Most people want to jump right to the negatives and say that students will be bothered and annoyed, but there is absolutely nothing that generates the kind of energy and dialogue that campaigns do," Evans said. "It's a great mechanism for informing and involving the student body in the elections process and in ASUU." r.mcconkie@ chronicle.utah.edu www.alumni.utah.edu/foundersday • For more information on sponsoring this event, contact J. Casey Foley at 581-3718, or casey.foley@alumni.utah.edu re IDUS)^ so the las'i!f^i:g on your mind^ is when, vqy.r Visa® payment's -due. J & t FOUNDERS DAY 20Q7 CAMPUS EVENT SERIES RELAX. WE'LL MONDAY MARCH 5 TEXT you. i AKHLESH LAKHTAKJAMS'81 PHD'83 • • • • Discussion:"A Forest of Nanowires" 3:00 p.m./ EMCB 102 Sponsored by the College of Engineering Information: 581-691 I JOSEPHINE KL OLSEN BS'65 W • Discussion:"Giving Your All and Getting Back More: The Transformative Power of Service." • 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. / Alumni House, Burbidge Board Room • Sponsored by the Student Alumni Board and the Department of Sociology • Information: 581-3709 TUESDAY, MARCH 6 CRAIG H. NEILSEN MBA'64 JD"67 (1941-2006) • Discussion:"The Legacy of the Golden Thread: OurTribute to Craig H. Neilsen" • 9:30 a.m. -1 1:00 a.m. / Medical Alumni Hall (Room 2120) Eccles Health Sciences Education Building (HSEB) • Co-sponsored by The Rehabilitation Center at University Health Care and The Brain Institute at the University of Utah • THIS EVENT IS BY INVITATION ONLY • Information: 585-1858 THURSDAY, MARCH 8 LEON PETERSON BS'64 MBA67 With Internet Banking from America First Credit Union, you can set up free e-Alerts that can be delivered to your cell phone. That "way, you'll know: When your deposits arrive ' ' : ,.,^. When your Auto Loan payment is pending >v When your Checking Account's getting low and more Go to www.ameficafirst.com/ealerts for more information., Plus, you'll get: : - -V^??--;'.£.•• '" "..." Free Internet Banking, 24-seven Free Online Bill Pay •Event: Utah Philharmonia Concert • 7:30 p.m./ Libby Gardner Concert Hall $7.00 adults, $3.00 students • Sponsored by the School of Music • Information: 581-6762 ••• \ >'^' '•#•*" : ,- &&. - Free Telephone Banking, 24-se\en Free Online Statements Free Personalized Visa Cards" Choose America First, because when it comes to your money, we'll stay in touch. C R E D I T ' ' • ' - - • ' • > ' U N I O N ~ ' - " V i "Unking you with the U" UUU.AMERICAriRST.COM • 1.808.999.3961 • 72 BRANCH OFFICES •On ipprmd credit. Pul iyur M D picture on yourcird it iffltrtcannUom. Federally inured by KCUA ind an Equal Opportunity Lender |