Show J JOSEPH I 1 SS A fine daughter came to the home of mr air and mrs G L ross last thursday one of A C twins a i girl 17 months old died friday its ailment was nas a bad cold and spinal trouble J E baker has come doy down n from the sevier mine for the winter he says there is too much snow up there for him the marriage rush has begun harry hall and miss eva johnson were united in the holy bonds at richfield last wednesday miss lillie merritt went to richfield to look for a house to rent for her mathei to moe into for the winter ind locate in richfield misses elthier baker and ed edna na hutchings and haiat hutchings were N ere in richfield monday on a suspicious errand thea the were looking at furniture several of the brooklyn boys are quite attentive in joseph latel and ve are inclined to believe they have their eyes on some of our fair daughters we will ill not be if we ae miss a good baker before long |