Show to the dese eret F vm v ui m gil zo A santa fe telegram reports that the U 8 depository has bas been robbed oi of three tb ree hundred thousand on saturday J ir collins colling the depositary was found dead in a room shot through the heart there Is no clue to the robbers james Jamen washington colored has sued the quincy packet company for damages for refusing to allow him blin a sea bea tat the regular table and afterward ejecting him from the boat A morning paper says a ship which cleared for san francisco sailed yesterday for cuba with roo men mostly recruited cruised in the west and commanded by colonel hendrey formerly captain of an ohio regiment the men were fully equipped and most of hem them have seen service new york at the monthly meeting of the xavier alumni society yesterday archbishop mcclosky delivered an interesting dressin addressing ad which he warned young men against secret societies and especially against free masonry maoury he said he was astonished at hearing learned gentlemen gentle gentie men of another falth faith express t he belief that thet church could not be bp serious in iii her prohibition of free Mason ryas archbishop hughes hughea and several eminent priests and even pope plus pius IX were vere free masons the report of the deputy commissioner i of revenue shows that during october november and december afif ty tt seven beven percent per cent of our oun domestic exports and ninety per cent of our re ex ports orts were were transported in frelen vessels eis Cleie clele cleveland land the tug soc asa ferday afternoon exploded her boiler blowing th e tug to atoms Captain George greenhalgh jr was instantly killed others are supposed to be bb lost as there were several men and boys on board only five of whom were rescued from the water one being severely injured the pearl oil works were burned or on sunday morning loss no insurance su the tribunes special says a negro has been heen b een appointed a joiner in the navy yard which has greatly excited the joiners union the new peruvian minister has arrived be he will be presented to the president this week it is stated on unquestionable authority that spain has about 30 light draft gunboats gun boats building in this country for guarding the coast coltof of cuba the graduating class at the naval academy will start from boston in the frigate sabine on their yearly cruise eary early next month they expect next winter in the mediterranean and thence visit asia and south america gen geni jeff Davi davis swill will soon be relieved off the command commandos com mandof of alaska one of the california papers some weeks ago printed articles which have been wide jy copied in the east in which it was ph charged arged and shown by sp specifications cecill cat eat ions lons that a good deal of lawlessness exists among th the e soldiers there and that out outi rages of an indecent character had been perpetrated upon a number num berot ef women of the officers were greatly addicted to drunkenness and others were openly living with abandoned women as mistresses distresses mi stresses official reports also show that the indians and natives have been abused and maltreated mal treated in many mani many ways way and that in a word there waymand sand is a 4 deplorable edlora le lack of discipline among a portion of the troops the president has made an inquiry into the matter and finds that the newspapers pews news papers have by DO no means told the worst and an officer more efficient than gen davis has proved in this field will be sent to take his place there is considerable excitement arising over the municipal election in washington nas Vas dashington hington which occurs today to day the democrats charge the radicals with importing negroes from maryland and virginia it is reported that the conservatives serva tives have got out warrants for the arrest of several hundred of these negroes lle aie groes the democrats have not nominated nominate dany any ticket bot but will support the independent and citizens ticket st louis louls A denver dispatch says arrangement arrangements 3 have been made by governor evans for the early completion of the denver pacific railroad he starts east tomorrow to morrow morning to complete the he contract with the union pacific for laying the track and equipping the toad load omaha generals sheridan and Doubleday and party arrived yesterday and will leave for the west today to day atlanta georgia gen terry gave a military escort to sheriff norris to war warl j renton and has sent troops to assist him in arresting the assassins of atkins the large shops for building build ng yng the bridges at oswego for the erie pacific railroad were burned this morning boston jas al murdock a wealthy retired merchant residing at brighton was thrown from his bis carriage last even lag and killed his hib sister bister mrs wilder and two other occupants of the carriage were considerably injured washington the president has issued an executive order defining the duties etc of the commission of citizens appointed under the authority law for the management of indian affairs the first regulation allows the commission to make its own organization employ clerks ac the second allows the Commil commission sion slon to inspect the records of indian offices and obtain full information the third gives power to inspect the various indian tendencies and agencies to be present at the payment of annuities etc and to advise superintendents and agents in the performance of their duties the fourth auth authorizes authorize oriz s them to be present at the purchase of goods for indians to inspect the said purchase purchases sand and to advise with the commissioners of indian affairs with regard thereto the fifth authorizes the commission that wherever they deem it advisable for the Instruct instruction loners ers of superintendents and agents be changed or modified they will communicate such through the office of the commissioner on indian af affairs lairs to the secretary of the tb a interior and in like mannen manner their advice as to any changes in the nodes of purchasing goods or the conduct of the affairs of the indian bureau proper complaints against superintendents or agents or other officers are in the same manner to be forwarded to the indian bureau or to the department of the interior for action the sixth baya saya that the tb a commission will wili at their board meeting determine upon the recommendations to be made as to the plans for the civilization of or dealing with ther the indians and submit the same for action in the manner above indicated the seventh is with regard to the manner of accounting with the treasury department the eighth enjoins that all nil officers of the government operate cooperate co with the commissioners give them all facilities opportunities and aid in the performance for mance of their duties the ninth requires the commission to keep the necessary records of their proceedings commissioner parker instructs the army officers assigned to duty as indian agents and superintendents as follows it being the wish of the government to collect the indians and locate them in permanent abodes upon their reservations vat ions reasonable appropriations having been made to assist them in sustaining themselves after such permanent location by the pur pursuits suits of civilized life you are earnestly requested to use your sour best endeavors in operation cooperation co to advance this humane and wise policy hence you will use every means to in forni form yourselves yours elves as fully as possible respecting spec ting the condition of in your Superintend encis eneis impressing the indian mind milid upon every opportunity with the views of the government and thus thug prepare them to submit to the change in their mode of life to pursuits more mord congenial toa to a civilized state you will endeavor to keep constantly before their minds minda the pacific intentions of the government and obtain their confidence by acts of kindness and honesty in dealing with them thereby securing that peace which it is the wish of all good citizens to establish cincinnati the bodies of two unknown men supposed to have been drowned at the time of the late steamboat fire were found in the river today A kettle of melted brass was accidentally poured upon fred buddle today to day burning him shockingly he will scarcely survive it has been discovered that geo D hastings secretary and treasurer of the hartford trust company embezzled over of the funds in the tallard connecticut co bank while the cashier of that institution the deficit has been made good by his father lie he has been obliged to resign his position in the trust company st louis dispatches from western kansas bay eay that a courier from tant general morehouse who left for saline salibe with the scouts on friday reached ellsworth on satur batur saturday day for help heln to take care of the wounded the courier coff represents that what are left of the swedes in that region were preparing to leave for chicago by mail A party due eue at fort larned on the ad d dinst had not been heard from and it was sup Eup supposed posed had bad been captured guards had bad been sent to different stations on the railroad to protect life iffe and property bands of indians had been discovered crossing the railroad going north and arnd south A surveying party attacked on the solomon river a few days since came into hays city on saturday being unable to do anything on account of the indians chris weiser a very respectable german committed suicide last night by shooting himself washington commissioner delano has decided that the stamps issued by the warden of the western penitentiary of pennsylvania Pennsyl vania tania on boxes of cigars made there are without the slightest authority of law there has been considerable rioting during the day on account of the election the excitement in inthe the afternoon assumed assumed serious proportions amounting almost to a battle between the police and negroes who attacked chas stewart and attempted to lynch him the police rescuing him with difficulty several of the police were injured ared with stones etc by the negroes Finally after warning the negroes to disperse the police fired a volley into the crowd killing one and wounding several mayor bowen soon appeared on the ground and was busily engaged in endeavoring to restore order and quiet the excitement was allayed with difficulty louisville considerable excitement prevails in the lower part of the city caused by the weekly meetings of theu them the W bank bankc negroes who chor it itt is alleged allege are uniformed and hae have ha e regular drills steps have been taken to ascertain if the meetings gg are of a peaceful or warlike character summit of the black hills feet above the sea level june ath seven pm the pullman dining d ning I 1 car the international the pioneer of its class over the pacific railroad rall Eail road is passing the summit accompanied by two of the pullman palace sleeping cars formin forming 5 apart of a through train to sacramento 0 among the passengers from the east are general 0 cook formerly of colorado and his wife and child governor bross of the chicago tribune and wife miss stewart of chicago professor miller of the rush bush medical college mr waite proprietor of the brevoort house new york and fitch of the san francisco bulletin and wife and two children william swinton Bw inton of the new york times elliott elleott El llott ilott of the oregon central railroad rall Eail road company and wife and child simonton of the associated press and wife bon son and others one hundred and forty six passengers in all the dining car seats forty eight at the table at once in its centre it is compact but pleasant the kitchen with the ice lee box and provision cellar is beneath dinner is now being served while moving across the wilderness at the rate of thirty miles per hour doveran excellent road in cars free from dust and thoroughly ventilated with a deliciously soft mountain air the party is partaking of as luxurious a meal as a first class eastern hotel can afford i the vote ig is unanimous that no railroad traveling in america or europe equals this in comfort or pleasure for men women or children washington attorney general hoar gives an opinion at the instance of the new york newfoundland and arid london telegraph company that the control of telegraphic communication with foreign nations by means of cables eables cabi es leading from the shores of the united states is within the constitutional authority of congress to permit regulate or prohibit and there can be no security for such enterprises whilena while llo jio authority or protection for them has JIM been derived from acts of congress he says that the separate states may grant the enjoyment of their own rights and soil and of the privileges within their control but they cannot grant rights which interfere with or limit the paramount constitutional authority of the united states rev nev M J cramer U S consul at Leipsig and brother in law of president G grant nang rang t arrived here on saturday evening accompanied by his wife both are stopping at the executive mansion the president has appointed joseph T hoyle U S marshal for nebraska albany in the national typographical convention this afternoon the committee on credentials reported calling attention to a large number of proxy prosy representatives and recommending n their rejection also recommending the admission to seats of the ladies representing es the typographical enion union union of new york the report was accepted A long discussion followed on the question of proxy representation which was finai final finally referred to a special specia i committee the divisions in several of 1 the unions were also referred to a special committee the president read the annual report showing the tho condition of the union he strongly recommended the re cogal ree rec tion of womans comans labor and urged that a charter be granted to the un union ion lon at new york the treasurers Treasur ers report war wai read the artemus ward fund had increased during the past year 1188 D W flynt of washington offered a resolution that it is a subversion sub venlon venion of the letter and spirit of the constitution of the typographical union and in vio lation of the policy and principal objects of its organization to make race or color a qualification of membership and that it would be unjust in a subordinate union to deny admission to a printer solely on that ground this motion and the new orleans resola eions were tabled 56 to 28 leavenworth A large excursion party of eastern railroad men representing several of the principal roads connecting new york and chicagoan rived here today to day the visit is in connection with making a direct line from new york via the lake ake shore michigan galwith with the southern rock island railroads kanbas to this city and hence to the kanbas kansas pacific at topeka atlanta ga the warrenton clipper pronounces the letter purporting to have been written by mrs adkins a forgery general terry has ordered two companies of infantry to warrenton with instructions to the commanding officers boalo to aid aia the civil authorities to ferrit out the murderers washington no disturbances have occurred tonight to night the vote was lighter today to day than at the municipal election jast last year the republicans nominated J F cook colored for register one colored candidate for alderman aiderman out of seven leven i will it is probable reelected bei be elected and six colored councilmen out of 2 21 san francisco 8 senator casserly arrived last night and was rec received elved by the democratic clubs and escorted to his hotel he made a brief speech A colony of japanese which regent recently arrived here have purchased land in eldorado county and express themselves pleased leased with |