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Show -- THE PROVO POST p PJLQE THRP3 BABY FROM BELGIUM r Put Utah Oh Your Grocery List idah-Suga- WILL BE PROTECTED Munitions Factories U. S. -- 4 A thirteen months oltj Belgian baby, who came' here by -- way of Engtann, waa today ordered deported by the immigration, officials. The deportation order was made notwithstanding an offer byMrs.' Percy Proctor, fonroily Baroness Nodine Von Klao-fus- o 'Whenever . bo sugar, UtahTdaho- adopt the Jtaby. Kuropc- - When Jeanne arrived on the St. Paul yestejday in the. custody of a woman passenger not her mother she was stooped at Eilis island. Proctor's plea that! she would adopt flip child was held by the board of special inquiry to be insufficient. An attorney for Mrs. Proctor said fill appeal would be made to Washington to permit Jeanne to remain; here. tion for ' ' - - to the observed in -- whereJUtah-Idah- - made. her refuta won . pastry .lit -- beet sugar. the . rtah ldaho Sugar is iden' tically the same product they use in Europe, with a of the- - factories Sugr o is ' , Sugar cannot ""be nnade better than fine .jellies, jams, niaiiuaJiuk'SL.amI-- use its favor, due perfect sanitation few points in sav Heres the - - reason : order'-.- you sure you iTtali-Idahol- -. any. sugar wiiL-ddo. "will other sugar thing This- - is.-- . . o Wlujii von make your next grocery list, be sure and " include a 'sack of . HillstrOm,s Remains Shipped from Utah ' 23.The body cf Hillstrom ' arrived at 2 oclock this afternoon and was met by approximately one hundred members of the I. W. V. The small demonstration was explained bya statement fhat the train arrived three hours ahead of the time it waa expected. The body was removeTt(f the West auditorium, where jnemprial ervlces will be held Thursday mora-- j ' x'. Judge O. N. Hilton of Denvev II deliver the principal address E. TIRED FEET end there will be brief talks by I Tc .cs I.ai kin, a labor leader of Dub-- I TlZ'f makes sore, burning' tired' feet eland, and William 1). .Haywood lnee with' delight. Away go the ; tire 'funeral la Gracelarid 'ctmre- fajrh mm the corns callouses, vi,! i' various speaker waters and pain, buniims. s. , Urn frlenda In many langttag-nTT7 , ra"a On the casket' is to be bu.ric SfJSt and ts Ijo-- is t bo crem.-tovour ff'iPNo Chicago, Nov. v Xja-v- - v s'" - J Jo-sop- h Ill' j i ZL.l'J' ' ' ' .. t E W,to..'.rWwiiitK..w PUT CREALt IfJ HOSE GliDDE'JS AMD . ( r . , add.-es,- . These gteut munition plants, among in the very 1., nn-- ' burned within twenty-Xoa- r hours, tire one machine shop So. 4 of the Beta-- j lehem Steel- company in Pvnnsylva- - . - g-- charges of the. German soldiers. m ;:! I c . (V,0 'ho. world. met the body to- - .. t Win n j. .vw . remain on vour f'ct, TIZ" , ug a . RENT ' of. Ely a .Cream Balm, this fragrant.' .antiseptic let it pene-rVcream in your nosr-il- s, trate throngb every air passago of t.ie in-- l head; soothe aud boat the swollen, relief and flnnied luucous meiobrsu, ..... .. eomes ipstantly,...!,- - 1. it U Just what every cold and tarhh sufferer needs. Dont stay stuffed up and miserable. & little of a il ; Dupont de Nemours Plant, Wayne, N. J., explosion,-- June 26. Harrison Bros . Benzol Factory, s. r restful did nbt shoo. .i comfort- foot ; heart, but is won- TIZ through tow.trwicfc j for tired, that the bullets cut a line from His p Kching, swollen, smr.rting feet. Your feet ; throat to his abdomen. just tiryla for joy; shoes never hurt or ' The policewiU not interfere wlta s.em tjght. Get a .25 cent box of TIZ now from LOST A grey mare colt, branded the burial arrangements unless tha any druggist' or department store. End too' noisy. or any nnusLX on left thigh. Finder return to. Furnished, cottage, vid speakers get Toot torture forever wear smaller shoes, M. E. Kartchener on Provo Be.ncT.. ual exposure of the body Is made keep your feet fresh, sweet and happy, ..... 1 Reward. D. 4,.. ... . .r . . the public. i the1-- IW bottle Yalkrfhow long j Head-Cold- ess; co Edragfiimmth. a, n gb. Tell your drufeTyou want a stim.l ini'iUciyWnv hard ouAovk, how Vyf ou r cxeciitionejr? k up -- I In tlic were n on who f crly predicted Brit- - ifiOUnom's coiurmles w wild seo tlv3 1 Governor .Spry was Immpeil off before longt- - lt also ws claimed ii'-,- . lidgdfccu fires and explosions have occurred In war munition factories In The United States since the war lives .have been began. Twenty-fivlost, many persons have been In- Jured and property damage amount- ing to millions of dollars has been done. Following is the list of fires and the results In each case: Dupont de Nemours Powder plant, Pompton, explosion, one killed, Aug ' ust 3j0, 1914, .Euckthorne Plant of John A. Roe- bllngs Sons Co Trenton, fire; loss $1,503, DOO, January 1,1915. J Powaer A, Duixmt de Nemrfurs Plant, Haskell, N. J explosion; five klllod, .. 5T- nia, and the other the wire shop of John A. Koeblings Sons in Treuton N. J. In the Bethlehem 'plant the were some 8oo guns almost ready ior shipment to the allies in Europe. The loss there waa place at $4,0o0,-00The Roebling plant was making wire for the allies, wire to be placed In front of trenches to. prevent the 3f v trils You feel fine In a, few momeuts. Your cold In head or catarrh will be gone, Your clogged nostrils will opdii. The air. passages of vpmr head will 'dear and. you can brpgthe freely. No - tire. $1,000,000 , V!a II jv To Open Clogqed Nos and End - Munition plant of John A. Roebling Sons of Treuton, N. J.,' burn-ti- l S7CP CATARRH . ; j e ; . inK Pa-- 1 ust 16. explosion; five killed, Aug- - ; E Dupont Plant, Wilmington, Del.; ex poBioQ. August 19. (, ' National Conduit and Cable Com- puny's Shall Factory, Hastings, V.; explosion; September 1. AetnaPowder Co.. Emporium,' N. To celebrate Electrical Prosperity Week we will I offer from Nov; 29th to Dec. 4th, any electrical appliance in our stock including G-- Ranges at v Iu.; J- - espjoslon. fonr kli!e.lf 0ftober Warehouse. s.e-- W Russian Munitions , fire; loss $300,000, Oct. 20. March 6, 1915. i Bethlehem Steel Co.,s Ordaanri; i 5$ 111., Co Powder Alton, ISBethlehem, Pi.; fire; loss Plant, Equitable 13. 1. men five .November 500,000, killed, April explosion; Munitions locomotive Anderson I Guncotton Warehouse. Baldwin three ; Plant, Eddyutone, Del.; fire; loss Wallington, N. J., explosion . ' ; E. C5t;-killed- 000, Nov. 10. Still House, Roebling Steel. Ropo Plant, Dupcnt: de Nemours ? .OoO.OOu, N. J., explosion, six ton, N. J.; fire; Point, , 11. 15. ycinber May May 32. . 1 lo-3- of Trxn-Carney- s How Much Better the What Excellent Xmas World Has Been Since Gifts Electrical Appli- - d, E i c tr ici t y You Will Soon be btiyir." t. Frzrrt D Christmas' Present cpf-rctin- Jewelry Watches - Diarnomls - v Mirrors ' ' Dresseh Sets ... V J. Rrushes - Rrnuches ; b, if, ! N Liulics Hand I.ijfs LeilLer floods Always Ready r. Rinffs Muni cure Sets Everything in Stationery;' II "deal Instruments, Sheet Mu- sic, Columbia Grafonolas. v If Its New : - d ' ' . ... In Acknowled ghment . the service electricity Is rendering, the electrical industry; and other great cooperating with it. decided to dedlcate the week or November to De- cember 4 to a national celebration, to be' Of Jiisf Imagine If you will, jvhal would (jmppjui if electricity were suddenly eliminated. The wheels of commerce would be haltwould darkness Electricity In For All With all of its 'wonderful advantages, electricity, and the . appliances through which It operates, are not luxuries. The cost of the appliances, and of the ' current to operate them, is low. And what time and labor' ttey gave; what conven- lence and comfort they bring! Electricity is always at hand. It obeys instantly. It never sleeps never tires never refuses. A twitch of the switch, or a touch of a button, "Is all the effort required to command this willing servant to do your work. as known Electrical Prorpeiity - -- s . be-in- . i- Wek - Phone 99 We Have It. J , Special Attractions Each Evening .... - '; Open House Each Eveniir During Entife Week Columbia Music & Jewelry Co. 176 West Center St. - Electricity finds no duty too heavy, nor any task too delicate. With wonderful adaptabiliiy, always under control. It !s powerful enough to drive ponderous nia-chlwery, gentle enough to operate an electric fan, or to warm a baby's bottle. '."Whatever electricity does, it does safespeedily thorosilently - cleanly ly ughly..--- ! Without telegraph .cable or wireless, we would be cut off from the outside, world Without the telephone, we would again be deaf and dumb to all absent ones. Progress and Prosperity would suddenly be checked. Eb ctJicltyj enters Into the manufacture of practically. all of our necessities, making them cheaper snd better than would be possible by any other means. - ' UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. Efficient Public Service Wlg'H jL. h.'ri 1 The 6sme current, carried by simple litw ires, serves us with light, heat or pew-oft carries our burdens: it transports fc from place to place. It lights our stores, homes and streets, and thus protects us against the terrors that thrive tn darkness. Electricity does our sewing, cooking, washing and Ironing. It cleans the home, end krejs It free from dirt and germs. It supplies warmth in winter,- and cool com- fort In rummer. , Ijt links together the peoples of the world by the wireless, the cable, the telegraph snd the telephone, making one huge family of us all. tle Cut Glass Combs en- Consider Its Wonders (Hiiiia . Laviliers th' Eight of Convenience. It has, Inore than any other agency, hanced the comfort, health and happiness mankind. Silverware White Ivory Into Light In many ways, has Elocirlclty, created comfort-factorthat have carried the world out of the Darkness of Drudgery ;r,to . Make. How Useful and So Acceptable lRCCJ Became Your S'ervant. . PER CENT OFF ,jhwi$i WAaw.Ji" p'irto'ja v ) |