Show germans praise the czar m mm hew russia has gained in influence england th alir n man colonial expansion A climax looked fop between the franco russian coalition and great britain the international miners convention lu berlin may 30 the desire of the government to cement friendly relations between germany and russia is shown by the tone of thae officially inspired press in their articles descriptive of and commenting upon the ceremonies of the coronation of the czar at since the succession of nicholas II 11 to the russian throne every step the kaiser has taken toward the establishment of concord between germany and russia has met a responsive movement on the part of the russian court and government still the empero r will not be satisfied that complete harmony exists until a visit the part of the czar and czarina to berlin shall confirm publicly that thoroughly good relations between the two emperors have been restored up to the present time the berlin court has received no live notification of the intention of the czar and czarina to pay a visit to berlin but the kaiser holds the azars czars promise that such a fisit shall occur in the course of the year it is understood journey that the imperial couple will take outside of russia after the coronation fetes will bo to copenhagen and the next trip will be to darmstadt the former home of the czarina after leaving darmstadt the understanding is that the czar and czarina will come to berlin and remain four daye the feature of the semiofficial semi official comments in german articles referred co is their tendency to dilate upon the crowth ol 01 the influence of russia in europe anal the baet as compared with the decrease 0 En glands inocence inOue nce in the same regions the cologne gazette devotes a long leader to the declaration that russia within a few years has ousted england from her virtual protectorate over turkey and in the domination of foreign policy has taken the lead in china over england and is menacing from an unassailable point of vantage the anglo indian empire the kreuz says that the time is drawing near when the franco rus sian coalition will bring the long prepared policy against england to a climax and that germany must stand aloof watching her own interests germans the paper says may not desire to see england d liven from the positions she has long beldin asia and africa yet england crippled implies that the chief opponent of german colonial expansion ia weakened A similar current of anglophobia anglo phobia is seen in the newspaper protests which are being made against the official reception of naval architects who are coming to berlin on june and will be feted at krolls theatre by the order of the kaiser A large majority of the press attack the reception of these visitors ap being something like an outrage upon national honor and the german taxpayer the nauste deplores the that the emperor may even invite the english architects to the new palace and advises germans to hold themselves aloof from the fete at krolls theatre continuing in this strain the paper assails the home department tor the misuse of public funds in entertaining euch guests and expresses the hope that the reichstag will have something to eay on the the international convention which has been iu session at aachen during the week was notable for the domination of socialistic ideas over mere trades unionist views the eng lien delegates headed by ben pickard the labor leader and member of the british ahouee of commons for yorkshire thomas burt M P for and 1 other exponents of trades unionism were borne down by the irish socialist votes on questions of approving the nationalization oi mines state guarantees miners sick and funds a fixed minimum of wage etc the german delegates retrained from voting on the question of nationalization of mines on the ground that a bureaucratic empire could not be entrusted with the control of mines the congress voted to hold their next session in london in 1898 and decided to invite russian and american delegates to attend the spring parade of the berlin garrison took place on the field this forenoon the weather was showery but the streets were lined with hundreds of thousands of people extending from the castle to the field the emperor returned to the castle at the bead of the color company and was cheered throughout the route unusual precautions were taken to keep the populace at a distance policemen being stationed a few yards apart and hundreds of mounted police and guards at various points assigned to the duty of driving the crowds back this procedure had the effect to keep the crowds in constant uproar and led to innumerable fights and arrests mrs uhl wife of the U S ambassador to germany was received by the empress at 3 this afternoon the the leading organ of the socialists asserts that the emperor proposes to give a lecture in the auditorium odthe chemical exhibition building in the course of the coming visit of the engliski Engli sli naval architects A congress of was held this week in the in this city delegates were present from munich vienna prague copenhagen dresden and other places the congress founded a general union of german herr leopold aneel editor of the das wort was elected corresponding secretary herr engel who is the author of der and a very prominent spiritualist sni will visit the united states in the autumn rev J J kilburn late of the american chapel in st petersburg will sail shortly for the united states for the purpose of delivering a series of lectures upon bis system of nie lahan frank of steinway sway hall N ahas conducted with success tho concerts of a brass orchestra which have been given at the industrial exhibition |