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Show I I Ben Lomond Beacon, June 29, 1978, Page 5 Life Flights senfoce st SALT LAKE CITY Michael G. Coe, West Jor- dan, has been system director of flight operations Wir-thli- throughout various n, LDS the Hospital departments and regional industries, law enforcement agencies and health care institutions. He has served as an Camp emergency medical technician for the past live years at LDS Hospital. Coe is a graduate of the University of Utah where he received a bachelors degree space limited The Fourth of July holiday weekend is expected to be busy one for Utahs State parks. Park users are reminded that campsite reservations are necessary to assure space for such busy periods. All parks are open on a first-comd basis but there is no assurance that space will be available if users choose this system. Reservations may be made year-roun- d for the current calendar year by all park users, regardless of residence, by telephone, at the letter, or the where reservation park be utilized. The will reservation system applies to all State parks except Utah Lake State Park. Only one reservations within a period may be made per e, first-serve- 30-d- State park. Reservations will be held open until 9 p.m. for single day reservations and for 24 hours on reservations made for more than one day. If campsites are not occupied by 9 p.m. they will be reopened for use, and the remainder of the reservation will be cancelled. Campsites may not be occupied prior to 5 p.m. on the first day of reservation. Check-ou- t time will be 4 p.m. on the last day of the reservation. Advance deposits are required making reservations. A $1 reser- wn, vation fee is required and the. . first night's, camping fee must be received by the park at least five days in advance of the requested reservation date. Fees vary with each park and those wishing to make reservations should consult each park for exact fees. A fact sheet on each park is available upon request. Weather service offers notices immediate officials 17, is an response helicopter system similar to other successfull services now operating in Texas, Washington, Florida and Colorado. The new system ski patrols and co-st- ar co-st- ar caused by inflammation Doctors have found a medication that in many cases gives prompt, temporary relief for hours from pain and burning itch in hemorrhoidal tissues, then helps shrink swelling of these tissues caused by inflammation. The name: Preparation H . No prescription is needed. Preparation H. Ointment and suppositories. Use only as directed. FAST SERVICE HI-DR- Y WE! CLEMS LAYTON, UTAH PHONE as New Doctors find a special laxative ingredient to be highly effective m relieving even severe constipation t Piano's. t Jh CLOSEOUT K A SHUTTERS 773-533- - HURRY! 8" x 20" rk. 9"x28"n. 8"x28" Pkj. 9"x32"pk. 8"x32" Pkg (f 4 9"x36"m.oM f S. J j SUPER Roy, 0 HARDB0ARD OUR MIDDLE NAMEf SERVICE IS OUR MIDDLE N AMEt5RVICE IS OUR MIDDLE NAME SUIVIIVIER SALE Keeps You Cool Without Keeping You Broke. - B BOARD 8x36"9oM 1900 W. 3100 ONN 10 t r. 9 ROOM DIVIDERS 4; OFF EXCLUSIVELY AT: overnight Don't let irregularity or constipation become a problem This medical ingredient is now available in the exclusive formula Use only as directed . . Chocolated Tablets Xm LAX or Unflavored Pills 825-153- l'x8'x" PARTICLE signal caution in digging nearby. In the early 70s there were no centers such as Blue Stakes in existence. Now there are almost 100 all over the country, Candia Irtquiresho prescription BEAT THE HEAT! SPECIAL PANELING PREFINISHED OR UNFINISHED1 WALNUT COLOR WOOD GRAIN UNGR00VED TTKIG CaDSOB Cools up to 11 00 sq.ft. All work guaranteed for 1 full yeor parts and labor Professional installation STORE HOURS M0N.-FR- Buy Now and Don't Sweat It this Summer WE ARE YOUR MICROWAVE COOKING CENTER areas formation for their favorite State park areas through the media of radio may tune their dial to KAIX. Radio 910 at 3:30 pm. and KLUB Radio 570 at 5:30 pm. Helps Shrink Swelling Of Hemorrhoidal Tissues Underground lines are marked with stakes in open areas or with paint on asphalt and sidewalks, to Doctorproven ingredient information Recreationists desiring weather and activities in- RAPID DRYING Candia comcustomers, mented. He explained that the Blue 'Stakes Center studies maps of underground facilities and i either sends personnel out to ' mark line paths, or inform the caller that there are no lines in the area. Thru End of June on CONSTIPATION provided by Division Park Rangers from various parks throughout the State each Friday afternoon. ODOR FREE and an unnecessary into convenience utility 25 from this service due to the frequent intervals with which it is updated. A similar service is also provided via radio in cooperation with the Utah State Division of Parks and Recreation, KLUB Radio and KALL Radio. Vickie Bump will be reporting surrounding NO SHRINKAGE RESIDUE FREE ECONOMICAL 532-500- 0 ISOME SIZES LIMITED This special telephone recreation weather and activities service is provided and COMPLETELY SAFE FAST EFFICIENT workers and home owners start digging before we get there. The result is often an expense to the excavators break in our new Its a house warming according to Ed Firmage, campaign headquarters, Democratic Congressional candidate in Utahs Second District. Firmage and his campaign committee are hosting an informal picnic and open house at their new campaign offices at 21 G Street, Salt Lake City, on Thursday, June 29, at 7 p.m. Gloria Firmage, open house organizer, said everyone is invited to come and enjoy a backyard picnic and tour of the headquarters house. Mrs. Firmage noted that guitar and folk music would be provided by volunteers to set a friendly mood for the event. We hope everyone will come in their jeans to meet Ed and have a casual evening of fun, she said. The event is free to the public. this With service, patients can never be too sick or injured to be transported safely to a major medical center, says Dr. Clemmer. nine many construction site, - Wyoming. served counties: Utah, Carbon, Salt Lake, Davis, Tooele, Morgan, Box Elder, Cache and Weber. Anyone planning to excavate can reach the Center m the Salt by calling Lake metro area, or toll free. 10-1- 5 to help us authorized agents including physicians and nurses. The new program is designed to serve patients located within 130 miles of Salt Lake City. LDS Hospital will continue to operate a fixed-win- g transport system to reach patients as far away as Albuquerque, N.M., Carson City, New., Eastern Colorado and Northern In Utah, the Blue Stakes program Candia said damages from digging have increased 39 8 per cent over last years figures. At the same time, the calls coming in to Blue Stakes have increased 41.7 per cent. Of this percentage, only about per cent of the callers give us the 48 hours notice that is needed to a check thoroughly location, Candia said. "Instead of waiting until we can send someone to the picnic fun other and REMOVES STUBBORN STAINS NO STEAM TO SATURAGE STAYS CLEAN LONGER an area. set 539-014- current seems completely satisfied. "It seems harder and harder on TV to find men who play men. Not macho men, but men who are human, total. ... The saintly star of Charlies Angels, Jaclyn Smith, is playing a call a girl in The Users, TV movie to be shown this fall. Jaclyn portrays an who marries a movie star and becomes Hollywoods leading hostess ... David Frost is working on a film about the Loch Ness monster which will, he promises, "make Jaws look like a toothpaste commercial. 1978 McNaught Synd. Box-leitne- keep tabs on the weather and activities at Utah's State parks may get current information by dialing formation updated three times daily at 5 a m., 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. or more frequently if conditions dictate. Recreationists may place great confidence in the information they receive 35 & years . . . "Star-sk- y Hutch continues to prosper, but actor Paul Michael Glaser never Suzanne Somers is set to star in Jack and the her first telePrincess, film under a $1 million contract with CBS, for which shell make one movie for TV a year for six years even as she stars in ABCs Threes Her film Company. will be Bruce r, of How The West Was Won. Recreationists wishing to through the cooperation of the National Weather Service and the Utah State Division of Parks and Recreation. Persons dialing the 539 0140 number will receive weather and activities in- es providing top quality and transport them swiftly and safely to our trama center or other hospital, says Dr. Clemmer. The helicopter at LDS Hospital will be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and is capable of lifting off within seven minutes of receiving a request for assistance. Because of the complexities of operating such a program, Life Flight personnel will not accept calls for the general public. Life Flight will only respond to requests from law enforcement departments, iiTduStHarSafety managers, park t rangers, emergency medical system agencies, er - . seriously injured victims ur ON THE STARS Two companies are vying to do a movie based on the life and career of CBS newsman, Walter Cronkite. Footage would include famous behind-the-scenstories on major news events hes covered the last convenience necessity springs to life, however, when we try to use one of them and find that a cut cable or a ruptured gas line has severed one or more of these services. This is a peak time for construction projects, and with these projects come an unusually high number of service outages caused by digging up underground utility lines. Repair of these damages is very costly, and results in higher rates for customers, said Steve Candia, manager of the Joint Utilities Protection Center (JUPC). Just one phone call can minimize or eliminate interruptions to service and save you time and money when you take a minute to notify Blue Stakes. This service reduces repair costs by 50 per cent, and notifies all utility companies at the same time. Blue Stakes is the organization fo JUPC where one call to the Center notifies Mountain Bell, Mountain Fuel and Utah Power & Light of plans to excavate in h, project. critical care medicine to the Intermountain area, says Dr. Terry Clemmer, director of LDS Hospital intensive care units. We need a fast response system which can get expert aid to critically ill or Mac-Arth- two-part- tered around an Alouette III helicopter which can carry two medical attendants, two seriously ill or injured patients, a pilot and 300 pounds of medical equipment at speeds up to 120 miles per hour. Life Flight is a vital link in Their Five-of Hawaii The first episode in the fall will be a feature-lengtfilmed in Singapore. talk-sho- w is cen- We often take for granted the use of natural gas, electricity and the telephone. that James has settled his contract dispute, hell team again with star Jack Lord for the eleventh season Now arrived together at the charity event, but via a back entrance so that the photographers couldnt get to them. They left the same way with the Frank Sinatras ... Carrie Nye, one of the stars in ABCs The Users, upcoming says she and hubby Dick Cavett are making plans for a Mr. and Mrs. in biology in 1975. The Life Flight program, which begins operations July TV TICKER You no- ticed that rather large hunk of glass on Dinah Shores finger lately? Its a diamond Burt Reynolds gave her as a friendship ring recently. Now, thats friendship! ... TV REPORT-- - Can it be a reconciliation between Jeanne and Dean Martin? Thats what theyre saying. Everyone in Hollywood has been wondering about Dean's almost hermit-style living lately. Hes not been seen at any of his favorite haunts. And at a recent party in Hollywood, before he got Im offstage he said, coming home, Jeanne. What I didnt know is thpt the Martins also Intermountain West. He will also be in charge of coordinating the service with a of the new LDS Hospital Life Flight helicopter program, announces David B. hospital administrator. VliilTTlTli l Coe will be responsible for marketing the Life Flight named Watch for utility lines tiiSsmwS mum rrrt RICH BROTHERS!I APPLIANCE A HEATING 5975 So. 1600 W., Roy 773-844- 7TTT 1 MSI.. Service Center 520 So. State, Cleertleld 773-40- Dion tfliWitllk- 'MIMW - SATURDAY 8:30 a.m.. 5:00 p.m. CLOSED qtid 1 I. 8:30 0.R1. 6:00 p.m USE 36 TT (J 525 WEST 12th PHONE 393-066- 1 STREET SUNDAYS |