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Show Saturday, February 5, 1910. the journal tuesday.thurspay.satUrpay LOCALNEWS. THE Airs. Store, JOURNAL, LOGAN. UTAH. Y PAGE FITE Harris of Richmond Shoe sale, Star Clothing. Store, was in town yesterday'. north Eagle Hotel. G. Z, Clothing at Cost at Star ' Store. Buy your shoes for the family Sjust reduce Shoe Stock reat Star of Newbolds, and get a pencil Clothing prices. gardless o box free. - TRI-'WEEKL- . Otto Bergener, undertaker and Licensed Embalmet. ',40 N.-- 1 W. Both Phones'. Mrs. Moses Reese, and Miss Carey of Ogden, are here on a Visit relatives and friends. - t-- "W. S. Lamoreaux is m town Manager Leven of the Hub reThe special sale on our Furniturned from Salt Lake, whither again on business connected with on on Oil ' Co. called business, was he ture, Carpets, Rugs, etc;, will confinue until Feb. 12th.; at Lund- .Thursday. -- Now thetimeto buy yourjstrcms I Mr. G. E. Beckstead, general carpets' and, rugs for the. spring Mrs. Alvin McCombs .of Smith sales agent for the Union nKitting trade 'at Lundstrom s. New stock field was the fortunate person tp Mills of this city 'is here frnmlDil-lo- n to select from;hold the coupon which called, fpjf Montana, on ff business trip. i Mr. John Westover, the 0. S. L. the big. picture at Newbolds. We have learned that so many foreman at Logan says that the For rent, the room formerly ocpeople do not know .anything heavy steel talked of some time about our special Furniture and ago is being put down on the cupied by the Palace Barber Carpet sale that we have decided Cache Valley bran eh quite rapidly Shop. For terms apply at this office! to continue the sale for one more ' is Corn dismy King Johney week until Feb. 12th at 25 The Logan factory completed count on our entire line of Furni- name. From Nebraska I came to make Hens and Get fat your lay. its seasons run on Wednesday. ture. Carpet, Rugs etc. Lundstrom feel and Promoter for lama. gay, During Mhe run over fi5,0()Q Jons,. Furmtu70ndCarpet Company a Rooster for the Hen and the j of beets were Cut, and something at T. J. like fourteen million pounds of Mir. ME. A: Antkoni the U. S. Rooster, and for sale Poulter Seed and Grain Store. Naturalization .attorney for this sugar was made. The beets this the season were not as good as usual, district is he(re for purpose of Mr. Charles Bithell and wife the wet weather naturalization the going through taking out of records of the county clerk. After who came here from Nevada, some them agood deal of- Mir. Joseph Bithmatter, the factory peope say. inspecting them he complimented time ago to visit the ' gentlemans brother, leave It is' by far .the biggest run ever Clerk James on the way the ell, records were kept saying there tomorrow to visit othernrelatives mad(T at the factory however:- were in a much better condition in Idaho, before .returning to We learn that two new oil than in most of the counties where their home. wells have just been brought in, he had been. The Oak theatre people are re- in the Big Horn basin in WyomMr. and Mrs P. A. Thatcher joicing over the arrival of lenses ing on land adjoining that owned and Itarry Stoney, went over to for their machines that are of the by the Utah Wyoming consolidatClarkstonbn Wednesday to at- proper size, and which will make ed Oil Co., of Salt Lake City. The the pictures more perfect in ap- land owned by the Salt Lake tend some function over there an old folks party we believe it pearance in addition to increasing company was located by Dr. Pack ."'was and they came back singing the size of the picture thrown up- the U. of U. professor of geology thg praises of the Clarkston folks on the screen. Commencing Mon- and the Salt Lakers interested in as entertainers. They were the day nothing but newly released the company are elated over the news as it indicated that there guests while there of Mr. John films will be shown. will probably be a big oil producThopson arid they say he is a a time a takes It long when to comes ttfget ing field developed there. it prince showing sometimes.The to Salt letter Lake, anyone a good time. Journal mailed a letter to a firm Two young fellows from Smith-fielMr. E. D. Hogan, formerly man. in Salt Lake on Jan. 27, the envel: came to Logan on Thursday, b.tft for that and in order to get' a bottle of date, ager of the IndependentTelephone ope bearing Co., in this city, was tendered a some reason it did not reach Salt liquor for a sick relative they farewell feast by the Independent Lake until Feb. l,.at 4 p. m. It went down to the saloon across employes om Tuesday evening Jhe certainly looks as jjf the charges the. rivers Once there' they decidaffair was held at Herman John- that the. Tribune has made as, to ed to have a drink' or two and sons place and a most enjoyable the holdifig of mail in the Salt finally one of them got feeling so time was had. Mr. Hogan and his Lake .office had some foundation good that he started smashing the family leave this mornSing for Cali in faet. Just how that letter would windows and when the proprietforaia "where they' will make their reachthere at.4 ,j, nris not clear. ors of the place went to stop him-thother one rounded on him so home in the future. We are sorry Prof. John T. Caine of the A. C. an officer was called. Sheriff to see Mr. Hogan and his family leave here but can recommend left on Thursday morning for Crookston arrested both men and , them as desirable citizens, to the Salt Lake, where he joined the yesterday Judge Brangham got a party selected by the Governor chance at them. They were "fined people of California. to go east and buy cattle for the ten dollars each, the one agreeing A. C. and the State Prison farm. to pay three dollars for the glass Mr. Caine has been a breeder of he broke. Jerseys and he will select the anh mals of that breed that are to be R.. ML McCulver a traveling valuhis man who visits this city occasional opinion being purchased, able as to that breed. Mr. Caine ly; was in town" yesterday. He was expects to be away about two out in the Big Horn Basin recentweeks. ly and is enthusiastic over the possibilities for a big to decided has center to be established there. Judge Brangham emulate the example of the Doc- He says that there is every indicators and raise his fees too. He an- tion of gushers being developed nounced yesterday that after this there within the next few months C YOULL never see a man five dollars will be the minimum as there are many drills at work, in and evidences of the presence of limp .who bought his. Shoes fine for minors being caught fine the oil Sn large quantities are abundfrom us. Every pair of Shoes pool halls. Heretofore has been two dollars for the first ant. Asked about the ,we sell fits well and comfort offense, but the boys continue to Co.s, property he .said that ably or we dont sell them. go into these places and the judge has therefore decided to make it more expensive to violate the law. ' The first to get caught under the new ruling was a' young fellow picked up on Wednesday evening. . Utah-Wyomi- - Closes ' H undreds of women have taken advantage of tins t - - d . e , e Utah-Wyomi- ng To-D- ay cy J 'White Sale . You still have a chance to : at sale prices. buy All Embroideries and Insertions go at 10c All The New Things All The Time not made a personal Our Menduju correspondent noti Charles Wyatt. examination of it he was convinc- lies us by p If fine that he made a ed by what he heard while out mistake in themafne of the young ADDITIONAL WANT ADS. there that this company has about man who had married Miss Bird the most Valuable holdings in the and had so far dodged the custo- LOST Eight head of wether district,- He sayathe snow out in mary wedding dance. Instead of Sieep. Inform Bell Bros, and while he bad - that- section is' very deep. Oreen; the young mans name is be rewarded. - " GENTLEMEN Wp, have just secured a first dais Tailor who will clean, repair aiulj'Tes mens clothing for less money than any other place in townwhen you consider that we call for the clothing and deliver same free of charge. ,We press a suit oLelothes for 75c, but where vou .sign a contract to have two or : three suits pressed every month, we make a - special rate. All. you have to do is to haul out an old suitand;pin a slip on samc.lstating Just what .you want doneftall us to the phdne and we do th$ restA8 great many people are having'four suits pressed every month. Ask for our complete priced yst on all, kinds of work. ' LADIES Pleffse- help your husbands to look neaLand tidy. See that these suits (go to our Dry Cleaning Dep'ahment. You will cut down often Veryclothing expense. good clothing is thrown away because, it has not been properly taken, care of. Perhaps you may' have a soiled Waist, a Dress, of other articles which you cannot wash; if so, let us give .them a chemical bath and show you whac we can do,. Let us have the neckties of all kinds, ribbons, etc., etc. People have no idea, how much money they can save by having their clothing properly taken care of. We guarantee first class work and- will settle all just T - The Great Annual Sale of MBR , a ; S lasts will suit you if you have Wide feet, Foot Troubles. thjck feet, and all 'Other feet , fit by us. J THE Morrell' Clothing Co. . . t . - AND WHITE GOO Is How On - : ' AT THE claims. AMERICAN STEAM LAUNDRY 46 E. Center Street, Logan, Utah. Bell Phone- 438; Independent 105. H. G. Hayball Merc. - Co's. Store . AII.La, Pedersen was exhiibiting yesterday a new spring wheel, called The MjskSn' Spring Wheel, which is one of the most ingenious contrivances imaginable It is designed to do away with pneumatic tires on baby carriages. , bicycles and automobiles, the springs in the wheels taking up all the jar. and it appears to be a very practical invention. Mr. Hemphill will be at the Eagle Hotel on Monday for the purpose of giving a demon stration of the merits of the wheel, and the event promises to for every he one of turn of mechanical a man with mind Ss impressed with the appearance of, the wheel. The invenof the wheel' is an Idaho Falls tor, , . I man. - El iason 0 - POur Regal Corn Doctor and Bunion , Sisters WHITE GOODS SALE The Revier Theatre , Novelty Vaudeville & BERT PAGE Miss Res. Manager Motion picturs. (Formerly the Globe) Jennie Cook9 Secy. & Treas. HARRY REVIER General Manager Week Jan, 31st, to Feb. 5th, All Embroideries at AERIAL HUDSON a yard, in any width Nothing Reserved 7 . CHARLES E. DUNBAR Discount ' ' -. " - Dancer at ; v i Champion Equilibrist, and wire walker - All White Goods t910 BABY HELEYON ' Child Impersonator, a wonder of the age. NEW AND LATEST RELEASED MOTION PICTURES PICKED OUT WITH THE GREATEST CARE WILL BE SHOWN. CHANGE OF PROGRAM MON. & THURSDAY. r |