Show r 1 iu TITS io rac 22 from 10 rec rev M aji rv gitil A nj ac vor shi korshi llin at rec aji 7 es 11 na nor ain i ev i5 q cha and as cuye chairmen V irmin R ditl hiro ith 59 c r ednes wednesday service at iain day ev aln servi faw es ss amorita s chai charamnin k i ina gc 5 from 7 I1 with in ind ox ith irr rec ichi rsc evening rev itt csc by rov hortt ions iian echo as afifi exhort rt 22 from 7 HI aith ith mr annabe rom 10 from A r ser T rv eions brr ad aoto oto i C AT T sunday morning service at rs spa ker ther Ps the ther the c ac 14 from 7 ril at avynri DAY AWI fw TJTTTT dav sabbath biblo achrol situ Stu at 14 aacwith fa- 8 no etin hoeting ovi r R rc from 9 nm al nt1 worship at 10 AM AI att ra c rac fd ar Y As 0 missionary aolua 14 under the leadership cf corg adamis rs chairmanship nhip of yrs ars euid ir thi chairman boer society from 2 tlm andr ti titTFY wj 14 1 fP T iwatsubo 14 atT BU rv 10 C sunday school nad i as speaker snada sunday sinday SL E ec at rec AM 1 rv eiith 35 v R K ira tira da IGI exo 3 ta with Rrivv iky gumc j f ic from 10 0 os as sn T ak 28 with from aa speaker aas AM young youn as nany tho anany for the p Y 1 res bots x Xq i L IT 1 tair ansh 1 z f 0okpl T T0 O visit C n Tt v r I1 C the tha faha S IT 1 ri ats jre ald s 1 artt tazi 30 50 fiyod 10 b 7 oat crib P ia12 ow sllip oc of montary gitary s za c anc 11 b will bo stat 12 VY S iT I1 ays days i Sunday T av of i at ion in visitor this from aund y youngca co th sp bpck k to thi youn 11 afternoon a nd will nt at ric 27 ovshiy that night at 7 applet Fo Foot of th ridly rardd p oteis taj author ll tha problems lens of evan Ra Raffugee uee dealing with th fco in 8 0 cuation arid ha aid has baen raising funds xa it sis i 11 re relocation centers within his itinerary ile at tolocation aTia cn H a y r c z he will be tha pgaast ha3 isS H giatia iy hi to acci at aliez sl liez tleaving tuesday afternoon leavina 1 paz jUE DEPAR DEPARTURE REV 1I E A lives tho the dorm the world we va render bid aid to pente need desperate others in other 41 des 10 lo v i nf lovier l-ads or hands h lt to nniiliit be bors needs living to abe cannot and stress of nili V cifu ees home homeless loss nemias ven to and thas othor if it and love of kidd 5 aro ara Y shall 1I hat inherit okd a of jesus hadj you hav tho gocr th 0 follon eternal rich to ao do 0 liro liia julur young idill sill all thet lo it 10 than camo anal JT sus answer and give ive ma mj Ad I1 man went away and the nan tho bir aart ha was too fond of nu MF T w wi I1 us alth too youn his soul hit arn sta ts js rl jinsundy top for ahr in copiz i will arria hr Y I1 spiritual ual arr I1 follow follo excerpts which s and position was sad for ruler harl los t all I1 do thore there enof is duty for onI of cpaz us bodry tod y in capaz from fron n r sar s armon non on our task in amdiilio rod by ericanism K urr it p off av tha th a tho iro as the buddhist church aro 7 fo folloNs llop allow r sid it s df ni L 1 vi crrs arr Fu bunor noril1 Endihist church on oct buddhist topa decori ely int church recently abo th sermon semon orad delivered afpf c 1 am ot of talie he 3 11 on C anyon georg georgii ari ai liiv v 1laft out of our ft ru rjss lives all talk tal afof 1 true iq n lif would be with rv christinothing bothi ig nori than aund and ing brass bind ins liar cymbal of s var ha nr ro fco the icsia of tho from friends b or bro ikiyo o t ind and bot noto ur vif rt of bif in iyo shigenobu A apro extend tin deco to ewari vie the deceased ased aish 11 ii oto 10 m dt tho bild th sin in of of 1 CoTi teo community to cras mily tsun ep 37 cbli nd f nily hy vil na to r attl io tiu1 frind who sincere rozo Bbib ib 0 01 th lit t koso recent f hip ar r r taa his aira idt iliou izi ihira th 0on alio athi n u 01 th- ir to0 friends who angui de t of his fp lot tr ai mizia I1 O A SL na s naos rc atzet1 9 from 8 cri at 10 OT in fl c service dult servi 31 rec s at sToa kor adult arvic K y sl bua 1 94 b E lj v 0 1111 W WV tl 1 pro Prot 1 cantly were r due to thui the tompsz alie hs inacI1 city as abo of T anz ati naU rna wor have disrupted oour 0 tural c disunity eunity and J shi nishi T illnois or death of vs relatives rev nis amur graat portion grat orti curch i nii of called butof lvin ahre with othar and in mothr r boca aorl cynt jrEs tho th 0 flux of th s economic world rev arends S both of the of V T has of its lost a mean 1 but wo ive still and nd we to- davs tha an ideal jork to towards that will idd aa1l calling for hord idal L for the criticaltl fighting 03 it does nor 1 adit critic cha aha character and faith in our mrs upon re- lord buddha will make us 0ghilda fa for go in the ilav e grioua all ceipt of 3 tel freiri noti lying her of the caious notifying dighton ton to gelin illax figh ness of her father fj jrr by triumph for domo anss irsai ii st 3 wn her no and our united nother her husband thor Siuaade 7 joined her arcy V i L bedside of his father condition in idaho who io ranor tod in ir a 1 1 17 1 and later ister mr imai passed away absy 1 1I stats of america a |