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Show TIIK PAGE TWO News Review of Current Events the World Over Farm Boanl to Abandon Efforts to Stabilize Wheat Customs Prices Austro-CcrmaUnion Stirs Protests. n By EDWARD W. PICKARD ' ." A N,e stabilize &JOUK in p t s to the price of wheat by largo purchases on 'he open market will be made under the auspices of the federal form board nfter the 10.10 crop Is marketed, which probubly will be done by May .21. Thl4wt Sam H. at- - nouncement tin an- t the new Thompson ' ctMilnntn. v James C Etoni and new member. Sin mt Tiipoo t lillnohv hv taken office. In staking Its decision, ktflwo the board pointed to Jt punt purthas"of Inrge wheat ntocks and asserted that "it cannot indefinitely buy more than it Blls nor Indefinitely hold what It has bought" Farmers must know, the board "continued, that "It cannot follow a regular policy of buying nt prices above the market and Belling below cost." No definite sales policy for Its present bin wheat holdings was announced by the board. There were indications, however, that should the farmers display a tendency to help themselves by restricting wheat acreage, the diswsal of the 1930 crop holdings would be spread over a long period and sold slowly. In the market the Immediate effect of the announcement was of course a sharp break In prices. On the Chicago Hoard of Trnde wheat deferred futures reached the lowest levels since July touched and September went down to 60 cents. There was quick recovery, however, when the stabilization corporation announced this plan: Effective April 1. the corporation will cents quote a selling price of a bushel f. o. b. No. 2 hard winter wheat at Chicago for ordinary quality, with premiums r.sked for Mln of high protein and quality. This price will be advanced & cent cent a a bushel on April 10 and bushel every ten dnys thereafter until June 30, the date which marks the expiration of the current crop year. What loss the government will snffer through Its wheat stablli7.a-Unti- l the IftSO crop Is sold. The grain stabilization corporation has on hand In excess of KXVmOOO bushels and may have as much as 200,000.000 bushels when all the fu ture deliveries are In. Senator Borah, after a White House luncheon conference a few days ago, Bald the hoard probably would have 210.000.0IK) bushels of wheat by July 1. Officials said the prices paid for wheat ranged all the way from 70 cents to $1.25 a bushel. At bushels were least C0.000.000 bought at a price between $1.00 and $1.25. Losses will depend on sales prices and carrying charges.. In Washington It was asserted that it was now certain that farm relief legislation would be a major issue during the next session of congress, and something new in this line may be devised. Senator Borah Is still urgently supporting the export debenture plan, and Senator Watson of Indiana prefers the equalization fee scheme. Senator McNary also likes the latter program but says he cannot see bow it will help solve the present problem In the face of the world wheat surplus. President Hoover is opposed to both these plans. Borah suggests that the present wheat surplus In tills country be sent to China or destroyed. The European powers will not let it be dumped on their markets. b-b- It 1". MAYOR New JIMMY of York has been piveri the' opportu exatnfti nity H the and reply ' charges or feasance and neg-- i 'Hgenee.i la ' ofttce f - led against hlm. Sot. Franklin Roosevelt found himself In a difficult when position asked to oust the Mayor Walker or refer the mayor matter to the state legislature for an Inquiry, but he extricated himself by the simple expedient of forwarding the charges to Jimmy at his retreat In Pal in Springs, Calif., Mid asking him to make answer when he returned to New York. However, the affairs of the metropolis are to be thoroughly investigated, and Tammany may be approaching one of Its temporary eclipses. The state senate, by the strictly purty vote of 20 to 24, adopted a resolution for an Investigation by n legislative committee consisting of three senators and four assemblymen, and after a protracted debate the assembly concurred with the senate, the vote being 70 to 70. The action of the , senate whs a surprise to the for Mastiek ami Westall, the two Republican Westchester senators who had formerly blocked such a resolution, suddenly shifted their votes and went along with their colleagues. Their change of mind occurred when William 1 Westchester Ward, Republican lender, dropped his opposition to the inquiry following telephone conversations with prominent Republicans of New York city. The Iem-ocrats- the Illinois RF.I'KAL of and the search uud seizure ait was completed by the state Semite by a vole of 2i to 21. The house had previously passed the repeul act, 01 to SO. THROUGHOUT u v e r s of the American Panama fleet in waters Secretary of the Nary Charles Francis Adams was a deeply interested observer. to He returned with Washington the firm conviction that, notwithstanding the deSecretary Adams velopment of avia tion, the battleship is still the backbone of modern lighting fleets. "These big surface vessels are essential cogs In 'our naval fighting forces," said Mr. Adams, and his opinion coincides with those of the loading naval ofIn who participated ficers or watched the maneuvers. filed at the Navy department, such officers as Admiral William V. Pratt, chief of naval reports Rear Admiral Joseph operations; I!. Reeves, and Rear Admiral Mark Bristol, chairman of the executive committee of the navy general board, agree that without battleship strength the United States would he powerless to prevent a major hostile movement across the ocean directed at this country. A. of Famous quent quiet visits, having little to say to the press, an usual. His arrival Interested Arthur Brisbane 'By Americans Big News Two Take Cattaraugus was a railroad town the tfmym. It wag the ambition of most of the bovi liorn and raised there to learn railroading. A con- Erie line. omi for Many. No. Here is some news Important to millions of Americans, including those whose business is selling Mectrlc power to the pvblic. in his Development of the Diesel engine natty uniform, progresses rapidly. Engines will an engineer, produce power, electric or other. fireman or me- on a scale big or little, that will chanic In with power companies, as overalls compete now tutomobiles and motor win a common compete with railroads. trucks ductor A rl i work-staine- d 1 enough sight T 1 the buys to there-- restless CHILD needs Castoria never be We makes an infant sure just what restless, but the remedy can always be the same. Good old Castoria! There's comfort la every drop of this pure vegetable can ress. I fTf I L lUfi always thera a theiii-ielve- first-clas- 4 s (Mil Ma-tanz- d Kill Rats Without Poison R-- - -- tt e 1? KILLS-RATS-ONL- Y c'ub-hea- d Austro-Germa-n The Island, said the President, has in the course of a single generation emerged from stagnation to a high place in the march of progress, and constitutes now "a magnificent example of what a capable and intelligent people may accomMr. plish under tree Institutions." Hoover praised the efforts of Gov. Theodore Roosevelt to secure new channels of livelihood for the is- He increased population. two other principal probone engendered by the hurricane of 1028, the other by the were "but business depression passing events in our history." Washington, he said, is "sensible of these many serious difficulties." He pointed out that the federal government had contributed more liberally to Porto Rico than to individual states, adding that the island not only was Included In the American economic system but had received government contributions for public works, roads, education and public health. President Hoover's reception In San Juan and everywhere else his automobile tour of the island took him was enthusiastic. Wednesday was spent at St. Thomas, capital of the Virgin Islands, where the people welcomed him respectfully and told him plainly the needs of the little group that has just been placed under the control of the Department of the Interior. That night the Arizona begun a leisurely return to Norfolk. land's said lems ' When England was in financial preparation, and not the slightest gave distress one hundred years ago harm in its frequent use. As often thrill. Macaulay asked what people would r as Baby has a fretful spell, is M. Norman would go to Wash They hped to say "If we were to prophesy that feverish, or cries and can't sleep. rise that high In the world ington and that then or soon therelet Castoria soothe and quiet him. la the year 1930, machines, consome day In the future. after President Hoover would issue Readily obtained at any drugundisSometimes it's a touch of colic. yet the call for the International sliver Patrick E. Crowley shared the structed on principles the genuine easily identified store, In times be Other it's Or bouse; every auconstipation. conference which was given imbltion of his playmates to be- covered, will Chas. H. Fletcher signature the by diarrhea condition should no but be that a thorization by the last congress. come a railroad man. that there will highways name Castoria on the and the be checked hut by no traveling Silver has been In a parlous state He was born In a bouse near the railroads, promptly. wrapper like this: always 1804. Just keep Castoria handy, and give for many months, for, while pro- tracks of the Erie In Ills steam," etc duction has not greatly Increased, father bad worked on the Erie for He little dreamed that the "ma it promptly. Relief will follow very on Its return to years. He was the station agent chines in every house" would inthe sales by India promptly; if it doesn't you should the gold standard, and by other it Cattaraugus and as such was call a physician. clude telepbones carrying the voice lessenman of authority and prestige in across countries for the purpose of AH through babyhood, Castoria the ocean, lights, washing ing the sliver content of their coin- the little railroad community. should be a mother's standby; and In The young3ter knew the lan- machines, fans and cook stoves run ages, have glutted the market 1920 Its price was 02 cents an guage of the railroad almost as by electricity. a wise mother continues it in more And, foreseeing an end of stage liberal doses as a child grows up. ounce, and it now sells for about soon as he was able to talk. His ears would tell him when the coach travel, be could not guess half that. Heavy Advertisers pulling engines were In need of re- that railroads would come only to Nothing New in Idea The largest advertisers by induspairs or overhauling beforetellhe was be dispossessed, In their turn, by From Ocean of have Austria Power and ten years old. He could at a GERMANY that tries in 37 general magazines In 1928 the air and by ex they are about glance the condition of the rolling travel through So far as the dispatches Indicate, were the following: In Food, toilet automobiles engines plosive and a customs gas to consummate union, a power machine that has been set goods, house furnishings and equip stock as it passed through Cattahave caused great disturbances In raugus. He was Inquisitive and Claude at Prof. BP by Georges ment, passenger cars, electrical (In"chancelleries of Eu- friendly with the train crew from the The Diesel engine threatens pow Cuba, with its gigantic pipe cluding radio) and wearing appareL rope." Great British, France, Italy the time he was able to get er companies, promises a solution for bringing op cold water from the and especially Czechoslovakia have around alone. of the air problem, and a new, bet- bottom of the sea, does not Involve protested against the move and acHe was a wiry youngster, rather ter, automobile engine, any principles unknown to science. It cheaper cording to report some of them on the smalJIsh size. While be It will was shown long ago that water, if have warned the two nations not played In the fields with the other with an electric ignition. to go ahead with their plan. The boys, he managed to spend mucn give to the distant farmer and the confined in a vacuum, will give off British position is that it is a vio- time around the station and In bis little householder cheap electricity steam at temperatures far below its lation of the protocol of 1022 in father's little office. He took par for light and power, with no pay boiling point, and also that which the League of Nations reor- ticular interest in the work of the ment for running power lines long ordinary cold water will condense the steam Ausfinances Austrian and ganized distances. train dispatcher. and restore the vacuum. So tbat tria agreed to give equal tariff to Uls mind was made up while he Diesel engines, while waiting for when Professor Claude takes advanall countries. The French, Italians was In grammar school that be better to be Invented, tage of this and uses warm water and Czechs fear the proposed would seek a Job on the railroad something union Is the first step toward the as soon as bis father would per- will take passengers through the from the surface to produce the to Europe or across the conti- steam and cold water from the botpolitical union of Germany and mit. In those days the generally air A Wetv Exterminator that Austria, which would violate the accepted way to learn the business nent for $25 each, or less. They tom to condense it again, he is not Wont tail livestock, Poultry, peace treaty. The Czechs are try- was to begin young and work your may gladden the heart of the oil exactly an innovator. The main Cats, or even Baby Chick ing to bring the other countries way up. The boy s father thought industry, creating such a market then, is whether his Inven- Dog, A of the little entente to their point that as long as he was so anxious for oil as will make the present question, can be oaeo about the home.barn or pooland Is tion Important, commercially er? yard with absolute safety aa it contains of view, and the two Germanic na- to start railroading he might as gasoline market seem trivial. It made of Squill, as recomon this one would like to have more lasohf parson.U.S. tions have invited Czechoslovakia, well pass up a high school educamended Dept of Agriculture, ovea- dried opinion, formed after thor- under thebyConnable procesawhich Insures maxexpert Rumania and Jugoslavia to enter tion. Are you taking golf lessons? PayAgents In moat observation on the spot. Ac- imum strength. Used by County- Bscs the economic combination with So the lad left school when he Gtfsrantsa. some professional to tell you ough killing campaigns. Money to the dispatches, the appa- rat them. was fourteen years old and went ing cording Insist upon original Squill exterminWhen the French, British and to work as a messenger and odd what to do with your head, arms, ratus generated enough power to light ator AH druggists, 75c, $1.25. 2J Direct If dealer club? Co., Springfield, Ohio cannot supply yon ambassadors Italian bulbs, but whether this questioned job boy for the Erie in his home wrists, feet, knees, eyes and to take 40 Learn that you may have excess the of was Foreign Minister Curtius In Berlin, town. Each month Dis pay enve-lonla power While that those lessons all over again. Slow power contained $5. he replied in effect that Germany needed to pump cold water up from would not back down In Its deter wasn't much financial incentive motion "movies" of the great Bobby the bottom Is not stated, and lt is mination to put the tariff union the youngster was satisfied and Jones and the beautiful Joyce a wage earner. He Weiliorod in action how tbat these a' very- vital point. of nroud being was reuruiug toe uuiuts lie llKeil, To The layman the whole device" eventual political unillcation with getting a lot of fun "out of It and great golfers do not "break their looks like a second cousin to a perImmense Wistaria Vine back wrists on until the Austria. It was tolerably evident being paid In the bargain. swing" A floral spectacle which has taken petual motion machine, and theretnat Germany was willing to carry Getting up at 5:30 in the morn very late in the swing. And Jones, fore not very promising ; but this ob- 37 years to perfect is blooming at the matter to the World court af ing, going to work at seven the great, hesitates at the top of jection was raised to the locomotive, Sierra Madre, Calif., at the home of The Hague. o'clock and not finishing the day's his his shifts and body gets the steamboat and the airplane when Mrs. T. H. Fennell. It Is a wistaria swing, Briand, French foreign minister, tasks until nine o'clock at night, he brings the they were in the experimental stage. vine, which Is more than 500 feet was placed in an embarrassing po- might not seem so much fun to planted before down. That any of these could possibly But sition for the and believed to be the largest of plan boys of the present day. and practice are far carry enough fuel to propel itself long Theory is really a start toward his great young Crowley thrived on the hard Its kind in the world. It completely in all education. in and His thin carried apart him was held to be a prima facie absurd- circles the Fennell home, and golf, scheme of an economic union of grind. legs during all Europe in which there shall be over many a mile in the course of ity; yet they did propel themselves, the last decade has extended its an average day's work as messenThe Government is anxiously and at a no tariff walls. pretty lively clip. The very twining branches on neighboring oaks ger. seeking $100,000,000 to pay the least that can be said for Professor and three When he wasn't on the jump he veterans' bonus. It is large arbors constructed to always hard Claude is that he has tackled a proj- accommodate SECRETARY of its amazing growth. sat and watched the telegraph op- to find money for veterans, when ect that men have often speculated erator at his work. There was the over. Andrew W. Mellon we is fighting Perhaps about, and brought It to a point something In the click of the inBeware of the tonic In platonlc. celebrated his strument that seemed to fascinate make up for it by loving them where Its possibilities can be defity-sixth birthday to march away as violently, they notThe train lad. the determined. to dispatcher, It may prove nitely on Tuesday, and Naybelie, taking a motor trip ing his Interest, helped hlra to war. be as impractical as schemes to utithe day was made .Morse code. with her parents, went with her faThe boy This country found ten thousand lize the latent the lenrn of the tides. the power by notable t I. . . proved to be a mighty apt pupil. million dollars to lend to Europe. But lt may eventually be lighting ther to a quaint looking old hotel l i v. ii i thii J" ' " i ei.u.ii-.(. . iii vf tn to investigate the accommodations By the time he was sixteen he was Since the war it has lent more than our cities. and his brother, a full fledged operator. prior to stopping there. She came ten thousand millions to more Richard B. Mellon, out with her curls bobbing and her Most boys would have gone to of the medal of Europeans. bed as soon as they arrived borne eyes dancing. "Goody, mother!" comes But the American InCOLDS-ALKALIit to when NIZE "digging FOR from such a hard day's work as she cried, "we're going to stay here, stitute of Chemone our million hundred for "up" and I'm going to sleep in a tunnel this youngster put In. But not ists. Though neiAndrew W, bed." young Crowley. He was a great men who went to war, that is a sad ther of them is a Mellon reader of history and technical story. scientist, they are with railroad probPublic Health Service thus honored as pioneer patrons of books dealing Often he remained up readComment recently published In The United States public health science who have given millions of lems.until midnight later. or In YOUR SYSTEM Service dates back to 1798, when this column was Intended to arouse dollars to promote it during the ing way he continued the educainterest in Mexico, the wonderful congress passed an act for the relast score of years. Much of the this so was far as tion that halted, lief of sick and disabled seamen. practical results of the Mellon gifts school was concerned, when he land and people south of us. This small beginning accounts for Doctors everywhere are prescribThe next paragraph really will have come from the Mellon Insti- finished his grammar school arouse the present location of the bureau tute of Industrial Research which course. ing this new treatment for colds: interest. In the Treasury department, the when you feel a cold comof they established at the University the Begin "Northeast in to able Mazatlan, he before was vote customs service having always of Pittsburgn In 1913. There all heLong Mexican State of Sinaloa, gold has ing. Take a tablespoonful of Philknown as a boy who alwas been closely connected with the industry and many brunches of ways was on the Job, who studied been discovered in abnormal quan- lips' Milk of Magnesia, morning, treasury. science are furnished a place to It knew noon until he Do his first tities." and the the night, day. thoroughly make discoveries. The Mel ions do Two men have brought out 1,200 same second day. Then only at night particular work better than anyGlass Print Operation not usually pay for these re- one It wasn't so strange, in else. Colds reduce the alkalinity of your A glass print is made by coversearches, nor receive any credit for view of this, that when he put his pounds of gold. Some prospectors them, although they furnish an im- mind to It he became an expert have collected as much as five system. That's what makes you feel ing a blackened glass with white Philpounds of gold in a day, worth close achy, feverish, weak, portant part of the scientific ma- telegrapher at the age of sixteen. opaque varnish and drawing the on It with an etching chinery. The Erie sent him to Custer City, to $2,000! And veins are said to be lips Milk of Magnesia is alkali in picture needle. An impression is then "The Mellon Institute," says Dr. Pa., as telegraph operator. There so rich in some places that "the harmless, palatable form. It checks taken on a sensitised paper exFrederick K. Breitliut, president of were only a couple of trains a day precious metal is cut off in bunks the symptoms of colds by restoring the institute of Chemists, "is the at the little way station, but It with a posed to light through the glass. the alkalinity of your system. hunting knife." The print is really a kind of photoWest Point of our industrial syswas a start for the boy. He didn't Sour Relieves with stomach. comes always Indigestion, tem, assisting the United States to remain there long. Soon he was a Exaggeration graph, although resembling an etch-ln- g But hundreds have gas, gold rush. All drugstores. In effect. attain and hold its foremost posi- transferred to Buffalo and became started on this rush, 1,600 claims tion amongst the industrial nations a train dispatcher at an important Sell Books have been filed. Nothing attracts by Mail. Large profits. FasciTo Hear Himself Talk of the world. Its activities have point. start. Catalogues nating business easy to like gold. furnished with assisted in bringing to the United your name. Sample 15c wide anreada Is a radio "Bill He continued to be crazy to be Southern Book Exchange. Mission. Tex. States the largest chemical indus- er of good literature in his spare nouncer." Uncle Sam is building two air try in the world. moments, burning the midnight oil "Well, for the love of mike!" PARKER'S He us his worked mind. W. will help that planes "What Andrew Mellon and to improve to realize Boston Transcript. HAIR BALSAMtUUnd Richard B. Mellon have done has as hard as he had done on his first the uselessness of marching troops Dandrafl Btopa Bi f He was gaining a thorough In future wars. Each of the planes, ImiMaXts Color and become more or less a part of our job. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the origand Faded Haul BwutytoGrar He called industrial fabric and technological foundation In railroading. eocsmd w.oo r jUnHtguu. will carry inal liver pills pnt up 60 years ago. fTiteox Chem. Wki.. PtghogTi.N.T organization, but It required great went with the New York Central five machine guns, to "spray" They little bowels. liver and Adv. FLORESTON SHAMPOO Ideal for nn in regulate vision and courage to see this 20 in 1S!K) as a train dispatcher. Next marching soldiers with bullets, connection the years ago when research was still he became chief of the department while hair soft and fluffy. 60 eenta by mail or a drugfeet above ground. flying fifty master. He To "have a perfect figure," one gist. Hiacox Chemical Work. Fatchog-ue- , aN.Y, merely an unwelcome stepchild in and then chief train Imagine the sensations of marchwas already a man marked for has to wear clothes that are unmost of our industries." ing troops, crawling at snail's pace. comfortable. W. N. u!, Salt Lake City, No. promotion. When he was offered the place nth planes, flying two hundred two years the Treasury of superintendent of the Pennsylmiles an hour dropping bombs and FOR bus been investigat- vania division of the Central sysjhooting them down. ing charges that European safety tem, he refused It at first. He match manufacturers were dispos- was so modest he didn't think he Senator Borah revives the suging of their products in this coundeserved such an Important post. gestion that Uncle Sam give to of low to at the to prices try Friends persuaded him Injury change A itar'ing millions In China the domestic producers. Evidently the his mind. of bushels 250,000,000 were found to be true, for that wheat on was his From then that is also A Skin Tonic! promotion Secretary Mellon Issued on anti- steady and sure until he was the Government has bought, and Cut irnra Shaving Cream fills a f 'S can't sell. dumping order against the Impor- named president of the vust Cen- felt want. Containing the delicately lone tation of safety matches from tral system. His thoroughness in Borah adds a business idea, China r ."'r (.r .I'jVty medicated, emollient properties of lull- It as came countries. Job every eight mnstering cays little wheat from us, because it oroduces a rich, creamy lather that rura.moist Such action previously had been along has pRtd him and the New Chinese eat rice. Not throuchont the shave, softens the rice having . . . . remains taken against Russian mutches. York Central big dividends. x beard and at lue same time sootnes me siin. Ana now, they probably would eat wheat & H'O. bf The North Americmd The latest nations affected are ' what a wonderful if We gave it to them, thus developNewsuaper Alliance.) leenogi a scin mai is Finland, Norway, Esthonla. SweCool and refreshed, freefrom any tense, dry feeling. a taste for it, and ing a and up Holland building Latvia. Austria, den, At your dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of 33c. Composition ef Water future market for us. Poland. Addms: Cut leu ra Laboratories, Maiden, Mass. Water is a chemical combination finan- ciers deeply, for It he was believed 500-wa- NATIONALISTS of Porto Rico encouragement from I'resident Hoover when he landed at San Juan and delivered his first address, which was made contrary, he dwelt on the Innumerable benefits the island had derived from its rule by the United States, predicted fine things for its future, and pledged the support and cooperation of his administration toward continued Porto Rican prog- llPtSl!! Wakeful Fighting Machines. Golf Lessons? Love? Yes. Cash? Patrick E. Crowley n ;suiii. l,Pw Week This ij The Boyhood M ll f Thursday, April 2, 1931 NEPIII. UTAH S. Norinun. governor of the Rank of F.ngland. came to the United States Friday ou one of hla fre- V. Investigation Is to Include nil departments of the municipal government mid the inferior courts. National Importance Is given this New York scandal by Its possible effect on the Democratic party'a action In the national convention next year. It may greatly promote the chances of Franklin Roosevelt for the Presidential nomination, or He would be It may ruin them. favored by those pnrts of the country in which the Democrats are politically dry If he were freed from Hut Al the Tammany brand. Smith Is said to be cold to his candidacy, and National Chairman liaskob Is reported to be strongly In favor of giving the nomination to Owen D. Young. Ic of Hie American Federation of Labor to direct its ;fTorlu when favorable comlillons permit, toward compelling those employers of labor who have reduced wages during this peilod of unemployment, to restore them." TIMES-NEW- the A NIZE D QUGibor in the Uulf'J prepared with strength States is to fight, allIt the pos- any attempts to reduce wages. Such Is the assertion of William Green, president of the American Federation ef Labor. In a statement Issued in Wm. Green Washington, he said: Reductions In wages have been favored and encouraged by bankers and some employers whose desire for standard profits has overcome their better Judgment. If they are persisted In. a return to normal conditions will be delayed for two years or more. It Is only through the development of the purchasii g power of working people to the highest possible point that a market can be found for the which we are producing in good an ever increesing volume. "in the light of these facts the American Federation of l.nlior conceives it to he its duty to resist, with all the intliience and power a Its command any attempt on the part of employers to reduce wages. Furthermore it will be the policy sesses, seven- I V. tow half-sic- over-acidit- QsStnoTws 1 "hedge-hoppers- ," 14-19-3l7 Something Neic!! Shaving Cream C aV W Z. - Wi m. W Wv fW alter-euav- 0. 1931. Western Nswspaper Union.) of two gases, hydrogen and oxygen. lit), I9iu, or ij Srodicmc, lac) e .1.11. A 1 |