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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYS VILLE, UTAH jj : Trimming the Tree By France Gnnstr&i I1C tree, round which our (IrUttuu buhdsy t center, older la nncU-n- t trees were suj g e0 By MARION R. REAGAN ILAle HILL LD LOSS, who bad a reputation for being the tightest man In the county, always broke away frara Ida a a a a I day tUl rred to varies trita aed offering to Ukri wm hung iiikjb the hr iu be. 1 the Teutwna the fir tree, with It Ikt,. I . yuitocthrsl spreading t ran rhea, was i stinginess at a r.wnhiil f the eua tad they cele-- I (Tiriatmas time and rated the winter wesson by dee king made a practice of driving about oa it ia lint-elflower, toys and other or- - (Tiriatmas Eve distributing presents tiBUMnta. to ieople whom he had never sees ChiihtUn us of the tree sytntxd before. Ha. led a lonely life, and hi Ev probably tegss la Germany, bat there (Tirialm sprees were tbe bigare many ttrlce of the Brat Christ-lu- gest events In hi life. He usually t rvv. One l that Martin Luther, drov around the alma district with walking under the afar one Christ- a car full of toy and clothing and ina live, was tuored by their wonder itopjed Indiscriminately la front of as a revelation of the nearnes of Clod houses and flat, leaving a few pack to nail, tV hen be reached borne, be ages on each doorstep. He never had look a little f.r tree and put lighted accepted the proffers of hospitality randies on Its hraarhes to exdaln hi and refused always te go Inside. thought to ttie children. This Christmas Eve, 'however, he With age-oltraditions behind It, It found himself In peculiar predicaI Biting that the typical Christina ment. lie stopped la front of a batIn tree three day t decorated purely tered old frame house, which he knew for the' sake of tta own beauty. bmall very well. It wae the fourth year he end graceful, ft ofiea aland on tha had gone tker with top for the tittle library taldn, gift he(rd around It boy. He had scarcely stepiwd out of base, or In mlnluture form graces the the cur when little Johnnie came madining table, Ike renter of rheer until iling out of tha house, half crying. New year1. If It la to ahlne In the What tha matter, sooT he asked memories of children through gears to oh. It' ms. (J'wta la eoma. Us ornament mutt be hung an look." ms; its f t lth a much thought s erer the old Hattons had bo desire to go in and Teutons gave o the daelng of their look, hut the child was so insistent aua festival gifts. The secret of dee. and so pathetic with great tears orstlitg a tree efTeetlvelg Is to make It decorations look as If thrg grew there. Ope secret of that I to p'ae ,, a , d - the ornament at Ih points of growth, Swipw ET us flank of Qimtnu only in tenn love. Touch the fabric of its mjslk story ahdl we find ourselves enihrallcJ by its sprlL In its warp and woof is woven a colorful masterpiece picture too greet for even a Raphael to portray with justice. h. 6nly the' simple story of love Deep snow and jingling slelglibell arr riot typical of Christmas. Toy and tinsel but A represent its superficial side. Feasting do oot Lc 4 Apeak any of its holiness or it sweetness. fOE!That ii OirUtiT wliich kindle t dull life if only one' day lhan three hundred were vibraniwiih) more Oudstraas' love. Kirwllincss the rrudwt synonymn for Cbrul mas (ladies as welKjmder i midsummer sun. in prat cwTerfofbusinesim pleasure-placof aociety, and in the humblesLhome ULerever we find the desire JhT helpta. serveTTo r minister, perhap only to bring a mile to a careworn ace there We will discover Christmas. e Iwn UauMs Expensive Presents Do - l.t dull-surfac- vari-co'ore- d pro-Hiir- g andle. Chalna of tinsel anil colored paper are effective decorations if they are Bed rightly. They should not be hn- - Yuletido Atmosphere Wat Enjoyed by Stranded Trio on Sandy TraiL j it 11 ' It. down upon a stranded automo- bile. The car with seeming an concern stood la tha middle vt the road. One hesitates In even applying the term road to tills jumbled Bandy, corduroy trail extending endless miles with nothing on either able of It to break the monotony of the sandlca waste Have here and there a spiky cactus. Two feet sticking out from underneath the car showed the location of one f the occupants Another men-u- r of the party was perched on the running board pot far from the two eet, Mr. Graham, a man of perhaps forty-fiv- e jears and father of the man now on hla hack aolvtng Jpung the nij stories of a balky ear, was studying the Instruction book. It looks to me tike a burned-out r 1 s'-ke- d 1 ,na!ion. strung around the the, weighing he tip of Its branches, ao that hey seem to fetter !L If they wind hn.ni lew as a vine might, they seetn ! bri r In the tree. Toys may havt their place on the Heclt if they are decorative.' An Adi perrhd n a mb," i I right cob cod hrn gleaming la tie ibaAiwa a rwbWf I all suspended high the bmiKbf-s- . win drililit the children. The grown-u- p wba trims a Christ ct.:s tree ba a chance for oacg in iibe ;ctir to be an artist with tie srmt public, ip the world. The l.iidrcrv on Ovrlctmas morning will iccomliw hi work a a tnastcrplec if lt on'y remember two nf!e: First, the Le' the thing; It must be treated cva unit andicry bit of decoration noin further the total effect Ferond. mt overload it; If It I aot arooth. J cr-- d with trimming, the tree itarif I i tbe very bef pert rf the decorafloa vr- -r fSi S.W.MP, I TORRID aun shone at llal-lon- y By ELEANOR E. KING 4 streaming down hla cheeks-ththe old man followed him Into the house. The "house' consisted of one room. In the greatest disorder. At the far aide woman was lying motionless In a small Iren bed. llallons knew at once aho was dead, "Look here, Johnnie," be'aald, turning to the child, "you run out and get Into the ear outside, our mother 1 very ah k." without a word the little fellow left and got Into the machine. Hallons cam out soon after and asor?d Johnnie that everything was all rtgliR for that eveahg anyway. To himself, however, he was wondering what on earth he would d.y, lie had the ear atop at the undertaker's and made arrangements fof the burial. lie purposed saying nothing to Johnnlo about It until after Christmas, but then what to do with Johnnie? lie did not rare to put him ia n home. He disliked Institutions of any kind. Do yon have any relatives, son he aked suddenly. Any aunts or cousins or anything?" "No," said Johnnie. "I have a grandmother la Ireland, hat I've never seen her why?" Oh, I Just wondered." be answered casually. They were la front of the big old llallons houo now. till where ya live, matrr?" "Gee, Johnnie, atuaxed and exelied to think he was actuatlj going to visit In sin h a mansion. Ilallona assured hint U w us hla house. Gee whist" wus alt Johnnie could say to express his admiration. Inside. llallons had a chance to see his new frit ml in a better rht. m extremely dirty and ragged. He He had a sharp, intelligent tittle face with large, sparkling blue ejea. s liked him at once, lie ordered a light supper to be prepared and sent Johnnie upttalr with a servant to have him scrubbed. Put him la a pair of my old pajama when hea clean and send him down," ordered gn" ten-ce- catue a voice from under the engine. "And If It Is, tnothor, yon and might Just a well pitch camp and get settled for the next few daya." Mr. Graham's perfect resignation was the product of the previous three week's Western auto trip expcrHace. Mother" emerged from the back "cat. and the couple act to work unloading the car In the late afternoon SEE WHAT SAHTA fetched g O 1IU. W,rm N'prr f" . He gave last look and tumbled Into bed. Merry Christmas: Wake ap, Totti blinked at hi father' , ked cactus, w tha7k (Sk Ten eee, aft" lL,C!,r5tma te e good fairy." . did im. Wmiwi Nenwaw talM SR. V brfsitaa$ Bells a : '- r--,v t Into a saucepan put three of granulated sugar, add w eupfuls cupfula lK;n OTtn Spin. V jSlriT huo tt Inti rtiT- - P fr stir a dry 1nr4 does not answer the purpose good-sire- to! a Cf T rS5J IS Inw.iigr tnix putLf RsJrjid sa fete, thf rtfttt Ct rtict circrij eani, i?cd 13 jt ett, -- evf VnW-- s CT htffnc cf til w bf t OrtmSm Fd ftfki stag tM Hittln c rttet ca urth, c4 saucepan at once Ere and turn contents into bow! h"re randy will cool enough to han- dlefmli iBta ball, with the finger. PWdfTed riar nJ wrap la waxed paper. two days bow till Ci that lot of package, eofy tht Ive g1H ii. It I Ctrutme 'is Who , . , . r,v,JP t r pj?J orphans' home, tie washwomaBanU bo that Christma , Accordingly th, n.vt rnoriv. pie and Happy Pro ad jj? I their last shop- - ping tour before Christmas a, they turned ti e corner of th main street they upon two children, a boy and b girt, poorly Had, who stood with their notes came pressed a g a I o a t tbe window of a small shop, wherein were displayed a few cheap doll tnd toy They were eo engrossed tn their Inspect ia of these trtich a that they did not and woman who stopped tehiad and listened to their ihild.ih pa-- Jt Theres a Noah ark," said tw The baby could play vrlik flat lot There's animals Inside, ixd she'd play with one at a time ft M seem like new toys all the time. Tea, bu there ain't ae doty k there," said the girl. She and i dolly. How much money jei ft, Bill? Carefully drawing hi hand tna his pants pocket, tbs boy opened to fingers and slowly counted th frv pieces of change In hla palm. Thirty two cents, Sissy. I haven't kot iv of It." Thirty-twcent ! My. thats 1 A lot of money, B.ti; ad of money It took a long time to earn it and ev boy, r o 1 1 it But but somehow buy much, ts It, Billy No, but thirty-tw- It Uni gix-- 1 r cent o tot I than nothing" Well, then, you could get the Start trk; thats only twenty-11- , e Then you'd still have uxmey kft-- to much, BlUyr "Fifteen and ten, that twemy Bw carefully separating a dtme and thw nickels from the ret of the little p3 See, Sissy, that leave wily w" cents to get something for yon For me? IIo! Never mind sw. dont want anything I eta drew t dolly, you know, and play ft's 1 when the babys asleep,. Mart " can find something for mother. the Billy, If we could get one rf red berve the with green wreaths wouldnt It be lovely 1" Mother needs stocking swre C P" anything else. Beside, the fees leves than wreaths coat more apiece, Tm afraid. Come es; kj f tn and see wbst they hv fA" I Walt ii Enri ste," BrewA bl hand bcy'i "Where d 1 chlldre live!" Ttie hriT h" closed tight!? 4 the few pk money. Back next the elevl(. misterl yon fin;? Batk next the Happy. the boy k11 rf your mother want baby." Tt aint much ef s r - r And mothers washing, I rooet always is." Never mind that pie." turning te his wlfe.w h behind, with the gWs h wa Their stay there was momentous for BfllJ ber little brood. Hprf made Billy wildly happy dollar bill in his hand Sissja, tnd telling them their Cbrlntmas shearing . i.Uow.ckrf drr . pl.t,; m ' & 9 lit. at the corner he pulled and noted down Coal. himself: conned w , bill goods, children. apples t m T fe frttlrg mother need." Tm Yes, but, Happr. sworn off." Brown. Tlepple investment-Aan Thl Investment The safest aud 1 L. r 1 n IIeTTT vestment there - le vs gvrth to the roo' I- ftpt tboM J on. Think of th, bundles weve bundles and liiUe hwu folks and John, f!k, and Handy's folk, the want ,wr put off their Christmas arrangement thit lork shout the 23rd f rmber they to fhf)p and late. Washington Evening Star. J ;ut tt, thxe Common Typo My hu fwlk ewwy A. eo- - tbe JJ o.n,?I.Cr, 2 ti d eo-ron- ut - r fi Jr Coconut Ball Chrtet- - mar arroaa the froat" ? chak w rtock n d, :WcCZ2:o:o- - k iIOKlCO 4 lr a-- tun . 8 ! w ul Jjt nt k lop-side- lH'artng, t desert sunshine. That evening, aa Not Give Most Pleasure they sat down to their meal at the CORSE were MIL ANDto MRS. little ramp table; Mr. Graham said: Christmas with spend Not getting to that next town Mr. Gorses wealthy sister on her farm. rather spoil ear little plan for ChristBut we cant ; we insisted Mrs. inas" Corse. "Our rent has been raised this Utah' Greet American desert I year, and living is so dear la town w certainly one fine place for the car cannot afford presents that oven ber to break down," burst forth Tom. children will enjoy." Imagine tomorrow being Christmas It'a us they want, and not our with ell this best. Thee stories I rejoined' Mr. Gone. "Ton leave gifts," grew ap on back East shout Santa, the presents te me." snow and reindeer w ould never do out Oa Christmas Day the Gone drove In tlds section. Here Santa need a up te the big whit country house In camel." their flivver. Such e welcome s they The weary troop sought their beds received. Not an Idle nor an embarrassearly. Tern, being assured by the ing moment even for Mrs. Corse who heavy breathing of his mother and discarded so reluctantly the weight of father that they were asleep, bounced city poverty. Laughter, music, fun out of bed. Getting a bunch of paper prevailed. And after dinner, when the napkin and towels out of the car, and grown-up- s peeked Into the nursery to a pair of scissor, he returned to hi see whet the children were doing, Mr. Corse had hi triumph. The children had discarded their expensive toys, tnd sat in n circle on the floor playing Industriously with some mg-net- s h had brought Ton know our childrens likes better than e doj" said the charming host- - a, a she lead the Qortes back to the living room. "And nothing I recot. preweed Lag to cut them into long ceived pleases ma so much as the books you brought me, unless it la to ribbon-listrip. Some of the paper have h crushed Into balia, you here on Christmas day." tying a piece Even Mrs. Corse knew that her of string to each one of them. Then suddenly he remembered that long, words rang true. H. Lucius Cook. Hti, WMin Hmihsw long ago, when he had been la school, ) by folding piece of paper several time and cutting different-alxepieces from the fold, they had creHIS GENEROSITY ated all sort of designs. He made e doxea or mor of these lacey, openwork patterns. Next he cut a star. Te he ssre. It was a littlelarge but it had five points, and anyone could gees what It was supposed to ba. Tom now looked around for soma heavier paper out of which he might make a cornucopia. Gathering up the result labors, be made his way to B racto some ten or fifteen feet from the machine. The star Tom oa the topmost spiny prickle of theput plant rlUHMS-Uk- e strips he twisted and pie draped around the plant, making ue r the needles It, Joining the short I hear that you are going to give pieces together, if not article when your mother-in-laan automobile for finished, the cactu certainly looked Christmas restive. Tom surveyed hla muster "Tea, but It hi guaranteed not to Piece with a chuckle. run more than half a Grabbmg beet of paper, he way from ber to bouse t mine, ane letter Thesebegan breaking lettera. atrXg down." a a piece of twin. together hung across the cactus. Now there wp be no chance for d That ntght after the auppec had teen eateh Johnnie Snuggled up near tbe logfire la the drawing' room, a little figure almost lost In the spacious fold of hla pajamas, tils A face shone' with cleanliness. Old llailona sit back In hi comfortable, easy-rhawatching tbe child lie .... more plbased with the sight than with anything he had ever knows tw fore See bpve. John tie. "Vbt would you like atmt to bare for Chrlatmaa?" r llallou akt-t- l finsllyt Johnnie Grttched Mrnetf out oa tbe emfrtttb!e plfiow la tbe attitude of one about to think over a serious proto.tloa. "Well." L said at lat, I thick I'd like a boose like tL1! like this I want tfcl fire and this pillow, too." IlaUons amiied. Very good," he 1 aM, all 111 that you share It with me, but it la your home, little ban, from Ibis time on." - ,T,WERE With Decorations . parC within' live flash which maketfte whole world one kin. No, we have neverreally Christmas. We have fclt it! been Desert Christmas Cm. la This Where Ya Live, Mister!" Asked Johnnie. o p IQ-- 1VIS, where the llrnhs branch and wWr the twigs leave the branches; the other la to dqge ornaments that look heavy whore the tree looks strongest, well hack oa the branches and tow ard the lower part of the tree. It I a good thing to lag out the materials for decoration with those of like shape and folor together and to handle one kind of decorations at a time, la tide wag U I eas y to distribute masse of trimming and spots of color evenly and to tea that the different kinds are well Intermingled. It la a common mistake to place nnt of the ornaments on tha tip end of tha brain hea, under the Impression that there. A I a they will show tip matter of fact, a few ornament well placed on the body of the tree Sre more effective than If they are scattered on the outer circumference. The remainder of light reflected from various ornament should a!o be considered ; those with glassy ur face ahlne with a different glow from lhat of tinsel, and applet, oranges and cornucopias of candy must hot be expected to counterbalance brighter sur--f row Fo distribute the decoration having a different kind of surface, Tti glassy ornaments will relieve the dark tnaenea of the tree tf they ar bung welt back la It, but objects. If aot too large, should be hung la hearer view, A rod place fir fruits, which are heavy but too dull to show la the body of the tree unless there Is a break la the foliage, u oa tbe sturdy lower Umha. The email electric light hlch have superseded candle for the Christum tree should he arranged la orderly gradation from the lower llmhe to the top, A pretty effect la produced If tiny white bulb are substituted for ones that usually the make up these circuits and each light enclosed In a email paper cone of soft These cones yellow or orange. downward give much the same Impression a the vertical effect of To her, though, the store was a beauti-f- il one. And tea it was decorated at Christmas time with Its tlnad end gay Christmas touches, she thought it the most beautiful place oa earth. She loved the Jewelry that was sold there. . Sometimes ah would hold a bit of cardboard from which bung cheap earring to ber ear and would think that when she got her pay the following week abe might buy a pair. They were certainly becoming and would be more ae when off the cardboard. . Huw crowded the ft ore became around Christmas time. The people would look and admire end buy. She would be ao busy. It was splendid to be busy, end even to be tired with the Christmas ru.-There wae something so stimulating about the Christmas rush. There were several floor walkers In the store an extra one was added for tha Christmas season. True, their presence was not ao magnificent as the floor walkers la the great, expensive stores, but they were grand to her. And she loved to say, with s beautiful manner; "Just s moment, madame; I will call the floor walker." And then, thl Christmas, greater happiness than, ever came to her. A most wonderful floor walker came ae so "extra," hut they eald he would be taken on for good be wae such e capable man. And the took him on for good. For hadn't they fallen to loe with each other at once? Oh, to some the store might seem cheap, the people la it might seem funny imitations of the people' who belonged to the very expensive stores. Rut there was glorious Christmas happiness In that store. For It radiated, the Christmas spirit And the Christmas spirit can never bo cheap 1 Mary Graham Bonner. (A Hit WTcaUrs Nmptpw Ualoa ) Joy to Orphan. than Turning Over New Leaf w-t- How Lone! Man on Christ m&s Eve Spree Brough! aa origin Christianity The ChrutxnAJ Spirit It Can Never Be Cheap la hat ti considered SHE workedrate store la a big city. Old Bill Hallons Car Load of Toys J iis t |