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Show We Have Just Received -- a beautiful SPRING LINE of Lace Curtains, Door Drapings, Petersen Rasmussen Wedding. Miss Anna C. F. Petersen and Marius Rasmussen were united In marriage the most popular lady. Miss Eliza Siggard of Tha Second Wins The Prize- - Christensen VVerd voting contest for the most popular lady In the First and Second wards resulted in Miss Eliza Siegard of the Second ward being awarded that honor by a majority vote of 774 over her nearest competitor. The vote for the three highest at the close of the contest was as follows: Eliza Siguard, Second ward, 1382; Lizzie Kelly, F.irst ward, 638; Amelia Qraehl, First ward, 638- - The commit tee gave Miss Siggard a fine gold brooch as a souvenir of the oontest. The bail Friday night at the opera house was packed and enthusiasm ran The contest appeared to be high more exciting than an election and when the result was announced the cheering was almost deafening. The choirs of the two wards will receive about 170 each after all expenses are paid. The committee especially thank Eddys Drug Store, B. C. Pharmacy, the News office and all others who assisted in making the event a success. Note of Thanks, My friends: i wish to thank you oue and all for the great honor you have bestowed upon me at the voting contest. And for the beautiful locket, please accept my sincere thanks. It will always be retained as a treasure la memory of the event. I only regret I was not able to be with you at the dance. Eliza Siggaud. firemens Ball. Next Tuesday, March 15tb, the Firemen will give a graud ball at the opera bouse and they desire to have their friends meet with them and participate. in the good time they are going to have. The fire laddies will see to it that everyone who comes Will have an enjoyable time, so don't neglect this opportunity. When a member of the department comes around with tickets, put on a pleasant smile and pay him the price. It will insure you a good tirnp and benefit a worthy organization. A Bugle Call Comptons Art Gallery e Christensen Dancing Classes at the New Academy. ...Monday... March 14 th, sa, - M- STEWART that's all you need know about a STOVE or RANGE. Jos. F. Hansen Furniture - SOLE Co., AGENTS-Brigb- am City, - - Utah. The-- - tions were suggested; Vestibule doors if left unlocked during performances are to be alle wed to remain. The furnace is to be fireproofed with asbestos. An asbestos curtain is not demanded as it would be necessary to remodel the building. The demand for two fire escapes be reduced to one which 40 5th Annual DURABLE SANITARY GUARANTEE, a-.-"- . Oilr Own Prescriptions. is name on positively warranted to give Any article iiavlbg out satisfaction or money refunded! Superior line of Brushes The Eddy Drug Store, L t.EDDY, Prescription Druggis- Improved Military Band or ALFRED CREBB1N, Equitable Building) a 6 Denver, Colo. Make your H0ME -- PaY for ifsEL- FWe will sell you land in Brush and Comb Sale rricesi YOURS TO PLEASE, B. B, PHARMACY HOOPES & EDDY, Props. e I now prepared to spray your orchards; charges from lc. to 5 cts. per tree everything furnished by me. 1. E. mch 31 Fribble, Cor. 3rd West and 4th North Sts. jaenham city, ut.h. Utah. QARTHEY it DUMBECK, - 3. Opera House I. Lorenia All business given prompt attention Stsbl, Manager. Curtain, 8:3upm J. M. John Pingbu, Jenson, President, FRIDAY, MARSH II, STOHL Cashier. LORENZO N STOHL HAMPTON & HOPKINS Beautiful Story of Backwood Folks N STOHL BROTHERS. REAL SANDY ESTATE AND INSURANCE BOTTOM BY JOHN CRITTENDEN JOSEPH Loans, Loans, Loans, -P- RESENT-A Room 22. Telephono No. 22. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING WEBB. DO YOU VANT Loans on Real Estate at lowest interest; Homestead Entries and proofs; To buy or sell Real Estate; Titles examined and conveyed. Reliable legal work; A companion play to "Arizona and "Way Down East." Presented by an excellent company. A plain story of plain people from the Hills and valleys of Arkansas. Soo CONSULT FRED 1. HOlTOIl HEAR Utah, Brigham Gty, Prices: 25, 35, 50 Box office opens performance. at & 75c. 10 a. m. day of ABSTRACTS. Three points to think of whenyou get Abstracts of Title to Real Estate: 1. Completeness; 2. Accuracy; 3. Responsibility. The value of an abstract, depends oa THESE THREE VITAL POINTS- - Stock Corinne, Utah, L P, Spray Your Orchards, H miles south couit house, Brigham City, bar-rai- ns with under Bear Riven-anal- , hast or 2o, 35, 50 & 7oCLestot Beat rlter ilh ot ;lthont Special ticket tule Sat. ilarch i2ik. water, and will give yotl 10 to 20 years - r i -..- -I to bay for same. It you want a home j write or call oil us at Garland ar I am TREES FOR SALE. Choice Peaches, Apples, Pruned and Apricots. FRANCIS 8c FIGGINS, .- pur- F. E. ROCHE, Utah. PLUMBING. I tayne n of th. moth- veeuro moeurwy, osd of my obtllty to moke good eny low comd by error or omission In my oboiroe . Over a, 000 Acres nnimproved 1st class beet land in various parts of the county, with or without water. Christensen Cor; and F, H. Ford) Soloist) net ever sighed for a satisfactory these. brush to examine Clarionet Soloist, both of Salt You will be agreeably surprise! Lake Cityi When we quote you prices, for wfe are Ibis week and there is never anything fancy about our prices. Three dozen brushes fer 5 cts, 6aeh while they last. Brigham City, with fine buildings and water Apply . ... S. A. Sackett & Sons, system. Brigham City Prof, Acres 640 want every woman who ha: having a WYNN A Rare Bargain. near Acres Improved Land Ranch There is nothing that takes the tangle out of the hair with the same 34'-mumIan3- 4 "neatness and dispatch" Os a good bristle brush. WSi HAVE A Ably assisted by stnd to at is one of our preparations we wish to call your attention cold so prevand that for cough recommend we it as this time alent at this season of the yean 320 water. -- OF TH- E- HAIR BRUSHES Full Bearing Choice Fruit Trees. Peach and Apricot Trees For Sale. One 5 acre block on Mam -T- ELEPHONE street, 3 blocks north of court 219 State St - - - Salt Lake City, Utah louse, 2 houses, large barn with stables and buggy sheds. Nearly all in fruit trees, mostly Elberta THE BANK OF BRIGHAM CITY leaches. For this and other CAPITAL S50.000.0a in homes and farm land, call at once on Stohl Brothers. Office Room 22, Phone 26-Accounts and Correspondence tf irst Natl Bank Bldg. Solicited. chasers) with full water rights. Concert might accommodate the dance ball us well as the gallery. Acres Corinne (can be divided to suit EDWARD B. KIRK, OGDEN, 'UTAH vice-presid- Farm for Sale. Opera House Kit is a A Republican Conventions. A call has been issued by the State Bepublican committee for a state convention to be held In Salt Lake City April 8. The purpose of the convention Is to choose delegates to the National Republican convention which Is to be held in Chicago June 21. to nominate a president and of the United States. Box Elder County is entitled to 19 delegates to the state convention. The call urges that county conventions be called so that delegates may be selected not less than five days before the state convention. d ...STEWART... Steel Range. ' Knudson. & Military Band Concert. EDWARD B. KIRK, OGDEN, UTAH Next Monday night, March 14, the Brigham City Military Baod will give REAL another of its popular concerts assistESTATE ed by Prof. L. P. Christensen, the corLOANS. net soloist, and F. II. Ford, clarionet soloist-- both of Salt Lake City. MONEY ON HAND The band has been diligently practicing for tbis event during the past insures promptness and quick winter under the able leadership of delivery . Being our own, makes it possible for us to, make and Prof. C. Christensen and will render a loans with close will be new of selections number that sure to please. No Delay No Commissions Brigham City is lustly proud of its No Expenses fine band and should show its appreciNo Mortgage Tax conation as well as encouraging It to No Third Party efforts to please by attending tinue its No Attorney Few the concert next Monday night. No Appraiser Fes - the r.Vruw CROCKERY last Friday night at the home of the Bed Spreads, are to be found In plenty on our parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. H. Portiers, counter Rasmussen in the First ward, Elder Smyrna and If you don't wish to spend Peter Sorensen performing the cereAxminister Rugs, much money dont bring it with mony, The young couple are quite Etc., Etc Etc, for you surely will be you enterpopular, the bride being the tr Come and see us aud be convinced TEMPTED by the prising owner of the Brigham City that we can furnish you the most laundry. beautiful draperies for the least posPRETTINESS sible money. Remember the place. A large number of guests witnessed ot the things. the ceremony and brought many valuable presents. The evening was delightfully spent in social games and Bank Building. conversation ana all wished the young couple long life and happiness on A Social Eventleaving. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kaiser gave a de lightful social party Tuesday night at Mr. and Mrs. B Rasmussen, Mrs. to the public inviting you to drop their home in the Second ward, in Petersen, Mrs C Neisen, Mr. and Mrs. . in and look over the fine samples honor of the sixteenth anniversary of P Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs. J C Gasberg, of our work at our Art Gallery. the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. P J Petersen, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Mrs. E John and Hartmann, latter the Knudson, being tlieir daughWc are Artists in Photography ter. The event was arranged for Feb Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. H C Chrisas our work will readily show, and ruary 29th, but was postponed on tiansen, Mr. and Mrs. C A Kaiser, Mr if you are thinking of having your C and Mrs. Simousen, Mr. and Mrs. account of sickness. C O Mr. Mr. ChristianR and picture taken it will pay you to call Jensen, About fifty guests participated in on us. Prices reasonable. Mesdames Christine Sorensen, the evening's enjoyment, and partook sen; G A F Emma Andersen, Lundgren, of a fine supper. Games, music and We make Picture Frames to order. some short theatrical sketches passed Neisen; the Misses K Funk, Anne the time away pleasantly until mid- Rasmussen, Mary Sorensen, Anna and night, when refreshments were again Roseline Christiansen, L Gasterg, served. Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser are Flora and Silvia Glerup, Fredericksen Wants Justice. Quorum Reunion-Thand the event and Lauritzen of Salt Lake; Messrs. entertainers splendid F.Ditor Box Elder News: First quorum of elders and will loug be remembered by those Fred C. Neisen, J Petersen, John Ber gren, and Einer Rasmussen. I saw an item In last weeks Report the One Hundred and Thirty-thirtaking part. quorum of seventy will unite in a beaded "A menace" which I think sociable to be held In the Fourth ward was as Injustice to Mrs. So and So. City Council Minutes. Scandinavian Ball The mayor and all members of the meeting house, Friday, March 18, at Everybody ought to be entitled to At the opera house, Wednesday even12 prompt. All justice which Mr. Professor Pants Is ing, March 23, 1904, the proceeds to be city council were in attendance at the 11 a. m.; dinner at corare of these members quorums used for the Stockholm trying to rob Mrs. So and So of. meeting regular meeting Tuesday night. is that invited. Whether it be medicine dabblers that expected It house. Come one and all aud have a The request of W. H. Glover for re- dially and some tbeir floats arouDd in skirts, Mrs. So add So picnic everybody bring good time and help the worthy cause, duction in livery license was referred fork. and cured cases that Professor Pants has own knife cup, O. N. Stohl, plate, to committee. Committee. gave up It is a downright outrage H. C. Chkistiansen, Lcreuzo N. Stohl, president of the that more people don't know that Mrs. Peter Sorenson, First National Bank, presented a list Music and Drama. So and So is a professional on diphPresidency. of securities offered for the loan of the That pretty little drama of lowly theria. sinking fund which was duly conlife in Arkansas, "Sandy Bottom" Some time ago Wm. Burrell's whole NOTICE. sidered. opened an engagement last night at family waB stricken down with diphCome aneWnspect the latest The road supervisor recommended the Grand that will fill tbe first half theria. They at once sent for a learnstyles in combs, pins, brooches, that creek at tabernacle be rooked up of tbe week and delighted a big audi- ed doctor who said It was diphtheria RATS, POWDER, HAIR DRESSING, ou both sides. Referred to committee. ence of first nlgbters. "Sandy Bot- in its worst form and said "Send for at The bond of MASSAGING AND MANICURING Nephl Anderson as city tom has been here before but it never MrB. So and So for she is professional It engineer was approved. Comptons old gallery. fails to please. The company present- on diphtheria," whtch they did and Petition of James By water, Jr., for ing tbe play tbis season is decidedly Mrs. So and So fetched them out all position of special police was referred. better than those that have preceded right. The vagrant is not always Resignation of Marenus Olsen P3 it. This is true of practically every asleep. Mrs. So and So. special police was accepted and Charles department. Salt Lake Herald. Cheal was elected as special police to You can enter Boothe & succeed bim. Ladies and Gentlemens adPeirces store at anytime with C. F. Nelson was appointed night vanced class commences Friday, to succeed John C, Thomp 18 a:res cultivated land with water watchman feeling that nowhere in town can March 4th, at 8 p. m. son, deceased. adjoining Garland sugar factory. you get better suited or do so right Childrens beginners class comMr. Mortensen reported that Mr. Will sell all 01 part. See David Larwell. mences Saturday, March 5th, 2 f Johnson bad been instructed to wire sen at Garland or Fred J. Holton, m. p. to the depot and as far as possible In Brigham City. WHY PAY HIGH PRICES Childrens advanced class com- southeastern part of town. mences Saturday, March 5th, 4 The mayor was authorised to corresfor land when you can rent or buy Lorenio I. Slohl, choice orchards k Farms in Box surm. and citizens Mantua of pond with p. Manager S:3U p. m Curtain Elder county to in settlements respect All people who have taken the rounding first term will be admitted to the electric lights. CHEAP k ON EASY TERMS? above advanced classes. The committee on fire department Before rentihg or buying it will pay reported In respect to the recommendation of the buildiog inspector wbih you to write for particulars to the had been referred to them recoin undersigned. THE DOMESTIC . mendiog that the report be accepted LOOK AT THIScLISTlll and that the recommendations therein be enforced, except in case of the Two Orchards in Fruit-vale- . opera house. The following modifica- Stohl Furniture Co., First National PRETTY THINGS IN I confine myselt exclusively to ABSTRACTING, CONVEYANCING sad NOTARY WORK REALLY RELIABLE LUMBER. The sort of rough of dress ed lumber you will best like It is to Use in buildlhft. and straight satisfactory. It Is Seasoned and substantial. And can give the promptest attsn tiun to alt work in my line. Is 17 All builnMB Intrusted to my ears e, treated with the strictest confi-deuc- Norman Lee, ' Bonded Sosa Provide it , Abstracter. rust Nat Book Bids., Brigham, Utah as Yau Want It. LARGE OR SMALL ORDERS. We Conduct the lumber business in your interest Ron Lumber Cl Tremont and Bear River City, (Ttah. Phone In Tremont office. $100,000 to Load &t o pop cent interest on improved dry irrigated farms. .... F"red or Jb Holton Oitiec Room 23, 1st, Natl Bank ELj |