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Show i OtiDKN DAILY COMMERCIAL:. SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1891. 6CS3 Of POU.Y. A lu asiA-un- f A trsaXaaua id i' OUa--f act, aU'. lit a tr ta fct &vruf ia ll bay lor trial, a fur laa! Ul r ! insiraa tnwrU fc ata ch u lea ana jr. TLctc Ux U auhf alrfaaaarta Ti 1f i UiU i-- t ui vrki BotJ ru.u( 1 A UveJjLitf- - OK the ENJOYS rnetbod and raulu wna Bynip cf Figt ia taken; it is pkajan umI rtfffrJ.ii.g to tha taste, tiii ax-on the Kidneys, jet prompt! dean (eiitlj afil tLa bjs-te-d Bowtla, eS'rctujuly, disptlj colds, bead athet and fever tad curea habitual Fur sale conttipatioa perniAiMs&dj. la 10c and f 1 bottle by all drugguti CALIFORNIA F1S STRUP CO. 4 I ourtrmr, it. futasco. au tern uiuf trw &. tikaia4 ta ban trua. ra.y. For Pull L aj. fur kwt, He fur tit U. tuu. wt eaa X f oata aba k fuwwi Let brufcra tieart bd tint rf nuw t Had etcf-a- r kuCe U tLa IctllrV j a4 ton. t. r. u hmvmt &J, arr tla teketirvbr. faron C-- ttmM fur t wa. K11 t bita. uu. 1 uut W PwLlyl A PRESSED KOSE Grac Hcrtherton vaa bappy; that U. There aj ma oli Hetberton too, Aunt aoiJ uicoe youcj Gnct Untt-- s 6all iSalaart jowig auu&r tao at Lad pa-T- tgxxr. U0 aSM frum. in tim aatuatk. AvLw qukk!y aid fell tbt cruelly U andeuctnag bar. BUad mS lictVe to leave ber ahatfa-rcArcbia nn in tbe belief thai Ler d Lad rvturned a Le bad pruonaed than to a'.tr-iu- ; t rijiauatious, even if aba wu&ld tbetn. Ua detenuiuc4 Lav Ui aot line a well aa Le was able. iJied Liiu with (jUceXiuua as to hi bal! a, the vu) age, tc, and h anawared cauM to Liiu. with whatever apt takiug ber handa ia Liaatvl aualisf back il.Lo bef diiuuted eyesk -- Ywu m to have been goue a long time. Art. bio. liw uti!" hba pauaed ail iut ber band to ber bead. "A year ww it a wbula year? Yea, perhaps a much as a year. It couf uaea me to try to remember but there! no matter, you are bere. flow long ll aeeuis since youa a gave hm tbe nee. tnat nint ana taia goodby!" She arose and took down from a a&eii behind ber an old volume in red and tfiJl, opened it carefully and held it uut to him. Yon remember bow you broke it fruin the bu&h at the gate and fastened it in my hair?" Her voice trembled with txdtement "Them it ia, preeaud in my annual, the one vou cave ma. I bav kept it to show you." Archie took the book and bent over it. On the open, yellow page lay a long t.te mtued roee, withered and brown with age, the last gift of the Archie of long tk uitdc-raUiu- t Old tube U ttdttor. yrt UminH Ml t-- Ld d Ut. rric-- iieiW tut b jf a, tie fat uf it prlia, ti i t l tlx WuCiaU iHilLUifd wilk juf , ber ?ai It n. k.iij.$ trader! y UW thtr id- tt brr tails carMtLjiy Loa abmit drf. In be tiA lh paafct, year Lad LrucU Bn tboctt U chanx- - ia tiia bhe loved; ate Lad wavbed f jr tb irt WE ARE STILL 1M1TT! i, tliey were, cms nearly axty, U cthrr jaist turned twenty. . An J tha young Uravr w?a haj py Uust BOiumer evening for the a&ine rvaon that Aunt Gram bad been haiipy furty yean before. She was -- DEALER I- Sgoing to marry Archie Armitag. t or years before Aroma Arnuoige ana Grace Iletherton had been bttrotiuxL Ila was a young Englishman, aad-- a abort Agricultural Implements, time before the day fixed for tbe wedding be had been called home cby the sudden death of hi father, leaving-GraBuRCfies, to wait on tbi side the water tor his spedy, taf retnrn. But that never"It has turned brown wrule yon nave I tie snip on wmcn ne vxk iascaine. Koad across the sea and back again. been fea port. never arrived for England aage The young girl Listening outside caught tie said Grace waited and hoped on. be wonld come; be will come," site said. the quivering strain in the voice, and Her father and mother and ber brother fearing the 6 fleet of the unusual exciteTui'bino John hoped and waited with ber, bat no ment upon her aunt now appeared at came. Until all chance tor his the door. Mills. tidings was Engines "Come in. Grade, come in! I have a vast, they did not tell her return to introduce to you." She took visitor that he was dead; that be had been drowned at sea. Then, at last, they pot the girl by the band and led ber Into the room. "This ia brother John's daugn away the bridal finery. But still Grace hoped and waited. ter. Mr. Armitage. Oracle, this is my Wagon Material, Heavy HardHer clouded brain held fixedly to the one old friend, Archie Armitage, who has We have idea; her lover would rtturn. The iust come from England. ware, Iron and Steel. montlis grew into years, but Btill every been talking over old times." In ber ex she looked long and anxiously cited joy all sense of incongruity seemed Baker Barbed Wire, Black- night down the drive, and said, "If not to- - loot to ber. The young people exchanged a swift uight. he will come tomorrow." smith Tools, Etc. The father died; John brought a wife glance of intelligence aa they bowed to into the big, rambling house. Grace s each other, and Grace said to her aunt: OC4 DKN TTTAH. hair turned from brown to gray, from "Don't you think you are a trine tired gray to snowy white; wrinkles came now, auntie? Perhaps you and Mr. Ar her sweet, wistful face; nephews mitage had better wait until tomorrow into fVUV IMIITVOWTnT" and nieces grew np about ber; but still to continue your talk? You know you she looked ont from her rooms at the have not been very welL" The white haired woman looked end of the wing and said, "lie may come Finest Billiard Hall in Utah tomorrow." About the country she thoughtfully from one to the other, came to be spoken of as "poor old Miss "Yes," she said slowly, "it is probably I Til Stairs Mmlwi'n. Hetherton." Visitors to the bouse saw somewhat late. I will send him away her sometimes, and she explained to shortly. Will you tell your father be W havatha lara-esHall in Oerten and l has arrived, dear?" fable exclus them that she was merely "staying with the liruDkwick back." came Archie till "Papa knows Mr. Armitage is here, John ively. Now. after forty years, another Grace auntie," replied Grace, "and I will go US. Hetherton was to marry another Archie back with him across the lawn. To AND Armitaee. John's daughter, Grade, had morrow you'll have along day together." "Y-e-perhaps that is best. I seem met the second Archie while traveling abroad. He was the son of the drowned somewhat dizzy. It has been so exdt- man's brother, and in face and figure, in ing to see you, Archie." She stroked voice and bearing, was remarkably like her brow slowly with her band and sat TUP: BRUNSWICK. down in her easy chair. "YouH come bis uncle. Grade walked np and down in the in the morning?"1T1 come in early and "Yes, auntie, sweet smelling June twilight, from the CALIFORNIA but you must get quiet piazza to the gate and back again. She help you dress; was waiting for Archie. He had but re- now, auntie, dear. Good night" "And, Gracie, I'll put on my blue figcently come from England, and was soon ured gown he used to like to see me in, his bride. to take her back with him, OF As she paced to and fro, she caught and the broad garden hat, and we'll have have the gleam of light from her aunt's win the morning on the lawn. I shall corand old nooks all the him to show to occurred It dows in the old wing. ber to eo and sit there with the old lady ners, and we'll have so mnch to say, so much to tell each other." A very pleasant Laxative, made- from until Archie came. She had told Aunt She looked up at Archie with a look of of her before some engage time the iuice of Freeh Prunes combined Grace ment, but when she stave her lover's exquisite tenderness, and he bent and with a few harmless vegetable ingredi not rise," he and highly medicin enta of name, the gentle voice had checked her. kissed her reverently. "Do we will and overtired are dear! said; al qualities, put up in the foim of not child, nonsense, "you talk "Do CHKAM XKOPS, Archie Armitage ia coming over sea, have so much to talk of tomorrow. Good nreuaration . 1 have been waiting for night." He followed Grace to the door, Mullingrs n vrvj vnlunhln I true enough. I not claim him for your and as he closed it behind him on the AND must You him. CHILDREN, FOR INPAXTS J sweetheart, my dear Gracie. That had picture of the white head bent over the and food the Regulating Assimilating dismiss withered rose, he thought how mucn Grace Aunt matter. Bowels. the and ended Stomach the was not they were alike, the woman and the and as nonsense, ed the subject IT PROMOTES DIGESTION, CHEERFULNESS AND BEST, to be reasoned ont of it So when the flower. When Grace opened the door of the young Archie had come for his first visit IT IS A WONDERFUL REMEDY old been not had prehe wing the next morning she stopped town to the little sented to the mistress of the pretty abruptly. The lamp still burned on the For Constipation, Sour Stomach, beside it in the easy chair sat Convuiions, Loss op Sleep, ground floor rooms in the old wing of table, and as aunt her etc. mansion. they had left her, but with Worms, Feverishness, the Hetherton closed eyes, and an odd, happy look of mounted and lawn the crossed Gracie 25 CENTS. PRICE the short flight of steps to her aunt's youth upon her face, still holding in her For Sale by all Druggists. stem of the rose, its door, almost hidden by climbing roses lifeless hand the the full of bloom. She paused there and fragile petals lying scattered amongfloor on the and dress of her folds soft of the center In the looked in, silently. BRIGGS MEDICINE CO., Edwin Kinkead in cozy room her aunt sat reading by a about her. Charles California. San Francisco, shaded lamp, her lavender silk dress fall- Pittsburg Bulletin. suring about her in full folds. All her Seemed Monotonous. roundings told of a love for the beautiful. Choice engravings and etchings The other evening a little girl, a mite hung on the walls. A great jar of old of five years, lay on her mother s lap fashioned single white roses stood upon during the children's hour. Play was the oren piano. The shaded lamp cast over and the white robed little figure a mellow, softened light over every was ready to be tucked into bed. But thing. The corners were but half de- she clamored for a story, and the moth fined. Gracie was about to go in when er told her of heaven; of the golden she heard the click of the gate and quick pavements, the great white throne, the footsteps coming up the path. Then Fhe snowy garments of the angels and the NT saw Archie walking toward her. He perpetual praise from the harps of the i ;'i:rfjfjiijjMiw-had seen her white dress crossing the great orchestra of the blessed. After . West' Nbbvk and Beam Tbat-EST- lawn and had followed. the story was finished the child was si D.E.C a guaranteed gppcitie for Hysteria. "IH hide from him behind the roses lent for a minute. Then she asked, Nervotu Neuralgia, CouTiitoions, pV-frite, .n rned b the ?.e'J.'" v and let him hunt," she thought, and "Mamma, have we got to do just that Mentjd of aloohol or tobacco, Wakof ulness,rosiUtin m quickly drew back at the side of the for ever and ever, amen?" It will be of Boftonin tba.Bram Depression. and difficult to insure the orthodoxy of this iu tosaoity and leading to misery, decay - - stens. ieatli, rremaiure uiu wi The young man came np the stepa precocious young person. Detroit Free Power in either sex, InToluntary Lossesor and tiin "Grace!" he called; "Grace!" Press. SDermatorrhoea caused by over exertion Each box or brain, The figure in the room reading by the a box. treatment. $1.00 contains one month's aent Extravagant. shaded lamp turned at the voice. She by mad prepaid on or six boxes for $5.00, Some Japanese real estate boomers receiptoioe. ABAVTEK ga pgxKS rose, and for one trembling, uncertain received by moment stood stilL Then, with the went out and founded a town and adverTo cure any case. With each order $5.00, we will outtised as a leading feature "a great ns for six boxes, accompanied with lovelight in her eyes, with arms to reend the purchaser ur written guarantee eHoct with the smile of her happy avenue, fifteen feet wide, running the stretched, fund the money if the treatment does not H. A by a cure. guarantees issued371only girlhood npon her face, she moved length of the town." This extravagant Twenty-fourtWai.kkr, DriiRstUt Sale Agt.. Aftfffiriv toward the door. There stood waste of land was reported to the gov St.. Ogdou. Uth tv.n vmintr man. causing on the thres- - ernment, and the boomers were ordered to simmer down or go to prison. Cin hnld. lnokimr in. CREDITORS. TO NOTICE cinnati Times-Sta- r. Archie!", the gentle voice faltered Estate of Samuel M. Preshaw, Deceased. the MAroVifot Vnn have come you have Notice U hereby given by the ondereigned, of the estate of Samuel M. Preshaw. executor Let Ulra Try It. , rroilitrn of. and all uersons (vrnifi!" ir. claims A Philadelphia surgeon says that by Th vftntii? man understood. To the against the said deceased, to ex having voucners, wuiun hibit them wit h the necessary absent three strokes of his lancet he could paraafter the ttrst publication of this old lady before him he was the ten months . .aiil Biecntnr. at Ills otlice. Num came lnw we wm, lyze the nerves acted on to make a man tie lover returned, ber 216J Washingt4n Avenue, the same being and kissed her. get mad, and thereafter anyone .could i i.,r ho trHnnaction of tlie business of ont his arm about her understood. She Ogden, County of said estate, in the CityLi of pull his nose, cull bis ears and spit on The girl young and Weber and Territory ol t an. roses, the behind his boots and he would simply smile silent John 8. Cori.bw. Fiecutor of the Ebtate of Bumuel M. Preshaw, watched the pair sit down together on soft, bland smile. Detroit Free Press. GEO. A. LOWE, - Wagons, Carts. JJuekboards Wheels, Saw Ow Our Gut Price Sale has been a de cided Success. Those who intend purchasing a Spring Suit, a Pair of Shoes, a Dress Shirt, or anything else in Our Line, will do well to CALL BEFORE MAY 1, -- WHEN OUR- - t - SEE COME s, I. G. Proudfit & Co., Cream Frunes - well-kaow- n Health is Wealth! SPECIAL SALE CLOSES! Our Bargains are to Numerous to Mention, but it will Give us Great Pleasure to Show you through our stock, if you can spare us a few minutes. We will certainly do you no harm, and possibly, may do you Some good. Respectfully Yours, LOEB & I PROPRIETORS OF V.i self-abu- h - Deceased. 2410 WASHINGTON |