Show I 1 EASTERN dispatches DISPATCH E S MORNING REPORT massachusetts clio insurance outlook I 1 esaa As the sufferers by the fire be conio etor acquainted with tho the nature of their aed tho cf f confidence grow stronger chov the hot both bamo bomo and all foreign oti lines lull aill IQ in timo time liquidate their entire delt debt salv aioo i found to vary from 10 16 to SO per cent and aa were sated gated the t ty are being mado out Us rapidly an ponta poM prod iuIe it i at and d policies and proofs of insist in 10 tomo some cea already adt in of relief will forward with the utmost celerity gwoon three tod font hundred thousand dollar worth of have been recovered A lot of property airaite I 1 at tho the city ila motul I 1 KANSAS lanrence LM nov tito furniture stereo of t diolos buitte 1131 burned last lou loss MISSOURI fai bi loda 0 nov o 15 A line at 1 val 11 destroyed nearly the II I 1 a business portion or of the city loss NO 0 pennsylvania 4 NIA IS DiB Duis stona tons sw kew works van bahmed this thia La loss LOKS ISO WO NEW JERSEY trenton 1 15 Groats allic official tal in now bow ji amy H n akiu washington WASU INGTON 1 13 15 A of C pennsylvanians ians by the elm b bator ol 01 antil bad an n to toddy today wiatt tile in ia relation to lito appointment of collector for or t abo doport bort of philadelphia they urged oco ca war cheat of that city for I 1 iho b a U bo t to bal 1 ato ro no 00 IN catita oneo 0 6 I 1 annau rclark a T dork in ia the office to else IKO a cadier 1 date an under alio civil arvic cr vic oo 00 into tho the controversy ilia mid ilia t chaba to tho appoint m an of abo and tho the are lo 10 me hat in cobit c ace dat atchuta from G go 1 at va port too of johua 11 called arke horii undergoing tanco cl cf tea years for forar at with the ibo htyan fetn rosa calton to in pangs noo base lu in 1871 ariko u ft I 1 polo 0 1 0 hf iby 1 lerui noso no ho w so cuz a of alio llio au C isil B 21 1 1 bod himself in ia tho the Tolo otner win waa against cuba ilo wai originally to dittli T tho 10 1 0 awl minister to day at tho the inktum of liin his government civial upon udon pre adInt omni Oran taul a I 1 cong allba luni lam on his hia re eloc tw ties alio wu 1 by tury and comptroller of clio car revey h anai aitho iwo froni from design Hott tou ho reports that tho the loans of buks in oak city aro am claty scion millions the twenty MIJ Ills and low million and nd ft A halt 1 1 io cyb tho kal prospects in ID VIAT of tho the 1 aio cheerful and business fait ast besom lea its usual c als VIRGINIA Alark sion nov not IS alio journal bem ing io end and all U to ilia printing material and aad art to burned thin a in ILLINOIS 0 o IS from points oin talu in tile give accounts of cit moly cold 14 weather for thud thid timo time of cr car ill uh lilt con no domila now lo in lomo localities A lottor was received in this city f from r 0 the foreman cofone of the cite burlou steam f r om which contains cm tina lonie ionic interesting cate in mud to tho lat fire the cikac stancl baat that when the wide mulo at if in m llalon and tile tl borto berets or of it alio fire acra tro sat altac ackad kod to 10 older baj failed not 1309 to lo use them under so oy y virena cl a want ants to b bo dit a io buo cuo of B ore li hn hen aba ita ccuen Q kladni M of dio 1 i t 4 iraj ira abo t 0 men wiio to t 0 ha tho the bona carts and ladder apparatus to t t by ft a log stream aad it t ito u of AS sad books IF 0 the lamest s and in ID cu MO the iho blaze increased lod and hoy found th emeal lo 10 a cottrol it a mccod fial ad alarin id M was to bu bit gian agn en and sas miles brought tin 01 0 1 the around loudd by hand age the brat alardi IA was vas on oil 9 aunly eight mon stancil for aljo alro r 0 alth cra cars nuil and tho the how hou w aoa u attached ae to 0 kroot ill denials but its at r r s tl the lire vak v Rare ak to carry try it to 0 atory 0 or of tho the Loll diu in ill k with wi orders a second abarm as then turned on cud bud math mal I 1 their h air sit aj arriving on wo ground it jo tala utts erfal aach c r aho tire was liral thong was wag ID nol 11 kara 0 belted balled a mile of tho the tu va 1 ali as the ia 1 i acro bj plus 1 amo veto fl cro no st intra ol 01 n the ground for over hour our after ilia firo fire biou cout 0 i tho the tomman fortman that are fir if i the beet roalo am RU of them ye ore able ltv I 1 tit tarco force water over avy as I 1 in ili a cit T attributed attribute thorp otil stamn 0 to O 1 iho I order 1114 1 il begani to hokins evil to that 21 atone A dispatch di J pAtch from fam L A coutair by tit fj I 1 0 in 1 of P t le relief andt atho hot w erdl ea aftan fine eair hi jaten JAt ill tn arv rid 10 iff amina iving bs bad I 1 tl at bo beca malo of the bumbar number til or enalbes burnt ont oat but pru probably bably ettere are re tot noi more thIU SOO it li ava thousand deloir women anti and cheyka on out of employment th destruction ot by these let eat bitted to judge to li estimated at dauma DU uma th major A wellington hoc ban the following goft gas alp apt z lo 10 as question of tho the succo to tho us n aima boric dirina ha bomo bamo acome great ma al here are ab public bruce kansay Is u to wild aw appointed 14 those dibons dI dons favor fator no flon eird alclo amby aad ku t blat inaba an bobr 0 o OD net in being ng awl it i 8 pretty eel certain r wit that at 4 arter ter genega oen ilip P till 1 ano 11 not bo a in for or in he bu ban some lomo powerful ful nan la in high big pl I 1 I 1 if lip Jf e deral oTil howrd howard ire the appoint mut it will only bo be lor for him to retire on oa the RILIA of major oeral add it SWI a va aucy to bo oiled by J t iru to doy that secretary Bic rotary of IN air was a candi Jita aid for tb the place but bat general S erman saili ku if thin wu was true be b lad bad not heard of it ho oleo also mid bo be behaved tho the prudent president would lac tonit of tho the brigadier the th lie to fill the jamacy whirl which would C gen 1 I n 0 it if believed here alie lelle ell cheman uil anti emall min idan were tarr in ia this city chiy a 6 dol tar or two ago go tit alie dame odthe of tho offida was do clodon 00 but thatis ehlt it mu 11 not dot bo be made publio until ant at to the senan ato to in december tot confirmation or on at lema not dot until the iha return of thy the secretary or 0 war ten lay 11 be bonce thoro there api 0 to 10 b a settled feel leeling ing in ID M political circles that mau ter wash bome will 11 bo be a candidate tor for united state senator from roro Ill NEW YOUK now nm york 15 asat at the by agn aral to liay into tho batioff of abo NiMon rl patrick fanity so titled that won WH dono that multi bo be willa ali thit licaus ou on borl board to nun gerh 1 0 fire Iluff 1121 Blo ls 15 diio first snow now f storm of tho ilia net mt in here hial zigh ingal L hilow ii four inches deep on a iel I el 1 rabin on an th tbt lake A M 8 it 11 it aro are blockaded at irving bruni station all AH ibo a us aro Vis attorney Attura ry auvin budica bics that the pron callon ullon fir prope to enter aliw ic pro acquill jio ila h hm as ba tool a 1 I revl natly iwic baroro tho aart bik billi ribbon weavers in 10 west street aro are on A nanko remail wg the 35 33 per cerit cent mine uon lion A culm ficat a ibero are kr ic ia garg furlou tout ii arro arms batto 1 1 y t talca dan plan b plina 19 af ro tar frequent e cag n t it to it opened that barlit ca arch la ia the city at light ono missionary miKio irry among tho the ln lyndalle dalle WESTERN dispatches california ban nov 13 the lamination of col leo lee ateno ferdand the tho colored woman mary IlaM Phi sant Qt tur fur harboring and COD on coaling riley kilcy kod and the after their fi ficat cIt pe was waa in the police court at p ato to to dir day tho the to of cbill ew v ly and deruvo dei Uvo loo 1 w tho the tt eft tapo po tod and recapture dil did not differ much from furnin bcd chief clo croley vily got his bin information through aitho leo abc bin bi from jeo oconnor he bo ro a of 0 the ho record the court too lie ked daeng the beiring As it w expected knoo startling reia lations would bolado a 1 that d ant at to the lonna 10 ayli I 1 dap 1 I ENGLAND GiAND LN A boodon Loti joo I 1 35 yoa goiner staled failed t arlig 1 f fur kaa benlay ty by tho the ri baltai 1 all f A the beyal boyal i idy lit is cal sent a bittor of to james gurdon gordon dennett for 1 ilia part ho be took in tho the them v or of alfring ono and has VOIL fokd a FV la l A torl medal of 1613 A 1 I 1 ca E 1 rang IS abe in tho the baal of rau Lacna sed a mailhoit francs last week I 1 by W ulc V gars grapul h I 1 aa 1 k enli N b C addio fmc the researches 0 of the signil signal office hate dinst u 6 t been rewarded by a beautiful sod ac highly bly important meteorological discovery dit dike covery overy on I 1 0 coast of england Hogi anil from time the phenomenon of t 1 0 great november atmospheric waheba has 1 beena been a matter matte of speculation anions M g and seamen but sir john herschel and others have hare tap posed it was VM peculiar and coD confined fined to lcd bcd t and liko estern europe which it reaches from tho the gouth south atlantic Atla otio oker oer which it rolls with long contin cd nod I 1 la lations tiong irom from october to ja januari n u 2 ry con sti tauni an aa important clem 0 D t IQ in the phenomenal character ot of the european winter on tho the of eim ilar atmospheric waves began to break over oer the shores of oregon and lillish columbia as shown by weather telegrams dy by the lath it had bad spread over nearly all of the pac ilia states slates and tho abol 1 errit orles of utah montana find and nevada at midnight it was pouring through the ot tho the rocky baloun tins bains on Ihu the ath it descended ded upon colorado colorato Co lorajo nebraska Neb rabla and tho the indian territory on friday morning it extended in unbroken magnitude from oregon and territory eastward ea tard through tile the great trough or depression dep of tho the rocky blount ainS backbone into inta idaho and lon lana and stretched thence to tho the lower missouri and lower and over tho the western of the JI mexican gulf this di discovery bovery will enable kogiso to by deaoy any days tile the approach of winter ai it ib advances irom from tho the pacific coast ca eastward in the great current wind it set es to clear up the lie old int cry of the amen cin can later stort storm showing that they originate in tile the rocky mountains aion u aho vho cold find lolly summits in 1 ator 11 ond and southern wyoming chii apo apor wave cuilao front from over the is M MT italy acen to bo be condensed io in blows alon aloud tile iho paral parallel ll As ail I 1 ali iiii n mst list wave v i probably like ilia enghu li wavern wave continued in ill successive undulations for two or thice it way assist in ill eXplain iD the comparatively high temperature pera ture and light precipitation in winter along duzet sound and eastward La stward mr stanleys Stan leys new look book will be issued by scribner A co about NOV ov IJ challas Da darwin rilia author of like ibo ile ic scant of man is named by the 8 students ill ol of as their lord rector hector maready ma ready alio ira edi all is is still h ing but so 50 infirm eliat ato cannot oven sign lis name ho is ii from softening of tho the brain the centenary of Lion xua wits death Is will ill bo be celebrated at stockholm on the of bilau ary when a statue 0 of r the great ecat dish nat a nth bo be A letter W 8 llo llie pope no DO longer walls with form erect a and ad with that 14 e chich alch tekoa tho nho 1421 likic c seen liim him pa through brough st beters co caa never forget oo 00 alo CODI te be sloops slid and CS tit alio llio Q ua distance istance of at a cine cane bile tile ti quick biral step lii gait alb een until aito julto recently lly ii r lunger longer apparent app arcoL his with empei lall tha a ight ills his is u g really a t diw arte rte J end and LO ho is troubled much A wun v cac 50 eueal ib i is 9 5 said 1 i ld awakens enuch agitated and J r r g i s bantly fur liia his at al I 1 ilola father las not nol divested himself of tho idea that lie be will ilia dio during the lila car I 1 recent investigations hare jaki h all fuell suffer 3 of r on car lon conly by exposure empei especially lituri ill nono and ecari L cos chali 11 ilia 1051 11 0 ITY wil an Cipo exposure Sure or of only two tecla c ausing a ia loa or of cat chilion bon a 1 the he extent if i from ten jen to twedith firo fire I 1 ie nh |