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Show veQ»neem Mrs. Roy Pearson lett ftidaJ' tor PortlaDd, Oregon, to attend fulleJ'&I-eervlces other brotber-lD.· law, otto Draper, who was drowned ln a river at Waldport On-pD. Krs. Draper was formerly Jll88 Edla P&tereoD. -oMrs. Henry w. Cool.<I)V vialted during the week with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cooley and tamny at Helper. -o- be decelve4 by ~n.ldbur O¥ eBJI»I'lroalc • .-IMIII... of alld • •: ::.-.D I6: u.e mach eovetecl aext ~ alalYBf8 of .... _ b118ble&B; ·~ aue p,.... tq. color &lid dlaeolor .,... - .,._ &1lfll ...,..,.._ •• bat pther all the bdoi'IJUiro . . .~~ lnf'nJ'III8a18 -"7_. frOm f!IVer7 80UI'Oe do 1101118 plaiJa aDd ·~..__-~_ . . _ • • U tbla aatloa Jato be Mfeparded pluDduen who are taking ad aa.ta.p ot ·ltaa&te( Cl'llla. •• It Ia to be saved aa It wu tJD!murb the eftorta ot raak &lld..:flle..wba.belleve meilt... "for the people, CJif tile people aad by the-people". lead aacl dlefate. of boodlere &lUI demappea who dlsibble oat ef IDformaUon aDd wl&dom. for proletariat eonto ,ccpa:Mnae fD fto1uuler aad acatt1e the lh1p of state Ill a :~irer bee& aeecma• Jibed or attempMd before. IIIICII'!N'*~ pwmJW18111iaf. expeB88B aad PYJ"""""D&' M DUQ" lte4 M H appeare &a4 It may be ooatrlbutml' to NCOVery, .liiiLOWil..••piVVlcled the tax• are jaatly le'Wied aacJ tJae JDOuey deJtncl tla•abOiii &1!8 8iid jallldoWily apeat. • .Ill tlaa* cue It or JDa,T Jld IMt a wol'tiiJ' ~t. •• bat II It Ia apelllt • • _.,. ree'kl. . aiNuadoD. aad the taxes ptled upon 088 wlao - . Jeaet .rtom u It aow appeat"a tn ...,..y fllataaee8, lt eaa have 110 pernaa•ld or tempon.ry for good and wiD In the ead pJaee a ...,._ upon the )J8olt1e 1hat wm reqtJhle y-.rs UreleM energy and ...,~. ~Inc pay debt 1ihat aeci'IJIDc. - . are llelnl' .,..,_.. Is p84aaDy and sariQ' gettD.g INIIIIB Nl4 It may - . •• on the other balld tt may be It ~ce er 1M lMnll opeaflldDa. • • pa'yln.g dlvldeDds on tb6 lDcl'eaae4 __... wl&n~ID. aad Jaeome fa.xea wltb the recelJ* from t.be newty l.evle4 - · cax M4 oa the _... ~ -'* 'Jtie .ewer aba.re tile weeJU. tar • tiOJDe of tile other asw and DbJ1181'8Ua wriJaklea beiJII' ctamy ewlv• -.,--.row.. elf_. a. The Misses Virgb)la Booth, Ber· Dice Gardner and Altce Hopn aDd Mr. and l4ra. WU1iam. oalvm of Salt Lake formed a P.UtY end vJ&.. lted at Sunset Beach on SUDda)'. --oMr. &nd Kra. Ralph Brown ot California viaite4 dlJrlDg the week -..~th friends and relatives here. "" Mrs. Brown waa formerly ~IS Grace Gardner. --oTbe West .Jordan ~rl'a aoftball team ~ated the lierrlmall prl8 by a 7-6 score 1D. a .-me played at West Jord&JJ.last WedDeaday. -oWllaon Bateman anived home Tuesday tor & short Visit after speDdiDg the past. three molltb4J ~n Colorado. He was acoomp&Dled by Bud SweD80Jl Of BaDdy. --o-· .MiBS Ruth lCgbert had the misfortune to iDJure her leg last week when she fell trom her bicycle. --oThe Gle&ller Girls D1et at the bome of M1sa Roma Butterworth Tuesday eveni.ll8\ Refreshments I'ORGET MID NOT- WheD )'OU Deed & CBD1NJCY TOP. B. C. B.AILBY SHBiBT KllTAL {CoDtblued from pap 1) WORKS. Draper utah COUBCJtmaa. Fred Cbrlsteusen was released aa COUDaeD.or ot the at&ke FOR SALE _ Six room modem hlpl priest dlorum and John Shaw 8U8tained. 1D. that posltlOD. Kra. home at 301 Pioneer Avenue, K&tberlne Benoton was released 88 Sandy. Telephone Kidy&le 114:. prealdent Of the Stake Primary and FOR RENT _ Three room. house, Kra. Angle Ra.wliDa, Kra. Maude Burgon and Kra. Cbadotte Borennewly painted. Inquire 37• ~ aon sustalned u president and _A_ve_,_Mt_d_v_ai_e_._ _ _ _ _ __ COUDsellors. Tb.e entire stake board ot the ReUef Society was reWa.ed after fourteen years of contf.D.uoua aervice. There were: Krs. Elfleda J'eDSeD. presidelit; Mrs. Sabina Gotr tlrst counsellor; Mrs. KatUda Smith, second counaellor; Krs. NoVODoco BroDZe Qa80IIDe ra T. Peterson, secretary; Jlrs. Germ Proceued Motor OU Janet D. Muir and Mrs. Myrtle HyUOOdyear 'ftres and 'l.'Dbefl att, nurses; Krs. Mary M. Andrus, business leader; Mrs. Lucy Godand frey, chorister; Krs. J'emue Burgo~,~, Mrs.. Lenora .Aylett, Kr& Zelma Thompson, supervisors; lira. Alta Andrus and Mrs. OUve A. That You Can Get ODly At Glazier were sustabled u president and tlrst counsellor with other officers to be chosen later. Krs. Andrus and Jlrs. RawUns spoke briefly at the Sunday afternoon aession. Bishop Heber C. Iverson was the guest ~er at the Sunday evenIng aesslon held under direction ot . the stake M. I. A. otftcera. WRY NOT Enjoy The Best? CAR SERVICE Wheeler's CONOCO SUPER-SERVICE MidVale's only SERVICE Statiol IRIS THEATRE, Midvale FRIDAY and SATURDAY, July 19 • 20. were served to 13 prls. The next meeting will be held July 30 at the home of K1as Ruby Leak. --o-- Mr. and Kra. Bert Buckley announce the birth of a son born Konday, July 15. -o-Kra. w. A. Thome and son Paul of Los Angeles, C&litonata, arrived last Thursday to spend th- remainder of the lllOllth with Kra. Ella Beckstead and other relatives ana friends In Salt Lake and Provo. --oRuth Gardner of Ann Harbor, Kl<"hig&D, ia vlaitlllg with Kr &DC1 Mrs. LawreD.Ce Dahl. -o-- ~ Pender Q.derwent an operatlqn for herna 1aat week In a Salt Lake hollpttaL --oQra Buckley a.nd E$ther Tra:ne &1'8 in cbarge of the ward, c&JaDIJIC project. Arrangements for eauDblg c&tl be made bf stp~Dg with ~ther of these two. --o-- Harriett Bateman of Idabo 18 ,.._.• •....._.___.,.........._.....,_~~------------ vltliting with Kr.. aud Mrs. Wal- lace Bateman. fro. 1M ._.., b, IOIER1 NATHAN AND GOOD OF SHORTS INCLUDING: (I) RUSTLERS OF BED DOG No. 8. (8) 0£ABK a HcOVLLOUGB COMEDY. 0 WALD TilE BABBJ'I', Ou'tooa. ('> SATURDAY 30 00 fREE IGHT IS PAY GHT If the pet"IIOil wboae name ts tlraWD from • tbe box Ia Ia the audleaee SaQarday at m. tbat pel'80D. wiD be pven ~00 FREE! 8:U p. NOTICE:-The D'lJ!les ot all persons Uving SOuth ot IS3td South have been placed In the box; 1D. ao far as we have been able to get ~e D&Jnea from 1he old Pay Night coupona and trom the directory. I:VERY ADULT Jlay GC tbf!tr name In if it Ia not already there REGISTER! "FOR YOUR ENTERTAINME T" |