Show we FIRE INSURANCE the connecticut fire insurance co of hardford Har fla lford conn ASSETS 1 I the german alliance insurance association ot of naw york ASSETS NIT MET business usla solicited anywhere in eastern ulah county aa acl school dietrict DIetr lct nought ht WRITE WHITE ME FOR IFOR RATES ALL POLICIES WRITTEN AT PRICE 0 it if it 11 lilt fill ILI till I 1 in 1111 jill il THE CULLEN 10 pat SALT ALT MEDIUM laki I 1 hoell t ON ALL CAR LINES try rry it the next time rime you go up S CL rw yr rt rf i dav headquarters FOR MINING MEN AND STOCKMEN EN RATES A DAY AND UP caw I 1 PRICE AND EMERY STAGE LINE LINES I 1 CARRYING AND 1111 ralle PROM FROM PRICE 4 TO MBRY UTAH VRY OAY DAY IN THE YEAR GOOD SIM AND KENN 19 1 9 fric mee avery zoning at falis 1 arrles arri price 1 p an S M WILLIAMS WILL IAMS proprietor HOTEL ANDERSEN a j CASTLE DALE UTAH 1 6 rotes rates per day centra location di sample rooms la in connection stales stages north aud nod south 0 MRS KATHINKA ANDERSEN proprietress i 11 L baa 1 1 1 22 a z 23 31 is 3 A a iss 3 is FULL LINE OF LEGAL BLANKS B L A N K carried la in stock eal and for salo sale at the advocate office at salt lake city aad and provo prices ana A na printing stationery a brief 1 and Al LleONe COUPON hamdya 9 COUPON BOOKS OOK at so 6 to it a crar BOOKS A 4 0 it DOOK book work LANK BLANK BOOK BOOKS LABOR labon SAV xavina 11 DEVICES COPYING BOOKS RUBBER BANDS JOURNALS 99 FASTENERS alwy PENS ena INKS INK box capas 1 jray AN AND PINC tI L typewriter SUPPLIES SCHOOL the T advocate publishing co go UTAH jill I 1 WHEN YOU GO 60 EAST the free reclining chair chal r cars cirs aek ask your agett for a is ticket the IL G W and the colorado midland kye itys two trains dally both doth carry elegant pullman 0 den to denver with out change tourist sleeping ele epin care cars for denver it omaha and st SL paul leave ogden tt it 01 W train ino no ft 6 earh momin morning for denver omaha and ChI carti leave 0 aden R G W V train no 6 each toure thurs day morril always rosiee connection aa colorado denver and pueblo for any ny point north N ort h east ft or south the short line to all th the 5 principal mining campe camps aad sad summer resorts la in CoIn colorado rado write me for information W 11 II Do U S devon general 1 k pent nt trav fw AF afat L dooly salt lake cief att ctt L altah tab between denver and chicago la is santa fo fe rou route te pro ide an aa confort able moans means of travel as can be offered sleepers excepted except el As an economical measure they are un surpassed they are aro harlod on fast trains and are in charge of experienced nod polite porter 1 all essentials for tho toilet towels soap water and brushes tire provided broo roe of w charge C J WARREN geril agent A T A it A d F ry dooly block salt lake city MY MISSOURI free lRe reclining clining chair char PACIFIC C cars RAILWAY to holders of regular vor o 0 folder folders nod 1 uku W bert beitiks iks OW u cu goof oa or write wills to manus oy st SL lui ua a AH all point PAO 19 C 1 I P T A st SI loel louis no nd south Z 3 j 0 un P A lake L lat a NM |